Welcome to Mrs. Young Kindergarten Anna.young@jcschools.us Search: Welcome
Mrs. Young I graduated from Lincoln University and am certified to teach birth -6th grade. I received my masters in curriculum and instruction from William Woods University I have two wonderful sons who are in 5th grade at Lawson. I’ve been teaching for 15 years. I love teaching kids how to read! Search: me
Our Mission We will strive to become the premier school district in the state of Missouri by growing our traditions of pride through excellence. We exist to give all students hope for a better tomorrow by helping them reach their potential. Search: mission
From Pre-K to Kindergarten Children in preschool and kindergarten both have lots of playtime, but preschool is centered almost entirely around play. Kindergarten usually has specific lessons students must learn and children are often required to sit quietly and focus on learning. Kindergartners are expected to have much more impulse control than preschoolers. Preschool teachers may focus on burning off children's energy through play, while kindergarten teachers expect that students will be able to focus on lessons for brief periods. Search: Memories
Reading We will strengthen your child's reading skills through shared reading and guided reading. When I am working with small groups of children the other students will be quietly participating in literacy corners/stations throughout the room. These include writing, I-pads, reading, and word work. There will be reading homework every night. Your child will be bringing home a reading bag for you to work with them on letters, sight words, and reading a book. Search: Read
Writing Beginning of the year will focus on handwriting which includes using lines appropriately and writing neatly. Start with a capital letter, end with a period, use word spaces, use nice handwriting, draw a picture to match the sentence, and spell sight words correctly. Search: Pencil
Math Learn your numbers 1-110. That includes writing and saying them. -Adding fast to 5. -Adding to 10. -Subtracting from 10. -Identifying 2D shapes. -Identifying 3D shapes. -Comparing shapes. -Patterns. -Solving word problems read aloud. Search: Math
Science Forces & Motion Sunlight and Shade Weather Places Animals Live Land, Air, and Water Pollution Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle Search: Science
Social Studies Scarcity Opportunity Cost Laws & Rules The Pledge of Allegiance Search: Read
Homework Nightly Reading Bag Beginning of the year we will have nightly handwriting homework. Search: backpack
Classwork Look for the learning targets each week in the newsletter. Discuss learning targets with your child. Check your child for understanding. Call me if you are concerned that your child is not reaching the weekly targets! Search: star
Tests Students will be tested weekly/biweekly on letter identification and sight words. Students are expected to know all 52 letters by the end of September. Students are expected to learn JCPS quarterly sight words at the quarter they are assigned. Search: study
Grading Guidelines Students will be assigned a 1-4 on their work. When you see this, it means an assignment has been entered into the grade book. 1=Needs Improvment 2=Progressing 3=Meeting Expectations 4=Exceeding Expectations Search: how
Communication Students have a take home folder that will be sent home in their backpack each night. All important information will be going home in that. Anna.young@jcschools.us 573-659-3175 Lawson School Number 1:40-2:30 Weekly Newsletter sent home at the end of the week. Search: phone
Attendance Make sure your child is here by 7:45. If they will be absent, please contact the office before then. Search: sick
Building Character SWPBIS is a practice of focusing on the good behavior instead of the bad choices after they happen. Students will be receiving ROAR tickets in the classroom for good behavior which they can use to purchase items from a prize box or experiences like bringing in Show & Tell. Search: believe
Rules Be Safe Be Respectful Be a Learner Search: be
As the Parent I believe in open communication with parents. Support each other Trust that each other has the student’s best interest in mind Have patience Work together Help with homework Clean out take home folder every night Practice sight words Search: team
Birthdays Store bought birthday treats are welcome! Keep in mind this is a birthday snack, not a party! Search: cake
Questions? Come see me if you have any! Search: question