Rocky Top Engineers|SC-2K| D212-1 Michelle Claxton, Nathan Fischbach, Mike Mench, and Colton Taylor | EF 152 Spring, 2019 | April 4, 2019
Customer requirements/product selection Our target audience is anyone that is missing all or part of one of their arms. This includes people that lost their limbs in an accident or were born that way. Our product also can be helpful for people that have muscle deficiencies. We came up with multiple ideas before we decided on this one and thought about pros and cons of each of the following options an arm that can open and close with servo motor, a live physical depiction of any sports game so a blind person can follow by feel, a steering wheel that can adjust for people with Parkinson's disease We chose our product because we felt that it would have the most benefit, a simple and easy design and was the most cost efficient.
Conceptual Design
Actual Design Additions: Second arm Back Piece Laser cut box
Customer feedback and Results We reached out to the CEO of Knoxville’s Amputee Coalition, Jack Richmond. He is an amputee below the knee and his wife is an amputee below the shoulder. He stated: "Your design seems to be applicable and useful to the community. I know people who will benefit and appreciate your design." -Jack Richmond He also gave us advice regarding the construction of our design because he has over 20 years of experience manufacturing prosthetics. He said that we should have a user-friendly and easy to use device.
Cost and Time Estimates Design/Prototyping material costs- $44.50 Material cost for 1000 units- $15,159 Retail price for one unit- $99.99 Design time (man-hours)- 12 hours per person = 48 Hours
Brief Summary / Conclusions This product is made to assist in the daily task of cutting food for someone without an arm Feedback from leaders of this demographic have stated that this idea has legitimate potential to be effective in its task to help as an assisted technology The materials which we had access to were not of industrial quality, so we believe that an upgrade in materials would be incredibly beneficial to the design This demonstration is meant to be a proof of concept, that this product CAN work and CAN be improved upon