Lab Equipment Erlenmeyer Flask Used to handle liquids and store liquids. Make notes beside your Handout!
Lab Equipment Beakers are perhaps most used piece of lab equipment in chemistry. They are used to transfer, hold, and store liquids.
Lab Equipment Burette Used to measure very exact amounts of a liquid in a chemical reaction. Titrations
Lab Equipment Crucible Used to heat chemicals to very high temperatures.
Lab Equipment Crucible tongs Used to handle hot crucibles and lids.
Lab Equipment Utility Clamp Holds just about everything (test tubes, flasks, burettes, ……
Lab Equipment Volumetric Pipette Used to measure and transfer very accurate, small, specific amounts of a liquid.
Lab Equipment Graduated Pipette Used to transfer small amounts of liquid with medium precision.
Lab Equipment Test tube Workhorse of the lab. Used to hold, transfer liquids. Used as a reaction vessel. Come in various sizes.
Lab Equipment Filter Flask Used to utilize a vacuum to pull solution through filter paper.
Lab Equipment Bunsen Burner All purpose source of heat.
Lab Equipment Ring Stand Used to hold just about everything.
Lab Equipment Balance Used to find accurate masses of solids, liquids. Ours measure to 0.1 g.
Lab Equipment Test Tube clamp Used to hold test tubes while they are being heated. Be careful not to squeeze.
Lab Equipment Evaporating Dish Used to provide gentle heat to evaporate a liquid part of a solution.
Lab Equipment Funnel Used to transfer liquids.
Lab Equipment Wire Gauze Used to support beakers, flasks, evaporating dishes above burner.
Lab Equipment Mortar and pestle. Used to grind large clumps of solid into finer grains.
Lab Equipment Graduated Cylinder Used to measure and transfer liquids with medium precision. Common sizes of 10 mL, 25 mL, 50 mL, 100 mL, 250 mL, 500 mL.
Lab Equipment Watch Glass Used to store chemicals. May be used to evaporate small amounts of liquid. May be used as cover on a beaker.
Lab Equipment Scoopula or scoop. Used to transfer dry solids into other vessels. Also makes a good staple remover.
Lab Equipment Volumetric flask Used to make solutions with a specific, precise volume.
Lab Equipment Florence Flask Used to transfer, or store liquids. Used as a reaction vessel.
Lab Equipment Wash bottle. Has distilled water in it. Used to rinse apparatus. NOT for spraying lab partner.
Lab Equipment The spot plate is used to carry out small scale chemical reactions or when it may be difficult to see the product of a chemical reaction
Lab Equipment Clay Triangle Used to hold a crucible while it is being heated.
Lab Equipment Beaker Tong Used to handle beakers when they have been heated.
Lab Equipment Thermometer Used to determine temperature of a liquid (usually).
Lab Equipment Stirring Rod Used to stir mixtures in beakers, flasks, etc. Maybe also used to mix grind small solids in crucibles, etc.
Lab Equipment Stoppers Used to prevent loss of liquid or gas from test tubes or flasks.