Early on Release Fixes: Lidocaine Cream vs. Lidocaine Spray


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Presentation transcript:

Early on Release Fixes: Lidocaine Cream vs. Lidocaine Spray

Early on release can cause a lot of issues for a man. Not only can it cause embarrassment, self-esteem plummeting, and reduced pleasure, it can also drive a wedge between him and his partner. Thankfully, science has developed a few products to help guys suffering from early on release issues. One, in particular, is lidocaine, which calms down the oversensitive of the member while hard. Lidocaine creams and sprays both contain this strong hard-on helper, but there are a few differences. Let’s learn a little more about early on release, lidocaine, and which delivery type works best for you!

What is Early on Release? Early on release happens when a man releases sooner than he’d like while having sensual mutual pleasure. One out of three men experiences this at some point in their lives. There are many potential causes of early on release, which include:

 Sensual inexperience  Depression  History of abuse or trauma  Negative body image  Feelings of guilt for having relations  Worrying about early on release  Prostate issues  Stress  Relationship Issues  Diabetes  High blood pressure  Thyroid problems

How Lidocaine Works Lidocaine is a universally used anesthetic. It’s likely a man has used it at some point in his life for dental work like a root canal or other medical procedures. Lidocaine works by reducing the sensitivity when applied to a man’s skin, muscles, or other bodily tissue. When used as a treatment for early on release, lidocaine works by reducing manhood sensitivity, in turn, letting a man last longer during relations. Now, the lidocaine used in medical procedures is a far more potent dosage. For a stronger hard-on that lasts, only a small dosage should be used so a man can still feel pleasure during intimacy, but powerful enough that it can take the edge off of oversensitivity.

Lidocaine Cream and Early on Release Lidocaine cream can be applied to the tip, or glans, of the member as it is the most sensitive to touch. Most lidocaine creams made for this specific reason use a mixture of lidocaine and prilocaine, which is another topical anesthetic that is a bit less potent than lidocaine. Studies show that this combination is very successful in increasing the duration of mutual pleasure when taken approximately 30 minutes before intimacy. This cream is also inexpensive and usually stocked at most pharmacies. All a man needs is a script from his doc.

The drawback of lidocaine cream? It can get messy, and sometimes things can go astray. A man has to be very careful with it. After applying it to the tip of the member, a man needs to very thoroughly wash his hands with soap and water, so he doesn’t inadvertently touch other parts of his or his partner’s body. A man also must remember to wash his member after minutes (yep, that’s right before hitting the sheets) so the cream doesn’t numb his partner’s happy spots.

Lidocaine Spray and Early on Release The most significant difference between lidocaine cream and lidocaine spray (except for delivery method) is that the spray is exclusively lidocaine. The spray is also designed to be used anywhere on the member, from the top of the glans to the underside of the shaft. It should be applied minutes before getting busy. A man will still need to wash his hands immediately after using it.

Studies have shown that lidocaine spray is an effective treatment for early on release and can help a man last six to seven times longer in bed than without it. As compared to the cream, the spray acts faster and is easier and cleaner to use. Sprays also come in metered-dose bottles, so men can use the correct dosage and not guesstimate as they would with a cream. The drawback of lidocaine spray? It has been shown to reduce some men's sensitivity minimally, but not so much as to negatively impact sensual response and enjoyment.

In Summary Men who suffer from early on release can use lidocaine cream or lidocaine spray to make them last longer in the sack. Both are effective; it just depends on which benefits are more important to a man. For a man looking for quicker reaction time, a spray may be the way to go. For men who don’t want the possibility of feeling too insensitive, a cream will pave the way to satisfaction. No matter which avenue a man goes, he should be sure to nurture and protect his member all the time in- between with a specially formulated male organ health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which has been clinically proven safe and mild for skin) to fortify and protect the member. Comprised of several vital nutrients and vitamins, a member crème protects the delicate manhood skin from the elements while boosting blood flow and fortifying it for longer, stronger hard-ons.Man 1 Man Oil