04 | Understanding Frameworks Stacey Mulcahy | Technical Evangelist Dave Voyles | Technical Evangelist
Module Overview Design Patterns Framework Benefits Popular JavaScript Frameworks Resources
Design Patterns A design pattern is an approach or solution to a commonly occurring programming problem. Factory Pattern Singleton Pattern ( or Anti-Pattern ) Decorator Adapter Memento State
MVC MODEL notify/update manipulates VIEW CONTROLLER input
Library vs Framework A library has specific operations A library is usually organized into a class with specific functions ( i.e image manipulation) A framework defines the structural skeleton of an application Frameworks typically is the abstract design with the base behavior in place .
Frameworks - Benefits Architectural best practices Enables large teams to work together more effectively through a common approach and taxonomy Improve testability Maintainable code base through definition of responsibilities (view, model, resources, routing etc )
Frameworks and Libraries
Resources Design Patterns in JavaScript http://addyosmani.com/resources/essentialjsdesignpatterns/boo k/ Choosing a JS Framework http://www.funnyant.com/choosing- javascript-mvc-framework/ To Do MVC - helping you select a JS framework http://todomvc.com/