MOBILE -LEARNING IN THE MODERN EDUCATIONAL PROCESS O.Novokhatskaya Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia
What is mobile learning? Mobile learning is the use of convenient portable mobile devices and wireless, always available technologies to facilitate, support, optimize and expand learning and learning processes. In this definition, the key words are always available and have access to the Internet
Mobile means of communiation phones: cell phones, smartphones ( Blackberry type), communicators (iPhone); various portable mobile devices: MP3 / 4 players, electronic gaming devices (Nintendo DS), podcast listening devices( IPod), GPS navigators portable computers-portable pocket computer (PCP),tablet computer (IPad)
Advantages of using mobile devices quick access to authentic learning and reference resources and programs anytime, anywhere; constant feedback from the teacher and the learning community; taking into account the individual characteristics of the student-diagnosis of problems, individual learning rate, etc.; increased motivation of trainees through the use of familiar technical means and virtual environment; organization of Autonomous training; create a personalized, professionally oriented student/student learning space; developing skills and abilities for lifelong learning; in-service teacher training.
Results A study was conducted among the students of the 10th grade, where 25 people are studied. The students used the following mobile applications: Mobl21,MediaBoard, Memrise, Mondly. As a result of mobile learning, the following competencies have developed: the ability to improve and develop their General intellectual and cultural level ; the ability to apply modern methods and technologies of organization and implementation of the educational process at various educational levels in various educational institutions ; readiness to use modern technologies of diagnostics and evaluation of the quality of the educational process ; readiness to develop and implement methodological models, methods, technologies and teaching methods, to analyze the results of the process of their use in educational institutions of various types . Several students are motivated to create their own mobile application, which will be aimed at the development of grammatical/lexical skills.
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