Class of 2020 Applying to Private Universities
Senior Profile Used to request Letters of Recommendation from GLC’s and Teachers>guidance/glc->class of 2020 You will turn in your Senior Profile to Teachers and GLC writing your letters of recommendation Type directly on Senior Profile… save to computer Print Hard copy, then place in large 10”x13” envelope Email the final copy to GLC
Senior Profile Inside: Senior profile & any paper apps not on common app Stamped and addressed envelope for any school requiring a mailed copy.
Envelope to GLC/Teacher Cover Page: Full Name Id# Phone Email Address Must complete all parts of this cover page. * Place Completed Senior Profile in 10x13 envelope & send as attachment to GLC
Senior Profile *We have 2 due dates. For those applying to schools with early action or early decision, then your due date is September 5th. Anyone using Regular Decision, only, can turn in on September 26th. Due Dates: 1) Early Action and Early Decision - September 5th 2) Regular Decision - September 26th