Views on childhood Examine different sociological views on changes in the experience of childhood in the past 50 years or so. (24 marks)
Approaching this question Be mindful of how childhood has changed (and why) but more importantly explore the views about this: The main view is that it has become more protected and a time of innocence (and should be kept so) The other is that childhood has: (a) become a negative experience (b) and is disappearing
Postman Childhood is disappearing Childhood/adulthood not so distinct Caused by: Mass media Blurring of differences due to: children dressed in sexualised way/adults dressing like kids/lack of transition to adult life
Children as consumers Evans & Chandler found: Peer pressure/pester power for designer goods Advertising now aimed at kids
Jenks – childhood distinct still Loss of innocence since James Bulger murder BUT…children still restricted by laws that control their behaviour (sex/smoking/alcohol/employment etc)
Theoretical Views Functionalists/New Right Children are vulnerable and need protection Growing up too quick Phillips argues: Liberal parenting = too many rights – parents unable to discipline Peer groups = mass media taking over socialisation role (over education/parents) Need policies to: Protect children Services to support/surveillance Extend education
Children needing ‘protecting’ Laws Smaller families – child centred – loving Keep safe from harm/abuse Evaluation Making children rebel (Hockey and James)
Berry Mayall’s view – Child Liberation View The New Right view is ‘adultist’ (see children through eyes of adults/biased) – focus on discipline and control of children This ignores ‘THE RIGHTS OF CHILDREN’ Age Patriarchy in play which ‘oppresses’ children Children can make rational choices and should be given more voice and freedom
Support from.. Donzelot ‘policing of families’ Palmer ‘Toxic Childhood’ Jenks – postmodern concern for extreme surveillance Childhood is disappearing