Word Dissection Vocabulary # 6
Make a flashcard for each word part. On the back of the card at the top, write the definition for the word part. In the middle, write a sample word and its definition. (Back of card) life Example: biology = study of life On the front of the card, write the word part. (Front of card) bio __
Crat Govern (rule or power) Plutocrat = governed by wealth Examples: Plutocrat = governed by wealth Theocrat = governed by god Monocrat = governed by one Crat Govern (rule or power) Democratism = belief the governing is by the people
Genesis Origin (creation of, production of, source of, or birth of) Examples: Psychogenesis = originates in the mind Anthropogenesis = originates in man Dynamogenesis = origin of power Genesis Origin (creation of, production of, source of, or birth of) Cephalogenesis = originates in the head
___ist Specialist or believer (one who practices..) Examples: Artist = specialist in art Perfectionist = believer in making something perfect ___ist Specialist or believer (one who practices..) Monotheist = believer in one god
___istic Having to do with (favoring or being) Examples: Realistic = having to do with what is real Futuristic = having to do with future ___istic Having to do with (favoring or being) Artistic = having to do with art
___graphy Written about (write or recording about) Examples: Geography = written about the earth Biography = written about life ___graphy Written about (write or recording about) Graphology = the study of writing (handwriting)
Mal__ Bad/poor (badly, poorly, evil) Malformed = formed badly Examples: Malformed = formed badly Maltreatment = bad treatment Mal__ Bad/poor (badly, poorly, evil) Malnutrition = bad nutrition
Con___ With or together (completely) Examples: Concentric = having to do with the center Concolor = with color Con___ With or together (completely) Concentricity = having to do with the center