I. Inorganic Compounds A. Water 1. High heat capacity 2. Polarity / Solvent properties 3. Chemical reactivity 4. Cushioning B. Salts - All are Electrolytes
C. Acids and Bases 1. Acids are Proton Donors 2. Bases are Proton Acceptors 3. pH - Acid / Base concentrations II. Organic Compounds A. Carbohydrates - Contain C, H, and O 1. Include sugars and starches 2. Classified according to size
B. Lipids 1. Triglycerides a. Found in fat deposits b. Source of stored energy 2. Phospholipids a. Phosphate containing group replaces 1 fatty acids b. Form Cell Membranes 3. Steroids - Include: a. Cholesterol
b. Bile salts c. Vitamin D d. Some Hormones C. Proteins - 20 common amino acids are building blocks of body cells 1. Made of amino acids 2. Contain C, O, H, N and sometimes Sulfur 3. Account for over half of the body’s organic matter
a. Provides for construction materials for body tissues b. Plays a vital role in cell function 4. Act as enzymes, hormones, and antibodies a. Enzymes act as biological catalysts b. Enzymes increase the rate of chemical reactions
D. Nucleic Acids 1. Nucleotides 2. DNA 3. RNA E. Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP) 1. Chemical energy used by all body cells 2. High-energy phosphate bonds broken to release energy for work
3. Energy released from food regenerates ATP