Survey of employers about flexible educational paths UNIVERSITY CENTER FOR APPLIED STATISTICS
Goals Understanding the demand side. Need for flexible ways of education.
Methodoogy Questionnaire via Google Period: March – May 2016. Sample size: 212 enterprises
Sections General data Part-time Short-cycle Development Specific competences
General data
Sample structure across sectors:
Size of enterprises Management level of reporting person
Is there on the labour market necessary work force for vacancies in your enterprise from the aspect of competencies? In your enterprise, are there working places where you need the level of qualification between secondary and tertiary education?
Part-time studies Will your enterprise support its employees to study and in which way? Do you have employees with secondary education doing work for which the tertiary education is needed?
Short-cycle Is your enterprise willing to support education of employees for acquiring specific knowledge in shorter cycles than tertiary education? Is there a need in your enterprise for some specific levels of knowledge that can be obtained through short-cycle education?
Is there a plan for expansion of current business and introduction of new working positions? Are you planning to employ new people?
Do you thing that beside the formal education there is a need for specific, additional competences?
For example, which IT competences is necessary to improve through additional education?
Is it necessary to improve managerial skills? Which managerial skills is necessary to improve?
Is it necessary to improve some special skills? Which skills?
Are the employees with secondary school working on the jobs with the requirement of tertiary education?
Are you planning to employ more workers?
Regarding your business characteristics, is there a need for new profiles?
Is your enterprise willing to support its employee to study and in a which way?
Is your enterprise willing to support additional short-cycle education for obtaining specific knowledges?
Is your enterprise willing to support its employee to study and in a which way?
Is your enterprise willing to support additional short-cycle education for obtaining specific knowledges?
Size of the enterprise and level of management
Demand for the following profiles: IT Java developers SAP consultants Managers Accountants Business analysts Online marketing Social media marketing Event managers Auditors Receptionist Assurance officers Technicians for airplanes Logistics officers Customs officers Corporate security Ecology Urbanism Media (postproduction, sound) Nursing
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