What’s Happenin’… From Rabbi Gitler… A message from Morah Revital: Chumash: The students got their Chumash tests back earlier this week. This week we learned about how Moshe was humble and didn't think he should be Bnei Israel's leader. Hashem convinced him by showing him signs and by appointing Aharon to join him. Next week we will start learning about the ten plagues. Navi: We learned perek Gimel in Sefer Shoftim. We learned about the first three Shoftim (judges) that were sent by Hashem to save Bnei Israel and lead them. We noticed that every time Bnei Israel had a shofet- the land was peaceful, but every time they didn't have a leader, they sinned and worshipped idols. The three Shoftim we got to know this week were: Otniel Ben Knaz, Ehud Ben Gera and Shamgar Ben Anat. Shabbat Shalom! :) From Rabbi Gitler… This week we dove into the month of Tishrei. We learned about the different names of Rosh Hashana and how it’s the “Head” of the year. We practiced our Rosh Hashana greetings and we can’t wait to say them on Rosh Hashana night. What’s Happenin’… ELA – Poetry cont.; Non-fiction text features cont. (Great Women of the American Revolution); Suffixes –ness, -ful, -less; cont. Compound Sentences using Conjunction Words Math – Estimating & Calculating Sums & Differences using Decimals Science- Cont. Hurricane Project Social Studies – The Olmec, Maya, and early desert tribes Upcoming Date… Sept. 30 – No School/Rosh Hashana Outstanding Upstanders… Deena L., Meyer R., Jadon A., Evie S.