Initial Login Screen Enter username and password. Check “Remember Me” to autofill username for future logins Use the Show Password button to see the password you type in. The password will otherwise show as dots only. The Password Reset button (optional) will send an email to this driver allowing them to reset their password. (Note: driver needs to have access to their email to complete the process and the driver’s user account must have a working email) Tap OK to login (updated July 2019)
Select Carrier Tap on your carrier company Tap Next Step
Select Tractor Tap on your tractor Use the search field if needed Tap Next Step
Select Trailer Tap on your trailer Use the search field if needed Tap Next Step The custom trailer and multiple trailer selection is an option by permission
Select Current Status Choose your status for the start of your day. Check limits on the left and scroll down below Period Limit to check Consecutive Off Duty Hour to verify you’ve reached your reset hours.
Select Current Status Use the add note button to annotate any manual status change Tap Finalize Login to finish the login process
Home Screen This is your home screen
Uncertified Logs Upon login, POV will remind you if you have any uncertified log book days. Choose to certify Log Book or Not Right Now
Shipping Document Number / Bill of Lading Add your shipping document number, Bill of Lading, or other information about your load. Will accept letters, numbers, symbols up to 40 characters. If not set = form & manner violation
Unidentified Records Unidentified records will appear on a driver’s log after connecting to a vehicle that has stored unidentified records. The driver can view/accept, or Close the window. If the driver closes the window, the records sync down to the tablet and to OneView.
Unidentified Records Drivers can see how unidentified records affect their log book. If the records do no belong to the driver, they can tap Ignore Day. If the records do belong to the driver they can accept them.
Unidentified Records If accepting the records, tap yes to accept.
Unidentified Records Add a note to your unidentified records.
Unidentified Records View records in Table view. Note – if records do not belong to driver, the table view may show a different vehicle for this driver on this day.
Unidentified Records View records in Hours view to see how unidentified records affects current hours of service. Note: if records are not for the current day, they may not affect the current day’s hours.
Unidentified Records View records in Violations view to see how unidentified records affects current violations.
Unidentified Records If a driver taps Ignore Day and then Yes, the unidentified records for that day will no longer show on the tablet.
Unidentified Records The records that have been Ignored will still show in OneView to be assigned out to the appropriate person.
Unidentified Records The driver’s Unidentified Records icon will only show the driving records that have not been Ignored.
Change Duty Status Change your duty status
Change Duty Status Choose duty status or check limits. While connected to your vehicle, duty statuses will automatically move to driving when the vehicle is moving 5mph or more and prompt the driver to move to On Duty, Not Driving when the vehicle is not in motion after 5 minutes. After 1 minute of inaction by driver, POV will automatically move the driver to On Duty, Not Driving status.
Status The status button will show your hours remaining to the closest time limit.
Status Screen See your hours of service time limits on the left. Timers will turn orange with 30% time remaining. Timers will turn red with 10% or less left of your limit.
Recap Screen Recap will show your daily totals for the last 7 days
Status Screen Another way to change your status is to use the status button here on the Status Screen
Special Status To access Yard Move if you have permission, tap On Duty Not Driving
Special Status Tap the check box next to Yard Move and state a reason in the box. Choose OK Once in Yard Move status, your vehicle will not automatically make status changes. Uncheck Yard Move to return to normal operation of POV
Special Status To use Personal Use of CMV if you have permission, select Off Duty
Special Status Check the Personal Use of CMV box Enter your reason in the box, and select OK Once in Personal Use of CMV status, your vehicle will not automatically make status changes. Uncheck Personal Use of CMV to return to normal operation of POV
Status Screen – Commodity If you need to change your commodity, click on the commodity button (not all companies will have access to change their commodity)
Status Screen – Rule Set Buttons on the right allow you to change any of the options you’ve selected through the login process. If you have permission to change cycles on your tablet, you will see the Cycle button on the Status Screen
Status Screen – choose Rule Set When you select a new cycle, your limits will recalculate automatically allowing you to stay compliant with the new cycle. Your cycle will also appear on your log book page Rule sets can be narrowed in OneView to only include the rules your drivers will use, and hide the rules they will not use
Lock Screen When your vehicle is moving, POV will only show a lock screen. All other apps are unavailable when in the lock screen. **If you use another app for navigation, open that app before your vehicle is in motion. *** If you use the jobs/dispatch feature, and are on a navigation task, you can click the Arrow button in the upper right corner to open your navigation app
Log Book Logbook button will show your log book pages
Log Book See your name and cycle, date and time zone, duty statuses on the graph and locations. Tap on the calendar to change dates and to see if past days are signed & certified
Log Book Calendar The black check circle on calendar days shows which days are certified. Tap on any day to go directly to that day.
Log Book Unsigned Days Tapping on Aug 17 from the calendar menu brings you to that date that is uncertified. Tap on the orange Certify button to sign & submit that log day.
Log Book Certify Certify log days by tapping the Certify Button and Agree. Tapping not ready will leave this day uncertified.
Log Book Digital Signature After certifying a log day, your name and the time will be your digital signature
Log Book – Data Details Hidden data drop-down by tapping gray bar. Details are required by FMCSA
Log Book – Log Table – below graph Scroll below graph and see a table of all log events. With the Duty Statuses Only box checked, see just duty status changes in the event type/status column
Log Book – Log Table – below graph Scroll below graph and see a table of all log events. With the Duty Statuses Only box unchecked, see all events including login, logout, certification of logs, intermediate records as required by ELD and more. Tap on any row to get an edit menu.
Log Book – Event Table Insert Record If you need to change the time of a record, you will instead insert a new record at that time. Use the (+) symbol to insert missing records. Choose the dated and time of the new record. Then choose the duty status of the new record.
Log Book – Event Table Insert Record If you need to change the time of a record, you will instead insert a new record at that time. Use the (+) symbol on the lower right of the graph to insert missing records. Choose the time of the new record. Then choose the duty status of the new record.
Log Book Annotation from status dot You may also tap on an event dot on the graph to edit a status record.
Log Book Annotation from status dot You may also tap on an event dot on the graph to edit a status record.
Log Book Annotation from graph You may also tap on an event dot on the graph to edit a status record or tap and hold on the graph to insert a record where your finger is placed.
Log Book Annotation from graph If you are inserting a record, you will see the time selector confirming what time you placed your finger. Adjust as needed. If you tapped on a dot to edit, you will not see this time clock selector. Go to the next step.
Log Book Annotation from graph Next you will see the menu of items to adjust if you tapped on a status dot, or the menu of items to add if you are inserting a missing status.
Log Book Annotation from graph Always make a note before saving.
Log Book – Suggested Edits If an HOS manager suggests an edit to a driver’s logbook, there will be an edit pencil icon on the logbook tab.
Log Book – Suggested Edits The driver will click the edit pencil icon at the top of the log graph
Log Book – Suggested Edits View the edits in the log view
Log Book – Suggested Edits View the edits in the table view
Log Book – Suggested Edits View the edits in the hours view
Log Book – Suggested Edits View the edits in the violations view
Log Book – Suggested Edits Accept or reject any or all of the suggested edits.
Inspection For Pre and Post trip inspections, tap inspection
Driver Inspections Use Last Inspection to check for last inspection defects
Driver Inspection Review Defects will appear with red check.
Sign & Submit DVIR Review All defects must be certified as corrected or that the need not be corrected for safe operation of vehicle BEFORE the vehicle/trailer can be in service.
Driver Inspections To log a full inspection, use the Inspect Vehicle button Choose if you are inspecting all tractor and trailers or just the tractor or just the trailer, allowing drivers to separate trailer inspections for drop and hook
Driver Inspection Form Check all passed at the top Next find the inspection point that has a defect (if any) Type a detailed note about the defect Use the image button to take a photo of the defect and attach it to this inspection form
Driver Inspections Fill out the inspection form. A timer begins when the form is opened. Select pass or defect, add notes, and add images to any inspection item. Optional: OneView can automatically create maintenance tickets when a defect is submitted. Those maintenance tickets will automatically show up on the tablet for drivers to see the progress of that defect repair. This inspection item failed a previous inspection and the service department has not yet signed off on the repair (you can see the linked maintenance says Status: New, the job ticket is still new – not completed)
Sign & Submit DVIR Certify by tapping sign & submit. **You can make notes and upload images on PASSED items that will be delivered back to OneView
Linked Maintenance Optional Feature Any linked maintenances from failed inspections or other linked maintenances can be viewed on the tablet with a special permission.
Fuel Record
New Record Tap New Record to add fuel record
Fuel Record Fuel records will default to the truck you are currently driving. To change to another tractor or trailer, use the change button on the top right. Invoice Number is optional. Enter all other information. Make sure that your date includes the actual time you were at the fuel pump.
Seller Info – Option 1 (GPS) In the Seller, Nearby will show any landmarks (geo-fenced businesses) in your area. Choose your fuel stop from this list. Use the search field to narrow the list or search for your location. If not found, tap New.
Seller Info – Option 2 (Manual Entry) If you have a connection to the cloud, tap Use Current Location to add the street address based on your current location. Then add the name of your stop in the Name field. If you do not have a connection you will have to type it in manually.
Scan Receipt Scan receipt will activate your device’s camera to take a photo of your receipt. Use the Change tractor button to attach this fuel record to a different tractor.
Saved Fuel Record(s) You will see your fuel records here. They will load to the cloud and disappear.
Messages If you have any messages, you will see a number on your message button.
Messages Tap on any of your messages to read
Replying to Messages You can read and reply to messages
New Message Create a new message by filling in these fields. You will only be able to send messages to people in your company.
OneView – Message Notification In OneView, you can tell messages have been read by seeing the eye glasses next to the user’s name
POV Menu Use the POV menu to access other features of POV
Training Modules Use help button or help menu to access tutorials. Watch these interactive tutorials when using Wi-Fi. If you log into POV while on a WiFi connection, these tutorials will automatically download to your device allowing you to access them offline. You must do this if you are on a wired device. The cloud in the upper right corner will show the download progress.
Team Driving Use the POV menu to add up to 3 other team drivers (4 people total)
Team Driving The new team driver will login with their username and password at tap OK
Team Driving They will pick a non-driving status upon login *They will not pick a carrier, tractor, trailer – it will keep these the same as the driver*
Team Driving On the team driver tab, they can choose “Make Me Driver” to assume the driving designation. Who ever is the driver will see a small steering wheel next to their name on the top name tabs
Team Driving If the team drive clicks Make me Driver, they will have to confirm by tapping Yes. They will now be the driver.
Team Driving When tapping on any name tab at the top, the user will have to re-enter their password and tap Unlock. If a team driver leaves and forgets to log out of the app, any team member can tap Sign Out on a team members tab and they will be deleted from this team driving occurrence. *This sign out button will not change their status to off duty.* When a team driver ends their shift, they should use the normal sign out process from their home screen.
Enforcement View During roadside inspections, use the Enforcement View to show your log book to law enforcement.
Enforcement View In Enforcement View, a DOT official can scroll up and down to see information, use the calendar to see the last 7 days and today, but they cannot edit anything accidentally. To see last inspection data, click on Driver Inspections
Enforcement View See the last inspection data. Tap on Unidentified Records to view.
Enforcement View Cycle through days to see unidentified records on this tablet. Tap on Driver Logs to return to the log book.
Enforcement View
Enforcement View Tap Exit to resume normal POV function.
Enforcement View The driver will have to enter their password and tap unlock to exit the Enforcement view.
POV Menu Use the POV menu to access other features of POV
About POV About POV will give you technical support information
POV Menu Use the POV menu to access other features of POV
Email Logs Email logs allows you or DOT to email the last 7 days plus today’s log book pages **Canada 120/14 will send 14 days logs**
POV Menu Use the POV menu to access other features of POV
Transfer Logs Transfer ELD data allows you or DOT to email the last 7 days plus today’s log book pages
POV Menu Use the POV menu to access other features of POV
Settings Settings allows you to select US or Metric units of measure
Sign Out After tapping sign out, if you are NOT in Off Duty, you will see a prompt to change your status to Off Duty, or another status. Choose “Skip” to stay in your current status, or tap on another status and then OK.
Sign Out The next step is to choose to Sign Out, or to Certify Logs and then Sign Out.
Sign Out You may see a Syncing window to let you know if you should wait a moment before powering off the tablet in order to let all your records sync to the cloud.
Sign Out You will be brought to the OLDEST day on your tablet that is unsigned. It may not be today’s date. Sign and then make sure all days are signed. The tap Sign Out in the bottom right corner. You will not be signed out of the app until you tap Sign Out on your log book.
Update POV If you receive an update message like this, click on it and update your app. If you miss more than two updates, certain features may start to malfunction. Most tablets are set to automatically update, but if your is not, please update.