YEAR 8 HOMEWORK CHECKLIST DONE P L A N HOMEWORK LIONS 1: How could you improve your homework? HOMEWORK LIONS 2: How could you improve your homework? 9A – Programming languages 9B – Power of programming 9C – String manipulation 9D – Animation 9E – MP3 compression 9F – Tea flowchart 9G – Abstraction/decomp… 9H – Pattern recognition… 9I – Pseudocode 9J – Boolean logic
YEAR 8 HOMEWORK CHECKLIST DONE P L A N HOMEWORK LIONS 3: How could you improve your homework? HOMEWORK LIONS 4: How could you improve your homework? 9K – Boolean gates 1 9L – Boolean gates 2 9M – The CPU 9N – Arrays 9O – Evaluating 9P – Testing 9Q – Units of binary 9R – Clock speed 9S – 9T –
Year 9A WRITTEN NEATLY ON PAPER TITLE: 9A DIFFERENT PROGRAMMING LANGUAGES Name 3 programming languages that are popular. What programs are made using these languages. EG PHP makes webpages W9 S9 9A
Year 9B WRITTEN NEATLY ON PAPER TITLE: 9B POWER OF PROGRAMMING RESEARCH amazing things that programming has allowed human beings to do. (Mars missions, drones, driverless cars, land on a comet, Internet etc) EXPLAIN one of the systems you identified in detail What are the advantages of the system you identified? What language do you think it was written in? What constructs are used in the system you identified? (Variables, loops, selection, functions etc) 9B
Year 9C WRITTEN NEATLY ON PAPER TITLE: 9C STRING MANIPULATION Think about using the Internet Where do you think string manipulation is used and how? Give TWO examples. 9C
Year 9D WRITTEN NEATLY ON PAPER TITLE: 9D ANIMATION DIAMOND: RESEARCH and EXPLAIN how animation was made BEFORE computers? DIAMOND: EXPLAIN keyframes help make animation easier. DIAMOND: EXPLAIN how 3-D animation is produced, mention wireframes and textures? PLATINUM: Research how animation is being used in Virtual reality? Try and find how you can “feel” picking things up in VR. 9D
Year 9E WRITTEN NEATLY ON PAPER TITLE: 9E MP3 compression DIAMOND: What type of files does MP3 compress? DIAMOND: EXPLAIN what compression is. DIAMOND: EXPLAIN the three ways MP3 compresses files? 9E
Year 9F WRITTEN NEATLY ON PAPER TITLE: 9F MAKING TEA FLOWCHART DIAMOND: COPY into your organiser the flowchart. Copy that diagram on to PAPER DIAMOND: Write the words below into the diagram DIAMOND: 1. START, 2. STOP, 3. MAKE TEA, 4. HAS WATER BOILED, 5. FILL KETTLE WITH WATER, 6. SWITCH ON POWER 9F
Year 9G WRITTEN NEATLY ON PAPER TITLE: 9G Decomposition and abstraction DIAMOND: Explain what decomposition is? DIAMOND: EXPLAIN what abstraction is? HELP: CLICK ON KS3 > COMPUTING 9G
Year 9H WRITTEN NEATLY ON PAPER TITLE: 9H Pattern recognition and algorithms DIAMOND: Explain what Pattern recognition is? DIAMOND: EXPLAIN what algorithms are? HELP: CLICK ON KS3 > COMPUTER SCIENCE 9H
Year 9i WRITTEN NEATLY ON PAPER TITLE: 9i Pseudocode DIAMOND: Explain what Pseudo code is? DIAMOND: Name the SIX common Pseudo-codes? PLATINUM: Can you write pseudo code to show how . HELP: CLICK ON KS3 > COMPUTER SCIENCE 9i
Year 9J WRITTEN NEATLY ON PAPER TITLE: 9J BOOLEAN LOGIC DIAMOND: Explain the logic of a NOT gate DIAMOND: Explain the logic of an AND gate DIAMOND: Explain the logic of an OR gate DIAMOND: Explain the logic of an XOR gate PLATINUM: What is a logic gate ANIMATION: CLICK ON KS3 > COMPUTER SCIENCE> BOOLEAN 9J
Year 9K WRITTEN NEATLY ON PAPER TITLE: 9K BOOLEAN GATES DIAMOND: NOT gate – Write a truth table for it DIAMOND: AND gate – Write a truth table for it INPUT A OUTPUT P INPUTS A B OUTPUT P 9K
Year 9L WRITTEN NEATLY ON PAPER TITLE: 9L BOOLEAN GATES 2 DIAMOND: OR gate – Write a truth table for it DIAMOND: AND and NOT gates – Write a truth table for it INPUT A B OUTPUT P OUTPUT R INPUTS A B OUTPUT P 9L
Year 9M WRITTEN NEATLY ON PAPER TITLE: 9M CENTRAL PROCESSING UNIT DIAMOND: What is a CPU? What does it do? DIAMOND: Explain the fetch-execute cycle PLATINUM: Explain the ALU 9M
Year 9N WRITTEN NEATLY ON PAPER TITLE: 9N ARRAY VARIABLES DIAMOND: In your own words explain what an ARRAY is? DIAMOND: Why would we use an array? PLATINUM: How could we cycle through an array? Which programming construct could we use? 9N
Year 9O WRITTEN NEATLY ON PAPER TITLE: 9O EVALUATING SOLUTIONS DIAMOND: Why is it important to evaluate a computer solution? DIAMOND: One reason is to check the solution is EFFICIENT. Look at the flow chart below on how to get ingredients for a cake. Draw a more efficient flow chart. 9O
Year 9P WRITTEN NEATLY ON PAPER TITLE: 9P TESTING OUR PROGRAM DIAMOND: In your own words, what is ALPHA testing? Why is it important? DIAMOND: In your own words, what is BETA testing? Why is it important? 9P
Year 9Q WRITTEN NEATLY ON PAPER TITLE: 9Q Units of binary DIAMOND: Research online and answer the following A nibble = how many bits? A byte = how many bits? A Kilobyte = how many bytes? A megabyte = how many Kilobytes? A Gigabyte = how many Megabytes? A Terabyte = how many Gigabytes? 9Q
Year 9R WRITTEN NEATLY ON PAPER TITLE: 9R CPU clock speed DIAMOND: Research online what CPU clock speed is. EXPLAIN IT! Q1: What is the clock speed of a PS4 (2015)? Q2: What is the clock speed of a PS1 (2000)? Q3: What is the clock speed of a Sega Mega drive (1990s)? Q4: What is the clock speed of the Commodore 64 (1980s)? Q5: What is the clock speed of the ZX 81 (1970s/80s)? Q6: What is the clock speed of the Atari 2600 (1970s)? 9R