Technical Guidelines for the Development of International Standards for Small Hydropower Plants DONG Guofeng ICSHP 7 November, 2018
Table of Contents Introduction Background Project overview Methodology Coordination roles Expected results Operational Processes
1. Introduction Aim to develop Small Hydropower (SHP) technical guidelines which will serve as the bases for the development of International Standards for SHP development Cooperation with UNIDO,SAC,COMESA etc.
2. Background Origin of the project Challenges Target Beneficiaries Developing countries facing problems with access to clean and affordable electrification Vast potential for SHP existing world-wide as seen on the World Small Hydropower Development Report 2016 Global potential: 217 GW, Actual Installed Capacity: 78 GW Challenges Various localized standards available, but no comprehensive international standard for SHP development Best practices and technologies available in countries such as Austria, Brazil, China, India, Japan, USA, etc. but knowledge not globally available Target Beneficiaries Primary: Developing countries without access to standards for SHP development Secondary: Manufacturers and investors of SHP plants, for transparency and security Strategies and Linkage with Development Objectives Addressing Sustainable Development Goal 7, with impact on also Goal 5, 9 and 13 Addressing UNIDO’s goal of Inclusive and Sustainable Industrial Development
3. Project Overview Objective Purpose To develop SHP Technical Guidelines with will serve as the bases for the development of international standards for SHP development, so as to facilitate green, regulated, ordered and healthy development of SHP Purpose Standardisation is necessary to optimise SHP management systems and scale up its quality and sustainability worldwide.
4. Methodology Identify and collect the existing SHP technical guidelines, standards, case studies and best practices Analyse available data, collect missing data and create draft guidelines Develop five technical guidelines, including: The general technical guideline Planning technical guideline Construction technical guideline Equipment technical guideline Operation and management guideline. Disseminate the technical guidelines through training sessions
4. Methodology Invite international SHP experts to establish expert working group for technical guideline development and a technical steering committee for monitoring and supervision Organize workshops and organize an International peer review Once edited and completed, have a validation workshop Finally look to develop IWA into ISO standard
4. Methodology
5. Co-ordination Roles Project will be managed by UNIDO PTC/ENE Project is a UNIDO Dept. of Energy initiative and will align the focus of the departmental focus of SDG 7 and UNIDO mandate of SDG 9 Lead role in standardization from UNIDO PTC/TII UNIDO Dept. of Trade, Investment and Innovation will be the key focal point in the standardization process due to their experience and success in the process Executing agency of the guidelines development will be the ICSHP ICSHP is public non profit institution under the auspices of UNIDO, MWR China and MOFCOM China, with an expertise and track record of small hydropower development projects
6. Expected Results Expected Impact Expected Outcome Expected Outputs More cost effective development of small hydropower plants, with quality assurance and transfer of reliable and comprehensive knowledge Expected Outcome More efficient and effective global construction of Small Hydropower Plants. As well as the facilitation of green, regulated, ordered and healthy development of SHP. Expected Outputs Output 1: Preparation of SHP technical guidelines Output 2: Development and compilation of the technical guidelines Output 3: Peer review and approval of the technical guidelines Output 4: Monitoring and application of the technical guidelines
7. Operational Processes Total Project Duration: 18 months Expected Finish date: September 2019 Monitoring and Evaluation: Evaluation Report will be made available following the completion of the project, with the identified criteria of the project document
Thank you for your attention! International Center on Small Hydro Power (ICSHP) Thank you for your attention!