“The main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing” Stephen R Covey- ‘The 7 habits of highly effective people’
“Education is not the learning of facts, but the training of the mind to think” Albert Einstein
Teaching and learning: Focus areas Metacognition Language for Learning Responding to assessment – Aim Higher Time
Metacognition Cognition - strategies which allow students to acquire knowledge and understanding, solve problems and perform tasks e.g. knowing how to give a six figure grid reference, how to solve simultaneous equations or to interpret a poem. Metacognition - strategies which involve students consciously monitoring their learning i.e. controlling their cognition. Motivation - the student’s willingness to use both cognitive and metacognitive strategies to support their growth as an effective learner. To be a successful learner, students need to develop three inter-related components: cognition, motivation and metacognition. In the Classroom: A variety of different approaches to metacognition are currently being trialled across the school. Why? To develop their understanding, students need to be able to connect new knowledge with existing knowledge.
Aim Higher Time Students complete at least one formal assessment per Aiming High Cycle Assessment is “deep marked” and used to inform the current grade given for Aiming High As part of their feedback, students are given scores/levels/grades as appropriate to the subject area and key stage Detailed feedback is given through WWW (what went well) and EBI (even better if). Where appropriate, this is linked to the grading criteria used to assess the piece of work Students are given time to read and respond to the feedback
Focus: Reading & writing Language for Learning Explicitly developing students’ reading, writing, listening & talking skills Why? Vocabulary underpins subject knowledge – the ability to recognise, decode and understand the meaning of individual written words means better comprehension. Progress and achievement should follow Focus: Reading & writing Subject reading homework Tutor class read one morning per week Introduce and develop the use and spelling of subject specific vocabulary Provide learning opportunities to enable students to link subject vocabulary and present detailed responses For Y9 upwards To develop student awareness of subject and exam based vocabulary and introduce students to strategies that allow them to make links between the vocabulary and their exam responses.
How can you support? Talk to your child about the improvements they make to their work Talk about what they are reading both at school and at home, encourage them to read and read widely Help develop their vocabulary in your conversations In your discussions, are they able to make links between the different subjects, how are they using the cognition strategies
Student planner guidance
Experience and Engagement Tutor routines and expectations E-safety Emotional resilience Behaviour and rewards
Am Registration structure Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10 Year 11 Monday Assembly Planner set out Wednesday Topic Thursday Reading Friday Wk 1 Assembly Wk2 Current affairs. Wk 2 Assembly Wk 1 Current affairs
Why do we need to record our homework? To stop you from forgetting to complete homework To encourage good organisational skills To encourage you to take responsibility for your own learning So tutors/teachers and parents can monitor the amount of homework you are receiving Please get your planner signed every week by your parent or carer
E-Safety Parental controls Beware of forms of exploitation Sexting and Snapchat Assemblies and E-safety advice for students Advice for parents…
Resilience – bouncing back Treating young people like infants Spotlight on the individual Wrapping up in cotton wool Negative emotions are wrong Ignoring the importance of bad feelings The need to be perfect and a “perfect” parent
What can be done help young people bounce back? Remember, bad feelings are normal, don’t last, have purpose and galvanise us to do things differently Try to normalise young people's setbacks. Help them to see they are not abnormal in having difficult times in life Help them see that problems can be solved/overcome Remember that learning anything is often frustrating and difficult. Encourage young people to persist and believe that they can get there Provide support. Help them to see there are people who care about them and can give them help and advice when needed
School rules –School expectations
Rewards and recognition Star Performers for: Teamwork, Resilience, Creativity, Respect, Independence, Excellence Weekly tutor competition for Star Performers Student of the Month Rewards cards home Attendance awards ATL awards We give 2.5 x more STP for good work than we do Cs for behaviour issues Drive towards a positive language in behaviour management
Consequences During a period of One Week Friday-Thursday 1 x C1 = tutors/teachers 2 x C1s or 1 x C2 (2 incidents) = tutors/teachers see student C3 or 3 x C1 (3 incidents)= Monday after school detention – 3.30 until 4.30 pm 4 x C1s (4 incidents)= C4 detention all day in C4 room Significant single incident or behaviour issue = C4 day Disruptive behaviour or defiance in C4 = fixed term exclusion then C4 on return Failure to attend Monday detention = C4 detention
Results of our “Consequences system” Calm orderly behaviour around school and less low level disruption – we want none. Good progress in lessons for all Improved behaviour from a number of the regular C4 students- we want even better Reducing numbers of days in C4 over time –we want even less Reduced number of after school C3 detentions- we want even less Fewer challenging conversations with parents – we need 100% support from parents
100% support- what does that mean? For any behaviour system to work all the adults need to do their part all of the time 100% - not 90% or 99% support Always back the school with everything we are trying to do Never criticise the school in front of the child Support - discipline what do these mean?
Three things to take away For any behaviour system to work all the adults need to do their part all of the time 6-18, what are the significance of these numbers? Help your child become independent and resilient learners and the best version of themselves
Noticeboard Information September 2019- parent voice exercise re transition – please respond to help us improve Year 7 individual interviews with Mrs Potter– starting November Aiming High reports available – December and July Aiming High grades are based on recent assessment scores Year 7 Brittany visits – Visit 1 7th - 12th June 2020 Visit 2 14th - 20th June 2020