ELT Material Development Week 1 Course Intro, Syllabus & Life Map Mini Lesson 1
Needs Analysis Background Information Course Expectations Challenges and concerns about being or becoming an English teacher 2
What do you want to know about me? I’ll give you several minutes to ask me some personal questions. Although one of my hobbies is lying, I promise not to lie…today
Housekeeping: Name Cards English Nickname: _________ Email address: ______________ Phone #: __________________ Your Picture Something about your self:_________ ______________________________ 4
Syllabus & Assessment 5
Attendance & Participation (30%) Attendance is mandatory. Participants who arrive to class 10 minutes or more after the start of class will be considered late. Participants who are late 3 times will receive 1 absence. Any participant who misses ¼ or more of all class meetings WILL receive an F in the course. More important than attendance is participation.
Homework on readings (20%) It is essential to be prepared for each class by completing the required readings. This will provide you with the background knowledge on the topic and allow you to participate actively in the class discussion. In order to ensure that you have read the required readings for class, you will be expected to do a short homework assignment for the reading. This homework assignment involves answering the guiding reading questions presented at the beginning of each reading. These homework assignments are to be submitted at the beginning of class. Late submissions will NOT be accepted.
Materials Portfolio (50%) 500 points Authentic listening & reading activities (100) Vocabulary building materials (100) Inductive teaching and discovery learning activities (100) Personalized, contextualized freer communicative practice activities (100) Task-based learning and performance assessment activities (100)
Homework for Next Week Read and answer the questions to Tomlinson’s “Humanizing the coursebook” Questions p. 7. Reading pages 8-14.
Sample Lesson When I do sample lessons, you will role play the students: How old would you be? What kind of Ss would you be? Hardworking? Quiet? Shy? Extroverted? Studious? Would you have taken an English class before or is it your first time in an English class? What would be your strongest skill; your weakest skill? (listening, speaking, reading, writing) What kind of errors would you make? 10
Life Map Mini Lesson Be yourself today, but as I do the lesson think about: What materials did I use in this mini-lesson? What made them relevant?
Mini-Lesson 12
Growing Up Discuss in groups: What are some important events in your life? What experiences have been the most influential or have made the biggest difference in your life?
Discuss these words. What do they mean? graduate graduation to move be born attend learn to date go out with contest competition break up break up with Use the sentences on handout to help you.
move learn to date attend graduate contest break up be born I won the ___ . I got a prize. I will _____ middle school next year. I ______ from high school. Now I’m going to university. I _______ ride a bike from my father. I was _______ in August in the year of the monkey. I ________ with my boyfriend last week. There’s a girl I want to ______ , but she keeps saying no. My family and I _____ to a new apartment last month. 15
Life Map 16
Step One Make a list of events from your life: important interesting/exciting sad scary fun embarrassing/funny being born… traveling to Egypt… father died… falling into a hornet nest… night climb of Soraksan… teaching with zipper down.. 17
Share list with partner. Add ideas. A: What was one of your …. experiences? B: My …. experience was …. What was one of your … experiences? A: My …. experience was …. <continue taking turns> Kinds of experiences: fun exciting interesting embarrassing scary funny sad
Step Two Count the number of your events (at least 6 no more than 12) Make a column of numbers Put events in order: First, second, next, and then… being born move & change schools falling into hornet nest traveling to Egypt getting arrested for climbing pyramid summer in NYC father died teaching with zipper down night climb of Soraksan being born… traveling to Egypt… father died… falling into a hornet nest… night climb of Soraksan… teaching with zipper down.. 19
Step Three One a sheet of blank paper draw a single, wavy line Make dots on the wavy line for each event in your life. Then write the name of the event next to each dot (1-4 words) Draw a picture for each event 20
Life Map Draw Pictures 21
Some Vocabulary Look at the sentences on this worksheet. Discuss what the underlined words mean? Do you know other words that will help you to describe important life experiences? What are they make a list on the back of your paper
In your discussion did you mention some of these words? graduate graduation to move be born attend learn to surgery/operation pass away date go out with contest competition break up break up with funeral go abroad/overseas
Life Map 24
Brainstorming Think about some of the different experiences in your life. Put them in one of the five columns. Important/ influential Interesting/ exciting sad/ disappointing scary/ stressful embarrassing/ funny being born night climb of Soraksan coming to Korea going to Egypt summer in NYC father died Miguel shot falling into hornets nest arrested in Egypt teaching with my zipper down naked guy in subway singing Bonkja
Share list with partner. Add ideas. A: What are some of your …. experiences? B: Some of my …. experiences are …. <continue taking turns>
Sequencing Count the number of your events (at least 8 no more than 15) Make a column of numbers Put events in order: First, second, next, and then… being born move & change schools falling into hornet nest traveling to Egypt getting arrested for climbing pyramid summer in NYC father died teaching with zipper down night climb of Soraksan being born… traveling to Egypt… father died… falling into a hornet nest… night climb of Soraksan… teaching with zipper down.. 27
Making the Life Map One a sheet of blank paper draw a single, wavy line Make dots on the wavy line for each event in your life. Then write the name of the event next to each dot (1-4 words) Draw a picture for each event 28
Life Map Homework: Draw Pictures 29
Remake groups Ask and answer Qs about your life maps A: What was one of your ………… experiences? B: One of my …… experiences was ……. A: <ask other follow-up Qs> Switch roles Important/ influential Interesting/ exciting sad/ disappointing scary/ stressful embarrassing/ funny
Life Map Processing Qs What are the receptive skills? What are the productive skills? What were the “language learning materials” used in the mini-lesson? What were the characteristics of those materials? What skill did the icebreaker focus on? Could you use this activity in your own class? What changes might you need to make? Why would you need to make them? How could you adapt this activity to other skills? 31