Contents Background Introduction Vision, Mission and Values Changes made in current plans Strategic Objectives and Targets Budget
Background The NPA is committed to playing its role in the realisation of the goals set by government through the National Development Plan (NDP) The Strategic Plan is still aligned with the Medium Term Strategic Framework (MTSF) The NPA Annual Performance Plan 2017/18 is aligned and links the strategic objectives to the budget structure The NPA Annual Performance Plan 2017/18 is incorporated into the Department of Justice and Constitutional Development as programme 4 Management identified the need to amend the plans to reflect the current situation
Introduction Vision Justice in our society so that people can live in freedom and security Mission To provide justice to the victims of crime by prosecuting without fear, favour or prejudice, and by working with our partners and the public to solve and prevent crime
Values Integrity Demonstrated through ethical conduct, high moral standards, honesty, moral principles and values, zero tolerance to bribery or corruption, keeping promises, truthfulness and being beyond reproach Accountability Depicted by being responsible and answerable for our actions Service Excellence Found in providing first class customer service and complying with the Batho Pele Principles Professionalism Through commitment and dedication, punctuality, competence and professional conduct in and out of court Credibility Depicted in the following behaviour: consistency and the ability to inspire belief or trust
Amendments to the APP The objectives of the NPA are linked to its sub-programmes in terms of its core business No changes have been made on the strategic objectives The NPA has three strategic objectives, namely: Increased successful prosecution Ensure profit is removed from crime Ensure vulnerable and intimidated witnesses and related persons are successfully protected
Amendments to the APP (cont) The strategic objective “Ensure that threatened witnesses and related persons are successfully protected” revised to “Ensure that vulnerable and intimidated witnesses and related persons are successfully protected” to align to the vision and mission for witness protection in terms of the Witness Protection Act The following indicators were removed from the APP : Number of cases finalised with verdict Number of cases finalised through ADRM; To be reported in a consolidated manner as: All criminal/court matters finalised (inclusive of ADRM cases). The target for the number of operational TCCs reduced from 60 to 55 for the MTEF period, due to budgetary constraints.
Amendments to the APP (cont) The following targets were not increased due to optimal performance: Conviction rate: High Courts, Regional Courts, Organised Crime, Trio Crimes and Complex Commercial Crime The following AFU indicators were revised to address queries by Auditor General “Number of Completed forfeiture cases” was changed to a % measurement. The indicator now reads as Percentage of completed forfeiture cases (Target = 96%) Number of freezing orders changed to Percentage of freezing orders obtained Success rate expanded to read as Litigation success rate” This was done to enhance the meaning of success rate in measuring the AFU’s overall performance
NPA Strategic Objective 1: Annual Targets NPA Strategic Objective 1: Increased successful prosecution Sub-programme 1: National Prosecutions Service (NPS) Objective indicator 5 year Strategic Plan target Audited performance Estimated performanc e Medium Term Targets 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 Conviction rate in Courts High Courts 87% 88.8% (911) 91% (890) 90% (910) (897) Regional Courts 74% 76% ( 27 246) 76.6% (25 591) 78.4% (24 958) (26 660) (25 528) (24 396) (23 264) District Courts 88% 93.6% (273 641) 94.2% (268 127) 94.7% (263 377 ) (258 488) (248 301) (238 114) (227 927)
Programme Performance Indicators and Targets NPA Strategic Objective 1: Increased successful prosecution Strategy Prosecute and resolve criminal cases Performance indicators Audited performance Estimated performance Medium Term Targets 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 Conviction rate: complex commercial crime 93.94% (1 099) 94.3% (1 069) 94.1% (951) 93% (937) (928) (918) (909) Conviction rate: organised crime 88.9% (394) 92.2% (474) (359) 90% (435) (269) Conviction rate: sexual offences 67.1% (5 484) 69% (5 084) 70.1% (4 978) (5 753) (4 723) Conviction rate: trio crimes 84.1% (1 597) 82% (1 453) 82.2% (1 391) 85% (1 647) (1 552) (1 552)
Programme Performance Indicators and Targets NPA Strategic Objective 1: Increased successful prosecution Strategy Prosecute and resolve criminal cases Performance indicators Audited performance Estimated performance Medium Term Targets 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 Conviction rate: violent protests and industrial actions prosecuted n\a 72.7% (8) 68.4% (73) 74% (65) (46) Number of persons convicted of corruption or offences related to corruption where the amount involved is more than R5 million 23 (23) 25 (48) 33 26 Number of government officials convicted for corruption or offences related to corruption 532 130 (662) 206 (868) 90 (958) 210 Conviction rate: cybercrime prosecution 94.8% (211) 95.1% (232) 95.7% (244) (161) (256)
Programme Performance Indicators and Targets NPA Strategic Objective 1: Increased successful prosecution Strategy Prosecute and resolve criminal cases Performance indicators Audited performance Estimated performance Medium Term Targets 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 Number of operational Thuthuzela Care Centres (TCC) 38 44 55 60 Conviction rate at TCC reported cases 65.9% (1 554) 65% (1 426 74% (1 835) 67% (1 482) 68% (1 511) (1 526) (1 541)
Strategic Objective 2: Annual Targets NPA Strategic Objective 2: Ensure profit is removed from crime Sub-programme 2: Asset Forfeiture Unit Objective indicator 5 year Strategic Plan target Audited performance Estimated performanc e Medium Term Targets 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 Percentage of completed forfeiture cases 450 390 463 389 430 96% (336/349) (344/351) (351/365) Value of completed forfeiture cases R400m R296.4m R1 939m R349.5m R230m R245m R282m R311m
Programme Performance Indicators and Targets NPA Strategic Objective 2 : Ensure profit is removed from crime Strategy Increase the impact of Asset Forfeiture Performance indicators Audited performance Estimated performance Medium Term Targets 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 Percentage of freezing orders obtained 363 342 326 324 100% Value of freezing orders R701.5m R2 756m R778.9m R1.1bn R789m R993.4m R1bn Value of freezing orders obtained relating to corruption where the amount involved more than R5 million R451.6m R2. 235bn R238.6m (2.473.6bn ) R600m (3.073.6bn) R195m R198m R202m Value of recoveries in terms of Prevention of Organised Crime Act (POCA) R182.8m R130m R441.5m R170.m R190m R210m 252m Litigation Success rate 94.2% (423) 95.1% (442) 96% (393/411) 93%
Programme Performance Indicators and Targets NPA Strategic Objective 2 : Ensure profit is removed from crime Strategy Increase the impact of Asset Forfeiture Performance indicators Audited performance Estimated performance Medium Term Targets 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 Value of recoveries obtained relating to corruption where the amount involved is more than R5 million (proceeds of crime and government losses) n/a R1.553bn R154.8m (R1 707.8m) R50m (R1.757.8bn) R60m R70m R80m Value of recoveries for government officials convicted of corruption and other related offences (proceeds of crime and government losses) R11.1m R1.3m (R12.4m) R300 000 (R12.7m) R400 000 R500 000 R600 000
NPA Strategic Objective 3: Annual Targets NPA Strategic Objective 3: Ensure that vulnerable and intimidated persons are successfully protected Sub-programme 3: Office for Witness Protection Objective indicator 5 year Strategic Plan target Audited performance Estimated performanc e Medium Term Targets 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 Number of witnesses and related persons harmed, threatened or killed whilst on the Witness Protection Programme
Programme Performance Indicators and Targets NPA Strategic Objective 3: Ensure that vulnerable and intimidated persons are successfully protected Strategy Enhance the implementation of Witness Protection Services Performance indicators Audited performance Estimated performance Medium Term Targets 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 Percentage of witnesses and related persons that walked off the Witness Protection Programme 3.7% 1.2% 1.5%
Budget vs Expenditure 2016/17
Budget vs Expenditure per Economic Classification as at 15 March 2017 ENE Budget Allocation Actual Exp as at 15th of March 2015 Projected Expenditure till the end of the FY ENE Budget Available % Spend Adjusted budget Compensation of Employees 3 007 463 2 990 320 3 038 533 -31 070 101.03% Goods and Services 486 867 456 954 466 715 20 152 95.86% Households 7 565 10 213 10 563 -2 998 139.63% Machinery & Equipment 45 605 31 198 31 854 13 751 69.85% Departmental Agencies and Accounts 8 565 8 611 -46 100.54% Payment for Financial Assets 1 440 1 126 1 229 211 85.35% Grand Total 3 557 505 3 498 422 100.00%
Budget vs Expenditure per Economic Classification as at 15 March 2017 R’thousand ENE Budget Allocation Actual Exp as at 15th of March 2015 Projected Expenditure till the end of the FY ENE Budget Available % Spend Adjusted budget National Prosecutions Service 2 789 142 2 729 079 2 777 169 11 973 99.57% Asset Forfeiture Unit 127 126 123 828 125 919 1 207 99.05% Office for Witness Protection 169 519 183 233 184 328 -14 809 108.74% Support Services 471 718 462 282 470 089 1 629 99.65% Total 3 557 505 3 498 422 100.00%
MTEF Allocation 2016/17 – 2019/20
Adjusted Appropriation Overall Budget growth: MTEF R’thousand 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 Audited Outcome Adjusted Appropriation Medium Term estimates National Prosecuting Authority 3 068 163 3 254 123 3 374 346 3 557 505 3 684 311 3 836 849 4 116 297 % Growth 6.06% 3.69% 5.43% 3.56% 4.14% 7.28% Average growth of 5.10% over MTEF period Consumer Price Index (CPIX) - 6.6% (2016/17) Cost of Living Adjustment (CoLA) - CPIX + 1% (2016/17 and 2017/18)
MTEF Budget Allocation per Sub-Programme R’thousand 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 Original budget R’000 Medium Term estimates National Prosecutions Service 2 789 142 2 897 010 3 011 334 3 236 426 Asset Forfeiture Unit 127 126 131 909 137 622 147 682 Office for Witness Protection 169 519 175 683 184 165 196 280 Support Services 471 718 479 709 503 728 535 909 Total 3 557 505 3 684 311 3 836 849 4 116 297 5.43% 3.56% 4.14% 7.28%
2016/17 Budget allocation per Sub-Programme
MTEF Budget Allocation: Growth in Sub-Programme
MTEF Budget Allocation per Economic Classification R’thousand 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 Adjusted Appropriation Medium Term estimates Compensation of Employees 3 007 463 3 111 219 3 229 218 3 474 639 Goods and Services 488 307 514 285 546 172 565 835 Households 7 565 7 942 8 403 8 874 Machinery & Equipment 45 605 41 872 43 541 56 901 Departmental Agencies and Accounts 8 565 8 993 9 515 10 048 Total 3 557 505 3 684 311 3 836 849 4 116 297 3.56% 4.14% 7.28%
2016/17 Budget allocation per Economic Classification
MTEF Budget Allocation – Growth in Economic Classification
Projected overspend on Compensation of Employees (CoE) – 2017/18 Economic Classification Original budget 2017/18 Projected expenditure (Incl. COLA) Performance Bonuses and Notches Projected Total Expenditure Variance Compensation of Employees 3 229 218 3 211 308 54 000 3 265 308 -36 090 NB: This is the projected overspend if the personnel numbers remain unchanged - 7.3% COLA for all levels including SMS and Performance Bonuses reduction
Continued Interventions to curb COE expenditure Non filling of vacant positions Continue to explore more interventions to re-organise work and responsibilities - provide support with current available resources. Aspirant prosecutor programme still on hold
Impact of reduced CoE Non-filling of vacancies will results in: Increase in backlog cases Absenteeism due to increased pressure of existing staff Increased cost on EWP services Limited availability of prosecutors and negative impact on court performance Threats to witnesses due to reduction of protection services
Forward funding needs (2018) Staffing establishment of the new DPP Offices in Polokwane and Mpumalanga. New Additional 53 post with total cost of R 33,8 million (R108 million over MTEF) Enrolment of the Aspirant Prosecutor Programme (100 at cost of R38 million per year – R 109 million over MTEF)
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