Perception of brand preference and use among Hollywood stars were supported by radio endorsements. Perception of brand preference and use among Hollywood stars were supported by radio endorsements. American Tobacco’s Lucky Strike brand sponsored The Jack Benny Program from the mid-1940s to mid-1950s. This radio transcription from the January 5, 1947 broadcast is an example of a guest appearance and testimonial, given here by actress Lauren Bacall. Bacall mentions Lucky Strike is her favourite brand of cigarette. Stating her brand preference may have served to create an association between Lucky Strike and onscreen smoking by Bacall’s characters (not to mention in real life). The transcription also shows that Bacall’s guest appearance included a “sketch based on [her Warner Bros] picture “To Have and Have Not”” (1944), which co-starred Humphrey Bogart. Source: American Tobacco Company.91 K L Lum et al. Tob Control 2008;17:313-323 ©2008 by BMJ Publishing Group Ltd