Welcome Parents! Mrs. Olmedo’s Class.


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Presentation transcript:

Welcome Parents! Mrs. Olmedo’s Class

About Mrs. Olmedo This is my first year teaching at Doral Academy. Graduate of Carlos Albizu University. I have been married 15 years. I have a 14 year old daughter, Destiny, a 13 year old daughter, Melany, and an 11 year old daughter, Trinity. My favorite things are traveling, taking pictures, crafting, and spending time with family.

Class Website . www.doralacademyes.org Weekly Topics Test Dates Upcoming Events Important Announcements Home Learning Assignments Class Photo Album Online Textbook Links Helpful Student Links

Our Class Information Rewards Treasure Box Teamwork Points Daily Behavior Chart Clip-chart Morning Routine Consequences

Our Daily Class Schedule

Promotes responsibility, organization, and resourcefulness. Magic Binders Promotes responsibility, organization, and resourcefulness. Binder Components: Behavior Chart Resources Learning Logs Students are responsible for keeping their folders organized and in good condition.

Home Learning Students have daily home learning. The weekly assignments will be posted on our class webpage. You will need to print it out at home. Parental support is very important! . Home Learning is due every Friday. . Daily Reading (15 minutes) . . Follow HW schedule . iReady 30 minutes per week Due Friday *Available on weekends Complete at Home

Programs and Assessments You will be receiving more information about the following programs and assessments: . STAR Reading Accelerated Reader iReady (30 minutes per week) Standardized Achievement Test (SAT)

Accelerated Reader Students will be expected to read 2 books per week. Each student will receive an individualized reading level based on initial assessments and will be expected to read books within their level. . 15 minutes of daily silent reading is a MUST! . To check if a book is AR and to determine the reading level, go to www.arbookfind.com Students will be allowed to borrow books from the school library or our classroom library. Students are responsible for taking care of our books. Any lost or damaged books will need to be replaced.

Super Kid Fridays! Every Friday we will have a Super Kid Celebration at the end of the day. Students will bring their own snacks to enjoy during the activity. Super Kid is used as a behavior incentive. If your child’s behavior does not warrant super kid, they will not participate. Students must complete weekly home learning, AR and iReady in order to take part in our Super Kid Celebration.

All students’ grades are available online on the parent portal! Student Grades All students’ grades are available online on the parent portal! http://www.dadeschools.net Click on Parents Click “Login to Portal” Grading Scale: 90% - 100% = A 80% - 89% = B 70% - 79% = C 60% - 69% = D 59% or lower = F

Honor Roll Celebration 1st, 2nd, and 3rd quarter Honor Roll will be held inside classrooms with students only. 4th Quarter and Year Round Honor Roll will be held in the cafeteria followed by an outdoor celebration. Parents will be invited to partake in these activities at the end of the year.

Communication Parent and teacher communication is the key to a successful school year! Please check the student behavior chart daily and check folder for any important papers or forms. Class webpage will be updated weekly. Parent-Teacher Conferences will be scheduled accordingly ClassTag App and School Website www.doralacademyes.org www.classtag.com

  School Updates: Download this APP to stay in tune with school wide events and news. Join our group code: 8CPHI3D

Doral Academy Attendance Policy Excused Parent Notes Only 10 parent notes are allowed in a school year, when you have reached your parent note limit, only a doctor’s note will be accepted. Please send excused notes within 48 hours. Unexcused Absenses 5 unexcused absences – 1st referral 10 unexcused absences - a meeting with administration will be held and a 2nd referral will be issued. 15 unexcused absences – a 3rd referral will be given. Absences of more than five consecutive days must be excused by a doctor’s note.

Doral Academy Attendance Policy . Doral Academy Attendance Policy Classroom door opens at 8:10 and instruction begins promptly at 8:30. Students are marked tardy after 8:30 Doral Academy awards Perfect Attendance to students with zero absences and zero tardies. Please note that the DAC policy is different from the standard MDCPS policy for awarding perfect attendance To ensure students make their best effort to be present at school every day, referrals will be issued for the following: Early Dismissal Students will be penalized for excessive early dismissals. 10 unexcused early dismissals = 1 referral . For the early dismissal to be considered excused, a doctor/dentist note is required within 48 hours of the appointment. No child will be dismissed after 1:30 p.m. If your child needs to leave early for any excusable reason they must leave before 1:30 p.m. Tardies 10 tardies: 1 Referral issued

If you must get off the car for any reason, you must park in the Carlos Albizu University parking lot.

Students are picked up by our assistant and escorted to the bus area. Dismissal Procedures Parent Pick-up Dismissal will take place between 2:00 – 2:15 p.m Child must notify me when leaving Any students that are not picked up by 2:15 will be taken to the Media Center and charged $1.00 per minute after 2:15. After Care Students will report directly to after care teacher (Enrollment REQUIRED!!) Bus Students are picked up by our assistant and escorted to the bus area. Reminder! If any changes are made to your child’s usual dismissal area please call the school to notify me!

Policies @ D.A.C. NO items (home learning, book bags, projects, etc.) will be brought to the classroom after instruction has begun. Lunch boxes that are dropped off will be taken directly to the cafeteria and placed on an unsupervised table for your child to pick up during their scheduled lunch period. If you are running late you may NOT leave your child in aftercare unless they are pre-enrolled. You may complete the registration even if your child will not be staying in aftercare. This will give you the option in case you are running late and your child needs to stay in after care.

Uniform Policy Students should come to school in their Doral Academy uniform everyday. Rolling book bags are NOT allowed. Every Friday is Jean Day. $40 one time jean day payment for the entire year. Students are allowed to wear jeans and Doral Academy t-shirt.

Black closed toe shoes or sneakers must be worn. Tops: Polo shirts must be red, white or navy blue and embroidered with the school name and logo. All shirts must be tucked inside pants at all times. Bottoms: Pants/skorts may be navy blue or khaki. Belts must be worn at all times. They must be plain, black, and fastened securely at waist level. Shoes: Black closed toe shoes or sneakers must be worn. No sandals, crocs, boots, heels or platform shoes are allowed. Sweaters: Navy blue uniform sweatshirts and sweaters with embroidered school logo may be worn. Uniform tops must be a solid color and bear the corresponding school logo Full length pants are required and may be black, grey, khaki or brown Closed toe shoes are required at all times. Sweaters/cardigans should not have visible labels on them (ex: PINK, Old Navy, etc.)

Rolling Book Bags In order for students to be exempt from the “no rolling book bag” rule, a doctor must fill out the Physician Statement Form available at the nurse’s desk Students with a rolling book bag who do not have the required form on file will be asked to call home for a replacement book bag School nurse will keep a master list of all students requiring a rolling book bag We appreciate your cooperation in ensuring our students’ safety 

Birthday Celebrations ONLY during lunch (10:40 – 11:10) Cupcakes and Juice 18 students

School Fees For Sale: School Folder $2.50 Field Trip T-Shirt $13 DAC Water Bottle $10 Copy Paper Fee- $15 Jean Day- $40 (one time fee) Lunch is $3.25 / Breakfast $2.25 ($0.40 for reduced price meals) *Applications are available online only* Early Arrival/Late Pick-up Fee: $1.00 per minute (before 8:00 am or after 2:15 pm) *Morning Care and Afterschool Care are available through Leap Services. (Enrollment Required)

Volunteer Hours All families must complete 30 volunteer hours for the 2019/2020 school year. Families participating in “Before and After Care” programs for the duration of the entire school year, receive 15 hours per program (15-before care & 15-after care). Please check class web page and emails for volunteer opportunities. Families with more than one child at Doral Academy Elementary may split their hours between teachers. If you are unable to volunteer your time, please contact me for additional volunteer opportunities.

Volunteers The School Volunteer Program consists of electronic registration and background checks There are two different levels of volunteers. Any individual interested in volunteering at Doral Academy MUST register through the Community Portal at www.dadeschools.net Level 1 - Complete a database background check Level 2 - Complete a fingerprint background check Day chaperones for field trips Classroom volunteers Overnight chaperones Tutors

Parent Communication Through Social Media & Group Texts We are lucky to live in a world full of technology and mass communication. We ask that you please be mindful of what is posted and texted through social media or group chats, such as What’s App or Messenger Should any situations arise or should you have any questions or concerns, please come to us first for clarifications or answers. This will avoid the spread of misinformation or rumors.


Contact Information Email: dolmedo@doralacademyes.org ClassTag App Phone: (305) 597 – 9999 Send a note in student folder Email is preferred!

Website: www.doralacademy.org “PARENTS’ tab, then “Medical Forms” School Nurse Please refer to the nurse letter found in your students folder for the following information: Over the Counter Medication Administration Authorization for Medication Physician’s Referral for In-School Nursing Website: www.doralacademy.org “PARENTS’ tab, then “Medical Forms”

3. Visit the class website to read the classroom contract. 1. Please send an email with your child's name to dolmedo@doralacademyes.org 2. Visit the Online Store to pay for: Folder, Friday T-Shirt, Jean Day & Copy Paper Fee 3. Visit the class website to read the classroom contract. 4. Return all open house paperwork. 5. Join our class/school on the ClassTag App 6. Renew your volunteer clearance on the parent portal.