Chapter 2, Lesson 2 Prepared by V. Morrissey Establishing Goals Chapter 2, Lesson 2 Prepared by V. Morrissey
EQ: Differentiate between the three different types of goals. Define and give an example of the three different types of goals Develop an Action Plan for setting a goal
Define Goals Goals: Something you aim for that takes planning and work Always in reference to the future Based on our values Goals can be in all areas of life Values – standards for behavior, those things that a person considers important and holds in high regard Family – Getting married, having 4 children Educational – Getting a BS in Health Science Occupational – Becoming a teacher Recreational – Running 5 miles, winning a skateboard competition
Types of Goals 1.Short-term goals – hours, days, weeks, a month 2.Long-term goals – months or years
Many long-term goals can be broken down into short-term goals. What about becoming a professional football player? Play pop warner football Play on a school team Make an all-star team Go to college on a football scholarship Make first string
Types of Goals 3. Unclear Goals: Can mean too many different things To be successful To be rich
To Achieve Goals: Be Flexible Make your goals your goals Don’t make unrealistic goals Be flexible – if your goal was to play college football for USC but you got an offer from Okalahoma Goals are constantly evolving and developing, and decisions must be made at all stages of life. You need to identify alternatives that are available. Be aware of society and its needs – Society defines both the opportunities available and the limitations that restrict. (PT impacted field of study in California. If you managed to get into a school, you wouldn’t be able to get a job. You could check other states for employment). Make decisions to compliment your goals.
Tips for Setting Goals Set goals that are: 1. Important to you 2. Positive 3. Specific 4. Possible
What is an Action Plan? A strategy for achieving goals Six Step Action Plan – pg. 38 in book 1. Select a goal to work on List what you will do to reach the goal Break your goal into mini-goals Goal – Becoming a teacher
Action Plan Identify sources of help and support Set a reasonable time frame Establish checkpoints to evaluate your progress 6. Reward yourself after reaching your goal 2. I will get my bachelor’s degree, then my preliminary credential, then my clear credential Sources of help would be counselors at my school, my colleagues at work, my family Taking 1 class at a time, I could finish in a year and a half if I go through the summers Checkpoints would be my grades in my classes 6. Knowing a reward awaits at the end of the journey will help you work that much harder