TESOL Methodology Week 1: Lecture A Welcome & Introduction Syllabus Explanation
TESOL Methodology Welcome & Introduction Dimensions of Teaching Formative Aspects Why study methods? Method vs. Approach The Journey of Learning
Dimensions of Teaching 1 1 Dimensions of Teaching Twelve interweaving dimensions mental political social experiential physical historical emotional cultural practical spiritual behavioral personal
Formative Aspects 2 1 Views of the nature of language Formative aspects of teaching Views of the nature of language Perspectives on teaching and learning Socio-cultural settings of learning Each T’s language learning history Changing needs of individual students Reality of educational contexts
Why Study Methods? Benefits of the Course 3 1 Tools for reflection Provide classroom alternatives Enter professional community Expand repertoire of techniques
Why Study Methods? Tools for reflection 3 1 Bring thoughts underlying actions to conscious awareness Make the tacit explicit Help Ts become clearer about what they do Foster awareness of fundamental assumptions, attitudes, beliefs
Provide classroom alternatives 3 1 Why Study Methods? Provide classroom alternatives A set of options for doing things differently from the old ways Make choices that are informed, not conditioned Give Ts the understanding & tools to try new things Empower Ts to respond meaningfully to various contexts
Enter professional community 3 1 Why Study Methods? Enter professional community An “entrance ticket” Learn professional discourse Develop professional identity Connect to vast network of cooperation, collaboration, support
Expand repertoire of techniques 3 1 Why Study Methods? Expand repertoire of techniques Add more and more techniques, strategies and materials to your “teaching toolbox” Experiment with the tools Explore the versatility of tools Learn to fit the tool to the job
Method vs. Approach What is a method? 4 1 Refers to two aspects of lg. teaching Techniques, strategies and procedures of theorists & researchers What Ts actually do in the classroom
Other definitions of method 4 1 Method vs. Approach Other definitions of method TPLT: a coherent set of principles linked to certain techniques & procedures *DLTAL: a way of teaching a lg which is based on systematic principles & procedures TMPP: a way, plan or procedure for the presentation & practice of new lg. *DLTAL: Dictionary of Language Teaching & Applied Linguistics
Method vs. Approach What is an approach? 4 1 Comprises theoretical principles of lg learning & teaching One approach, several methods “The Balanced Approach”
Frameworks Between methods and approaches 4 Between methods and approaches Describes the learning process by breaking it into stages Varies by skill, learning objective and the principles that underlie the method/approach
The Journey of Learning 5 1 The Journey of Learning Road signs for the journey Notice Understand Experiment Reflect / Interact Improve Implement
The Journey of Learning 5 1 The Journey of Learning Notice Develop awareness of new techniques & strategies, and sensitivity to your students’ needs and responses.
The Journey of Learning 5 1 The Journey of Learning Understand Strive to grasp the theoretical background & basic principles of each method as well as how they are reflected in techniques and strategies.
The Journey of Learning 5 1 The Journey of Learning Experiment Try out the techniques & strategies of each method in your classroom, and in the projects for this course.
The Journey of Learning 5 1 The Journey of Learning Reflect / Interact During and after every activity and lesson, think about what happened. Identify what worked and what didn’t work and why. Find alternatives for your challenges.
The Journey of Learning 5 1 The Journey of Learning Reflect / Interact Share your reflections. Communicate with peers. Discuss your successes & failures. Try to make sense of your classroom experiences. Get advice. Work out solutions to challenges.
The Journey of Learning 5 1 The Journey of Learning Improve After reflecting, try again. “Practice makes better.”
The Journey of Learning 5 The Journey of Learning Implement Apply everything: the principles and techniques of the various methods you learn here, your reflections on your teaching experiences, your interactions and discussions with each other.
TESOL Methodology Syllabus Explanation Course Description Books & Materials Weekly Schedule Lecture Format Assessment
1 1 Course Description In this course, you will… Become acquainted with full range of pedagogical principles, methods, techniques Reflect upon & share of experiences as a learner & teacher of language Develop ideas, expand repertoire of techniques, become a more effective language teaching professional
2 1 Books & Materials Required Readings TPLT – Techniques & Principles in Language Teaching (Larsen-Freeman and Anderson) Videos, articles & handouts from my website
Notes: Required Sources 2 1 Books & Materials Notes: Required Sources Pre-reading and post-reading Familiarity assumed Carefully read & digest Videos: watch & reflect Post questions!!
Weekly Schedule Special Weeks 3 1 1: Course Introduction 9: Project 1 (Intro) 10: Project 1 (Progress Check) 11: Offline Session 1 12: Project 2 (Intro) 13: Project 2 (Progress Check) 14: Offline Session 2
Lecture Format 4 1 Lecture A Review Quiz Homework Commentary (if necessary) Target Method Introduction Lecture B Video TPLT Sample Lesson Applications or Suggestion for using the method Homework Questions
Assessment Percentage Breakdown 5 1 Percentage of final grade 20% Homework Questions 20% Belief Statement 10% Poster Presentation 20% Lesson Plan and Microteaching 10% Reflection on Micro-teaching 20% Final Learning Statement
Assessment Homework Questions 5 1 Based on the reading and the lectures Shows that you are staying current with the syllabus Connect what you are learning to your own experiences of teaching and learning
Assessment Belief Statement 5 1 Handout on Website First major assignment Answer 8 questions Write a well-developed paragraph for each questions (4-5 lines) Don’t use source material Answer the questions using your current knowledge and beliefs
Belief Statement – The Questions 5 1 Assessment Belief Statement – The Questions 1. What is the teacher’s role in language learning? What is the student’s roles? 2. What are some important characteristics/traits of the teaching / learning process? 3. Describe what the interaction patterns should look like in a lesson plan, and why? 4. How should the feelings of students be dealt with? 5. What is language and how should it be viewed? 6. What is culture and how should it be viewed? 7. What kind of evaluation/assessment should be used and why? 8. How should student errors be handled?
Assessment Project 1: Overview 5 1 Poster Presentation Design a poster and give presentation Answer the questions What is significant about the method Why did you choose or pick it? How will you use it in your future teaching? Only 3 minutes but you give it 3 times
Project 2: Lesson Plan & Micro-T 5 1 Assessment Project 2: Lesson Plan & Micro-T Create a lesson plan on a topic of your choice (see handout for suggestions) Creatively use the methods we have studied Write procedures & identify method Provide lesson plan to me before you teach Teach your group members your lesson plan
Project 2: Micro-T Reflection 5 1 Assessment Project 2: Micro-T Reflection Use the feedback from your micro-T Write a reflection Answer these Qs What are your general feeling about the experience? What worked well? What didn’t work well?
Final Learning Statement 5 1 Assessment Final Learning Statement Re-Write of your Belief Statement Re-Answer the 8 questions Use you knowledge of the principles and characteristics of the methods to improve your answers Turn in both your Belief Statement with my feedback and your Final Learning Statement
Next Time Key Introductory Concepts
TESOL Methodology Week 1: Lecture B Methodological Typology Exploratory Questions Method, Technique & Principles Teacher Role as Reflective Practitioner Video: Reflective Practice
Methodological Typology 1 1 Methodological Typology 3 Basic Types Most of the methods in this course will Fall into one of these three broad types: Language-Centered Methods Learner-Centered Methods Learning-Centered Methods
Methodological Typology 1 1 Methodological Typology Language-Centered Methods Concerned with linguistic forms and grammatical structures Explicit introduction, explanation and analysis of forms Learners provided with opportunities to practice pre-selected, pre- sequenced structures through form- focused exercises
Methodological Typology 1 1 Methodological Typology Language-Centered Methods “Accumulated Entities” – focus on grammatical forms leads to mastery Language learning is a linear / additive Language development is intentional and conscious, not incidental or unconscious
Methodological Typology 1 1 Methodological Typology Learner-Centered Methods Concerned with language use and learner needs outside the classroom Goal: communicative fluency Concern: grammatical accuracy Real life language that Ss need for interaction or academic study Presents relevant structures in communicative contexts
Methodological Typology 1 1 Methodological Typology Learner-Centered Methods Meaning-focused activities: practice of preselected, presequenced grammatical structures (forms) and communicative notions & functions Focus on form & function leads to mastery, so d’ment of formal & functional repertoire according to communicative needs is encouraged Language development is intentional
Methodological Typology 1 1 Methodological Typology Learning-Centered Methods Concerned with learning processes Language too complex to be neatly analyzed, explicitly explained or sequentially presented Learning is non-linear, so language input not preselected or presequenced Ts create conditions & opportunities rather than presenting forms & functions
Methodological Typology 1 1 Methodological Typology Learning-Centered Methods Open-ended meaningful interaction through communicative activities and problem-solving tasks Focus on meaning-making leads to grammatical & communicative mastery Learning is incidental / unconscious Learning happens when attention is focused on understanding, saying, doing things with lg (comm process)
Exploratory Questions 2 1 Exploratory Questions 10 Questions TPLT presents 10 questions for each method. The answers will add to our understanding of each method and allow us to see their primary characteristics. What are the goals of the teachers who use this method? What is the role of the teacher? What is the role of the students?
Exploratory Questions 2 1 Exploratory Questions 10 Questions 3. What are some characteristics of the teaching/learning process? 4. What is the nature of student- teacher interaction? What is the nature of student-student interaction? 5. How are the feelings of the students dealt with? 6. How is language viewed? How is culture viewed?
Exploratory Questions 2 1 Exploratory Questions 10 Questions 7. What areas of language are emphasized? What language skills are emphasized? 8.What is the role of the students’ native language? 9. How is evaluation accomplished? 10. How does the teacher respond to student errors?
Methods, Techniques, Principles 3 1 Methods, Techniques, Principles Basic Terms Examination of basic terms & issues: Professional Discourse Community Traditional Hierarchy “The Balanced Approach” TPLT Process or Framework
Methods, Techniques, Principles 3 1 Methods, Techniques, Principles Professional Discourse Community Field of TESOL: a vast worldwide network of individuals and professional organizations Publications: Articles, journals, books Conferences: introducing, exploring and developing ideas & practices Terminology grows day by day Overlapping usage of terms
Methods, Techniques, Principles 3 1 Methods, Techniques, Principles Traditional Hierarchy (Anthony ‘63) “Techniques carry out a method which is consistent with an approach.” APPROACH A general set of related assumptions/beliefs about the nature of language, learning and teaching Axiomatic: a unified belief system
Methods, Techniques, Principles 3 1 Methods, Techniques, Principles Traditional Hierarchy (Anthony ‘63) METHOD An “overall plan” for presentation of lg. Procedural: a specific set of ordered steps & guidelines that reflect the beliefs of an approach Several different methods can be used within a single approach to accomplish goals of lg. learning
Methods, Techniques, Principles 3 1 Methods, Techniques, Principles Traditional Hierarchy (Anthony ‘63) TECHNIQUE Particular strategies and “contrivances” used to accomplish immediate objectives Implementational: actual activities and resources used in real classrooms to carry out the procedures of a particular method reflecting the beliefs of a particular approach
Methods, Techniques, Principles 3 1 Methods, Techniques, Principles “The Balanced Approach” Current view: no need to adhere to a single method – no perfect method Encouraged to reflect upon & draw from various methods & approaches Goal: Develop an integrated system of beliefs according to one’s own situation and the needs of one’s students
Methods, Techniques, Principles 3 1 Methods, Techniques, Principles TPLT Process or Framework Thoughts: awareness & our attitudes, (beliefs or values) about language, learning, teaching, culture, interaction, communication… Actions: actual classroom practices based on knowledge and skill Thought-in-Action Links: connect the two (consciously or unconsciously)
Methods, Techniques, Principles 3 1 Methods, Techniques, Principles TPLT Framework Develop awareness of TALs Re-examine & develop coherent TALs Make decisions that are informed rather than conditioned TPLT: the Techniques & Principles of a method are meant to be unified systems of thoughts and actions
Methods, Techniques, Principles 3 1 Methods, Techniques, Principles TPLT Framework As we learn about each method… Consider its techniques & principles Re-examine your thoughts & actions in the light of the target method Strive to develop “your own personal conceptualizations of how thoughts lead to actions in your teaching and how, in turn, your teaching leads to the desired learning outcomes in your Ss.”
4 1 The Teacher’s Role Being a Teacher Reflective Practitioners
Reflective Practitioners 4 1 The Teacher’s Role Reflective Practitioners Reflective Teaching: a holistic approach that emphasizes creativity, artistry, context sensitivity Teacher education: an ongoing process throughout one’s career Continual process of self- observation, reflection, evaluation, renewal
Reflective Practitioners 4 1 The Teacher’s Role Reflective Practitioners John Dewey (1933) How We Think Routine action: uncritical belief in tradition, unfailing obedience to authority Reflective action: conscious & cautious consideration of beliefs & practices Teaching as a context-sensitive action grounded in intellectual thought
Reflective Practitioners 4 1 The Teacher’s Role Reflective Practitioners John Dewey (1933) How We Think Teachers: not passive transmitters but rather problem-solvers Look back critically & imaginatively Do cause-and-effect thinking to derive explanatory principles & analyze tasks Do anticipatory planning
Reflective Practitioners 4 1 The Teacher’s Role Reflective Practitioners D. Schon The Reflective Practioner (1983) Reflection-on-action (before & after) Preparing & evaluating effectiveness of teaching acts Reflection-in-action (during) Monitor ongoing performance Find unexpected problems on the spot and adjust, adapt
Reflective Practitioners 4 1 The Teacher’s Role Reflective Practitioners Zeichner & Liston (1996) Reflective Teaching: An Introduction A reflective teacher… Questions & examines goals, values, context, assumptions Examines, frames and attempts to solve dilemmas of classroom practice
Reflective Practitioners 4 1 The Teacher’s Role Reflective Practitioners Zeichner & Liston (1996) A reflective teacher… Is aware of and questions his or her assumptions & values about teaching Is attentive to institutional & cultural contexts of his or her teaching situation Takes responsibility for his or her own professional development
Video: Reflective Practice 5 1 Video: Reflective Practice Video Introduction In Lecture B we will usually have a video The video are meant to demonstrate various methods and techniques Today we are going to see how teacher engage in reflective practice
Video: Reflective Practice 5 1 Video: Reflective Practice Video Introduction In this video, you will hear several English teachers around the world expressing reflections about various aspects of their teaching experiences and modeling the characteristics of good, reflective practices. Ignore the narrator’s references to the course module & manual, and focus on the teachers’ reflections.
Video: Reflective Practice 5 1 Video: Reflective Practice After the Video What did you think? Did you relate to any of the comments made by the teachers in the video?
Video: Reflective Practice 5 1 Video: Reflective Practice Video Summary Reflective teachers are… Caring. They care about individual Ss as people, and about their needs & learning. They recognize the similarities & differences of Ss. Enthusiastic. They are passionate about helping Ss to learn better. Curious. They are interested in ideas that may improve classroom learning.
Video: Reflective Practice 5 1 Video: Reflective Practice Video Summary Reflective teachers are… Self-analytical. They feel comfortable analyzing themselves and their teaching practices, and are willing to put in the effort to do it well. Responsible. They take the responsibility for solving problems in the classroom and for their own professional skills development.
Video: Reflective Practice 5 1 Video: Reflective Practice Video Summary Reflective teachers are… Open-minded. They are not threatened by ideas that conflict with personal beliefs about different aspects of their teaching situation. Energetic for Change. They have the energy to implement changes indicated by the process of reflection
Video: Reflective Practice 5 1 Video: Reflective Practice Video Summary Reflective teachers are… Cooperative & Collaborative. They enjoy working with colleagues on program & professional development. “When you look in the mirror, how many of these characteristics do you see in yourself?”
Homework No Homework Questions 6 1 Please work on your Belief Statements. You need to answer those 8 questions by the end of week 2. Read TPLT (ix-xvii, 1-10)
Next Week Grammar-Translation & Direct Methods