These slides are for you to use with your own class during the School Linking Year. Select the slides that are useful. If you do create new slides, please.


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Presentation transcript:

These slides are for you to use with your own class during the School Linking Year. Select the slides that are useful. If you do create new slides, please email a copy to us as we are always delighted to see the brilliant work that takes place across the areas. © TheLinkingNetwork2019 Pick and choose the activities and slides you prefer to use. Look out for text in red as it is ‘speaking’ to the teacher or adult. Don’t use these slides with your class. Notes are in the notes section to support.

How Do We All Live Together? Who Am I? Who Are We? Where Do We Live? How Do We All Live Together?

‘Words and Your Heart’ by Kate Jane Neal Ideas using the book, ‘Words and Your Heart’ by Kate Jane Neal

Words and Your Heart If you wish to use the following slides and complete activities linked to ‘Words and Your Heart’, you will need to purchase a copy of this book. ( Read by a child) the volume is quite low – try it, to see if it works for your class. ( Short book trailer with graphics etc) read by a child but with no illustrations.

holiday mithering marvellous pernickity hullaballoo skriking What is your favourite word? Why? Share with your partner. holiday mithering marvellous Can you add these to a vocabulary wall? What is your favourite word in another language? Create large versions of the word – illustrate them and explore their meanings. pernickity hullaballoo skriking sorpresita

‘The little bit that makes you, you.’ What makes you, you? Create a mind map or identity circle to show ‘what makes you you.’ Can use identity circles, jigsaw pieces etc.

What makes you a ‘happier you’ and your partner a ‘happier them’? Think of 5. Draw each other and include words and phrases that tell your ‘happy story.’ Explore what is ‘happy’. What makes people happy? Use thesaurus to find synonyms for happy. Grade words for happy using clines (scale of language that increases with intensity or from one extreme to another) Joyful, delighted, glad estatic, pleased etc. Can they be put on a scale? For examples 

‘Sometimes words can be like a deadly arrow, that can pierce someone’s heart.’ What does this mean? P4C opportunity – ensure that you have set good ground rules prior to this.

‘Your words can actually change the way someone’s heart feels.’ How do you do this in your class and school?

If you had the power to help someone… how would you help them? What would you ‘power’ be?

‘Do you see what we mean?’ What do ‘we’ mean? What does this look like at our school? In our community? Read the pages If some feels…..

Circle Time Can we think of words that are amazing and powerful that will help us feel happy about ourselves? Follow up activity: Children work in groups of 3 or in table groups. Give each child a piece of paper. Draw themselves in the middle of the paper. (Or prepare sheets with a photo of each child). In their groups each child must think about a world that describes the other children in the group. Write that word down with a illustration to show. Eg. – Funny (drawing of children laughing together or a smiley face) Helpful – with a drawing of the child being helpful, hanging up coasts etc.) Patient – with a drawing of them queuing for their turn. Or: Write the child’s name on bottom of the paper. the children then take it in turns to write a sentence about the child whose name is at the bottom. Each time this happens the paper is folded( from the top) When everyone has had a turn the child whose name is at the bottom unrolls the paper. In the group the children then read their contribution to the child.

You may want to us the ‘Safe Space’ film to discuss how we create positive opportunities for discussion. The link is below – if not just pass to the next slide.

The book started off with, ‘the little bit that makes you, you.’ It then changed to, ‘the little bit inside of them that makes them, them!’ It concludes with, ‘the little bit inside of us that makes us, us!’ Why? Explore the idea of individuality, seeing others as ‘them’ (the dangers of this) and how being an ‘us’ builds community and a shared identity. Create an ‘us’ poster, display, exploring the shared and common factors- can this be sent across to your link school? Shared with a parallel class? Shared within the school? What makes us, Us?

What we do and say really matters. Let’s make today and everyday the happiest it can be. Consider a random act of kindness activity. Praise jar – little bits of paper if a child wants to praise someone they pop it in ( Warning: this needs to be managed sensitively as some children may over use – only chose their friends etc) Shout out board – adults look for children throughout the day or week who they want to shout out to.

‘Happy’ by Pharrell Williams It might seem crazy what I'm 'bout to say Sunshine she's here, you can take a break I'm a hot air balloon that could go to space With the air, like I don't care baby by the way Huh, because I'm happy Clap along if you feel like a room without a roof Because I'm happy Clap along if you feel like happiness is the truth Clap along if you know what happiness is to you Clap along if you feel like that's what you wanna do Here come bad news, talking this and that (Yeah) Well, give me all you got, and don't hold it back (Yeah) Well, I should probably warn you I'll be just fine (Yeah) No offense to you, don't waste your time Here's why Can you make your own ‘Happy’ film using the song?

You may want to consider how to facilitate a, ‘great get together’ to explore and celebrate kindness, respect and all we have in common.