WHAT IS IOT? The internet of things, or IoT, is a system of interrelated computing devices, mechanical and digital machines, objects, animals or people that are provided with unique identifiers and the ability to transfer data over a network without requiring human-to-human or human-to-computer interaction.
HISTORY OF IOT Kevin Ashton, co-founder of the Auto-ID Center at MIT, first mentioned the internet of things in a presentation he made to Procter & Gamble (P&G) in Wanting to bring radio frequency ID (RFID) to the attention of P&G's senior management, Ashton called his presentation "Internet of Things" to incorporate the cool new trend of 1999: the internet. MIT professor Neil Gershenfeld's book, When Things Start to Think, also appearing in 1999, didn't use the exact term but provided a clear vision of where IoT was headed.
SMART TOOTH BRUSH The Kolibree smart toothbrush uses AI to help you clean your mouth. It tracks and provides personalized reports on how well you're scrubbing
SMART EGG TRAY This means you can arrange your eggs however is most efficient and convenient
SMART WASHING MACHINE Smart washing machines and dryers are innovative appliances that can connect to a network via wi-fi, in the same way that tablets or phones do. You can control the washing machine using an app on your tablet or smartphone, whether you're in the house or away.
SMART AC A smart air conditioner allows you to monitor and control the device using your smartphone or tablet
BLOOD PRESSURE MONITOR A device that automatically obtains and usually records the blood pressure at certain intervals, using the direct or indirect method of determining pressure. In some models, an alarm or light signal is activated if the pressure rises or falls to an abnormal level.
INTERNET CONNECTED MIRROR A smart mirror is a device that functions as a mirror with additional capability of displaying multimedia data, such as text, images, and videos. This device allows users to access and interact with contextual information, such as weather data, seamlessly as part of their daily routine.
SMART GARBAGE CAN BioEnable smart waste bin sensor is compatible with any type of container installation to monitor any type of substance or waste in real-time.
SMART DOOR LOCK A smart lock is an electromechanical lock which is designed to perform locking and unlocking operations on a door when it receives such instructions from an authorized device using a wireless protocol and a cryptographic key to execute the authorization process.
ADVANTAGES Communication IoT encourages the communication between devices, also famously known as Machine-to- Machine (M2M) communication. Because of this, the physical devices are able to stay connected and hence the total transparency is available with lesser inefficiencies and greater quality. Automation and Control Due to physical objects getting connected and controlled digitally and centrally with wireless infrastructure, there is a large amount of automation and control in the workings. Without human intervention, the machines are able to communicate with each other leading to faster and timely output.
ADVANTAGES Information It is obvious that having more information helps making better decisions. Whether it is mundane decisions as needing to know what to buy at the grocery store or if your company has enough widgets and supplies, knowledge is power and more knowledge is better. Monitor The second most obvious advantage of IoT is monitoring. Knowing the exact quantity of supplies or the air quality in your home, can further provide more information that could not have previously been collected easily. For instance, knowing that you are low on milk or printer ink could save you another trip to the store in the near future. Furthermore, monitoring the expiration of products can and will improve safety. Time As hinted in the previous examples, the amount of time saved because of IoT could be quite large. And in today’s modern life, we all could use more time.