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[Manage Health Surveillance] Introduction Vault provides the ability to perform ongoing health surveillance, so that your staff stay safe and healthy when working in hazardous environments This monitoring may be required by law for employees who are exposed to noise or vibrations, working with harmful substances, or come into contact with any other hazardous objects in their industry
[Manage Health Surveillance] Introduction Cont. In Vault, Health Surveillance can be recorded in the Compliance Section, under Health Surveillance
[Manage Health Surveillance] Health Surveillance Register All Health Surveillance records are shown, however you can apply filters to narrow down your search
[Manage Health Surveillance] Health Surveillance Setting Filters You can filter by date, by typing into the ‘date field’ Or, by selecting a specific date or date range from the calendar
[Manage Health Surveillance] Health Surveillance Setting Filters Cont. You can also search by keywords using the Search field You can also click the arrow button for help with searching by multiple columns.
[Manage Health Surveillance] Add a New Health Surveillance To add a new Health Surveillance record, click the ‘Add’ button Fill in the form, completing all mandatory fields as you go
[Manage Health Surveillance] Add The Date First add the date that this monitoring record was created by typing it directly into the field, or selecting from the calendar
[Manage Health Surveillance] Add The Site Then add the Site that this Health Surveillance record applies to either by scrolling the structure itself or searching via site name
[Manage Health Surveillance] Add the Type and Subject Next add the type of Health Surveillance by selecting it from the picklist And type a subject for this record
[Manage Health Surveillance] Set The Review Period and Testing Organisation Then select how often this Health Surveillance needs to be reviewed Type the name of the Testing Organisation who is carrying out this surveillance
[Manage Health Surveillance] Add any Findings or Comments Add any findings into the ‘Findings field’ You can add a comment relating to the Health Surveillance record in the comments field. First set the ‘Date’ that this comment applies to Then type the ‘Comment’ itself
[Manage Health Surveillance] Add any Findings or Comments Add any findings into the ‘Findings field’ You can add a comment relating to the Health Surveillance record in the comments field. First set the ‘Date’ that this comment applies to Then type the ‘Comment’ itself
[Manage Health Surveillance] Attach a file and set the Workers Associated Optionally attach any ‘Related Files’ And finally, select the worker or workers associated to this Health Surveillance record. Then click ‘Save’ to save this record
[Manage Health Surveillance] View New Health Surveillance in Register The record is now viewable in the Register
[Manage Health Surveillance] Perform Actions on a Health Surveillance Record And the record will be viewable in the Register There are three actions you can perform on a Health Surveillance record, View, Edit or Delete To perform one of these actions, first locate the Health Surveillance record you wish to take action against, then click “actions”
[Manage Health Surveillance] View a Health Surveillance Record To View a Health Surveillance record, click View And all information about the record is listed
[Manage Health Surveillance] Edit a Health Surveillance Record To edit the Health Surveillance record either click Actions, then Edit Or by first viewing the record, then clicking Edit All information fields can now be edited as required
[Manage Health Surveillance] Delete a Health Surveillance Record To Delete a Health Surveillance record, click Actions, then Delete You will be advised that this Health Surveillance has been deleted by the confirmation window appearing in the top right-hand corner Help with other Compliance related topics is available in the support portal