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GIPS Presentation Quarter ending September 30, 2019 Client Name Presented by Name, Title Date For one-on-one use only. Not for inspection by, distribution or quotation to, the general public.
Table of Contents Institutional SMA GPMM For one-on-one use only. Not for inspection by, distribution or quotation to, the general public.
Institutional For one-on-one use only. Not for inspection by, distribution or quotation to, the general public.
Schedule of Composite Performance Voya Concentrated Growth Composite Russell 1000 Growth Composite 3-Yr Benchmark 3-Yr Dispersion of Number of Assets in this Total Firm CONGR Year Gross Returns (%) Net Returns (%) Returns (%) St Dev (%) St Dev (%) Portfolio Returns (%) Portfolios Composite ($mm) Assets ($mm) High Low 2018 1.62 0.91 (1.51) 11.94 12.13 1.62 1.62 ≤5 3 106,335 2018 2017 28.70 27.83 30.21 10.92 10.54 28.70 28.70 ≤5 3 113,387 2017 2016 2016 4.57 3.85 7.08 NA NA 4.57 4.57 ≤5 2 99,889 2015 8.49 7.74 5.67 NA NA 8.49 8.49 ≤5 2 94,574 2015 Voya Investment Management claims compliance with the Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS®) and has prepared and presented this report in compliance with the GIPS Standards. Voya Investment Management has been independently verified for the period January 1, 1996, through December 31, 2018. Verification assesses whether (1) the firm has complied with all of the composite construction requirements of the GIPS standards on a firm-wide basis and (2) the firm's policies and procedures are designed to calculate and present performance in compliance with the GIPS standards. The Voya Concentrated Growth Composite has been examined for the periods 2015-2016. The verification and performance examination reports are available upon request. Notes: Firm Definition: Voya Investment Management (the "Firm") is defined as all accounts managed by Voya Investment Management Co. LLC and its subsidiary Voya Investment Trust Co., but not including collateralized debt obligation structures, long/short hedge funds, structured mortgage derivative portfolios, or specialized accounts supporting the reinsurance arrangements of affiliated insurance companies. Composite Definition: This is an actively managed strategy that relies on fundamental research and analysis to identify companies with strong and accelerating business momentum, increasing market acceptance, and attractive valuations. The objective is to outperform the Russell 1000 Growth Index with moderate tracking error over full market cycles. Portfolio valuations and returns for this composite are computed and stated in U.S. dollars. No minimum has been set for inclusion in the composite. This composite was incepted and created on January 1, 2015. As of 12/31/2018, 100% of the assets in this composite were non-fee-paying portfolios. Benchmark Definition: Returns are benchmarked to the Russell 1000 Growth Index, which does not incur management fees, transaction costs, or other expenses associated with a composite portfolio. The Russell 1000 Index includes approximately 1000 of the largest capitalization securities within the float-adjusted, market-capitalization- weighted Russell 3000 Index. The Russell 1000 Growth Index includes those Russell 1000 Index companies with higher price-to-book ratios and higher forecasted growth values. Treatment of Fees & Expenses: Gross-of-fees returns are presented before management and custodial fees but after all trading expenses. Net-of-fees returns are calculated by deducting a hypothetical management fee from the gross return on a monthly basis and geometrically linking the results to produce annual returns shown. The hypothetical management fee is equal to the highest fee from any fee schedule offered at the time for the strategy shown. While fee schedules can change over time, any amended fee resulting from a change will not be retroactively applied to performance history, but will rather be applied on a prospective basis from the point of change. The annual management fee will vary according to the size of the account, and will depend on the type of investment vehicle selected. The current fee schedule for this strategy is: 0.70% on the first $25 million; 0.60% on the next $75 million; 0.55% on the next $150 million; 0.40% on the next $250 million; and 0.30% over $500 million. However, fee schedules may differ for pooled trusts or other types of investment vehicles. Further information regarding applicable fee schedules is available upon request. Explanation of Risk Measures: "Dispersion of Portfolio Returns" presented for each annual period is based on gross-of-fees returns and is equal to the highest and lowest annual return among the portfolios that are included in the composite for the full year. "Composite 3-Yr St Dev" and "Benchmark 3-Yr St Dev" are rolling 3-year standard deviation calculations, which measure the variability of the monthly performance returns for the composite and benchmark index return over the preceding 36-month period on an annualized basis. If the composite has not been in existence for at least 3 years as of a particular year-end, then “NA” will be displayed. Other Notes: Policies for valuing portfolios, calculating performance, and preparing compliant presentations, as well as a complete list of composite descriptions, are available upon request. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. For one-on-one use only. Not for inspection by, distribution or quotation to, the general public.
Schedule of Composite Performance Voya Corporate Leaders ® 100 Composite S&P 500 Composite 3-Yr Benchmark 3-Yr Dispersion of Number of Assets in this Total Firm DCE_C Year Gross Returns (%) Net Returns (%) Returns (%) St Dev (%) St Dev (%) Portfolio Returns (%) Portfolios Composite ($mm) Assets ($mm) High Low 2018 (6.29) (6.76) (4.38) 10.92 10.80 (6.29) (6.29) ≤5 865 106,335 2018 2017 19.90 19.32 21.83 10.50 9.92 19.90 19.90 ≤5 1,084 113,387 2017 2016 12.32 11.87 11.96 10.91 10.59 12.32 12.32 ≤5 918 99,889 2016 2015 (0.69) (1.09) 1.38 10.94 10.47 (0.69) (0.69) ≤5 885 94,574 2015 2014 14.39 13.94 13.69 8.89 8.97 14.39 14.39 ≤5 756 100,577 2014 2013 34.66 34.13 32.39 12.26 11.94 34.66 34.66 ≤5 510 93,084 2013 2012 17.05 16.59 16.00 15.64 15.09 17.05 17.05 ≤5 364 76,532 2012 2011 2.77 2.36 2.11 19.61 18.71 2.77 2.77 ≤5 10 65,776 2011 2010 16.13 15.67 15.06 22.68 21.85 16.12 16.12 ≤5 10 60,236 2010 2009 33.18 32.66 26.46 20.38 19.63 33.49 32.69 ≤5 15 61,643 2009 Voya Investment Management claims compliance with the Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS®) and has prepared and presented this report in compliance with the GIPS Standards. Voya Investment Management has been independently verified for the period January 1, 1996, through December 31, 2018. The verification report is available upon request. Verification assesses whether (1) the firm has complied with all of the composite construction requirements of the GIPS standards on a firm-wide basis and (2) the firm's policies and procedures are designed to calculate and present performance in compliance with the GIPS standards. Verification does not ensure the accuracy of any specific composite presentation. Notes: Firm Definition: Voya Investment Management (the "Firm") is defined as all accounts managed by Voya Investment Management Co. LLC and its subsidiary Voya Investment Trust Co., but not including collateralized debt obligation structures, long/short hedge funds, structured mortgage derivative portfolios, or specialized accounts supporting the reinsurance arrangements of affiliated insurance companies. Composite Definition: This is a disciplined, equal weighted strategy designed to outperform the S&P 500 Index by investing 1% in each of the 100 companies in the S&P 100 Index. The Fund's investment portfolio will be rebalanced quarterly to re-align the Fund's holdings to 1% weightings. Portfolio valuations and returns for this composite are computed and stated in U.S. dollars. A $1 million minimum has been set for inclusion in the composite. This composite was incepted and created on January 1, 2004. Benchmark Definition: Returns are benchmarked to the S&P 500 Index, which does not incur management fees, transaction costs, or other expenses associated with a composite portfolio. The S&P 500 is a market-capitalization-weighted index of 500 large cap U.S. equities considered to be leading companies in leading industries. Treatment of Fees & Expenses: Gross-of-fees returns are presented before management and custodial fees but after all trading expenses. Net-of-fees returns are calculated by deducting a hypothetical management fee from the gross return on a monthly basis and geometrically linking the results to produce annual returns shown. The hypothetical management fee is equal to the highest fee from any fee schedule offered at the time for the strategy shown. While fee schedules can change over time, any amended fee resulting from a change will not be retroactively applied to performance history, but will rather be applied on a prospective basis from the point of change. The annual management fee will vary according to the size of the account, and will depend on the type of investment vehicle selected. The current fee schedule for this strategy is: 0.50% on the first $500 million; 0.45% on the next $500 million; and 0.40% over $1 billion. However, fee schedules may differ for pooled trusts or other types of investment vehicles. Further information regarding applicable fee schedules is available upon request. Explanation of Risk Measures: "Dispersion of Portfolio Returns" presented for each annual period is based on gross-of-fees returns and is equal to the highest and lowest annual return among the portfolios that are included in the composite for the full year. "Composite 3-Yr St Dev" and "Benchmark 3-Yr St Dev" are rolling 3-year standard deviation calculations, which measure the variability of the monthly performance returns for the composite and benchmark index return over the preceding 36-month period on an annualized basis. If the composite has not been in existence for at least 3 years as of a particular year-end, then “NA” will be displayed. Other Notes: Policies for valuing portfolios, calculating performance, and preparing compliant presentations, as well as a complete list of composite descriptions, are available upon request. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. For one-on-one use only. Not for inspection by, distribution or quotation to, the general public.
Schedule of Composite Performance Voya Global Equity Dividend Composite MSCI World - Net Composite 3-Yr Benchmark 3-Yr Dispersion of Portfolio Number of Assets in this Total Firm Assets IGED Year Gross Returns (%) Net Returns (%) Returns (%) St Dev (%) St Dev (%) Returns (%) Portfolios Composite ($mm) ($mm) High Low 2018 (10.84) (11.11) (8.71) 10.24 10.38 (10.84) (10.84) ≤5 0.11 106,335 2018 2017 17.95 17.60 22.40 11.09 10.23 17.95 17.95 ≤5 0.13 113,387 2017 2016 10.96 10.63 7.51 11.65 10.92 10.96 10.96 ≤5 0.11 99,889 2016 2015 (5.03) (5.31) (0.87) 11.18 10.80 (5.03) (5.03) ≤5 0.10 94,574 2015 2014 2.57 2.26 4.94 9.58 10.23 2.57 2.57 ≤5 0.10 100,577 2014 2013 24.13 23.77 26.68 NA NA 24.13 24.13 ≤5 0.24 93,084 2013 2012 13.47 13.13 15.83 NA NA 13.47 13.47 ≤5 0.19 76,532 2012 2011* (6.02) (6.16) (10.29) NA NA NA NA ≤5 65,776 2011 *Cumulative return for the period is from July 1, 2011 (inception of strategy) to December 31, 2011 Voya Investment Management claims compliance with the Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS®) and has prepared and presented this report in compliance with the GIPS Standards. Voya Investment Management has been independently verified for the period January 1, 1996, through December 31, 2018. The verification report is available upon request. Verification assesses whether (1) the firm has complied with all of the composite construction requirements of the GIPS standards on a firm-wide basis and (2) the firm's policies and procedures are designed to calculate and present performance in compliance with the GIPS standards. Verification does not ensure the accuracy of any specific composite presentation. Notes: Firm Definition: Voya Investment Management (the "Firm") is defined as all accounts managed by Voya Investment Management Co. LLC and its subsidiary Voya Investment Trust Co., but not including collateralized debt obligation structures, long/short hedge funds, structured mortgage derivative portfolios, or specialized accounts supporting the reinsurance arrangements of affiliated insurance companies. Composite Definition: This is an actively managed strategy that uses a global, value-based, bottom-up approach to investing in companies, using dividend yield as the main valuation criterion. Portfolio valuations and returns for this composite are computed and stated in U.S. dollars. No minimum has been set for inclusion in the composite. This composite was created and incepted on July 1, 2011. Benchmark Definition: Returns are benchmarked to the MSCI World Net Index, which does not incur management fees, transaction costs, or other expenses associated with a composite portfolio. The MSCI World Index captures free float-adjusted large and mid-capitalization equities across developed-market countries around the world. The “Net” version of this index assumes the deduction of a withholding tax on dividend income applicable to non-resident, institutional investors who do not benefit from double taxation treaties. Returns presented for the benchmark index assumes the reinvestment of dividends after the deduction of withholding taxes, using (for international indices) a tax rate applicable to non-resident institutional investors who do not benefit from double taxation treaties. Treatment of Fees & Expenses: Gross-of-fees returns are presented before management and custodial fees but after all trading expenses. Net-of-fees returns are calculated by deducting a hypothetical management fee from the gross return on a monthly basis and geometrically linking the results to produce annual returns shown. The hypothetical management fee is equal to the highest fee from any fee schedule offered at the time for the strategy shown. While fee schedules can change over time, any amended fee resulting from a change will not be retroactively applied to performance history, but will rather be applied on a prospective basis from the point of change. The annual management fee will vary according to the size of the account, and will depend on the type of investment vehicle selected. The current fee schedule for this strategy is: 0.30% at 100% of the assets under management. However, fee schedules may differ for pooled trusts or other types of investment vehicles. Further information regarding applicable fee schedules is available upon request. Explanation of Risk Measures: ”Dispersion of Portfolio Returns" presented for each annual period is calculated using the asset-weighted standard deviation of the annual returns of all portfolios that were included in the composite for the entire year. "Composite 3-Yr St Dev" and "Benchmark 3-Yr St Dev" are rolling 3-year standard deviation calculations, which measure the variability of the monthly performance returns for the composite and benchmark index return over the preceding 36-month period on an annualized basis. If the composite has not been in existence for at least 3 years as of a particular year-end, then “NA” will be displayed. Other Notes: Policies for valuing portfolios, calculating performance, and preparing compliant presentations, as well as a complete list of composite descriptions, are available upon request. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. For one-on-one use only. Not for inspection by, distribution or quotation to, the general public.
Schedule of Composite Performance Voya Global Multi-Asset Composite S&P Target Risk Growth Composite 3-Yr Benchmark 3-Yr Dispersion of Number of Assets in this Total Firm GMA_C Year Gross Returns (%) Net Returns (%) Returns (%) St Dev (%) St Dev (%) Portfolio Returns (%) Portfolios Composite ($mm) Assets ($mm) High Low 2018 (7.56) (8.07) (5.69) 7.63 6.42 (7.56) (7.56) ≤5 135 106,335 2018 2017 18.78 18.14 15.93 6.91 6.10 18.78 18.78 ≤5 164 113,387 2017 2016 7.47 6.89 6.77 7.75 6.83 7.47 7.47 ≤5 155 99,889 2016 2015 (1.03) (1.57) (0.94) 7.90 6.92 (1.03) (1.03) ≤5 163 94,574 2015 2014 3.34 2.78 6.30 7.59 6.39 3.34 3.34 ≤5 183 100,577 2014 2013 15.43 14.81 16.03 9.16 8.00 15.43 15.43 ≤5 201 93,084 2013 2012 14.11 13.49 11.44 NA NA 14.11 14.11 ≤5 193 76,532 2012 2011 (0.78) (1.33) 1.30 NA NA (0.78) (0.78) ≤5 200 65,776 2011 2010* 12.25 12.09 11.95 NA NA NA NA ≤5 241 60,236 2010* *Cumulative return for the period is from September 1, 2010 (inception of strategy) to December 31, 2010. Voya Investment Management claims compliance with the Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS®) and has prepared and presented this report in compliance with the GIPS Standards. Voya Investment Management has been independently verified for the period January 1, 1996, through December 31, 2018. The verification report is available upon request. Verification assesses whether (1) the firm has complied with all of the composite construction requirements of the GIPS standards on a firm-wide basis and (2) the firm's policies and procedures are designed to calculate and present performance in compliance with the GIPS standards. Verification does not ensure the accuracy of any specific composite presentation. Notes: Firm Definition: Voya Investment Management (the "Firm") is defined as all accounts managed by Voya Investment Management Co. LLC and its subsidiary Voya Investment Trust Co., but not including collateralized debt obligation structures, long/short hedge funds, structured mortgage derivative portfolios, or specialized accounts supporting the reinsurance arrangements of affiliated insurance companies. Composite Definition: This is an actively managed investment strategy that seeks total return through diversified global exposure to equity and fixed income combined with tactical allocations across markets seeking to capitalize on value dislocations. The objective is to outperform S&P Target Risk Growth Index before management fees over a full market cycle. Portfolio valuations and returns for this composite are computed and stated in U.S. dollars. A $50 million minimum has been set for inclusion in the composite. This composite was incepted and created on September 1, 2010. Benchmark Definition: Returns are benchmarked to the S&P Target Risk Growth Index, which does not incur management fees, transaction costs, or other expenses associated with a composite portfolio. The S&P Target Risk Growth Index seeks to provide increased exposure to equities, while also using some fixed income exposure to dampen risk. Securities prices used to value the benchmark index for the purposes of calculating total return may or may not differ significantly from those used to value securities held within composite portfolios. Treatment of Fees & Expenses: Gross-of-fees returns are presented before management and custodial fees but after all trading expenses. Net-of-fees returns are calculated by deducting a hypothetical management fee from the gross return on a monthly basis and geometrically linking the results to produce annual returns shown. The hypothetical management fee is equal to the highest fee from any fee schedule offered at the time for the strategy shown. While fee schedules can change over time, any amended fee resulting from a change will not be retroactively applied to performance history, but will rather be applied on a prospective basis from the point of change. The annual management fee will vary according to the size of the account, and will depend on the type of investment vehicle selected. The current fee schedule for this strategy is: 0.55% at 100% of the assets under management. However, fee schedules may differ for pooled trusts or other types of investment vehicles. Further information regarding applicable fee schedules is available upon request. Explanation of Risk Measures: "Dispersion of Portfolio Returns" presented for each annual period is based on gross-of-fees returns and is equal to the highest and lowest annual return among the portfolios that are included in the composite for the full year. "Composite 3-Yr St Dev" and "Benchmark 3-Yr St Dev" are rolling 3-year standard deviation calculations, which measure the variability of the monthly performance returns for the composite and benchmark index return over the preceding 36-month period on an annualized basis. If the composite has not been in existence for at least 3 years as of a particular year-end, then “NA” will be displayed. Other Notes: The investment strategy makes regular use of various types of derivatives instruments including options, futures, forwards, and swaps, used exclusively for purposes of beta management and currency hedging. Derivatives in general will be used when the sum of market exposures inherent in the underlying investment strategies does not match the client's benchmark. Long and short positions can be taken in various markets and currencies to bridge the gap between actual and desired exposures. Policies for valuing portfolios, calculating performance, and preparing compliant presentations, as well as a complete list of composite descriptions, are available upon request. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. For one-on-one use only. Not for inspection by, distribution or quotation to, the general public.
Schedule of Composite Performance Voya Global Volatility Controlled Alpha Composite MSCI World - Net Composite 3-Yr Benchmark 3-Yr Dispersion of Portfolio Number of Assets in this Total Firm Assets GLHDLV Year Gross Returns (%) Net Returns (%) Returns (%) St Dev (%) St Dev (%) Returns (%) Portfolios Composite ($mm) ($mm) High Low 2018 (8.57) (8.94) (8.71) NA NA NA NA ≤5 781 106,335 2018 2017 20.99 20.51 22.40 NA NA 20.99 20.99 ≤5 10 113,387 2017 Voya Investment Management claims compliance with the Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS®) and has prepared and presented this report in compliance with the GIPS Standards. Voya Investment Management has been independently verified for the period January 1, 1996, through December 31, 2018. The verification report is available upon request. Verification assesses whether (1) the firm has complied with all of the composite construction requirements of the GIPS standards on a firm-wide basis and (2) the firm's policies and procedures are designed to calculate and present performance in compliance with the GIPS standards. Verification does not ensure the accuracy of any specific composite presentation. Notes: Firm Definition: Voya Investment Management (the "Firm") is defined as all accounts managed by Voya Investment Management Co. LLC and its subsidiary Voya Investment Trust Co., but not including collateralized debt obligation structures, long/short hedge funds, structured mortgage derivative portfolios, or specialized accounts supporting the reinsurance arrangements of affiliated insurance companies. Composite Definition: This is an actively managed global equity strategy designed to maximize total returns at lower levels of volatility relative to its respective benchmark. Stock selection is model-driven. Portfolio valuations and returns for this composite are computed and stated in U.S. dollars. No minimum has been set for inclusion in the composite. This composite was created and incepted on January 1, 2017. Benchmark Definition: Returns are benchmarked to the MSCI World Net Index, which does not incur management fees, transaction costs, or other expenses associated with a composite portfolio. The MSCI World Index captures free float-adjusted large and mid-capitalization equities across developed-market countries around the world. The “Net” version of this index assumes the deduction of a withholding tax on dividend income applicable to non-resident, institutional investors who do not benefit from double taxation treaties. Returns presented for the benchmark index assumes the reinvestment of dividends after the deduction of withholding taxes, using (for international indices) a tax rate applicable to non-resident institutional investors who do not benefit from double taxation treaties. Treatment of Fees & Expenses: Gross-of-fees returns are presented before management and custodial fees but after all trading expenses. Net-of-fees returns are calculated by deducting a hypothetical management fee from the gross return on a monthly basis and geometrically linking the results to produce annual returns shown. The hypothetical management fee is equal to the highest fee from any fee schedule offered at the time for the strategy shown. While fee schedules can change over time, any amended fee resulting from a change will not be retroactively applied to performance history, but will rather be applied on a prospective basis from the point of change. The annual management fee will vary according to the size of the account, and will depend on the type of investment vehicle selected. The current fee schedule for this strategy is: 0.40% at 100% of the assets under management. However, fee schedules may differ for pooled trusts or other types of investment vehicles. Further information regarding applicable fee schedules is available upon request. Explanation of Risk Measures: ”Dispersion of Portfolio Returns" presented for each annual period is calculated using the asset-weighted standard deviation of the annual returns of all portfolios that were included in the composite for the entire year. "Composite 3-Yr St Dev" and "Benchmark 3-Yr St Dev" are rolling 3-year standard deviation calculations, which measure the variability of the monthly performance returns for the composite and benchmark index return over the preceding 36-month period on an annualized basis. If the composite has not been in existence for at least 3 years as of a particular year-end, then “NA” will be displayed. Other Notes: Policies for valuing portfolios, calculating performance, and preparing compliant presentations, as well as a complete list of composite descriptions, are available upon request. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. For one-on-one use only. Not for inspection by, distribution or quotation to, the general public.
Schedule of Composite Performance Voya US Volatility Controlled Alpha Composite Russell 1000 Composite 3-Yr Benchmark 3-Yr Dispersion of Portfolio Number of Assets in this Total Firm Assets USHDL Year Gross Returns (%) Net Returns (%) Returns (%) St Dev (%) St Dev (%) Returns (%) Portfolios Composite ($mm) ($mm) High Low 2018 (3.46) (3.75) (4.78) NA NA (3.46) (3.46) ≤5 131 106,335 2018 2017 18.64 18.29 21.69 NA NA 18.64 18.64 ≤5 21 113,387 2017 Voya Investment Management claims compliance with the Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS®) and has prepared and presented this report in compliance with the GIPS Standards. Voya Investment Management has been independently verified for the period January 1, 1996, through December 31, 2018. The verification report is available upon request. Verification assesses whether (1) the firm has complied with all of the composite construction requirements of the GIPS standards on a firm-wide basis and (2) the firm's policies and procedures are designed to calculate and present performance in compliance with the GIPS standards. Verification does not ensure the accuracy of any specific composite presentation. Notes: Firm Definition: Voya Investment Management (the "Firm") is defined as all accounts managed by Voya Investment Management Co. LLC and its subsidiary Voya Investment Trust Co., but not including collateralized debt obligation structures, long/short hedge funds, structured mortgage derivative portfolios, or specialized accounts supporting the reinsurance arrangements of affiliated insurance companies. Composite Definition: This is an actively managed equity strategy designed to maximize total returns at lower levels of volatility relative to its respective benchmark. Stock selection is model-driven. Portfolio valuations and returns for this composite are computed and stated in U.S. dollars. No minimum has been set for inclusion in the composite. This composite was created and incepted on January 1, 2017. Benchmark Definition: Returns are benchmarked to the Russell 1000 Index, which does not incur management fees, transaction costs, or other expenses associated with a composite portfolio. The Russell 1000 Index includes approximately 1000 of the largest capitalization securities within the float-adjusted, market-capitalization- weighted Russell 3000 Index. Treatment of Fees & Expenses: Gross-of-fees returns are presented before management and custodial fees but after all trading expenses. Net-of-fees returns are calculated by deducting a hypothetical management fee from the gross return on a monthly basis and geometrically linking the results to produce annual returns shown. The hypothetical management fee is equal to the highest fee from any fee schedule offered at the time for the strategy shown. While fee schedules can change over time, any amended fee resulting from a change will not be retroactively applied to performance history, but will rather be applied on a prospective basis from the point of change. The annual management fee will vary according to the size of the account, and will depend on the type of investment vehicle selected. The current fee schedule for this strategy is: 0.30% at 100% of the assets under management. However, fee schedules may differ for pooled trusts or other types of investment vehicles. Further information regarding applicable fee schedules is available upon request. Explanation of Risk Measures: ”Dispersion of Portfolio Returns" presented for each annual period is calculated using the asset-weighted standard deviation of the annual returns of all portfolios that were included in the composite for the entire year. "Composite 3-Yr St Dev" and "Benchmark 3-Yr St Dev" are rolling 3-year standard deviation calculations, which measure the variability of the monthly performance returns for the composite and benchmark index return over the preceding 36-month period on an annualized basis. If the composite has not been in existence for at least 3 years as of a particular year-end, then “NA” will be displayed. Other Notes: Policies for valuing portfolios, calculating performance, and preparing compliant presentations, as well as a complete list of composite descriptions, are available upon request. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. For one-on-one use only. Not for inspection by, distribution or quotation to, the general public.
Schedule of Composite Performance Voya International Volatility Controlled Alpha Composite MSCI EAFE - Net Composite 3-Yr Benchmark 3-Yr Dispersion of Portfolio Number of Assets in this Total Firm Assets IHDLV_ Year Gross Returns (%) Net Returns (%) Returns (%) St Dev (%) St Dev (%) Returns (%) Portfolios Composite ($mm) ($mm) High Low 2018 2018 (11.63) (11.94) (13.79) NA NA NA NA ≤5 9 106,335 2017 23.04 22.61 25.03 NA NA 23.04 23.04 ≤5 9 113,387 2017 Voya Investment Management claims compliance with the Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS®) and has prepared and presented this report in compliance with the GIPS Standards. Voya Investment Management has been independently verified for the period January 1, 1996, through December 31, 2018. The verification report is available upon request. Verification assesses whether (1) the firm has complied with all of the composite construction requirements of the GIPS standards on a firm-wide basis and (2) the firm's policies and procedures are designed to calculate and present performance in compliance with the GIPS standards. Verification does not ensure the accuracy of any specific composite presentation. Notes: Firm Definition: Voya Investment Management (the "Firm") is defined as all accounts managed by Voya Investment Management Co. LLC and its subsidiary Voya Investment Trust Co., but not including collateralized debt obligation structures, long/short hedge funds, structured mortgage derivative portfolios, or specialized accounts supporting the reinsurance arrangements of affiliated insurance companies. Composite Definition: This is an actively managed international equity strategy designed to maximize total returns at lower levels of volatility relative to its respective benchmark. Stock selection is model-driven. Portfolio valuations and returns for this composite are computed and stated in U.S. dollars. No minimum has been set for inclusion in the composite. This composite was created and incepted on January 1, 2017. Benchmark Definition: Returns are benchmarked to the MSCI EAFE Net Index, which does not incur management fees, transaction costs, or other expenses associated with a composite portfolio. The MSCI EAFE Index captures free float-adjusted large and mid-capitalization equities across developed-market countries around the world, excluding the US and Canada. The “Net” version of this index assumes the deduction of a withholding tax on dividend income applicable to non-resident, institutional investors who do not benefit from double taxation treaties. Returns presented for the benchmark index assumes the reinvestment of dividends after the deduction of withholding taxes, using (for international indices) a tax rate applicable to non-resident institutional investors who do not benefit from double taxation treaties. Treatment of Fees & Expenses: Gross-of-fees returns are presented before management and custodial fees but after all trading expenses. Net-of-fees returns are calculated by deducting a hypothetical management fee from the gross return on a monthly basis and geometrically linking the results to produce annual returns shown. The hypothetical management fee is equal to the highest fee from any fee schedule offered at the time for the strategy shown. While fee schedules can change over time, any amended fee resulting from a change will not be retroactively applied to performance history, but will rather be applied on a prospective basis from the point of change. The annual management fee will vary according to the size of the account, and will depend on the type of investment vehicle selected. The current fee schedule for this strategy is: 0.35% at 100% of the assets under management. However, fee schedules may differ for pooled trusts or other types of investment vehicles. Further information regarding applicable fee schedules is available upon request. Explanation of Risk Measures: ”Dispersion of Portfolio Returns" presented for each annual period is calculated using the asset-weighted standard deviation of the annual returns of all portfolios that were included in the composite for the entire year. "Composite 3-Yr St Dev" and "Benchmark 3-Yr St Dev" are rolling 3-year standard deviation calculations, which measure the variability of the monthly performance returns for the composite and benchmark index return over the preceding 36-month period on an annualized basis. If the composite has not been in existence for at least 3 years as of a particular year-end, then “NA” will be displayed. Other Notes: Policies for valuing portfolios, calculating performance, and preparing compliant presentations, as well as a complete list of composite descriptions, are available upon request. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. For one-on-one use only. Not for inspection by, distribution or quotation to, the general public.
Schedule of Composite Performance Voya Large Cap Growth vs. Russell 1000 Growth Composite Russell 1000 Growth Composite 3-Yr Benchmark 3-Yr Dispersion of Portfolio Number of Assets in this Total Firm Assets LGR1G Year Gross Returns (%) Net Returns (%) Returns (%) St Dev (%) St Dev (%) Returns (%) Portfolios Composite ($mm) ($mm) High Low 2018 (0.82) (1.42) (1.51) 11.77 12.13 (0.66) (0.89) 14 7,931 106,335 2018 2017 30.62 29.86 30.21 10.73 10.54 30.70 30.46 15 9,359 113,387 2017 2016 4.66 4.04 7.08 11.40 11.15 4.74 4.16 15 8,407 99,889 2016 2015 7.01 6.38 5.67 10.95 10.70 7.15 6.81 14 9,002 94,574 2015 2014 14.34 13.66 13.05 10.22 9.59 14.46 14.27 16 9,517 100,577 2014 2013 31.65 30.88 33.48 12.45 12.18 31.79 30.88 17 7,941 93,084 2013 2012 18.77 18.07 15.26 16.19 15.66 19.02 18.25 13 4,698 76,532 2012 2011 3.02 2.40 2.64 17.54 17.76 3.20 2.51 9 1,788 65,776 2011 2010 19.06 18.12 16.71 20.78 22.11 19.19 18.18 9 1,118 60,236 2010 2009 30.20 29.18 37.21 18.30 19.73 31.41 29.44 10 565 61,643 2009 Voya Investment Management claims compliance with the Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS®) and has prepared and presented this report in compliance with the GIPS Standards. Voya Investment Management has been independently verified for the period January 1, 1996, through December 31, 2018. Verification assesses whether (1) the firm has complied with all of the composite construction requirements of the GIPS standards on a firm-wide basis and (2) the firm's policies and procedures are designed to calculate and present performance in compliance with the GIPS standards. The Voya Large Cap Growth vs. Russell 1000 Growth Composite has been examined for the periods 1996-2018. The verification and performance examination reports are available upon request. Notes: Firm Definition: Voya Investment Management (the "Firm") is defined as all accounts managed by Voya Investment Management Co. LLC and its subsidiary Voya Investment Trust Co., but not including collateralized debt obligation structures, long/short hedge funds, structured mortgage derivative portfolios, or specialized accounts supporting the reinsurance arrangements of affiliated insurance companies. Composite Definition: This is an actively managed strategy that relies on fundamental research and analysis to identify large capitalization companies with strong and accelerating business momentum, increasing market acceptance, and attractive valuations. The objective is to outperform the Russell 1000 Growth Index before management fees over full market cycles. Portfolio valuations and returns for this composite are computed and stated in U.S. dollars. Effective January 1, 2003, a $5 million minimum has been set for inclusion in the composite, and prior to that, no portfolios were excluded based on size. This composite incepted on January 1, 1983 and was created in January 2000. Benchmark Definition: Returns are benchmarked to the Russell 1000 Growth Index, which does not incur management fees, transaction costs, or other expenses associated with a composite portfolio. The Russell 1000 Index includes approximately 1000 of the largest capitalization securities within the float-adjusted, market- capitalization-weighted Russell 3000 Index. The Russell 1000 Growth Index includes those Russell 1000 Index companies with higher price-to-book ratios and higher forecasted growth values. Treatment of Fees & Expenses: Gross-of-fees returns are presented before management and custodial fees but after all trading expenses. Net-of-fees returns are calculated by deducting a hypothetical management fee from the gross return on a monthly basis and geometrically linking the results to produce annual returns shown. The hypothetical management fee is equal to the highest fee from any fee schedule offered at the time for the strategy shown. While fee schedules can change over time, any amended fee resulting from a change will not be retroactively applied to performance history, but will rather be applied on a prospective basis from the point of change. The annual management fee will vary according to the size of the account, and will depend on the type of investment vehicle selected. The current fee schedule for this strategy is: 0.60% on the first $25 million; 0.50% on the next $75 million; 0.45% on the next $150 million; 0.30% on the next $250 million; and 0.20% over $500 million. However, fee schedules may differ for pooled trusts or other types of investment vehicles. Further information regarding applicable fee schedules is available upon request. Explanation of Risk Measures: "Dispersion of Portfolio Returns" presented for each annual period is based on gross-of-fees returns and is equal to the highest and lowest annual return among the portfolios that are included in the composite for the full year. "Composite 3-Yr St Dev" and "Benchmark 3-Yr St Dev" are rolling 3-year standard deviation calculations, which measure the variability of the monthly performance returns for the composite and benchmark index return over the preceding 36-month period on an annualized basis. If the composite has not been in existence for at least 3 years as of a particular year-end, then “NA” will be displayed. Other Notes: Policies for valuing portfolios, calculating performance, and preparing compliant presentations, as well as a complete list of composite descriptions, are available upon request. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. For one-on-one use only. Not for inspection by, distribution or quotation to, the general public.
Schedule of Composite Performance Voya Large Cap Core Growth Composite Composite 3-Yr Benchmark 3-Yr Dispersion of Portfolio Number of Assets in this Total Firm Assets LGSP5_ Year Gross Returns (%) Net Returns (%) S&P 500 Returns (%) St Dev (%) St Dev (%) Returns (%) Portfolios Composite ($mm) ($mm) High Low 2018 (0.54) (1.13) (4.38) 10.80 10.80 (0.54) (0.54) ≤5 2,281 106,335 2018 2017 24.91 24.18 21.83 10.23 9.92 24.91 24.91 ≤5 2,299 113,387 2017 2016 7.04 6.41 11.96 10.88 10.59 7.11 7.04 ≤5 1,851 99,889 2016 2015 2.66 2.05 1.38 10.79 10.47 2.66 2.64 ≤5 1,739 94,574 2015 2014 12.05 11.38 13.69 10.18 8.97 12.08 11.72 ≤5 1,718 100,577 2014 2013 33.79 33.01 32.39 12.69 11.94 34.15 33.13 ≤5 1,636 93,084 2013 2012 19.21 18.50 16.00 16.04 15.09 19.24 18.55 ≤5 1,237 76,532 2012 2011 1.94 1.33 2.11 17.75 18.71 2.04 1.80 ≤5 1,063 65,776 2011 2010 18.46 17.53 15.06 20.37 21.85 18.63 17.39 ≤5 1,020 60,236 2010 2009 23.48 22.51 26.46 17.83 19.63 24.71 23.29 ≤5 910 61,643 2009 Voya Investment Management claims compliance with the Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS®) and has prepared and presented this report in compliance with the GIPS Standards. Voya Investment Management has been independently verified for the period January 1, 1996, through December 31, 2018. Verification assesses whether (1) the firm has complied with all of the composite construction requirements of the GIPS standards on a firm-wide basis and (2) the firm's policies and procedures are designed to calculate and present performance in compliance with the GIPS standards. The Voya Large Cap Core Growth Composite has been examined for the periods 1996-2011. The verification and performance examination reports are available upon request. Notes: Firm Definition: Voya Investment Management (the "Firm") is defined as all accounts managed by Voya Investment Management Co. LLC and its subsidiary Voya Investment Trust Co., but not including collateralized debt obligation structures, long/short hedge funds, structured mortgage derivative portfolios, or specialized accounts supporting the reinsurance arrangements of affiliated insurance companies. Composite Definition: This is an actively managed strategy that relies on fundamental research and analysis to identify large capitalization companies with strong and accelerating business momentum, increasing market acceptance, and attractive valuations. The objective is to outperform the S&P 500 Index before management fees over full market cycles. Portfolio valuations and returns for this composite are computed and stated in U.S. dollars. Effective January 1, 2003, a $5 million minimum has been set for inclusion in the composite, and prior to that, no portfolios were excluded based on size. This composite incepted on January 1, 1983 and was created in January 2000. Benchmark Definition: Returns are benchmarked to the S&P 500 Index, which does not incur management fees, transaction costs, or other expenses associated with a composite portfolio. The S&P 500 is a market-capitalization-weighted index of 500 large cap U.S. equities considered to be leading companies in leading industries. Treatment of Fees & Expenses: Gross-of-fees returns are presented before management and custodial fees but after all trading expenses. Net-of-fees returns are calculated by deducting a hypothetical management fee from the gross return on a monthly basis and geometrically linking the results to produce annual returns shown. The hypothetical management fee is equal to the highest fee from any fee schedule offered at the time for the strategy shown. While fee schedules can change over time, any amended fee resulting from a change will not be retroactively applied to performance history, but will rather be applied on a prospective basis from the point of change. The annual management fee will vary according to the size of the account, and will depend on the type of investment vehicle selected. The current fee schedule for this strategy is: 0.60% on the first $25 million; 0.50% on the next $75 million; 0.45% on the next $150 million; 0.30% on the next $250 million; and 0.20% over $500 million. However, fee schedules may differ for pooled trusts or other types of investment vehicles. Further information regarding applicable fee schedules is available upon request. Explanation of Risk Measures: "Dispersion of Portfolio Returns" presented for each annual period is based on gross-of-fees returns and is equal to the highest and lowest annual return among the portfolios that are included in the composite for the full year. "Composite 3-Yr St Dev" and "Benchmark 3-Yr St Dev" are rolling 3-year standard deviation calculations, which measure the variability of the monthly performance returns for the composite and benchmark index return over the preceding 36-month period on an annualized basis. If the composite has not been in existence for at least 3 years as of a particular year-end, then “NA” will be displayed. Other Notes: Policies for valuing portfolios, calculating performance, and preparing compliant presentations, as well as a complete list of composite descriptions, are available upon request. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. For one-on-one use only. Not for inspection by, distribution or quotation to, the general public.
Schedule of Composite Performance Voya Large Cap Value vs. Russell 1000 Value Composite Russell 1000 Value Composite 3-Yr Benchmark 3-Yr Dispersion of Portfolio Number of Assets in this Total Firm Assets LCVA_C Year Gross Returns (%) Net Returns (%) Returns (%) St Dev (%) St Dev (%) Returns (%) Portfolios Composite ($mm) ($mm) High Low 2018 2018 (7.11) (7.67) (8.27) 10.18 10.82 (6.94) (7.20) ≤5 2,049 106,335 2017 14.36 13.68 13.66 10.01 10.20 14.48 14.21 ≤5 2,699 113,387 2017 2016 14.58 13.90 17.34 10.73 10.77 14.64 14.46 2,828 99,889 2016 ≤5 2015 (3.79) (4.36) (3.83) 10.83 10.68 (3.69) (3.83) ≤5 3,087 94,574 2015 2014 10.75 10.10 13.45 9.16 9.20 10.80 10.73 2014 ≤5 3,090 100,577 2013 31.77 31.00 32.53 11.43 12.70 31.81 31.62 ≤5 2,469 93,084 2013 2012 15.44 14.75 17.51 14.34 15.51 15.48 15.38 ≤5 1,078 76,532 2012 2011 4.26 3.64 0.39 18.11 20.69 4.40 4.03 ≤5 684 65,776 2011 2010 21.60 20.64 15.51 20.34 23.18 21.34 21.34 2010 ≤5 175 60,236 2009 25.43 24.44 19.69 NA NA 25.43 25.43 ≤5 8 61,643 2009 Voya Investment Management claims compliance with the Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS®) and has prepared and presented this report in compliance with the GIPS Standards. Voya Investment Management has been independently verified for the period January 1, 1996, through December 31, 2018. Verification assesses whether (1) the firm has complied with all of the composite construction requirements of the GIPS standards on a firm-wide basis and (2) the firm's policies and procedures are designed to calculate and present performance in compliance with the GIPS standards. The Voya Large Cap Value vs. Russell 1000 Value Composite has been examined for the periods 2010-2018. The verification and performance examination reports are available upon request. Notes: Firm Definition: Voya Investment Management (the "Firm") is defined as all accounts managed by Voya Investment Management Co. LLC and its subsidiary Voya Investment Trust Co., but not including collateralized debt obligation structures, long/short hedge funds, structured mortgage derivative portfolios, or specialized accounts supporting the reinsurance arrangements of affiliated insurance companies. Composite Definition: This is an actively managed strategy targeting large capitalization stocks with a dividend yield above the Russell 1000 Value Index. The objective is to outperform the Russell 1000 Value Index before management fees over full market cycles. Portfolio valuations and returns for this composite are computed and stated in U.S. dollars. A $5 million minimum has been set for inclusion in the composite. This composite was incepted and created on January 1, 2008. Benchmark Definition: Returns are benchmarked to the Russell 1000 Value Index, which does not incur management fees, transaction costs, or other expenses associated with a composite portfolio. The Russell 1000 Index includes approximately 1000 of the largest capitalization securities within the float-adjusted, market-capitalization- weighted Russell 3000 Index. The Russell 1000 Value Index includes those Russell 1000 Index companies with lower price-to-book ratios and lower expected growth values. Treatment of Fees & Expenses: Gross-of-fees returns are presented before management and custodial fees but after all trading expenses. Net-of-fees returns are calculated by deducting a hypothetical management fee from the gross return on a monthly basis and geometrically linking the results to produce annual returns shown. The hypothetical management fee is equal to the highest fee from any fee schedule offered at the time for the strategy shown. While fee schedules can change over time, any amended fee resulting from a change will not be retroactively applied to performance history, but will rather be applied on a prospective basis from the point of change. The annual management fee will vary according to the size of the account, and will depend on the type of investment vehicle selected. The current fee schedule for this strategy is: 0.60% on the first $25 million; 0.50% on the next $75 million; 0.45% on the next $150 million; 0.30% on the next $250 million; and 0.20% over $500 million. However, fee schedules may differ for pooled trusts or other types of investment vehicles. Further information regarding applicable fee schedules is available upon request. Explanation of Risk Measures: "Dispersion of Portfolio Returns" presented for each annual period is based on gross-of-fees returns and is equal to the highest and lowest annual return among the portfolios that are included in the composite for the full year. "Composite 3-Yr St Dev" and "Benchmark 3-Yr St Dev" are rolling 3-year standard deviation calculations, which measure the variability of the monthly performance returns for the composite and benchmark index return over the preceding 36-month period on an annualized basis. If the composite has not been in existence for at least 3 years as of a particular year-end, then “NA” will be displayed. Other Notes: Policies for valuing portfolios, calculating performance, and preparing compliant presentations, as well as a complete list of composite descriptions, are available upon request. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. For one-on-one use only. Not for inspection by, distribution or quotation to, the general public.
Schedule of Composite Performance Voya Large Cap Core Value Composite Composite 3-Yr Benchmark 3-Yr Dispersion of Portfolio Number of Assets in this Total Firm Assets RAGI_C Year Gross Returns (%) Net Returns (%) S&P 500 Returns (%) St Dev (%) St Dev (%) Returns (%) Portfolios Composite ($mm) ($mm) High Low 2018 2018 (3.89) (4.47) (4.38) 9.59 10.80 (3.89) (3.89) ≤5 2,880 106,335 2017 21.05 20.34 21.83 9.79 9.92 21.05 21.05 ≤5 3,476 113,387 2017 2016 2016 10.40 9.74 11.96 10.53 10.59 10.40 10.40 ≤5 3,456 99,889 2015 2015 (0.84) (1.43) 1.38 10.67 10.47 (0.83) (0.83) ≤5 3,681 94,574 2014 11.40 10.74 13.69 9.42 8.97 11.36 11.36 ≤5 4,780 100,577 2014 2013 31.48 30.71 32.39 12.69 11.94 31.45 31.45 ≤5 4,508 93,084 2013 2012 16.42 15.74 16.00 15.70 15.09 16.67 15.78 ≤5 4,217 76,532 2012 2011 0.28 (0.32) 2.11 18.59 18.71 0.63 2011 (0.45) ≤5 4,253 65,776 14.70 13.89 15.06 21.97 21.85 15.00 15.00 3,206 60,236 2010 2010 ≤5 2009 33.75 32.71 26.46 19.87 19.63 34.12 33.69 2009 ≤5 954 61,643 Voya Investment Management claims compliance with the Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS®) and has prepared and presented this report in compliance with the GIPS Standards. Voya Investment Management has been independently verified for the period January 1, 1996, through December 31, 2018. Verification assesses whether (1) the firm has complied with all of the composite construction requirements of the GIPS standards on a firm-wide basis and (2) the firm's policies and procedures are designed to calculate and present performance in compliance with the GIPS standards. The Voya Large Cap Core Value Composite has been examined for the periods 2004-2013. The verification and performance examination reports are available upon request. Notes: Firm Definition: Voya Investment Management (the "Firm") is defined as all accounts managed by Voya Investment Management Co. LLC and its subsidiary Voya Investment Trust Co., but not including collateralized debt obligation structures, long/short hedge funds, structured mortgage derivative portfolios, or specialized accounts supporting the reinsurance arrangements of affiliated insurance companies. Composite Definition: This is an actively managed strategy that seeks to capture the benefits of both high-dividend yield and dividend growth, targeting a gross dividend yield equal to or greater than the S&P 500 Index. The objective is to outperform the S&P 500 Index before management fees and other expenses over full market cycles. A $5 million minimum has been set for inclusion in the composite. Portfolio valuations and returns for this composite are computed and stated in U.S. dollars. This composite was incepted and created on November 1, 2004. Benchmark Definition: Returns are benchmarked to the S&P 500 Index, which does not incur management fees, transaction costs, or other expenses associated with a composite portfolio. The S&P 500 is a market-capitalization-weighted index of 500 large cap U.S. equities considered to be leading companies in leading industries. Treatment of Fees & Expenses: Gross-of-fees returns are presented before management and custodial fees but after all trading expenses. Net-of-fees returns are calculated by deducting a hypothetical management fee from the gross return on a monthly basis and geometrically linking the results to produce annual returns shown. The hypothetical management fee is equal to the highest fee from any fee schedule offered at the time for the strategy shown. While fee schedules can change over time, any amended fee resulting from a change will not be retroactively applied to performance history, but will rather be applied on a prospective basis from the point of change. The annual management fee will vary according to the size of the account, and will depend on the type of investment vehicle selected. The current fee schedule for this strategy is: 0.60% on the first $25 million; 0.50% on the next $75 million; 0.45% on the next $150 million; 0.30% on the next $250 million; and 0.20% over $500 million. However, fee schedules may differ for pooled trusts or other types of investment vehicles. Further information regarding applicable fee schedules is available upon request. Explanation of Risk Measures: "Dispersion of Portfolio Returns" presented for each annual period is based on gross-of-fees returns and is equal to the highest and lowest annual return among the portfolios that are included in the composite for the full year. "Composite 3-Yr St Dev" and "Benchmark 3-Yr St Dev" are rolling 3-year standard deviation calculations, which measure the variability of the monthly performance returns for the composite and benchmark index return over the preceding 36-month period on an annualized basis. If the composite has not been in existence for at least 3 years as of a particular year-end, then “NA” will be displayed. Other Notes: Policies for valuing portfolios, calculating performance, and preparing compliant presentations, as well as a complete list of composite descriptions, are available upon request. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. For one-on-one use only. Not for inspection by, distribution or quotation to, the general public.
Schedule of Composite Performance Voya Research Enhanced Index Large Cap Composite Composite 3-Yr Benchmark 3-Yr Dispersion of Portfolio Number of Assets in this Total Firm Assets REILC_ Year Gross Returns (%) Net Returns (%) S&P 500 Returns (%) St Dev (%) St Dev (%) Returns (%) Portfolios Composite ($mm) ($mm) High Low 2018 (6.36) (6.79) (4.38) 10.92 10.80 (6.36) (6.36) ≤5 939 106,335 2018 2017 25.20 24.65 21.83 10.20 9.92 25.20 25.20 ≤5 876 113,387 2017 2016 10.77 10.29 11.96 10.84 10.59 10.77 10.77 ≤5 775 99,889 2016 2015 1.30 0.86 1.38 10.65 10.47 1.30 1.30 ≤5 677 94,574 2015 2014 14.34 13.85 13.69 NA NA 14.34 14.34 ≤5 750 100,577 2014 2013 33.55 32.97 32.39 NA NA 33.55 33.55 ≤5 739 93,084 2013 2012* 3.06 2.76 3.69 NA NA NA NA ≤5 644 76,532 2012 *Cumulative return for the period is from May 1, 2012 (inception of strategy) to December 31, 2012. Voya Investment Management claims compliance with the Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS®) and has prepared and presented this report in compliance with the GIPS Standards. Voya Investment Management has been independently verified for the period January 1, 1996, through December 31, 2018. The verification report is available upon request. Verification assesses whether (1) the firm has complied with all of the composite construction requirements of the GIPS standards on a firm-wide basis and (2) the firm's policies and procedures are designed to calculate and present performance in compliance with the GIPS standards. Verification does not ensure the accuracy of any specific composite presentation. Notes: Firm Definition: Voya Investment Management (the "Firm") is defined as all accounts managed by Voya Investment Management Co. LLC and its subsidiary Voya Investment Trust Co., but not including collateralized debt obligation structures, long/short hedge funds, structured mortgage derivative portfolios, or specialized accounts supporting the reinsurance arrangements of affiliated insurance companies. Composite Definition: This is an actively managed diversified strategy that incorporates research from both our fundamental equity team and our proprietary quantitative models. The objective is to outperform the S&P 500 Index before the deduction of fees over full market cycles using a risk-controlled investment process. A $5 million minimum has been set for inclusion in the composite. Portfolio valuations and returns for this composite are computed and stated in U.S. dollars. This composite was incepted and created on May 1, 2012. Benchmark Definition: Returns are benchmarked to the S&P 500 Index, which does not incur management fees, transaction costs, or other expenses associated with a composite portfolio. The S&P 500 is a market-capitalization-weighted index of 500 large cap U.S. equities considered to be leading companies in leading industries. Treatment of Fees & Expenses: Gross-of-fees returns are presented before management and custodial fees but after all trading expenses. Net-of-fees returns are calculated by deducting a hypothetical management fee from the gross return on a monthly basis and geometrically linking the results to produce annual returns shown. The hypothetical management fee is equal to the highest fee from any fee schedule offered at the time for the strategy shown. While fee schedules can change over time, any amended fee resulting from a change will not be retroactively applied to performance history, but will rather be applied on a prospective basis from the point of change. The annual management fee will vary according to the size of the account, and will depend on the type of investment vehicle selected. The current fee schedule for this strategy is: 0.45% at 100% of the assets under management. However, fee schedules may differ for pooled trusts or other types of investment vehicles. Further information regarding applicable fee schedules is available upon request. Explanation of Risk Measures: "Dispersion of Portfolio Returns" presented for each annual period is based on gross-of-fees returns and is equal to the highest and lowest annual return among the portfolios that are included in the composite for the full year. "Composite 3-Yr St Dev" and "Benchmark 3-Yr St Dev" are rolling 3-year standard deviation calculations, which measure the variability of the monthly performance returns for the composite and benchmark index return over the preceding 36-month period on an annualized basis. If the composite has not been in existence for at least 3 years as of a particular year-end, then “NA” will be displayed. Other Notes: Policies for valuing portfolios, calculating performance, and preparing compliant presentations, as well as a complete list of composite descriptions, are available upon request. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. For one-on-one use only. Not for inspection by, distribution or quotation to, the general public.
Schedule of Composite Performance Voya Small Cap Core Composite Russell 2000 Composite 3-Yr Benchmark 3-Yr Dispersion of Portfolio Number of Assets in this Total Firm Assets SC_CO Year Gross Returns (%) Net Returns (%) Returns (%) St Dev (%) St Dev (%) Returns (%) Portfolios Composite ($mm) ($mm) High Low 2018 (15.11) (15.84) (11.01) 15.28 15.79 (14.87) (15.26) 6 1,693 106,335 2018 2017 12.14 11.20 14.65 12.89 13.91 12.24 11.81 6 2,410 113,387 2017 2016 25.30 24.26 21.31 14.33 15.76 25.52 24.96 ≤5 1,963 99,889 2016 2015 (0.13) (0.98) (4.41) 12.47 13.96 0.07 (0.37) 6 1,854 94,574 2015 2014 7.30 6.40 4.89 11.84 13.12 7.41 7.23 6 2,067 100,577 2014 2013 38.59 37.45 38.82 15.74 16.45 38.93 38.04 6 2,158 93,084 2013 2012 15.44 14.48 16.35 18.68 20.20 15.57 15.31 6 1,640 76,532 2012 2011 (1.76) (2.59) (4.18) 22.98 24.99 (1.64) (1.88) 6 1,537 65,776 2011 2010 25.38 24.34 26.86 25.23 27.69 25.43 25.33 ≤5 1,460 60,236 2010 2009 28.62 27.55 27.17 22.50 24.83 29.02 28.38 ≤5 1,011 61,643 2009 Voya Investment Management claims compliance with the Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS®) and has prepared and presented this report in compliance with the GIPS Standards. Voya Investment Management has been independently verified for the period January 1, 1996, through December 31, 2018. Verification assesses whether (1) the firm has complied with all of the composite construction requirements of the GIPS standards on a firm-wide basis and (2) the firm's policies and procedures are designed to calculate and present performance in compliance with the GIPS standards. The Voya Small Cap Core Composite has been examined for the periods 2005-2018. The verification and performance examination reports are available upon request. Notes: Firm Definition: Voya Investment Management (the "Firm") is defined as all accounts managed by Voya Investment Management Co. LLC and its subsidiary Voya Investment Trust Co., but not including collateralized debt obligation structures, long/short hedge funds, structured mortgage derivative portfolios, or specialized accounts supporting the reinsurance arrangements of affiliated insurance companies. Composite Definition: This is an actively managed strategy driven by bottom-up fundamental research, which seeks high quality small-capitalization companies that are beneficiaries of sustainable growth trends. The objective is to outperform the Russell 2000 Index before management fees over full market cycles. Portfolio valuations and returns for this composite are computed and stated in U.S. dollars. A $20 million minimum has been set for inclusion in the composite. This composite incepted on August 1, 2005 and was created in December 2007. Benchmark Definition: Returns are benchmarked to the Russell 2000 Index, which does not incur management fees, transaction costs, or other expenses associated with a composite portfolio. The Russell 2000 Index includes approximately 2000 of the smallest capitalization securities within the float-adjusted, market-capitalization- weighted Russell 3000 Index. Treatment of Fees & Expenses: Gross-of-fees returns are presented before management and custodial fees but after all trading expenses. Net-of-fees returns are calculated by deducting a hypothetical management fee from the gross return on a monthly basis and geometrically linking the results to produce annual returns shown. The hypothetical management fee is equal to the highest fee from any fee schedule offered at the time for the strategy shown. While fee schedules can change over time, any amended fee resulting from a change will not be retroactively applied to performance history, but will rather be applied on a prospective basis from the point of change. The annual management fee will vary according to the size of the account, and will depend on the type of investment vehicle selected. The current fee schedule for this strategy is: 0.85% on the first $25 million; 0.75% on the next $75 million; 0.65% on the next $150 million; 0.55% on the next $250 million; and 0.45% over $500 million. However, fee schedules may differ for pooled trusts or other types of investment vehicles. Further information regarding applicable fee schedules is available upon request. Explanation of Risk Measures: "Dispersion of Portfolio Returns" presented for each annual period is based on gross-of-fees returns and is equal to the highest and lowest annual return among the portfolios that are included in the composite for the full year. "Composite 3-Yr St Dev" and "Benchmark 3-Yr St Dev" are rolling 3-year standard deviation calculations, which measure the variability of the monthly performance returns for the composite and benchmark index return over the preceding 36-month period on an annualized basis. If the composite has not been in existence for at least 3 years as of a particular year-end, then “NA” will be displayed. Other Notes: Policies for valuing portfolios, calculating performance, and preparing compliant presentations, as well as a complete list of composite descriptions, are available upon request. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. For one-on-one use only. Not for inspection by, distribution or quotation to, the general public.
Schedule of Composite Performance Voya Small Cap Growth Composite Russell 2000 Growth Composite 3-Yr Benchmark 3-Yr Dispersion of Portfolio Number of Assets in this Total Firm SCG_C Year Gross Returns (%) Net Returns (%) Returns (%) St Dev (%) St Dev (%) Returns (%) Portfolios Composite ($mm) Assets ($mm) High Low 2018 (15.17) (15.94) (9.31) 16.45 16.46 (15.01) (15.29) 11 2,920 106,335 2018 2017 19.74 18.68 22.17 13.99 14.59 20.70 19.52 12 3,947 113,387 2017 2016 14.17 13.16 11.32 15.62 16.67 14.46 13.67 11 2,855 99,889 2016 2015 (0.11) (1.01) (1.38) 13.63 14.95 (0.01) (0.29) 10 2,419 94,574 2015 2014 6.46 5.51 5.60 12.41 13.82 6.90 6.26 12 2,539 100,577 2014 2013 40.09 38.87 43.30 15.74 17.27 40.35 39.46 11 2,166 93,084 2013 2012 16.36 15.33 14.59 18.98 20.72 16.56 16.12 8 1,241 76,532 2012 2011 1.85 0.93 (2.91) 22.74 24.31 2.07 1.67 7 881 65,776 2011 2010 34.02 32.85 29.09 25.92 27.70 35.22 33.57 6 764 60,236 2010 2009 32.27 31.11 34.47 23.22 24.85 32.98 31.69 ≤5 455 61,643 2009 Voya Investment Management claims compliance with the Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS®) and has prepared and presented this report in compliance with the GIPS Standards. Voya Investment Management has been independently verified for the period January 1, 1996, through December 31, 2018. Verification assesses whether (1) the firm has complied with all of the composite construction requirements of the GIPS standards on a firm-wide basis and (2) the firm's policies and procedures are designed to calculate and present performance in compliance with the GIPS standards. The Voya Small Cap Growth Composite has been examined for the periods 2005-2018. The verification and performance examination reports are available upon request. Notes: Firm Definition: Voya Investment Management (the "Firm") is defined as all accounts managed by Voya Investment Management Co. LLC and its subsidiary Voya Investment Trust Co., but not including collateralized debt obligation structures, long/short hedge funds, structured mortgage derivative portfolios, or specialized accounts supporting the reinsurance arrangements of affiliated insurance companies. Composite Definition: This is an actively managed strategy driven by bottom-up fundamental research, which seeks high quality small-capitalization companies that are beneficiaries of sustainable growth trends. The objective is to outperform the Russell 2000 Growth Index before management fees over full market cycles. Portfolio valuations and returns for this composite are computed and stated in U.S. dollars. A $20 million minimum has been set for inclusion in the composite. This composite incepted on August 1, 2005 and was created in December 2007. Benchmark Definition: Returns are benchmarked to the Russell 2000 Growth Index, which does not incur management fees, transaction costs, or other expenses associated with a composite portfolio. The Russell 2000 Index includes approximately 2000 of the smallest capitalization securities within the float-adjusted, market-capitalization- weighted Russell 3000 Index. The Russell 2000 Growth Index includes those Russell 2000 Index companies with higher price-to-value ratios and higher forecasted growth values. Treatment of Fees & Expenses: Gross-of-fees returns are presented before management and custodial fees but after all trading expenses. Net-of-fees returns are calculated by deducting a hypothetical management fee from the gross return on a monthly basis and geometrically linking the results to produce annual returns shown. The hypothetical management fee is equal to the highest fee from any fee schedule offered at the time for the strategy shown. While fee schedules can change over time, any amended fee resulting from a change will not be retroactively applied to performance history, but will rather be applied on a prospective basis from the point of change. The annual management fee will vary according to the size of the account, and will depend on the type of investment vehicle selected. The current fee schedule for this strategy is: 0.90% on the first $25 million; 0.80% on the next $75 million; 0.70% on the next $150 million; 0.60% on the next $250 million; and 0.50% over $500 million. However, fee schedules may differ for pooled trusts or other types of investment vehicles. Further information regarding applicable fee schedules is available upon request. Explanation of Risk Measures: "Dispersion of Portfolio Returns" presented for each annual period is based on gross-of-fees returns and is equal to the highest and lowest annual return among the portfolios that are included in the composite for the full year. "Composite 3-Yr St Dev" and "Benchmark 3-Yr St Dev" are rolling 3-year standard deviation calculations, which measure the variability of the monthly performance returns for the composite and benchmark index return over the preceding 36-month period on an annualized basis. If the composite has not been in existence for at least 3 years as of a particular year-end, then “NA” will be displayed. Other Notes: Policies for valuing portfolios, calculating performance, and preparing compliant presentations, as well as a complete list of composite descriptions, are available upon request. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. For one-on-one use only. Not for inspection by, distribution or quotation to, the general public.
Schedule of Composite Performance Voya Mid Cap Growth Composite Russell Midcap Growth Composite 3-Yr Benchmark 3-Yr Dispersion of Portfolio Number of Assets in this Total Firm MCG_C Year Gross Returns (%) Net Returns (%) Returns (%) St Dev (%) St Dev (%) Returns (%) Portfolios Composite ($mm) Assets ($mm) High Low 2018 (6.87) (7.57) (4.75) 12.90 12.82 (6.81) (6.94) 8 4,320 106,335 2018 2017 26.02 25.10 25.27 10.42 10.89 26.06 25.89 8 5,270 113,387 2017 2016 8.21 7.41 7.33 11.57 12.18 8.24 8.05 7 3,540 99,889 2016 2015 1.28 0.52 (0.20) 11.16 11.31 1.30 1.25 8 3,657 94,574 2015 2014 9.78 8.97 11.90 11.15 10.87 9.84 9.72 9 4,103 100,577 2014 2013 32.94 31.97 35.74 14.52 14.62 33.07 32.82 8 4,025 93,084 2013 2012 15.15 14.30 15.81 17.71 17.91 15.18 15.07 ≤5 2,471 76,532 2012 2011 0.31 (0.44) (1.65) 19.76 20.82 0.43 (0.01) ≤5 1,718 65,776 2011 2010 31.39 30.32 26.38 23.11 26.37 31.73 31.01 ≤5 1,412 60,236 2010 2009 42.51 41.27 46.29 20.80 24.01 42.95 42.34 ≤5 920 61,643 2009 Voya Investment Management claims compliance with the Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS®) and has prepared and presented this report in compliance with the GIPS Standards. Voya Investment Management has been independently verified for the period January 1, 1996, through December 31, 2018. Verification assesses whether (1) the firm has complied with all of the composite construction requirements of the GIPS standards on a firm-wide basis and (2) the firm's policies and procedures are designed to calculate and present performance in compliance with the GIPS standards. The Voya Mid Cap Growth Composite has been examined for the periods 2005-2018. The verification and performance examination reports are available upon request. Notes: Firm Definition: Voya Investment Management (the "Firm") is defined as all accounts managed by Voya Investment Management Co. LLC and its subsidiary Voya Investment Trust Co., but not including collateralized debt obligation structures, long/short hedge funds, structured mortgage derivative portfolios, or specialized accounts supporting the reinsurance arrangements of affiliated insurance companies. Composite Definition: This is an actively managed strategy that relies on fundamental research and analysis to identify mid-capitalization companies with strong and accelerating business momentum, increasing market acceptance, and attractive valuations. The objective is to outperform the Russell Midcap Growth Index before management fees over full market cycles. Portfolio valuations and returns for this composite are computed and stated in U.S. dollars. A $5 million minimum has been set for inclusion in the composite. This composite was incepted and created on August 1, 2005. Benchmark Definition: Returns are benchmarked to the Russell Midcap Growth Index, which does not incur management fees, transaction costs, or other expenses associated with a composite portfolio. The Russell Midcap Index includes the mid-capitalization segment within the float-adjusted, market-capitalization-weighted Russell 1000 Index. The Russell Midcap Growth Index includes those Russell Midcap Index companies with higher price-to-book ratios and higher forecasted growth values. Treatment of Fees & Expenses: Gross-of-fees returns are presented before management and custodial fees but after all trading expenses. Net-of-fees returns are calculated by deducting a hypothetical management fee from the gross return on a monthly basis and geometrically linking the results to produce annual returns shown. The hypothetical management fee is equal to the highest fee from any fee schedule offered at the time for the strategy shown. While fee schedules can change over time, any amended fee resulting from a change will not be retroactively applied to performance history, but will rather be applied on a prospective basis from the point of change. The annual management fee will vary according to the size of the account, and will depend on the type of investment vehicle selected. The current fee schedule for this strategy is: 0.75% on the first $25 million; 0.65% on the next $75 million; 0.55% on the next $150 million; 0.35% on the next $250 million; and 0.25% over $500 million. However, fee schedules may differ for pooled trusts or other types of investment vehicles. Further information regarding applicable fee schedules is available upon request. Explanation of Risk Measures: "Dispersion of Portfolio Returns" presented for each annual period is based on gross-of-fees returns and is equal to the highest and lowest annual return among the portfolios that are included in the composite for the full year. "Composite 3-Yr St Dev" and "Benchmark 3-Yr St Dev" are rolling 3-year standard deviation calculations, which measure the variability of the monthly performance returns for the composite and benchmark index return over the preceding 36-month period on an annualized basis. If the composite has not been in existence for at least 3 years as of a particular year-end, then “NA” will be displayed. Other Notes: Policies for valuing portfolios, calculating performance, and preparing compliant presentations, as well as a complete list of composite descriptions, are available upon request. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. For one-on-one use only. Not for inspection by, distribution or quotation to, the general public.
Schedule of Composite Performance Voya SMID Cap Growth Composite Russell 2500 Growth Composite 3-Yr Benchmark 3-Yr Dispersion of Portfolio Number of Assets in this Total Firm SMIDG_ Year Gross Returns (%) Net Returns (%) Returns (%) St Dev (%) St Dev (%) Returns (%) Portfolios Composite ($mm) Assets ($mm) High Low 2018 (13.66) (14.44) (7.47) 15.27 15.33 (13.60) (13.66) ≤5 343 106,335 2018 2017 20.10 19.05 24.46 13.35 13.04 20.31 20.31 ≤5 415 113,387 2017 2016 14.48 13.47 9.73 14.21 14.67 14.48 14.48 ≤5 3 99,889 2016 2015 0.10 (0.80) (0.19) 12.32 13.29 0.10 0.10 ≤5 3 94,574 2015 2014 8.84 7.87 7.05 NA NA 8.84 8.84 ≤5 3 100,577 2014 2013 32.98 31.81 40.65 NA NA 32.98 32.98 ≤5 3 93,084 2013 2012* 12.98 12.40 10.53 NA NA NA NA ≤5 2 76,532 2012 *Cumulative return for the period is from June 1, 2012 (inception of strategy) to December 31, 2012. Voya Investment Management claims compliance with the Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS®) and has prepared and presented this report in compliance with the GIPS Standards. Voya Investment Management has been independently verified for the period January 1, 1996, through December 31, 2018. Verification assesses whether (1) the firm has complied with all of the composite construction requirements of the GIPS standards on a firm-wide basis and (2) the firm's policies and procedures are designed to calculate and present performance in compliance with the GIPS standards. The Voya SMID Cap Growth Composite has been examined for the periods 2012-2018. The verification and performance examination reports are available upon request. Notes: Firm Definition: Voya Investment Management (the "Firm") is defined as all accounts managed by Voya Investment Management Co. LLC and its subsidiary Voya Investment Trust Co., but not including collateralized debt obligation structures, long/short hedge funds, structured mortgage derivative portfolios, or specialized accounts supporting the reinsurance arrangements of affiliated insurance companies. Composite Definition: This is an actively managed strategy driven by bottom-up fundamental research, which seeks high quality small-capitalization companies that are beneficiaries of sustainable growth trends. The objective is to outperform the Russell 2500 Growth Index before management fees over full market cycles. Portfolio valuations and returns for this composite are computed and stated in U.S. dollars. No minimum has been set for inclusion in the composite. This composite was incepted and created on June 1, 2012. Benchmark Definition: Returns are benchmarked to the Russell 2500 Growth Index, which does not incur management fees, transaction costs, or other expenses associated with a composite portfolio. The Russell 2500 Growth Index includes the small to mid-capitalization segment within the float-adjusted, market-capitalization-weighted Russell 3000 Index. The Russell 2500 Growth Index includes 2500 of the smallest securities based on a combination of their market cap and current index membership. Treatment of Fees & Expenses: Gross-of-fees returns are presented before management and custodial fees but after all trading expenses. Net-of-fees returns are calculated by deducting a hypothetical management fee from the gross return on a monthly basis and geometrically linking the results to produce annual returns shown. The hypothetical management fee is equal to the highest fee from any fee schedule offered at the time for the strategy shown. While fee schedules can change over time, any amended fee resulting from a change will not be retroactively applied to performance history, but will rather be applied on a prospective basis from the point of change. The annual management fee will vary according to the size of the account, and will depend on the type of investment vehicle selected. The current fee schedule for this strategy is: 0.90% on the first $25 million; 0.80% on the next $50 million; 0.70% on the next $175 million; and 0.60% over $250 million. However, fee schedules may differ for pooled trusts or other types of investment vehicles. Further information regarding applicable fee schedules is available upon request. Explanation of Risk Measures: "Dispersion of Portfolio Returns" presented for each annual period is based on gross-of-fees returns and is equal to the highest and lowest annual return among the portfolios that are included in the composite for the full year. "Composite 3-Yr St Dev" and "Benchmark 3-Yr St Dev" are rolling 3-year standard deviation calculations, which measure the variability of the monthly performance returns for the composite and benchmark index return over the preceding 36-month period on an annualized basis. If the composite has not been in existence for at least 3 years as of a particular year-end, then “NA” will be displayed. Other Notes: Policies for valuing portfolios, calculating performance, and preparing compliant presentations, as well as a complete list of composite descriptions, are available upon request. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. For one-on-one use only. Not for inspection by, distribution or quotation to, the general public.
Schedule of Composite Performance Voya Core Plus Fixed Income Composite Bloomberg Barclays U.S. Composite 3-Yr Benchmark 3-Yr Dispersion of Portfolio Number of Assets in this Total Firm Assets CP_CO Year Gross Returns (%) Net Returns (%) Aggregate Returns (%) St Dev (%) St Dev (%) Returns (%) Portfolios Composite ($mm) ($mm) High Low 2018 0.03 (0.27) 0.01 2.66 2.84 0.13 (0.12) ≤5 10,462 106,335 2018 2017 5.38 5.07 3.54 2.71 2.78 5.57 5.15 ≤5 10,131 113,387 2017 2016 4.67 4.36 2.65 2.97 2.98 4.91 4.15 ≤5 8,464 99,889 2016 2015 0.98 0.68 0.55 3.13 2.88 1.04 0.68 ≤5 8,258 94,574 2015 2014 7.18 6.86 5.97 3.07 2.63 7.20 6.48 6 7,569 100,577 2014 2013 0.13 (0.17) (2.02) 3.16 2.71 0.45 (0.45) 7 4,339 93,084 2013 2012 9.74 9.36 4.21 2.67 2.38 10.19 9.11 6 4,466 76,532 2012 2011 8.08 7.71 7.84 3.62 2.78 8.42 7.13 ≤5 3,732 65,776 2011 2010 10.25 9.81 6.54 4.97 4.17 10.52 8.96 ≤5 3,753 60,236 2010 2009 12.85 12.41 5.93 4.77 4.11 13.60 11.60 ≤5 3,720 61,643 2009 Voya Investment Management claims compliance with the Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS®) and has prepared and presented this report in compliance with the GIPS Standards. Voya Investment Management has been independently verified for the period January 1, 1996, through December 31, 2018. Verification assesses whether (1) the firm has complied with all of the composite construction requirements of the GIPS standards on a firm-wide basis and (2) the firm's policies and procedures are designed to calculate and present performance in compliance with the GIPS standards. The Voya Core Plus Fixed Income Composite has been examined for the periods 1999-2018. The verification and performance examination reports are available upon request. Notes: Firm Definition: Voya Investment Management (the "Firm") is defined as all accounts managed by Voya Investment Management Co. LLC and its subsidiary Voya Investment Trust Co., but not including collateralized debt obligation structures, long/short hedge funds, structured mortgage derivative portfolios, or specialized accounts supporting the reinsurance arrangements of affiliated insurance companies. Composite Definition: This is a fixed income strategy that invests in debt securities across multiple quality ranges, sectors, and industries in order to maximize total return through income and capital appreciation. The objective is to outperform the Bloomberg Barclays U.S. Aggregate Index over a full credit cycle. Portfolio valuations and returns for this composite are computed and stated in U.S. dollars. Effective January 1, 2003, a $25 million minimum has been set for inclusion in the composite, and prior to that, no portfolios were excluded based on size. This composite was incepted and created on January 1, 1999. Benchmark Definition: Returns are benchmarked to the Bloomberg Barclays U.S. Aggregate Index, which does not incur management fees, transaction costs, or other expenses associated with a composite portfolio. The Bloomberg Barclays U.S. Aggregate Index represents a broad universe of fixed rate, dollar-denominated, investment grade government, corporate, mortgage pass-through, and asset-backed securities. Securities prices used to value the benchmark index for the purposes of calculating total return may or may not differ significantly from those used to value securities held within composite portfolios. Treatment of Fees & Expenses: Gross-of-fees returns are presented before management and custodial fees but after all trading expenses. Net-of-fees returns are calculated by deducting a hypothetical management fee from the gross return on a monthly basis and geometrically linking the results to produce annual returns shown. The hypothetical management fee is equal to the highest fee from any fee schedule offered at the time for the strategy shown. While fee schedules can change over time, any amended fee resulting from a change will not be retroactively applied to performance history, but will rather be applied on a prospective basis from the point of change. The annual management fee will vary according to the size of the account, and will depend on the type of investment vehicle selected. The current fee schedule for this strategy is: 0.30% on the first $50 million; 0.25% on the next $75 million; 0.20% on the next $150 million; and 0.18% over $275 million. However, fee schedules may differ for pooled trusts or other types of investment vehicles. Further information regarding applicable fee schedules is available upon request. Explanation of Risk Measures: "Dispersion of Portfolio Returns" presented for each annual period is based on gross-of-fees returns and is equal to the highest and lowest annual return among the portfolios that are included in the composite for the full year. "Composite 3-Yr St Dev" and "Benchmark 3-Yr St Dev" are rolling 3-year standard deviation calculations, which measure the variability of the monthly performance returns for the composite and benchmark index return over the preceding 36-month period on an annualized basis. If the composite has not been in existence for at least 3 years as of a particular year-end, then “NA” will be displayed. Other Notes: This strategy invests in securities domiciled in countries outside of the U.S. As such, a withholding (tax) on investment income is applicable in most cases and is typically accrued for within daily portfolio accounting valuations used as a basis for performance return calculations. For certain countries, investors may be eligible for a tax “reclaim”, normally calculated as a percentage of the withholding amount. In terms of accounting treatment, this reclaim can either be accrued for (effectively offsetting the accrued withholding tax by a certain amount), or is realized on a cash settlement basis. Information regarding withholding tax and reclaims for foreign securities is available upon request. Policies for valuing portfolios, calculating performance, and preparing compliant presentations, as well as a complete list of composite descriptions, are available upon request. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. For one-on-one use only. Not for inspection by, distribution or quotation to, the general public.
Schedule of Composite Performance Voya Core Fixed Income Composite Bloomberg Barclays U.S. Composite 3-Yr Benchmark 3-Yr Dispersion of Portfolio Number of Assets in this Total Firm Assets CFI_CO Year Gross Returns (%) Net Returns (%) Aggregate Returns (%) St Dev (%) St Dev (%) Returns (%) Portfolios Composite ($mm) ($mm) High Low 2018 2018 0.25 (0.00) 0.01 2.69 2.84 0.37 0.10 ≤5 1,321 106,335 2017 3.96 3.71 3.54 2.71 2.78 4.32 3.70 ≤5 1,351 113,387 2017 2016 3.43 3.12 2.65 2.95 2.98 3.59 3.23 ≤5 1,261 99,889 2016 2015 0.46 0.16 0.55 2.98 2.88 0.56 0.37 2015 ≤5 1,242 94,574 2014 6.21 5.89 5.97 2.74 2.63 6.29 6.06 6 1,354 100,577 2014 2013 (1.62) (1.92) (2.02) 2.74 2.71 (1.51) (1.72) 8 2,068 93,084 2013 2012 5.71 5.34 4.21 2.35 2.38 6.11 5.18 9 2,287 76,532 2012 2011 7.41 7.04 7.84 3.26 2.78 7.59 7.21 9 2,388 65,776 2011 2010 8.10 7.72 6.54 4.72 4.17 8.47 7.89 9 2,085 60,236 2010 2009 10.10 9.72 5.93 4.58 4.11 12.54 8.47 10 3,118 61,643 2009 Voya Investment Management claims compliance with the Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS®) and has prepared and presented this report in compliance with the GIPS Standards. Voya Investment Management has been independently verified for the period January 1, 1996, through December 31, 2018. Verification assesses whether (1) the firm has complied with all of the composite construction requirements of the GIPS standards on a firm-wide basis and (2) the firm's policies and procedures are designed to calculate and present performance in compliance with the GIPS standards. The Voya Core Fixed Income Composite has been examined for the periods 1998-2013. The verification and performance examination reports are available upon request. Notes: Firm Definition: Voya Investment Management (the "Firm") is defined as all accounts managed by Voya Investment Management Co. LLC and its subsidiary Voya Investment Trust Co., but not including collateralized debt obligation structures, long/short hedge funds, structured mortgage derivative portfolios, or specialized accounts supporting the reinsurance arrangements of affiliated insurance companies. Composite Definition: This is a fixed income strategy that invests in investment-grade debt securities across multiple sectors and industries in order to maximize total return through income and capital appreciation. The objective is to outperform the Bloomberg Barclays U.S. Aggregate Bond Index over a full credit cycle. Portfolio valuations and returns for this composite are computed and stated in U.S. dollars. A $25 million minimum has been set for inclusion in the composite. This composite incepted on February 1, 1998 and was created in November 2002. Benchmark Definition: Returns are benchmarked to the Bloomberg Barclays U.S. Aggregate Index, which does not incur management fees, transaction costs, or other expenses associated with a composite portfolio. The Bloomberg Barclays U.S. Aggregate Index represents a broad universe of fixed rate, dollar-denominated, investment grade government, corporate, mortgage pass-through, and asset-backed securities. Securities prices used to value the benchmark index for the purposes of calculating total return may or may not differ significantly from those used to value securities held within composite portfolios. Treatment of Fees & Expenses: Gross-of-fees returns are presented before management and custodial fees but after all trading expenses. Net-of-fees returns are calculated by deducting a hypothetical management fee from the gross return on a monthly basis and geometrically linking the results to produce annual returns shown. The hypothetical management fee is equal to the highest fee from any fee schedule offered at the time for the strategy shown. While fee schedules can change over time, any amended fee resulting from a change will not be retroactively applied to performance history, but will rather be applied on a prospective basis from the point of change. The annual management fee will vary according to the size of the account, and will depend on the type of investment vehicle selected. The current fee schedule for this strategy is: 0.25% on the first $100 million; 0.20% on the next $150 million; 0.17% on the next $150 million; and 0.15% over $400 million. However, fee schedules may differ for pooled trusts or other types of investment vehicles. Further information regarding applicable fee schedules is available upon request. Explanation of Risk Measures: "Dispersion of Portfolio Returns" presented for each annual period is based on gross-of-fees returns and is equal to the highest and lowest annual return among the portfolios that are included in the composite for the full year. "Composite 3-Yr St Dev" and "Benchmark 3-Yr St Dev" are rolling 3-year standard deviation calculations, which measure the variability of the monthly performance returns for the composite and benchmark index return over the preceding 36-month period on an annualized basis. If the composite has not been in existence for at least 3 years as of a particular year-end, then “NA” will be displayed. Other Notes: Policies for valuing portfolios, calculating performance, and preparing compliant presentations, as well as a complete list of composite descriptions, are available upon request. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. For one-on-one use only. Not for inspection by, distribution or quotation to, the general public.
Schedule of Composite Performance Voya Enhanced Long Duration Government Credit Composite Bloomberg Barclays U.S. Long Government/Credit Composite 3-Yr Benchmark 3-Yr Dispersion of Portfolio Number of Assets in this Total Firm EHLGC Year Gross Returns (%) Net Returns (%) Returns (%) St Dev (%) St Dev (%) Returns (%) Portfolios Composite ($mm) Assets ($mm) High Low 2018* (0.97) (1.17) (1.14) NA NA NA NA ≤5 195 106,335 2018* *Cumulative return for the period is from April 1, 2018 (inception of strategy) to December 31, 2018. Voya Investment Management claims compliance with the Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS®) and has prepared and presented this report in compliance with the GIPS Standards. Voya Investment Management has been independently verified for the period January 1, 1996, through December 31, 2018. The verification report is available upon request. Verification assesses whether (1) the firm has complied with all of the composite construction requirements of the GIPS standards on a firm-wide basis and (2) the firm's policies and procedures are designed to calculate and present performance in compliance with the GIPS standards. Verification does not ensure the accuracy of any specific composite presentation. Notes: Firm Definition: Voya Investment Management (the "Firm") is defined as all accounts managed by Voya Investment Management Co. LLC and its subsidiary Voya Investment Trust Co., but not including collateralized debt obligation structures, long/short hedge funds, structured mortgage derivative portfolios, or specialized accounts supporting the reinsurance arrangements of affiliated insurance companies. Composite Definition: This is a fixed income strategy whose primary objective is to maximize total return mainly through security selection of long-dated corporate and treasury bonds, while maintaining duration similar to the portfolio's index. Further, this strategy typically includes allocations to off-benchmark securities, including investment grade private credit and securitized assets. Portfolio valuations and returns for this composite are computed and stated in U.S. dollars. A $25 million minimum has been set for inclusion in the composite. This composite incepted and created on April 1, 2018. Benchmark Definition: Returns are benchmarked to the Bloomberg Barclays U.S. Long Government/Credit Index, which does not incur management fees, transaction costs, or other expenses associated with a composite portfolio. The Bloomberg Barclays U.S. Long Government/Credit represents the long component of the Bloomberg Barclays U.S. Government/Credit Index. The Bloomberg Barclays U.S. Long Government/Credit Index includes treasuries (i.e., public obligations of the U.S. Treasury that have remaining maturities of more than one year) and agencies (i.e., publicly issued debt of U.S. Government agencies, quasi-federal corporations, and corporate or foreign debt guaranteed by the U.S. Government), and publicly issued U.S. corporate and foreign debentures and secured notes that meet specified maturity, liquidity, and quality requirements. Securities prices used to value the benchmark index for the purposes of calculating total return may or may not differ significantly from those used to value securities held within composite portfolios. both corporate and non-corporate sectors. Treatment of Fees & Expenses: Gross-of-fees returns are presented before management and custodial fees but after all trading expenses. Net-of-fees returns are calculated by deducting a hypothetical management fee from the gross return on a monthly basis and geometrically linking the results to produce annual returns shown. The hypothetical management fee is equal to the highest fee from any fee schedule offered at the time for the strategy shown. While fee schedules can change over time, any amended fee resulting from a change will not be retroactively applied to performance history, but will rather be applied on a prospective basis from the point of change. The annual management fee will vary according to the size of the account, and will depend on the type of investment vehicle selected. The current fee schedule for this strategy is: 0.25% on the first $100 million; 0.20% on the next $200 million; 0.17% on the next $200 million; and 0.15% over $500 million. However, fee schedules may differ for pooled trusts or other types of investment vehicles. Further information regarding applicable fee schedules is available upon request. Explanation of Risk Measures: "Dispersion of Portfolio Returns" presented for each annual period is based on gross-of-fees returns and is equal to the highest and lowest annual return among the portfolios that are included in the composite for the full year. "Composite 3-Yr St Dev" and "Benchmark 3-Yr St Dev" are rolling 3-year standard deviation calculations, which measure the variability of the monthly performance returns for the composite and benchmark index return over the preceding 36-month period on an annualized basis. If the composite has not been in existence for at least 3 years as of a particular year-end, then “NA” will be displayed. Other Notes: Policies for valuing portfolios, calculating performance, and preparing compliant presentations, as well as a complete list of composite descriptions, are available upon request. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. For one-on-one use only. Not for inspection by, distribution or quotation to, the general public.
Schedule of Composite Performance Voya Global Bond Composite Bloomberg Barclays Global Composite 3-Yr St Benchmark 3-Yr St Dispersion of Portfolio Number of Assets in this Total Firm Assets GB_CO Year Gross Returns (%) Net Returns (%) Aggregate Returns (%) Dev (%) Dev (%) Returns (%) Portfolios Composite ($mm) ($mm) High Low 2018 (1.50) (1.84) (1.20) 4.52 4.90 (1.49) (1.51) ≤5 430 106,335 2018 2017 10.10 9.74 7.39 4.42 4.82 10.21 10.01 ≤5 475 113,387 2017 2016 6.48 6.11 2.09 4.68 4.97 7.15 6.19 ≤5 656 99,889 2016 2015 (3.64) (3.98) (3.15) 5.24 3.90 (3.34) (3.88) ≤5 786 94,574 2015 2014 0.86 0.51 0.59 5.77 3.93 1.32 0.70 ≤5 879 100,577 2014 2013 (2.61) (2.95) (2.60) 6.02 4.36 (2.17) (3.31) ≤5 965 93,084 2013 2012 8.48 8.10 4.32 5.12 4.90 8.75 7.81 ≤5 1,313 76,532 2012 2011 4.01 3.55 5.64 6.15 6.53 4.27 3.92 ≤5 1,151 65,776 2011 2010 5.31 4.87 5.54 7.79 7.96 5.27 5.27 ≤5 628 60,236 2010 2009 13.25 12.80 6.93 7.63 7.53 13.25 13.25 ≤5 353 61,643 2009 Voya Investment Management claims compliance with the Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS®) and has prepared and presented this report in compliance with the GIPS Standards. Voya Investment Management has been independently verified for the period January 1, 1996, through December 31, 2018. Verification assesses whether (1) the firm has complied with all of the composite construction requirements of the GIPS standards on a firm-wide basis and (2) the firm's policies and procedures are designed to calculate and present performance in compliance with the GIPS standards. The Voya Global Bond Composite has been examined for the periods 2006-2013. The verification and performance examination reports are available upon request. Notes: Firm Definition: Voya Investment Management (the "Firm") is defined as all accounts managed by Voya Investment Management Co. LLC and its subsidiary Voya Investment Trust Co., but not including collateralized debt obligation structures, long/short hedge funds, structured mortgage derivative portfolios, or specialized accounts supporting the reinsurance arrangements of affiliated insurance companies. Composite Definition: This is a fixed income strategy that invests in multi-currency debt and derivative securities globally, including sovereign debt, corporate debt, mortgage-backed securities, foreign exchange forwards, currency swaps, and interest rate swaps. The strategy seeks to maximize total return through a combination of current income and capital appreciation. Portfolio valuations and returns for this composite are computed and stated in U.S. dollars. A $25 million minimum has been set for inclusion in the composite. This composite was incepted and created on August 1, 2006. Benchmark Definition: Returns are benchmarked to the Bloomberg Barclays Global Aggregate Index, which does not incur management fees, transaction costs, or other expenses associated with a composite portfolio. The Bloomberg Barclays Global Aggregate Index represents a broad universe of global investment-grade fixed income markets. The three major components of this index are the U.S. Aggregate, the Pan-European Aggregate, and the Asian-Pacific Aggregate Indices. The index also includes Eurodollar and Euro-Yen corporate bonds, Canadian government, agency and corporate securities, and USD investment grade 144A securities. Securities prices used to value the benchmark index for the purposes of calculating total return may or may not differ significantly from those used to value securities held within composite portfolios. Treatment of Fees & Expenses: Gross-of-fees returns are presented before management and custodial fees but after all trading expenses. Net-of-fees returns are calculated by deducting a hypothetical management fee from the gross return on a monthly basis and geometrically linking the results to produce annual returns shown. The hypothetical management fee is equal to the highest fee from any fee schedule offered at the time for the strategy shown. While fee schedules can change over time, any amended fee resulting from a change will not be retroactively applied to performance history, but will rather be applied on a prospective basis from the point of change. The annual management fee will vary according to the size of the account, and will depend on the type of investment vehicle selected. The current fee schedule for this strategy is: 0.30% on the first $10 million; 0.24% on the next $200 million; and 0.20% over $300 million. However, fee schedules may differ for pooled trusts or other types of investment vehicles. Further information regarding applicable fee schedules is available upon request. Explanation of Risk Measures: "Dispersion of Portfolio Returns" presented for each annual period is based on gross-of-fees returns and is equal to the highest and lowest annual return among the portfolios that are included in the composite for the full year. "Composite 3-Yr St Dev" and "Benchmark 3-Yr St Dev" are rolling 3-year standard deviation calculations, which measure the variability of the monthly performance returns for the composite and benchmark index return over the preceding 36-month period on an annualized basis. If the composite has not been in existence for at least 3 years as of a particular year-end, then “NA” will be displayed. Other Notes: This strategy invests in securities domiciled in countries outside of the U.S. As such, a withholding (tax) on investment income is applicable in most cases and is typically accrued for within daily portfolio accounting valuations used as a basis for performance return calculations. For certain countries, investors may be eligible for a tax “reclaim”, normally calculated as a percentage of the withholding amount. In terms of accounting treatment, this reclaim can either be accrued for (effectively offsetting the accrued withholding tax by a certain amount), or is realized on a cash settlement basis. Information regarding withholding tax and reclaims for foreign securities is available upon request. The investment strategy makes regular use of various types of derivatives contracts, including, but not limited to, forward foreign currency exchange contracts, futures, purchased options, written options, and swaps. Different combinations of these instruments are used to change the level or types of exposure to market risk factors. This allows the strategy to pursue investment objectives more quickly and efficiently than if it were to make direct purchases or sales of securities capable of affecting a similar response to market factors. Daily accounting valuations for certain portfolios included within the composite being presented have utilized currency exchange rates (used to convert foreign-denominated asset values to U.S. dollars) that differ from those of the benchmark index used. These differences may or may not have significantly contributed to the relative performance of the composite vs. its benchmark for certain periods. Policies for valuing portfolios, calculating performance, and preparing compliant presentations, as well as a complete list of composite descriptions, are available upon request. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. For one-on-one use only. Not for inspection by, distribution or quotation to, the general public.
Schedule of Composite Performance Voya Investment Grade Credit Composite Bloomberg Barclays U.S. Composite 3-Yr Benchmark 3-Yr Dispersion of Portfolio Number of Assets in this Total Firm IGCFI_C Year Gross Returns (%) Net Returns (%) Corporate Returns (%) St Dev (%) St Dev (%) Returns (%) Portfolios Composite ($mm) Assets ($mm) High Low 2018 (2.55) (2.80) (2.51) 3.82 3.65 (2.55) (2.55) ≤5 1,492 106,335 2018 2017 7.71 7.42 6.42 4.05 3.88 7.79 7.70 2017 ≤5 2,068 113,387 2016 7.05 6.73 6.11 4.47 4.15 7.72 6.90 ≤5 1,179 99,889 2016 2015 0.10 (0.20) (0.68) 4.66 4.13 0.17 0.07 ≤5 551 94,574 2015 2014 8.76 8.44 7.46 4.68 4.01 8.77 8.70 ≤5 371 100,577 2014 2013 2013 1.28 0.97 (1.53) 5.35 4.43 1.32 1.32 ≤5 233 93,084 2012 14.34 13.89 9.82 4.77 3.92 14.74 14.74 ≤5 256 76,532 2012 2011 2011 7.27 6.84 8.15 NA NA 6.57 6.57 ≤5 331 65,776 2010 14.31 13.86 9.00 NA NA 14.74 14.74 ≤5 52 60,236 2010 2009* 22.77 22.33 18.15 2009* NA NA NA NA ≤5 127 61,643 *Cumulative return for the period is from February 1, 2009 (inception of strategy) to December 31, 2009. Voya Investment Management claims compliance with the Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS®) and has prepared and presented this report in compliance with the GIPS Standards. Voya Investment Management has been independently verified for the period January 1, 1996, through December 31, 2018. Verification assesses whether (1) the firm has complied with all of the composite construction requirements of the GIPS standards on a firm-wide basis and (2) the firm's policies and procedures are designed to calculate and present performance in compliance with the GIPS standards. The Voya Investment Grade Credit Composite has been examined for the periods 2009-2018. The verification and performance examination reports are available upon request. Notes: Firm Definition: Voya Investment Management (the "Firm") is defined as all accounts managed by Voya Investment Management Co. LLC and its subsidiary Voya Investment Trust Co., but not including collateralized debt obligation structures, long/short hedge funds, structured mortgage derivative portfolios, or specialized accounts supporting the reinsurance arrangements of affiliated insurance companies. Composite Definition: This is a fixed income strategy that invests in investment-grade corporate debt securities across multiple sectors and industries in order to maximize total return through income and capital appreciation. The objective is to outperform the Bloomberg Barclays U.S. Corporate Index before management fees over a full credit cycle. Portfolio valuations and returns for this composite are computed and stated in U.S. dollars. A $25 million minimum has been set for inclusion in the composite. This composite was incepted and created on February 1, 2009. Benchmark Definition: Returns are benchmarked to the Bloomberg Barclays U.S. Corporate Index, which does not incur management fees, transaction costs, or other expenses associated with a composite portfolio. The Bloomberg Barclays U.S. Corporate Index includes fixed rate, dollar-denominated, investment grade corporate bonds, specified foreign debentures, and secured notes. The index includes both corporate (Industrial, Utility, and Finance) and non-corporate (Sovereign, Supranational, Foreign Agency, and Foreign Local Government) sectors. Securities prices used to value the benchmark index for the purposes of calculating total return may or may not differ significantly from those used to value securities held within composite portfolios. Treatment of Fees & Expenses: Gross-of-fees returns are presented before management and custodial fees but after all trading expenses. Net-of-fees returns are calculated by deducting a hypothetical management fee from the gross return on a monthly basis and geometrically linking the results to produce annual returns shown. The hypothetical management fee is equal to the highest fee from any fee schedule offered at the time for the strategy shown. While fee schedules can change over time, any amended fee resulting from a change will not be retroactively applied to performance history, but will rather be applied on a prospective basis from the point of change. The annual management fee will vary according to the size of the account, and will depend on the type of investment vehicle selected. The current fee schedule for this strategy is: 0.26% on the first $100 million; 0.22% on the next $200 million; 0.20% on the next $200 million; and 0.16% over $500 million. However, fee schedules may differ for pooled trusts or other types of investment vehicles. Further information regarding applicable fee schedules is available upon request. Explanation of Risk Measures: "Dispersion of Portfolio Returns" presented for each annual period is based on gross-of-fees returns and is equal to the highest and lowest annual return among the portfolios that are included in the composite for the full year. "Composite 3-Yr St Dev" and "Benchmark 3-Yr St Dev" are rolling 3-year standard deviation calculations, which measure the variability of the monthly performance returns for the composite and benchmark index return over the preceding 36-month period on an annualized basis. If the composite has not been in existence for at least 3 years as of a particular year-end, then “NA” will be displayed. Other Notes: Policies for valuing portfolios, calculating performance, and preparing compliant presentations, as well as a complete list of composite descriptions, are available upon request. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. For one-on-one use only. Not for inspection by, distribution or quotation to, the general public.
Schedule of Composite Performance Voya Short Duration Composite Bloomberg Barclays U.S. Government/Credit 1-3 Year Returns Composite 3-Yr Benchmark 3-Yr Dispersion of Number of Assets in this Total Firm VSD_C Year Gross Returns (%) Net Returns (%) (%) St Dev (%) St Dev (%) Portfolio Returns (%) Portfolios Composite ($mm) Assets ($mm) High Low 2018 1.48 1.23 1.60 0.70 0.82 1.55 1.55 ≤5 957 106,335 2018 2017 2.02 1.77 0.84 0.70 0.73 2.02 2.02 ≤5 107 113,387 2017 2016 2.16 1.87 1.28 0.74 0.75 2.16 2.16 ≤5 99 99,889 2016 2015 1.49 1.18 0.65 0.70 0.58 1.49 1.49 ≤5 135 94,574 2015 2014 1.63 1.33 0.77 NA NA 1.63 1.63 ≤5 145 100,577 2014 2013 1.98 1.68 0.64 NA NA 1.98 1.98 ≤5 174 93,084 2013 Voya Investment Management claims compliance with the Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS®) and has prepared and presented this report in compliance with the GIPS Standards. Voya Investment Management has been independently verified for the period January 1, 1996, through December 31, 2018. Verification assesses whether (1) the firm has complied with all of the composite construction requirements of the GIPS standards on a firm-wide basis and (2) the firm's policies and procedures are designed to calculate and present performance in compliance with the GIPS standards. The Voya Short Duration Composite has been examined for the periods 2013-2018. The verification and performance examination reports are available upon request. Notes: Firm Definition: Voya Investment Management (the "Firm") is defined as all accounts managed by Voya Investment Management Co. LLC and its subsidiary Voya Investment Trust Co., but not including collateralized debt obligation structures, long/short hedge funds, structured mortgage derivative portfolios, or specialized accounts supporting the reinsurance arrangements of affiliated insurance companies. Composite Definition: This is a fixed income strategy that invests primarily in investment-grade debt securities with a maximum of 10% in below investment grade while aligning portfolio duration to that of the benchmark. The objective is to outperform the Bloomberg Barclays U.S. Government/Credit 1-3 Year Index before management fees over a full credit cycle. Portfolio valuations and returns for this composite are computed and stated in U.S. dollars. A $25 million minimum has been set for inclusion in the composite. This composite was incepted and created on January 1, 2013. Benchmark Definition: Returns are benchmarked to the Bloomberg Barclays U.S. Government/Credit 1-3 Year Index, which does not incur management fees, transaction costs, or other expenses associated with a composite portfolio. The Bloomberg Barclays U.S. Government/Credit 1-3 Year Index includes fixed rate, dollar-denominated, investment grade securities with maturities of 1-3 years held within both the Bloomberg Barclays U.S. Government Index (public obligations of the U.S. Treasury, U.S. Government agencies, quasi-federal corporations, and corporate or foreign debt guaranteed by the U.S. Government) and the Bloomberg Barclays U.S. Credit Index (publicly issued U.S. corporate and foreign debentures and secured notes). Securities prices used to value the benchmark index for the purposes of calculating total return may or may not differ significantly from those used to value securities held within composite portfolios. Treatment of Fees & Expenses: Gross-of-fees returns are presented before management and custodial fees but after all trading expenses. Net-of-fees returns are calculated by deducting a hypothetical management fee from the gross return on a monthly basis and geometrically linking the results to produce annual returns shown. The hypothetical management fee is equal to the highest fee from any fee schedule offered at the time for the strategy shown. While fee schedules can change over time, any amended fee resulting from a change will not be retroactively applied to performance history, but will rather be applied on a prospective basis from the point of change. The annual management fee will vary according to the size of the account, and will depend on the type of investment vehicle selected. The current fee schedule for this strategy is: 0.24% on the first $50 million; 0.19% on the next $75 million; 0.16% on the next $150 million; and 0.14% over $275 million. However, fee schedules may differ for pooled trusts or other types of investment vehicles. Further information regarding applicable fee schedules is available upon request. Explanation of Risk Measures: "Dispersion of Portfolio Returns" presented for each annual period is based on gross-of-fees returns and is equal to the highest and lowest annual return among the portfolios that are included in the composite for the full year. "Composite 3-Yr St Dev" and "Benchmark 3-Yr St Dev" are rolling 3-year standard deviation calculations, which measure the variability of the monthly performance returns for the composite and benchmark index return over the preceding 36-month period on an annualized basis. If the composite has not been in existence for at least 3 years as of a particular year-end, then “NA” will be displayed. Other Notes: Policies for valuing portfolios, calculating performance, and preparing compliant presentations, as well as a complete list of composite descriptions, are available upon request. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. For one-on-one use only. Not for inspection by, distribution or quotation to, the general public.
Schedule of Composite Performance Voya Short Duration High Quality Composite Bloomberg Barclays U.S. Government/Credit 1-3 Year Returns Composite 3-Yr Benchmark 3-Yr Dispersion of Number of Assets in this Total Firm CSD_C Year Gross Returns (%) Net Returns (%) (%) St Dev (%) St Dev (%) Portfolio Returns (%) Portfolios Composite ($mm) Assets ($mm) High Low 2018 1.55 1.33 1.60 0.71 0.82 1.60 1.49 2018 ≤5 576 106,335 2017 1.71 1.49 0.84 0.67 0.73 1.76 1.70 ≤5 522 113,387 2017 2016 1.78 1.49 1.28 0.70 0.75 1.80 1.76 2016 ≤5 316 99,889 2015 1.13 0.82 0.65 0.56 0.58 1.19 1.11 ≤5 428 94,574 2015 2014 1.20 0.90 0.77 0.54 0.49 1.23 1.17 2014 ≤5 422 100,577 2013 1.20 0.90 0.64 0.69 0.54 1.21 1.21 ≤5 420 93,084 2013 2012 2.04 1.69 1.26 0.89 0.72 2.04 2.04 ≤5 398 76,532 2012 2011 1.66 1.31 1.59 1.46 0.99 1.68 1.55 ≤5 247 65,776 2011 2010 3.66 3.30 2.80 2.67 1.68 3.76 2.99 ≤5 294 60,236 2010 2009 7.25 6.88 3.83 2.69 1.77 7.68 5.56 ≤5 346 61,643 2009 Voya Investment Management claims compliance with the Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS®) and has prepared and presented this report in compliance with the GIPS Standards. Voya Investment Management has been independently verified for the period January 1, 1996, through December 31, 2018. Verification assesses whether (1) the firm has complied with all of the composite construction requirements of the GIPS standards on a firm-wide basis and (2) the firm's policies and procedures are designed to calculate and present performance in compliance with the GIPS standards. The Voya Short Duration High Quality Composite has been examined for the periods 1996-2018. The verification and performance examination reports are available upon request. Notes: Firm Definition: Voya Investment Management (the "Firm") is defined as all accounts managed by Voya Investment Management Co. LLC and its subsidiary Voya Investment Trust Co., but not including collateralized debt obligation structures, long/short hedge funds, structured mortgage derivative portfolios, or specialized accounts supporting the reinsurance arrangements of affiliated insurance companies. Composite Definition: This is a fixed income strategy that invests in investment-grade debt securities while aligning portfolio duration to that of the benchmark. The objective is to outperform the Bloomberg Barclays U.S. Government/Credit 1-3 Year Index before management fees over a full credit cycle. Portfolio valuations and returns for this composite are computed and stated in U.S. dollars. Effective January 1, 2003, a $25 million minimum has been set for inclusion in the composite, and prior to that, no portfolios were excluded based on size. This composite incepted on September 1, 1996 and was created in November 2002. Benchmark Definition: Returns are benchmarked to the Bloomberg Barclays U.S. Government/Credit 1-3 Year Index, which does not incur management fees, transaction costs, or other expenses associated with a composite portfolio. The Bloomberg Barclays U.S. Government/Credit 1-3 Year Index includes fixed rate, dollar- denominated, investment grade securities with maturities of 1-3 years held within both the Bloomberg Barclays U.S. Government Index (public obligations of the U.S. Treasury, U.S. Government agencies, quasi-federal corporations, and corporate or foreign debt guaranteed by the U.S. Government) and the Bloomberg Barclays U.S. Credit Index (publicly issued U.S. corporate and foreign debentures and secured notes). Securities prices used to value the benchmark index for the purposes of calculating total return may or may not differ significantly from those used to value securities held within composite portfolios. In January 2003, the benchmark for this composite was changed from the Barclays 1-5 Year Government/Credit to Bloomberg Barclays U.S. Government/Credit 1-3 Year Index. The change was made consistent with the investment strategy of the composite. Treatment of Fees & Expenses: Gross-of-fees returns are presented before management and custodial fees but after all trading expenses. Net-of-fees returns are calculated by deducting a hypothetical management fee from the gross return on a monthly basis and geometrically linking the results to produce annual returns shown. The hypothetical management fee is equal to the highest fee from any fee schedule offered at the time for the strategy shown. While fee schedules can change over time, any amended fee resulting from a change will not be retroactively applied to performance history, but will rather be applied on a prospective basis from the point of change. The annual management fee will vary according to the size of the account, and will depend on the type of investment vehicle selected. The current fee schedule for this strategy is: 0.22% on the first $50 million; 0.18% on the next $75 million; 0.15% on the next $150 million; and 0.13% over $275 million. However, fee schedules may differ for pooled trusts or other types of investment vehicles. Further information regarding applicable fee schedules is available upon request. Explanation of Risk Measures: "Dispersion of Portfolio Returns" presented for each annual period is based on gross-of-fees returns and is equal to the highest and lowest annual return among the portfolios that are included in the composite for the full year. "Composite 3-Yr St Dev" and "Benchmark 3-Yr St Dev" are rolling 3-year standard deviation calculations, which measure the variability of the monthly performance returns for the composite and benchmark index return over the preceding 36-month period on an annualized basis. If the composite has not been in existence for at least 3 years as of a particular year-end, then “NA” will be displayed. Other Notes: Policies for valuing portfolios, calculating performance, and preparing compliant presentations, as well as a complete list of composite descriptions, are available upon request. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. For one-on-one use only. Not for inspection by, distribution or quotation to, the general public.
Schedule of Composite Performance Voya Core Plus Stable Value Composite Bloomberg Barclays U.S. Composite 3-Yr Benchmark 3-Yr Dispersion of Portfolio Number of Assets in this Total Firm CPSV_ Year Gross Returns (%) Net Returns (%) Aggregate Returns (%) St Dev (%) St Dev (%) Returns (%) Portfolios Composite ($mm) Assets ($mm) High Low 2018 0.00 (0.29) 0.01 2.64 2.84 0.03 (0.02) ≤5 1,413 106,335 2018 2017 4.81 4.58 3.54 2.70 2.78 4.90 4.63 ≤5 1,422 113,387 2017 2016 4.10 3.88 2.65 2.96 2.98 4.19 3.85 ≤5 1,394 99,889 2016 2015 0.54 0.24 0.55 3.08 2.88 0.64 0.50 1,432 94,574 2015 ≤5 2014 6.37 6.05 5.97 2.95 2.63 6.41 6.19 6 1,907 100,577 2014 2013 (1.41) (1.71) (2.02) 2.98 2.71 2013 (0.93) (1.46) 8 2,223 93,084 2012 6.67 6.25 4.21 2.50 2.38 6.78 6.53 9 3,024 76,532 2012 2011 7.48 7.06 7.84 NA NA 7.79 7.27 14 3,845 65,776 2011 2010 2010 8.75 8.32 6.54 NA NA 9.26 8.27 14 3,408 60,236 2009* 11.02 10.69 5.81 2009* NA NA NA NA 15 3,690 61,643 *Cumulative return for the period is from April 1, 2009 (inception of strategy) to December 31, 2009. Voya Investment Management claims compliance with the Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS®) and has prepared and presented this report in compliance with the GIPS Standards. Voya Investment Management has been independently verified for the period January 1, 1996, through December 31, 2018. Verification assesses whether (1) the firm has complied with all of the composite construction requirements of the GIPS standards on a firm-wide basis and (2) the firm's policies and procedures are designed to calculate and present performance in compliance with the GIPS standards. The Voya Core Plus Stable Value Composite has been examined for the periods 2009-2012. The verification and performance examination reports are available upon request. Notes: Firm Definition: Voya Investment Management (the "Firm") is defined as all accounts managed by Voya Investment Management Co. LLC and its subsidiary Voya Investment Trust Co., but not including collateralized debt obligation structures, long/short hedge funds, structured mortgage derivative portfolios, or specialized accounts supporting the reinsurance arrangements of affiliated insurance companies. Composite Definition: This is a fixed income strategy designed for defined contribution plan sponsors seeking to provide participants with capital preservation and attractive rates of return by investing in debt securities across multiple quality ranges, sectors, and industries. The objective is to outperform the Bloomberg Barclays U.S. Aggregate Bond Index while limiting risk to principal. Portfolio valuations and returns for this composite are computed and stated in U.S. dollars. A $25 million minimum has been set for inclusion in the composite. This composite was incepted and created on April 1, 2009. Benchmark Definition: Returns are benchmarked to the Bloomberg Barclays U.S. Aggregate Index, which does not incur management fees, transaction costs, or other expenses associated with a composite portfolio. The Bloomberg Barclays U.S. Aggregate Index represents a broad universe of fixed rate, dollar-denominated, investment grade government, corporate, mortgage pass-through, and asset-backed securities. Securities prices used to value the benchmark index for the purposes of calculating total return may or may not differ significantly from those used to value securities held within composite portfolios. Treatment of Fees & Expenses: Gross-of-fees returns are presented before management and custodial fees but after all trading expenses. Net-of-fees returns are calculated by deducting a hypothetical management fee from the gross return on a monthly basis and geometrically linking the results to produce annual returns shown. The hypothetical management fee is equal to the highest fee from any fee schedule offered at the time for the strategy shown. While fee schedules can change over time, any amended fee resulting from a change will not be retroactively applied to performance history, but will rather be applied on a prospective basis from the point of change. The annual management fee will vary according to the size of the account, and will depend on the type of investment vehicle selected. The current fee schedule for this strategy is: 0.30% on the first $50 million; 0.25% on the next $75million; 0.20% over $150 million;and 0.18% over $275million. However, fee schedules may differ for pooled trusts or other types of investment vehicles. Further information regarding applicable fee schedules is available upon request. Explanation of Risk Measures: "Dispersion of Portfolio Returns" presented for each annual period is based on gross-of-fees returns and is equal to the highest and lowest annual return among the portfolios that are included in the composite for the full year. "Composite 3-Yr St Dev" and "Benchmark 3-Yr St Dev" are rolling 3-year standard deviation calculations, which measure the variability of the monthly performance returns for the composite and benchmark index return over the preceding 36-month period on an annualized basis. If the composite has not been in existence for at least 3 years as of a particular year-end, then “NA” will be displayed. Other Notes: This strategy invests in securities domiciled in countries outside of the U.S. As such, a withholding (tax) on investment income is applicable in most cases and is typically accrued for within daily portfolio accounting valuations used as a basis for performance return calculations. For certain countries, investors may be eligible for a tax “reclaim”, normally calculated as a percentage of the withholding amount. In terms of accounting treatment, this reclaim can either be accrued for (effectively offsetting the accrued withholding tax by a certain amount), or is realized on a cash settlement basis. Information regarding withholding tax and reclaims for foreign securities is available upon request. Policies for valuing portfolios, calculating performance, and preparing compliant presentations, as well as a complete list of composite descriptions, are available upon request. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. For one-on-one use only. Not for inspection by, distribution or quotation to, the general public.
Schedule of Composite Performance Voya Core Intermediate Fixed Income Composite Bloomberg Barclays U.S. Intermediate Aggregate Composite 3-Yr Benchmark 3-Yr Dispersion of Portfolio Number of Assets in this Total Firm CINFI_C Year Gross Returns (%) Net Returns (%) Returns (%) St Dev (%) St Dev (%) Returns (%) Portfolios Composite ($mm) Assets ($mm) High Low 2018 0.90 0.66 0.92 2.04 2.12 0.92 0.65 ≤5 2,205 106,335 2018 2017 2.18 1.93 2.27 1.95 1.96 2.26 2.08 ≤5 2,796 113,387 2017 2016 2.27 2.04 1.97 2.14 2.13 2.35 2.20 ≤5 1,970 99,889 2016 2015 1.12 0.82 1.21 2.14 2.10 1.16 1.07 6 2,354 94,574 2015 2014 4.03 3.72 4.12 2.02 1.96 4.17 3.86 6 2,898 100,577 2014 2013 (0.94) (1.24) (1.02) 2.04 2.01 (0.79) (1.04) 6 2,779 93,084 2013 2012 4.44 4.13 3.56 1.83 1.88 4.46 4.41 6 2,445 76,532 2012 2011 5.61 5.30 5.97 2.33 2.29 5.66 5.58 ≤5 950 65,776 2011 2010 6.83 6.45 6.15 3.44 3.36 6.85 6.82 ≤5 773 60,236 2010 2009 9.11 8.73 6.46 3.43 3.33 9.36 9.36 ≤5 732 61,643 2009 Voya Investment Management claims compliance with the Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS®) and has prepared and presented this report in compliance with the GIPS Standards. Voya Investment Management has been independently verified for the period January 1, 1996, through December 31, 2018. Verification assesses whether (1) the firm has complied with all of the composite construction requirements of the GIPS standards on a firm-wide basis and (2) the firm's policies and procedures are designed to calculate and present performance in compliance with the GIPS standards. The Voya Core Intermediate Fixed Income Composite has been examined for the periods 2007-2018. The verification and performance examination reports are available upon request. Notes: Firm Definition: Voya Investment Management (the "Firm") is defined as all accounts managed by Voya Investment Management Co. LLC and its subsidiary Voya Investment Trust Co., but not including collateralized debt obligation structures, long/short hedge funds, structured mortgage derivative portfolios, or specialized accounts supporting the reinsurance arrangements of affiliated insurance companies. Composite Definition: This is a fixed income strategy designed for defined contribution plan sponsors seeking to provide participants with capital preservation and attractive rates of return by investing in debt securities across multiple quality ranges, sectors, and industries, while maintaining a duration similar to the Bloomberg Barclays U.S. Intermediate Aggregate Index. Portfolio valuations and returns for this composite are computed and stated in U.S. dollars. A $25 million minimum has been set for inclusion in the composite. This composite was incepted and created on August 1, 2004. Benchmark Definition: Returns are benchmarked to the Bloomberg Barclays U.S. Intermediate Aggregate Index, which does not incur management fees, transaction costs, or other expenses associated with a composite portfolio. The Bloomberg Barclays U.S. Intermediate Aggregate Index represents a broad universe of fixed rate, dollar- denominated, investment grade government, corporate, mortgage pass-through, and asset-backed securities with maturities of 1-10 years. Securities prices used to value the benchmark index for the purposes of calculating total return may or may not differ significantly from those used to value securities held within composite portfolios. Treatment of Fees & Expenses: Gross-of-fees returns are presented before management and custodial fees but after all trading expenses. Net-of-fees returns are calculated by deducting a hypothetical management fee from the gross return on a monthly basis and geometrically linking the results to produce annual returns shown. The hypothetical management fee is equal to the highest fee from any fee schedule offered at the time for the strategy shown. While fee schedules can change over time, any amended fee resulting from a change will not be retroactively applied to performance history, but will rather be applied on a prospective basis from the point of change. The annual management fee will vary according to the size of the account, and will depend on the type of investment vehicle selected. The current fee schedule for this strategy is: 0.24% on the first $100 million; 0.19% on the next $150 million; 0.16% on the next $150 million, and 0.14% over $400 million. However, fee schedules may differ for pooled trusts or other types of investment vehicles. Further information regarding applicable fee schedules is available upon request. Explanation of Risk Measures: "Dispersion of Portfolio Returns" presented for each annual period is based on gross-of-fees returns and is equal to the highest and lowest annual return among the portfolios that are included in the composite for the full year. "Composite 3-Yr St Dev" and "Benchmark 3-Yr St Dev" are rolling 3-year standard deviation calculations, which measure the variability of the monthly performance returns for the composite and benchmark index return over the preceding 36-month period on an annualized basis. If the composite has not been in existence for at least 3 years as of a particular year-end, then “NA” will be displayed. Other Notes: Policies for valuing portfolios, calculating performance, and preparing compliant presentations, as well as a complete list of composite descriptions, are available upon request. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. For one-on-one use only. Not for inspection by, distribution or quotation to, the general public.
Schedule of Composite Performance Voya Core Plus Intermediate Aggregate Composite Bloomberg Barclays U.S. Intermediate Aggregate Composite 3-Yr Benchmark 3-Yr Dispersion of Portfolio Number of Assets in this Total Firm CPIA_C Year Gross Returns (%) Net Returns (%) Returns (%) St Dev (%) St Dev (%) Returns (%) Portfolios Composite ($mm) Assets ($mm) High Low 0.78 0.48 0.92 1.96 2.12 0.96 0.66 750 106,335 2018 2018 ≤5 2017 3.59 3.36 2.27 1.94 1.96 3.62 3.55 ≤5 740 113,387 2017 2016 3.27 3.04 1.97 2.12 2.13 3.37 3.20 2016 ≤5 736 99,889 2015 2015 1.33 1.03 1.21 2.31 2.10 1.37 1.32 ≤5 679 94,574 2014 4.54 4.22 4.12 2014 NA NA 4.48 4.48 ≤5 662 100,577 2013 (0.55) (0.85) (1.02) NA NA (0.55) (0.55) ≤5 243 93,084 2013 1.76 1.63 0.61 2012 2012* NA NA NA NA ≤5 251 76,532 *Cumulative return for the period is from August 1, 2012 (inception of strategy) to December 31, 2012. Voya Investment Management claims compliance with the Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS®) and has prepared and presented this report in compliance with the GIPS Standards. Voya Investment Management has been independently verified for the period January 1, 1996, through December 31, 2018. The verification report is available upon request. Verification assesses whether (1) the firm has complied with all of the composite construction requirements of the GIPS standards on a firm-wide basis and (2) the firm's policies and procedures are designed to calculate and present performance in compliance with the GIPS standards. Verification does not ensure the accuracy of any specific composite presentation. Notes: Firm Definition: Voya Investment Management (the "Firm") is defined as all accounts managed by Voya Investment Management Co. LLC and its subsidiary Voya Investment Trust Co., but not including collateralized debt obligation structures, long/short hedge funds, structured mortgage derivative portfolios, or specialized accounts supporting the reinsurance arrangements of affiliated insurance companies. Composite Definition: This is a fixed income strategy that invests in the full spectrum of fixed income securities including U.S. Treasuries, GNMA and mortgage pass-throughs, corporate bonds and asset-backed securities, while maintaining a duration similar to the Bloomberg Barclays U.S. Intermediate Aggregate Bond Index. Portfolio valuations and returns for this composite are computed and stated in U.S. dollars. A $25 million minimum has been set for inclusion in the composite. This composite was incepted and created on August 1, 2012. Benchmark Definition: Returns are benchmarked to the Bloomberg Barclays U.S. Intermediate Aggregate Index, which does not incur management fees, transaction costs, or other expenses associated with a composite portfolio. The Bloomberg Barclays U.S. Intermediate Aggregate Index represents securities that are U.S. domestic, taxable, and dollar denominated. The index covers the U.S. investment grade fixed rate bond market, with index components for government and corporate securities, mortgage pass-through securities, and asset-backed securities. Securities prices used to value the benchmark index for the purposes of calculating total return may or may not differ significantly from those used to value securities held within composite portfolios. Treatment of Fees & Expenses: Gross-of-fees returns are presented before management and custodial fees but after all trading expenses. Net-of-fees returns are calculated by deducting a hypothetical management fee from the gross return on a monthly basis and geometrically linking the results to produce annual returns shown. The hypothetical management fee is equal to the highest fee from any fee schedule offered at the time for the strategy shown. While fee schedules can change over time, any amended fee resulting from a change will not be retroactively applied to performance history, but will rather be applied on a prospective basis from the point of change. The annual management fee will vary according to the size of the account, and will depend on the type of investment vehicle selected. The current fee schedule for this strategy is: 0.30% on the first $50 million; 0.25% on the next $75million; 0.20% over $150 million;and 0.18% over $275million. However, fee schedules may differ for pooled trusts or other types of investment vehicles. Further information regarding applicable fee schedules is available upon request. Explanation of Risk Measures: "Dispersion of Portfolio Returns" presented for each annual period is based on gross-of-fees returns and is equal to the highest and lowest annual return among the portfolios that are included in the composite for the full year. "Composite 3-Yr St Dev" and "Benchmark 3-Yr St Dev" are rolling 3-year standard deviation calculations, which measure the variability of the monthly performance returns for the composite and benchmark index return over the preceding 36-month period on an annualized basis. If the composite has not been in existence for at least 3 years as of a particular year-end, then “NA” will be displayed. Other Notes: This strategy invests in securities domiciled in countries outside of the U.S. As such, a withholding (tax) on investment income is applicable in most cases and is typically accrued for within daily portfolio accounting valuations used as a basis for performance return calculations. For certain countries, investors may be eligible for a tax “reclaim”, normally calculated as a percentage of the withholding amount. In terms of accounting treatment, this reclaim can either be accrued for (effectively offsetting the accrued withholding tax by a certain amount), or is realized on a cash settlement basis. Information regarding withholding tax and reclaims for foreign securities is available upon request. Policies for valuing portfolios, calculating performance, and preparing compliant presentations, as well as a complete list of composite descriptions, are available upon request. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. For one-on-one use only. Not for inspection by, distribution or quotation to, the general public.
Schedule of Composite Performance Voya Core Short Duration 1-5 Composite Bloomberg Barclays U.S. Government 1-5 Year Composite 3-Yr Benchmark 3-Yr Dispersion of Portfolio Number of Assets in this Total Firm CSD15_ Year Gross Returns (%) Net Returns (%) Returns (%) St Dev (%) St Dev (%) Returns (%) Portfolios Composite ($mm) Assets ($mm) High Low 2018 1.67 1.44 1.53 1.20 1.44 1.67 1.67 ≤5 1,130 106,335 2018 2017 1.38 1.15 0.69 1.21 1.35 1.38 1.38 ≤5 1,475 113,387 2017 2016 1.43 1.20 1.02 1.29 1.39 1.43 1.43 ≤5 1,671 99,889 2016 2015 1.09 0.79 0.93 1.13 1.12 1.09 1.09 ≤5 1,522 94,574 2015 2014 1.58 1.28 1.18 1.01 0.95 1.58 1.58 ≤5 1,446 100,577 2014 2013 0.05 (0.25) (0.12) 1.10 1.08 0.05 0.05 ≤5 1,637 93,084 2013 2012 1.96 1.66 0.97 NA NA 1.96 1.96 ≤5 1,339 76,532 2012 2011 3.32 3.01 3.21 NA NA 3.32 3.32 ≤5 777 65,776 2011 Voya Investment Management claims compliance with the Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS®) and has prepared and presented this report in compliance with the GIPS Standards. Voya Investment Management has been independently verified for the period January 1, 1996, through December 31, 2018. The verification report is available upon request. Verification assesses whether (1) the firm has complied with all of the composite construction requirements of the GIPS standards on a firm-wide basis and (2) the firm's policies and procedures are designed to calculate and present performance in compliance with the GIPS standards. Verification does not ensure the accuracy of any specific composite presentation. Notes: Firm Definition: Voya Investment Management (the "Firm") is defined as all accounts managed by Voya Investment Management Co. LLC and its subsidiary Voya Investment Trust Co., but not including collateralized debt obligation structures, long/short hedge funds, structured mortgage derivative portfolios, or specialized accounts supporting the reinsurance arrangements of affiliated insurance companies. Composite Definition: This is a fixed income strategy designed for defined contribution plan sponsors seeking to provide participants with capital preservation and attractive rates of return by positioning the composite to take advantage of anticipated moves in the yield curve, spread basis, credit quality, and interest rate volatility. Portfolio valuations and returns for this composite are computed and stated in U.S. dollars. A $25 million minimum has been set for inclusion in the composite. This composite was incepted and created on January 1, 2011. Benchmark Definition: Returns are benchmarked to the Bloomberg Barclays U.S. Government 1-5 Year Index, which does not incur management fees, transaction costs, or other expenses associated with a composite portfolio. The Bloomberg Barclays U.S. Government 1-5 Year Index includes fixed rate, dollar-denominated, investment grade securities with maturities of 1-5 years held within both the Bloomberg Barclays U.S. Government Index (public obligations of the U.S. Treasury, U.S. Government agencies, quasi-federal corporations, and corporate or foreign debt guaranteed by the U.S. Government) and the Bloomberg Barclays U.S. Credit Index (publicly issued U.S. corporate and foreign debentures and secured notes). The U.S. Government Index is a component of the U.S. Government/Credit Index. Securities prices used to value the benchmark index for the purposes of calculating total return may or may not differ significantly from those used to value securities held within composite portfolios. Treatment of Fees & Expenses: Gross-of-fees returns are presented before management and custodial fees but after all trading expenses. Net-of-fees returns are calculated by deducting a hypothetical management fee from the gross return on a monthly basis and geometrically linking the results to produce annual returns shown. The hypothetical management fee is equal to the highest fee from any fee schedule offered at the time for the strategy shown. While fee schedules can change over time, any amended fee resulting from a change will not be retroactively applied to performance history, but will rather be applied on a prospective basis from the point of change. The annual management fee will vary according to the size of the account, and will depend on the type of investment vehicle selected. The current fee schedule for this strategy is: 0.22% on the first $50 million; 0.18% on the next $75 million, 0.15% over $150 million, and 0.13% on over $275 million. However, fee schedules may differ for pooled trusts or other types of investment vehicles. Further information regarding applicable fee schedules is available upon request. Explanation of Risk Measures: "Dispersion of Portfolio Returns" presented for each annual period is based on gross-of-fees returns and is equal to the highest and lowest annual return among the portfolios that are included in the composite for the full year. "Composite 3-Yr St Dev" and "Benchmark 3-Yr St Dev" are rolling 3-year standard deviation calculations, which measure the variability of the monthly performance returns for the composite and benchmark index return over the preceding 36-month period on an annualized basis. If the composite has not been in existence for at least 3 years as of a particular year-end, then “NA” will be displayed. Other Notes: Policies for valuing portfolios, calculating performance, and preparing compliant presentations, as well as a complete list of composite descriptions, are available upon request. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. For one-on-one use only. Not for inspection by, distribution or quotation to, the general public.
Schedule of Composite Performance Voya Agency MBS - 3.5 Years Composite Custom Benchmark (3.5 Composite 3-Yr Benchmark 3-Yr Dispersion of Portfolio Number of Assets in this Total Firm GNM_U Year Gross Returns (%) Net Returns (%) Year Duration) Returns (%) St Dev (%) St Dev (%) Returns (%) Portfolios Composite ($mm) Assets ($mm) High Low 2018 0.88 0.66 0.80 1.84 1.93 1.14 0.89 ≤5 469 106,335 2018 2017 1.76 1.54 1.36 1.69 1.76 1.76 1.76 ≤5 622 113,387 2017 2016 1.59 1.37 1.13 1.86 2.01 1.59 1.59 ≤5 226 99,889 2016 2015 1.48 1.18 0.73 2.05 2.36 1.48 1.48 ≤5 221 94,574 2015 2014 3.75 3.44 4.08 2.15 2.54 3.75 3.75 ≤5 154 100,577 2014 2013 (1.26) (1.55) (1.80) 2.24 2.61 (1.26) (1.26) ≤5 171 93,084 2013 2012 3.83 3.52 2.57 1.87 2.23 3.83 3.83 ≤5 184 76,532 2012 2011 7.22 6.90 7.89 2.50 2.86 7.22 7.22 ≤5 164 65,776 2011 2010 7.69 7.21 7.37 3.14 3.42 7.69 7.69 ≤5 179 60,236 2010 2009 4.91 4.44 3.03 3.11 3.35 4.91 4.91 ≤5 182 61,643 2009 Voya Investment Management claims compliance with the Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS®) and has prepared and presented this report in compliance with the GIPS Standards. Voya Investment Management has been independently verified for the period January 1, 1996, through December 31, 2018. Verification assesses whether (1) the firm has complied with all of the composite construction requirements of the GIPS standards on a firm-wide basis and (2) the firm's policies and procedures are designed to calculate and present performance in compliance with the GIPS standards. The Voya Agency MBS - 3.5 Years Composite has been examined for the periods 2007-2016. The verification and performance examination reports are available upon request. Notes: Firm Definition: Voya Investment Management (the "Firm") is defined as all accounts managed by Voya Investment Management Co. LLC and its subsidiary Voya Investment Trust Co., but not including collateralized debt obligation structures, long/short hedge funds, structured mortgage derivative portfolios, or specialized accounts supporting the reinsurance arrangements of affiliated insurance companies. Composite Definition: This is a fixed income strategy designed for defined contribution plan sponsors seeking to provide participants with capital preservation and attractive rates of return by investing in debt securities backed by the U.S. Government, including Government National Mortgage Association (GNMA) pass-through securities as well as U.S. Treasuries, while maintaining approximately a 3.5 year duration over time. Portfolio valuations and returns for this composite are computed and stated in U.S. dollars. Effective January 1, 2003, a $25 million minimum has been set for inclusion in the composite, and prior to that, no portfolios were excluded based on size. The name of this composite changed in August 2018. The composite was formerly known as Voya Government Securities Composite. This composite incepted on April 1, 1991 and was created in January 1996. Benchmark Definition: Returns are benchmarked to a custom created index, which does not incur management fees, transaction costs, or other expenses associated with a composite portfolio. The Firm created a composite target-duration index starting with the Bloomberg Barclays GNMA Index as a base and manufactured a 3.5 year composite-level duration using equal and offsetting weights for a shorter-duration Bloomberg Barclays Intermediate Index and a longer duration Long Term Treasury Index. The Firm then utilizes the vendor-provided returns for each index component and applies the static weights to the returns to come up with a composite level return. Securities prices used to value the benchmark index for the purposes of calculating total return may or may not differ significantly from those used to value securities held within composite portfolios. Treatment of Fees & Expenses: Gross-of-fees returns are presented before management and custodial fees but after all trading expenses. Net-of-fees returns are calculated by deducting a hypothetical management fee from the gross return on a monthly basis and geometrically linking the results to produce annual returns shown. The hypothetical management fee is equal to the highest fee from any fee schedule offered at the time for the strategy shown. While fee schedules can change over time, any amended fee resulting from a change will not be retroactively applied to performance history, but will rather be applied on a prospective basis from the point of change. The annual management fee will vary according to the size of the account, and will depend on the type of investment vehicle selected. The current fee schedule for this strategy is: 0.22% on the first $50 million; 0.18% on the next $75 million, 0.15% over $150 million, and 0.13% on over $275 million. (For 2015, the fee used to calculate the net return was 0.30%) However, fee schedules may differ for pooled trusts or other types of investment vehicles. Further information regarding applicable fee schedules is available upon request. Explanation of Risk Measures: "Dispersion of Portfolio Returns" presented for each annual period is based on gross-of-fees returns and is equal to the highest and lowest annual return among the portfolios that are included in the composite for the full year. "Composite 3-Yr St Dev" and "Benchmark 3-Yr St Dev" are rolling 3-year standard deviation calculations, which measure the variability of the monthly performance returns for the composite and benchmark index return over the preceding 36-month period on an annualized basis. If the composite has not been in existence for at least 3 years as of a particular year-end, then “NA” will be displayed. Other Notes: Policies for valuing portfolios, calculating performance, and preparing compliant presentations, as well as a complete list of composite descriptions, are available upon request. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. For one-on-one use only. Not for inspection by, distribution or quotation to, the general public.
Schedule of Composite Performance Voya Intermediate Government/Credit Quality Constrained Composite Bloomberg Barclays U.S. Interm. Composite 3-Yr Benchmark 3-Yr Dispersion of Portfolio Number of Assets in this Total Firm CIQR_C Year Gross Returns (%) Net Returns (%) Gov/Credit A or Higher Returns (%) St Dev (%) St Dev (%) Returns (%) Portfolios Composite ($mm) Assets ($mm) High Low 2018 1.13 0.89 1.19 2.01 2.12 1.13 1.13 ≤5 1,302 106,335 2018 2017 1.73 1.49 1.60 2.03 2.11 1.74 1.65 ≤5 1,298 113,387 2017 2016 1.58 1.36 1.44 2.13 2.21 1.59 1.58 1,234 99,889 2016 ≤5 2015 1.46 1.16 1.31 1.99 2.00 1.47 1.39 2015 ≤5 1,204 94,574 2014 2014 2.96 2.65 2.84 1.84 1.81 3.01 2.95 ≤5 1,225 100,577 2013 2013 (0.67) (0.97) (1.00) 1.99 2.01 (0.66) (0.73) ≤5 1,272 93,084 2012 3.69 3.38 3.14 2.03 2.14 3.74 3.29 2012 ≤5 1,312 76,532 5.41 5.09 5.67 2.59 2.59 5.84 5.35 1,293 65,776 2011 2011 ≤5 2010 6.03 5.66 5.48 3.52 3.86 5.85 5.85 1,308 60,236 2010 ≤5 2009 5.10 4.73 2.85 3.55 3.81 5.10 5.10 133 61,643 2009 ≤5 Voya Investment Management claims compliance with the Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS®) and has prepared and presented this report in compliance with the GIPS Standards. Voya Investment Management has been independently verified for the period January 1, 1996, through December 31, 2018. Verification assesses whether (1) the firm has complied with all of the composite construction requirements of the GIPS standards on a firm-wide basis and (2) the firm's policies and procedures are designed to calculate and present performance in compliance with the GIPS standards. The Voya Intermediate Government/Credit Quality Constrained Composite has been examined for the periods 2007-2012. The verification and performance examination reports are available upon request. Notes: Firm Definition: Voya Investment Management (the "Firm") is defined as all accounts managed by Voya Investment Management Co. LLC and its subsidiary Voya Investment Trust Co., but not including collateralized debt obligation structures, long/short hedge funds, structured mortgage derivative portfolios, or specialized accounts supporting the reinsurance arrangements of affiliated insurance companies. Composite Definition: This is a fixed income strategy designed for defined contribution plan sponsors seeking to provide participants with capital preservation and attractive rates of return by investing in investment-grade debt securities across multiple sectors and industries rated “A” or better at time of purchase, while maintaining a duration similar to the Bloomberg Barclays Intermediate Government/Credit Index. Portfolio valuations and returns for this composite are computed and stated in U.S. dollars. Effective January 1, 2003, a $25 million minimum has been set for inclusion in the composite, and prior to that, no portfolios were excluded based on size. This composite incepted on January 1, 1992 and was created in January 2003. Benchmark Definition: Returns are benchmarked to the Bloomberg Barclays U.S. Interm. Gov/Credit A or Higher Index, which does not incur management fees, transaction costs, or other expenses associated with a composite portfolio. The Bloomberg Barclays U.S. Interm. Gov/Credit A or Higher Index includes fixed rate, dollar- denominated securities with maturities of 1-10 years rated A or higher by at least two of the Moody's, S&P, and Fitch ratings agencies held within both the Bloomberg Barclays U.S. Government Index (public obligations of the U.S. Treasury, U.S. Government agencies, quasi-federal corporations, and corporate or foreign debt guaranteed by the U.S. Government) and the Bloomberg Barclays U.S. Credit Index (publicly issued U.S. corporate and foreign debentures and secured notes). Securities prices used to value the benchmark index for the purposes of calculating total return may or may not differ significantly from those used to value securities held within composite portfolios. Treatment of Fees & Expenses: Gross-of-fees returns are presented before management and custodial fees but after all trading expenses. Net-of-fees returns are calculated by deducting a hypothetical management fee from the gross return on a monthly basis and geometrically linking the results to produce annual returns shown. The hypothetical management fee is equal to the highest fee from any fee schedule offered at the time for the strategy shown. While fee schedules can change over time, any amended fee resulting from a change will not be retroactively applied to performance history, but will rather be applied on a prospective basis from the point of change. The annual management fee will vary according to the size of the account, and will depend on the type of investment vehicle selected. The current fee schedule for this strategy is: 0.24% on the first $100 million; 0.19% on the next $150 million; 0.16% on the next $150 million, and 0.14% over $400 million. However, fee schedules may differ for pooled trusts or other types of investment vehicles. Further information regarding applicable fee schedules is available upon request. Explanation of Risk Measures: "Dispersion of Portfolio Returns" presented for each annual period is based on gross-of-fees returns and is equal to the highest and lowest annual return among the portfolios that are included in the composite for the full year. "Composite 3-Yr St Dev" and "Benchmark 3-Yr St Dev" are rolling 3-year standard deviation calculations, which measure the variability of the monthly performance returns for the composite and benchmark index return over the preceding 36-month period on an annualized basis. If the composite has not been in existence for at least 3 years as of a particular year-end, then “NA” will be displayed. Other Notes: Policies for valuing portfolios, calculating performance, and preparing compliant presentations, as well as a complete list of composite descriptions, are available upon request. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. For one-on-one use only. Not for inspection by, distribution or quotation to, the general public.
Schedule of Composite Performance Voya Core Quality Constrained Composite Bloomberg Barclays U.S. Composite 3-Yr Benchmark 3-Yr Dispersion of Portfolio Number of Assets in this Total Firm QE_CO Year Gross Returns (%) Net Returns (%) Aggregate A or Higher Returns (%) St Dev (%) St Dev (%) Returns (%) Portfolios Composite ($mm) Assets ($mm) High Low 2018 0.54 0.29 0.47 2.56 2.81 0.54 0.54 ≤5 100 106,335 2018 2017 2.97 2.74 2.94 2.62 2.69 2.97 2.97 2017 ≤5 100 113,387 2016 1.93 1.71 1.87 2.82 2.87 1.93 1.93 ≤5 103 99,889 2016 2015 1.31 1.01 1.04 2.80 2.71 1.31 1.31 ≤5 100 94,574 2015 2014 5.79 5.47 5.66 2.48 2.46 5.79 5.79 ≤5 162 100,577 2014 2013 2013 (2.12) (2.41) (2.04) 2.50 2.59 (2.12) (2.12) ≤5 222 93,084 2012 4.23 3.91 3.45 2.28 2.36 4.23 4.23 2012 ≤5 328 76,532 2011 7.15 6.83 7.70 2.89 2.80 7.15 7.15 ≤5 300 65,776 2011 2010 7.12 6.74 6.17 3.88 3.98 7.12 7.12 ≤5 260 60,236 2010 2009 7.62 7.24 4.37 3.81 3.95 7.62 7.62 ≤5 294 61,643 2009 Voya Investment Management claims compliance with the Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS®) and has prepared and presented this report in compliance with the GIPS Standards. Voya Investment Management has been independently verified for the period January 1, 1996, through December 31, 2018. Verification assesses whether (1) the firm has complied with all of the composite construction requirements of the GIPS standards on a firm-wide basis and (2) the firm's policies and procedures are designed to calculate and present performance in compliance with the GIPS standards. The Voya Core Quality Constrained Composite has been examined for the periods 2007-2012. The verification and performance examination reports are available upon request. Notes: Firm Definition: Voya Investment Management (the "Firm") is defined as all accounts managed by Voya Investment Management Co. LLC and its subsidiary Voya Investment Trust Co., but not including collateralized debt obligation structures, long/short hedge funds, structured mortgage derivative portfolios, or specialized accounts supporting the reinsurance arrangements of affiliated insurance companies. Composite Definition: This is a fixed income strategy designed for defined contribution plan sponsors seeking to provide participants with capital preservation and attractive rates of return by investing in investment-grade debt securities across multiple sectors and industries rated “A” or better at time of purchase, while maintaining a duration similar to the Bloomberg Barclays Aggregate Index. Portfolio valuations and returns for this composite are computed and stated in U.S. dollars. Effective January 1, 2003, a $25 million minimum has been set for inclusion in the composite, and prior to that, no portfolios were excluded based on size. This composite incepted on January 1, 1992 and was created in January 2003. Benchmark Definition: Returns are benchmarked to the Bloomberg Barclays U.S. Aggregate A or Higher Index, which does not incur management fees, transaction costs, or other expenses associated with a composite portfolio. The Bloomberg Barclays U.S. Aggregate Index represents a broad universe of fixed rate, dollar-denominated, investment grade government, corporate, mortgage pass-through, and asset-backed securities rated A or higher by at least two of the Moody's, S&P, and Fitch ratings agencies. Securities prices used to value the benchmark index for the purposes of calculating total return may or may not differ significantly from those used to value securities held within composite portfolios. Treatment of Fees & Expenses: Gross-of-fees returns are presented before management and custodial fees but after all trading expenses. Net-of-fees returns are calculated by deducting a hypothetical management fee from the gross return on a monthly basis and geometrically linking the results to produce annual returns shown. The hypothetical management fee is equal to the highest fee from any fee schedule offered at the time for the strategy shown. While fee schedules can change over time, any amended fee resulting from a change will not be retroactively applied to performance history, but will rather be applied on a prospective basis from the point of change. The annual management fee will vary according to the size of the account, and will depend on the type of investment vehicle selected. The current fee schedule for this strategy is: 0.25% on the first $100 million; 0.20% on the next $150 million; 0.17% over $150 million;and 0.15% over $400 million . However, fee schedules may differ for pooled trusts or other types of investment vehicles. Further information regarding applicable fee schedules is available upon request. Explanation of Risk Measures: "Dispersion of Portfolio Returns" presented for each annual period is based on gross-of-fees returns and is equal to the highest and lowest annual return among the portfolios that are included in the composite for the full year. "Composite 3-Yr St Dev" and "Benchmark 3-Yr St Dev" are rolling 3-year standard deviation calculations, which measure the variability of the monthly performance returns for the composite and benchmark index return over the preceding 36-month period on an annualized basis. If the composite has not been in existence for at least 3 years as of a particular year-end, then “NA” will be displayed. Other Notes: Policies for valuing portfolios, calculating performance, and preparing compliant presentations, as well as a complete list of composite descriptions, are available upon request. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. For one-on-one use only. Not for inspection by, distribution or quotation to, the general public.
Schedule of Composite Performance Voya Multi-Sector Short Duration Composite Bloomberg Barclays U.S. Treasury Composite 3-Yr Benchmark 3-Yr Dispersion of Number of Assets in this Total Firm SVSD_ Year Gross Returns (%) Net Returns (%) Bellwethers: 3 Yr Returns (%) St Dev (%) St Dev (%) Portfolio Returns (%) Portfolios Composite ($mm) Assets ($mm) High Low 2018 1.50 1.27 1.28 1.35 1.52 1.49 1.49 ≤5 351 106,335 2018 2017 1.48 1.25 0.52 1.36 1.45 1.55 1.36 ≤5 765 113,387 2017 2016 1.61 1.38 0.86 1.49 1.53 1.61 1.60 ≤5 1,254 99,889 2016 2015 1.57 1.32 0.87 1.41 1.25 1.59 1.52 ≤5 1,247 94,574 2015 2014 1.63 1.38 0.92 1.31 1.03 1.65 1.57 ≤5 1,039 100,577 2014 2013 0.63 0.38 (0.05) NA NA 0.63 0.63 ≤5 964 93,084 2013 2012 2.95 2.69 0.61 NA NA 2.95 2.95 ≤5 730 76,532 2012 Voya Investment Management claims compliance with the Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS®) and has prepared and presented this report in compliance with the GIPS Standards. Voya Investment Management has been independently verified for the period January 1, 1996, through December 31, 2018. Verification assesses whether (1) the firm has complied with all of the composite construction requirements of the GIPS standards on a firm-wide basis and (2) the firm's policies and procedures are designed to calculate and present performance in compliance with the GIPS standards. The Voya Multi-Sector Short Duration Composite has been examined for the periods 2012-2017. The verification and performance examination reports are available upon request. Notes: Firm Definition: Voya Investment Management (the "Firm") is defined as all accounts managed by Voya Investment Management Co. LLC and its subsidiary Voya Investment Trust Co., but not including collateralized debt obligation structures, long/short hedge funds, structured mortgage derivative portfolios, or specialized accounts supporting the reinsurance arrangements of affiliated insurance companies. Composite Definition: This is a short duration fixed income strategy that invests in investment-grade debt securities including but not limited to: Government Bonds, Corporate Bonds, Asset Backed Securities, Commercial Mortgage Backed Securities and Agency Mortgage Backed Securities, while aligning portfolio duration to that of the benchmark. The objective is to outperform the Bloomberg Barclays U.S. Treasury Bellwethers 3 Year Index before management fees over a full credit cycle. Portfolio valuations and returns for this composite are computed and stated in U.S. dollars. A $25 million minimum has been set for inclusion in the composite. This composite was incepted and created on January 1, 2012. Benchmark Definition: Returns are benchmarked to the Bloomberg Barclays U.S. Treasury Bellwethers: 3 Year Index, which does not incur management fees, transaction costs, or other expenses associated with a composite portfolio. The Bloomberg Barclays U.S. Treasury Bellwethers: 3 Year Index is a universe of treasury bonds and used as a benchmark against the market for long-term maturity fixed income securities. Securities prices used to value the benchmark index for the purposes of calculating total return may or may not differ significantly from those used to value securities held within composite portfolios. Treatment of Fees & Expenses: Gross-of-fees returns are presented before management and custodial fees but after all trading expenses. Net-of-fees returns are calculated by deducting a hypothetical management fee from the gross return on a monthly basis and geometrically linking the results to produce annual returns shown. The hypothetical management fee is equal to the highest fee from any fee schedule offered at the time for the strategy shown. While fee schedules can change over time, any amended fee resulting from a change will not be retroactively applied to performance history, but will rather be applied on a prospective basis from the point of change. The annual management fee will vary according to the size of the account, and will depend on the type of investment vehicle selected. The current fee schedule for this strategy is: 0.22% on the first $25 million; 0.18% on the next $75 million; and 0.15% on the next $75 million and 0.13% over $175 million. However, fee schedules may differ for pooled trusts or other types of investment vehicles. Further information regarding applicable fee schedules is available upon request. Explanation of Risk Measures: "Dispersion of Portfolio Returns" presented for each annual period is based on gross-of-fees returns and is equal to the highest and lowest annual return among the portfolios that are included in the composite for the full year. "Composite 3-Yr St Dev" and "Benchmark 3-Yr St Dev" are rolling 3-year standard deviation calculations, which measure the variability of the monthly performance returns for the composite and benchmark index return over the preceding 36-month period on an annualized basis. If the composite has not been in existence for at least 3 years as of a particular year-end, then “NA” will be displayed. Other Notes: Policies for valuing portfolios, calculating performance, and preparing compliant presentations, as well as a complete list of composite descriptions, are available upon request. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. For one-on-one use only. Not for inspection by, distribution or quotation to, the general public.
Schedule of Composite Performance Voya Short Duration High Quality Constrained Composite Bloomberg Barclays U.S. Government/Credit 1-3 Year Returns Composite 3-Yr Benchmark 3-Yr Dispersion of Number of Assets in this Total Firm SDHQC Year Gross Returns (%) Net Returns (%) (%) St Dev (%) St Dev (%) Portfolio Returns (%) Portfolios Composite ($mm) Assets ($mm) High Low 2018 1.62 1.40 1.60 0.74 0.82 1.62 1.62 1,795 106,335 2018 ≤5 2017 1.16 0.94 0.84 0.69 0.73 1.16 1.16 ≤5 1,782 113,387 2017 2016 1.16 0.94 1.28 0.72 0.75 1.16 1.16 ≤5 1,889 99,889 2016 2015 0.78 0.55 0.65 0.61 0.58 0.78 0.78 ≤5 1,769 94,574 2015 2014 0.93 0.70 0.77 0.57 0.49 0.93 0.93 2014 ≤5 1,747 100,577 2013 0.71 0.49 0.64 0.66 0.54 0.71 0.71 ≤5 1,774 93,084 2013 2012 1.94 1.72 1.26 0.84 0.72 1.94 1.94 ≤5 1,763 76,532 2012 2011 1.92 1.69 1.59 1.31 0.99 1.92 1.92 ≤5 1,730 65,776 2011 2010 3.38 3.15 2.80 2.06 1.68 3.38 3.38 1,699 60,236 2010 ≤5 2009 6.18 5.95 3.83 2.06 1.77 6.18 6.18 ≤5 1,274 61,643 2009 Voya Investment Management claims compliance with the Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS®) and has prepared and presented this report in compliance with the GIPS Standards. Voya Investment Management has been independently verified for the period January 1, 1996, through December 31, 2018. The verification report is available upon request. Verification assesses whether (1) the firm has complied with all of the composite construction requirements of the GIPS standards on a firm-wide basis and (2) the firm's policies and procedures are designed to calculate and present performance in compliance with the GIPS standards. Verification does not ensure the accuracy of any specific composite presentation. Notes: Firm Definition: Voya Investment Management (the "Firm") is defined as all accounts managed by Voya Investment Management Co. LLC and its subsidiary Voya Investment Trust Co., but not including collateralized debt obligation structures, long/short hedge funds, structured mortgage derivative portfolios, or specialized accounts supporting the reinsurance arrangements of affiliated insurance companies. Composite Definition: This is a fixed income strategy that invests primarily in short investment-grade debt securities with set limits on sector allocations while aligning portfolio duration to that of the benchmark. The objective is to outperform the Bloomberg Barclays U.S. Government/Credit 1-3 Year Index before management fees over a full credit cycle. Portfolio valuations and returns for this composite are computed and stated in U.S. dollars. A $25 million minimum has been set for inclusion in the composite. This composite was incepted and created on April 1, 2005. Benchmark Definition: Returns are benchmarked to the Bloomberg Barclays U.S. Government/Credit 1-3 Year Index, which does not incur management fees, transaction costs, or other expenses associated with a composite portfolio. The Bloomberg Barclays U.S. Government/Credit 1-3 Year Index includes fixed rate, dollar- denominated, investment grade securities with maturities of 1-3 years held within both the Bloomberg Barclays U.S. Government Index (public obligations of the U.S. Treasury, U.S. Government agencies, quasi-federal corporations, and corporate or foreign debt guaranteed by the U.S. Government) and the Bloomberg Barclays U.S. Credit Index (publicly issued U.S. corporate and foreign debentures and secured notes). Securities prices used to value the benchmark index for the purposes of calculating total return may or may not differ significantly from those used to value securities held within composite portfolios. Treatment of Fees & Expenses: Gross-of-fees returns are presented before management and custodial fees but after all trading expenses. Net-of-fees returns are calculated by deducting a hypothetical management fee from the gross return on a monthly basis and geometrically linking the results to produce annual returns shown. The hypothetical management fee is equal to the highest fee from any fee schedule offered at the time for the strategy shown. While fee schedules can change over time, any amended fee resulting from a change will not be retroactively applied to performance history, but will rather be applied on a prospective basis from the point of change. The annual management fee will vary according to the size of the account, and will depend on the type of investment vehicle selected. The current fee schedule for this strategy is: 0.22% on the first $50 million; 0.18% on the next $75 million; 0.15% on the next $150 million; and 0.13% over $275 million. However, fee schedules may differ for pooled trusts or other types of investment vehicles. Further information regarding applicable fee schedules is available upon request. Explanation of Risk Measures: "Dispersion of Portfolio Returns" presented for each annual period is based on gross-of-fees returns and is equal to the highest and lowest annual return among the portfolios that are included in the composite for the full year. "Composite 3-Yr St Dev" and "Benchmark 3-Yr St Dev" are rolling 3-year standard deviation calculations, which measure the variability of the monthly performance returns for the composite and benchmark index return over the preceding 36-month period on an annualized basis. If the composite has not been in existence for at least 3 years as of a particular year-end, then “NA” will be displayed. Other Notes: Policies for valuing portfolios, calculating performance, and preparing compliant presentations, as well as a complete list of composite descriptions, are available upon request. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. For one-on-one use only. Not for inspection by, distribution or quotation to, the general public.
Schedule of Composite Performance Voya Unconstrained Fixed Income Composite Merrill Lynch LIBOR 3 Month Composite 3-Yr Benchmark 3-Yr Dispersion of Portfolio Number of Assets in this Total Firm STI_CO Year Gross Returns (%) Net Returns (%) Constant Maturity Returns (%) St Dev (%) St Dev (%) Returns (%) Portfolios Composite ($mm) Assets ($mm) High Low 2018 2.20 1.79 2.08 1.41 0.19 2.20 2.20 ≤5 1,017 106,335 2018 2017 6.53 6.11 1.11 1.58 0.11 6.53 6.53 ≤5 282 113,387 2017 2016 6.17 5.74 0.66 1.78 0.06 6.17 6.17 ≤5 140 99,889 2016 2015 3.69 3.28 0.23 3.18 0.02 3.69 3.69 ≤5 119 94,574 2015 2014 2014 4.73 4.32 0.23 NA NA 4.73 4.73 ≤5 6 100,577 2013 1.00 0.60 0.29 NA NA 1.00 1.00 ≤5 5 93,084 2013 Voya Investment Management claims compliance with the Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS®) and has prepared and presented this report in compliance with the GIPS Standards. Voya Investment Management has been independently verified for the period January 1, 1996, through December 31, 2018. Verification assesses whether (1) the firm has complied with all of the composite construction requirements of the GIPS standards on a firm-wide basis and (2) the firm's policies and procedures are designed to calculate and present performance in compliance with the GIPS standards. The Voya Unconstrained Fixed Income Composite has been examined for the periods 2013-2018. The verification and performance examination reports are available upon request. Notes: Firm Definition: Voya Investment Management (the "Firm") is defined as all accounts managed by Voya Investment Management Co. LLC and its subsidiary Voya Investment Trust Co., but not including collateralized debt obligation structures, long/short hedge funds, structured mortgage derivative portfolios, or specialized accounts supporting the reinsurance arrangements of affiliated insurance companies. Composite Definition: This is a fixed income strategy that seeks total return through income and capital appreciation by investing in the broad global fixed income universe. The objective is to outperform LIBOR over full credit cycles. Portfolio valuations and returns for this composite are computed and stated in U.S. dollars. No minimum has been set for inclusion in the composite. This composite was incepted and created on January 1, 2013. Benchmark Definition: Returns are benchmarked to the Merrill Lynch LIBOR 3 Month Constant Maturity Index, which does not incur management fees, transaction costs, or other expenses associated with a composite portfolio. The index is based on the assumed purchase of a synthetic instrument having 3 months to maturity and with a coupon equal to the closing quote for 3-Month LIBOR. That issue is sold the following day (priced at a yield equal to the current day closing 3-Month LIBOR rate) and is rolled into a new 3-Month instrument. The index, therefore, will always have a constant maturity equal to exactly 3 months. Securities prices used to value the benchmark index for the purposes of calculating total return may or may not differ significantly from those used to value securities held within composite portfolios. Treatment of Fees & Expenses: Gross-of-fees returns are presented before management and custodial fees but after all trading expenses. Net-of-fees returns are calculated by deducting a hypothetical management fee from the gross return on a monthly basis and geometrically linking the results to produce annual returns shown. The hypothetical management fee is equal to the highest fee from any fee schedule offered at the time for the strategy shown. While fee schedules can change over time, any amended fee resulting from a change will not be retroactively applied to performance history, but will rather be applied on a prospective basis from the point of change. The annual management fee will vary according to the size of the account, and will depend on the type of investment vehicle selected. The current fee schedule for this strategy is: 0.40% on the first $100 million; 0.37% on the next $200 million; and 0.32% over $300 million. However, fee schedules may differ for pooled trusts or other types of investment vehicles. Further information regarding applicable fee schedules is available upon request. Explanation of Risk Measures: "Dispersion of Portfolio Returns" presented for each annual period is based on gross-of-fees returns and is equal to the highest and lowest annual return among the portfolios that are included in the composite for the full year. "Composite 3-Yr St Dev" and "Benchmark 3-Yr St Dev" are rolling 3-year standard deviation calculations, which measure the variability of the monthly performance returns for the composite and benchmark index return over the preceding 36-month period on an annualized basis. If the composite has not been in existence for at least 3 years as of a particular year-end, then “NA” will be displayed. Other Notes: Policies for valuing portfolios, calculating performance, and preparing compliant presentations, as well as a complete list of composite descriptions, are available upon request. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. For one-on-one use only. Not for inspection by, distribution or quotation to, the general public.
Schedule of Composite Performance Voya Long Duration Credit Composite Bloomberg Barclays U.S. Composite 3-Yr Benchmark 3-Yr St Dispersion of Portfolio Number of Assets in this Total Firm Assets LC_CO Year Gross Returns (%) Net Returns (%) Long Credit Returns (%) St Dev (%) Dev (%) Returns (%) Portfolios Composite ($mm) ($mm) High Low 2018 (6.95) (7.18) (6.76) 6.92 6.88 (6.95) (6.95) ≤5 1,896 106,335 2018 2017 12.51 12.19 12.21 7.75 7.28 12.51 12.51 ≤5 1,853 113,387 2017 2016 9.22 8.89 10.22 NA NA 9.22 9.22 ≤5 1,835 99,889 2016 2015 (3.14) (3.43) (4.56) NA NA (3.14) (3.14) ≤5 1,726 94,574 2015 Voya Investment Management claims compliance with the Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS®) and has prepared and presented this report in compliance with the GIPS Standards. Voya Investment Management has been independently verified for the period January 1, 1996, through December 31, 2018. Verification assesses whether (1) the firm has complied with all of the composite construction requirements of the GIPS standards on a firm-wide basis and (2) the firm's policies and procedures are designed to calculate and present performance in compliance with the GIPS standards. The Voya Long Duration Credit Composite has been examined for the periods 2015-2018. The verification report is available upon request. Notes: Firm Definition: Voya Investment Management (the "Firm") is defined as all accounts managed by Voya Investment Management Co. LLC and its subsidiary Voya Investment Trust Co., but not including collateralized debt obligation structures, long/short hedge funds, structured mortgage derivative portfolios, or specialized accounts supporting the reinsurance arrangements of affiliated insurance companies. Composite Definition: This is a fixed income strategy whose primary objective is to maximize total return mainly through security selection while maintaining duration targeted to the portfolio's long duration index. Portfolio valuations and returns for this composite are computed and stated in U.S. dollars. A $25 million minimum has been set for inclusion in the composite. This composite incepted on January 1, 2015. Benchmark Definition: Returns are benchmarked to the Bloomberg Barclays U.S. Long Credit Index, which does not incur management fees, transaction costs, or other expenses associated with a composite portfolio. The Bloomberg Barclays U.S. Long Credit represents the long component of the Bloomberg Barclays U.S. Credit Index. The Bloomberg Barclays U.S. Long Credit Index includes publicly issued U.S. corporate and specified foreign debentures and secured notes that meet the specified maturity, liquidity, and quality requirements. To qualify, bonds must be SEC-registered. Securities prices used to value the benchmark index for the purposes of calculating total return may or may not differ significantly from those used to value securities held within composite portfolios. both corporate and non-corporate sectors. Treatment of Fees & Expenses: Gross-of-fees returns are presented before management and custodial fees but after all trading expenses. Net-of-fees returns are calculated by deducting a hypothetical management fee from the gross return on a monthly basis and geometrically linking the results to produce annual returns shown. The hypothetical management fee is equal to the highest fee from any fee schedule offered at the time for the strategy shown. While fee schedules can change over time, any amended fee resulting from a change will not be retroactively applied to performance history, but will rather be applied on a prospective basis from the point of change. The annual management fee will vary according to the size of the account, and will depend on the type of investment vehicle selected. The current fee schedule for this strategy is: 0.25% on the first $100 million; 0.20% on the next $200 million; 0.17% on the next $200 million; and 0.15% over $500 million. However, fee schedules may differ for pooled trusts or other types of investment vehicles. Further information regarding applicable fee schedules is available upon request. Explanation of Risk Measures: "Dispersion of Portfolio Returns" presented for each annual period is based on gross-of-fees returns and is equal to the highest and lowest annual return among the portfolios that are included in the composite for the full year. "Composite 3-Yr St Dev" and "Benchmark 3-Yr St Dev" are rolling 3-year standard deviation calculations, which measure the variability of the monthly performance returns for the composite and benchmark index return over the preceding 36-month period on an annualized basis. If the composite has not been in existence for at least 3 years as of a particular year-end, then “NA” will be displayed. Other Notes: Policies for valuing portfolios, calculating performance, and preparing compliant presentations, as well as a complete list of composite descriptions, are available upon request. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. For one-on-one use only. Not for inspection by, distribution or quotation to, the general public.
Schedule of Composite Performance Voya Long Duration Government/Credit Composite Bloomberg Barclays U.S. Long Government/Credit Composite 3-Yr Benchmark 3-Yr St Dispersion of Portfolio Number of Assets in this Total Firm Assets LGC_C Year Gross Returns (%) Net Returns (%) Returns (%) St Dev (%) Dev (%) Returns (%) Portfolios Composite ($mm) ($mm) High Low 2018 (5.91) (6.15) (4.68) 7.05 7.33 (5.91) (5.91) ≤5 709 106,335 2018 2017 11.91 11.59 10.71 8.08 7.98 11.91 11.91 ≤5 639 113,387 2017 2016 8.15 7.83 6.67 8.96 8.58 8.15 8.15 ≤5 571 99,889 2016 2015 (3.08) (3.37) (3.30) 9.22 8.59 (3.08) (3.08) ≤5 528 94,574 2015 2014 20.17 19.82 19.31 9.36 8.07 18.00 18.00 ≤5 678 100,577 2014 2013 (10.05) (10.32) (8.83) 11.35 8.99 (10.76) (10.76) ≤5 1,745 93,084 2013 2012 8.15 7.83 8.78 12.25 8.19 8.15 8.15 ≤5 1,306 76,532 2012 2011 26.90 26.53 22.49 NA NA 26.90 26.90 ≤5 1,287 65,776 2011 2010 12.18 11.85 10.16 NA NA 12.18 12.18 ≤5 82 60,236 2010 Voya Investment Management claims compliance with the Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS®) and has prepared and presented this report in compliance with the GIPS Standards. Voya Investment Management has been independently verified for the period January 1, 1996, through December 31, 2018. Verification assesses whether (1) the firm has complied with all of the composite construction requirements of the GIPS standards on a firm-wide basis and (2) the firm's policies and procedures are designed to calculate and present performance in compliance with the GIPS standards. The Long Duration Government/Credit Composite has been examined for the periods 2010-2015. The verification and performance examination reports are available upon request. Notes: Firm Definition: Voya Investment Management (the "Firm") is defined as all accounts managed by Voya Investment Management Co. LLC and its subsidiary Voya Investment Trust Co., but not including collateralized debt obligation structures, long/short hedge funds, structured mortgage derivative portfolios, or specialized accounts supporting the reinsurance arrangements of affiliated insurance companies. Composite Definition: This is a fixed income strategy whose primary objective is to maximize total return mainly through security selection of long-dated corporate and treasury bonds, while maintaining duration similar to the portfolio's index. Portfolio valuations and returns for this composite are computed and stated in U.S. dollars. A $25 million minimum has been set for inclusion in the composite. This composite incepted on January 1, 2010 and was created in December 2014. Benchmark Definition: Returns are benchmarked to the Bloomberg Barclays U.S. Long Government/Credit Index, which does not incur management fees, transaction costs, or other expenses associated with a composite portfolio. The Bloomberg Barclays U.S. Long Government/Credit represents the long component of the Bloomberg Barclays U.S. Government/Credit Index. The Bloomberg Barclays U.S. Long Government/Credit Index includes treasuries (i.e., public obligations of the U.S. Treasury that have remaining maturities of more than one year) and agencies (i.e., publicly issued debt of U.S. Government agencies, quasi-federal corporations, and corporate or foreign debt guaranteed by the U.S. Government), and publicly issued U.S. corporate and foreign debentures and secured notes that meet specified maturity, liquidity, and quality requirements. Securities prices used to value the benchmark index for the purposes of calculating total return may or may not differ significantly from those used to value securities held within composite portfolios. both corporate and non-corporate sectors. Treatment of Fees & Expenses: Gross-of-fees returns are presented before management and custodial fees but after all trading expenses. Net-of-fees returns are calculated by deducting a hypothetical management fee from the gross return on a monthly basis and geometrically linking the results to produce annual returns shown. The hypothetical management fee is equal to the highest fee from any fee schedule offered at the time for the strategy shown. While fee schedules can change over time, any amended fee resulting from a change will not be retroactively applied to performance history, but will rather be applied on a prospective basis from the point of change. The annual management fee will vary according to the size of the account, and will depend on the type of investment vehicle selected. The current fee schedule for this strategy is: 0.25% on the first $100 million; 0.20% on the next $200 million; 0.17% on the next $200 million; and 0.15% over $500 million. However, fee schedules may differ for pooled trusts or other types of investment vehicles. Further information regarding applicable fee schedules is available upon request. Explanation of Risk Measures: "Dispersion of Portfolio Returns" presented for each annual period is based on gross-of-fees returns and is equal to the highest and lowest annual return among the portfolios that are included in the composite for the full year. "Composite 3-Yr St Dev" and "Benchmark 3-Yr St Dev" are rolling 3-year standard deviation calculations, which measure the variability of the monthly performance returns for the composite and benchmark index return over the preceding 36-month period on an annualized basis. If the composite has not been in existence for at least 3 years as of a particular year-end, then “NA” will be displayed. Other Notes: Policies for valuing portfolios, calculating performance, and preparing compliant presentations, as well as a complete list of composite descriptions, are available upon request. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. For one-on-one use only. Not for inspection by, distribution or quotation to, the general public.
Schedule of Composite Performance Voya Securitized Credit Composite Bloomberg Barclays U.S. Composite 3-Yr Benchmark 3-Yr Dispersion of Portfolio Number of Assets in this Total Firm VSC_C Year Gross Returns (%) Net Returns (%) Securitized Returns (%) St Dev (%) St Dev (%) Returns (%) Portfolios Composite ($mm) Assets ($mm) High Low 2018 3.14 2.68 0.99 1.66 2.25 3.14 3.14 ≤5 491 106,335 2018 2017 9.12 8.64 2.51 1.77 1.78 9.12 9.12 ≤5 314 113,387 2017 2016 5.75 5.28 1.78 NA NA 5.75 5.75 ≤5 265 99,889 2016 2015 2015 4.70 4.23 1.47 NA NA 4.70 4.70 ≤5 118 94,574 2014 2014* 1.08 1.00 0.78 NA NA NA NA ≤5 103 100,577 *Cumulative return for the period is from November 1, 2014 (inception of strategy) to December 31, 2014. Voya Investment Management claims compliance with the Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS®) and has prepared and presented this report in compliance with the GIPS Standards. Voya Investment Management has been independently verified for the period January 1, 1996, through December 31, 2018. Verification assesses whether (1) the firm has complied with all of the composite construction requirements of the GIPS standards on a firm-wide basis and (2) the firm's policies and procedures are designed to calculate and present performance in compliance with the GIPS standards. The Voya Securitized Credit Composite has been examined for the periods 2014-2017. The verification and performance examination reports are available upon request. Notes: Firm Definition: Voya Investment Management (the "Firm") is defined as all accounts managed by Voya Investment Management Co. LLC and its subsidiary Voya Investment Trust Co., but not including collateralized debt obligation structures, long/short hedge funds, structured mortgage derivative portfolios, or specialized accounts supporting the reinsurance arrangements of affiliated insurance companies. Composite Definition: This is a fixed income strategy that invests in market sectors collateralized by distinct asset types: commercial real estate (CMBS), non-agency residential housing (RMBS) and nonmortgage assets (ABS), to provide direct, focused exposure to these specific sectors. Portfolio valuations and returns for this composite are computed and stated in U.S. dollars. No minimum has been set for inclusion in the composite. This composite was incepted and created on November 1, 2014. Benchmark Definition: Returns are benchmarked to the Bloomberg Barclays U.S. Securitized Index, which does not incur management fees, transaction costs, or other expenses associated with a composite portfolio. The Barclays U.S. Securitized Index includes the MBS, ABS, and CMBS sectors of the Bloomberg Barclays Aggregate universe. Securities prices used to value the benchmark index for the purposes of calculating total return may or may not differ significantly from those used to value securities held within composite portfolios. Treatment of Fees & Expenses: Gross-of-fees returns are presented before management and custodial fees but after all trading expenses. Net-of-fees returns are calculated by deducting a hypothetical management fee from the gross return on a monthly basis and geometrically linking the results to produce annual returns shown. The hypothetical management fee is equal to the highest fee from any fee schedule offered at the time for the strategy shown. While fee schedules can change over time, any amended fee resulting from a change will not be retroactively applied to performance history, but will rather be applied on a prospective basis from the point of change. The annual management fee will vary according to the size of the account, and will depend on the type of investment vehicle selected. The current fee schedule for this strategy is: 0.45% on the first $150 million; 0.40% on the next $150 million; and 0.35% over $300 million. However, fee schedules may differ for pooled trusts or other types of investment vehicles. Further information regarding applicable fee schedules is available upon request. Explanation of Risk Measures: "Dispersion of Portfolio Returns" presented for each annual period is based on gross-of-fees returns and is equal to the highest and lowest annual return among the portfolios that are included in the composite for the full year. "Composite 3-Yr St Dev" and "Benchmark 3-Yr St Dev" are rolling 3-year standard deviation calculations, which measure the variability of the monthly performance returns for the composite and benchmark index return over the preceding 36-month period on an annualized basis. If the composite has not been in existence for at least 3 years as of a particular year-end, then “NA” will be displayed. Other Notes: Policies for valuing portfolios, calculating performance, and preparing compliant presentations, as well as a complete list of composite descriptions, are available upon request. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. For one-on-one use only. Not for inspection by, distribution or quotation to, the general public.
Schedule of Composite Performance Voya Securitized Credit ABS Composite Bloomberg Barclays U.S. Asset- Backed Securities Index Returns Composite 3-Yr Benchmark 3-Yr Dispersion of Portfolio Number of Assets in this Total Firm ABS_C Year Gross Returns (%) Net Returns (%) (%) St Dev (%) St Dev (%) Returns (%) Portfolios Composite ($mm) Assets ($mm) High Low 2018 2.31 1.85 1.77 1.44 1.06 2.31 2.31 ≤5 145 106,335 2018 2017 2017 6.19 5.72 1.55 1.30 1.10 6.19 6.19 ≤5 98 113,387 2016 5.39 4.92 2.03 NA NA 5.39 5.39 ≤5 61 99,889 2016 2015 2015 3.32 2.86 1.25 NA NA 3.32 3.32 ≤5 19 94,574 2014* (0.07) (0.11) (0.22) NA NA NA NA ≤5 16 100,577 2014 *Cumulative return for the period is from December 1, 2014 (inception of strategy) to December 31, 2014. Voya Investment Management claims compliance with the Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS®) and has prepared and presented this report in compliance with the GIPS Standards. Voya Investment Management has been independently verified for the period January 1, 1996, through December 31, 2018. The verification report is available upon request. Verification assesses whether (1) the firm has complied with all of the composite construction requirements of the GIPS standards on a firm-wide basis and (2) the firm's policies and procedures are designed to calculate and present performance in compliance with the GIPS standards. Verification does not ensure the accuracy of any specific composite presentation. Notes: Firm Definition: Voya Investment Management (the "Firm") is defined as all accounts managed by Voya Investment Management Co. LLC and its subsidiary Voya Investment Trust Co., but not including collateralized debt obligation structures, long/short hedge funds, structured mortgage derivative portfolios, or specialized accounts supporting the reinsurance arrangements of affiliated insurance companies. Composite Definition: This is a fixed income strategy that invests in market sectors collateralized by nonmortgage asset-backed securities (ABS), to provide direct, focused exposure to this specific sector. Portfolio valuations and returns for this composite are computed and stated in U.S. dollars. No minimum has been set for inclusion in the composite. This composite was incepted and created on December 1, 2014. Benchmark Definition: Returns are benchmarked to the Bloomberg Barclays U.S. Asset-Backed Securities Index, which does not incur management fees, transaction costs, or other expenses associated with a composite portfolio. The Barclays U.S. Asset-Backed Securities Index includes the ABS sector of the Bloomberg Barclays Aggregate universe. Securities prices used to value the benchmark index for the purposes of calculating total return may or may not differ significantly from those used to value securities held within composite portfolios. Treatment of Fees & Expenses: Gross-of-fees returns are presented before management and custodial fees but after all trading expenses. Net-of-fees returns are calculated by deducting a hypothetical management fee from the gross return on a monthly basis and geometrically linking the results to produce annual returns shown. The hypothetical management fee is equal to the highest fee from any fee schedule offered at the time for the strategy shown. While fee schedules can change over time, any amended fee resulting from a change will not be retroactively applied to performance history, but will rather be applied on a prospective basis from the point of change. The annual management fee will vary according to the size of the account, and will depend on the type of investment vehicle selected. The current fee schedule for this strategy is: 0.45% on the first $150 million; 0.40% on the next $150 million; and 0.35% over $300 million. However, fee schedules may differ for pooled trusts or other types of investment vehicles. Further information regarding applicable fee schedules is available upon request. Explanation of Risk Measures: "Dispersion of Portfolio Returns" presented for each annual period is based on gross-of-fees returns and is equal to the highest and lowest annual return among the portfolios that are included in the composite for the full year. "Composite 3-Yr St Dev" and "Benchmark 3-Yr St Dev" are rolling 3-year standard deviation calculations, which measure the variability of the monthly performance returns for the composite and benchmark index return over the preceding 36-month period on an annualized basis. If the composite has not been in existence for at least 3 years as of a particular year-end, then “NA” will be displayed. Other Notes: Policies for valuing portfolios, calculating performance, and preparing compliant presentations, as well as a complete list of composite descriptions, are available upon request. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. For one-on-one use only. Not for inspection by, distribution or quotation to, the general public.
Schedule of Composite Performance Voya Securitized Credit CMBS Composite Bloomberg Barclays U.S. CMBS Investment Grade Composite 3-Yr Benchmark 3-Yr Dispersion of Portfolio Number of Assets in this Total Firm Assets CMBS_ Year Gross Returns (%) Net Returns (%) Index (%) St Dev (%) St Dev (%) Returns (%) Portfolios Composite ($mm) ($mm) High Low 2018 5.19 4.72 0.78 1.73 2.80 5.19 5.19 2018 ≤5 160 106,335 2017 9.12 8.63 3.35 1.98 2.83 9.12 9.12 89 113,387 2017 ≤5 2016 2016 5.07 4.60 3.32 N/A N/A 5.07 5.07 ≤5 79 99,889 2015 4.28 3.89 0.97 NA NA 4.28 4.28 ≤5 46 94,574 2015 2014* 2.85 2.66 1.46 NA NA NA NA ≤5 63 100,577 2014 *Cumulative return for the period is from August 1, 2014 (inception of strategy) to December 31, 2014. Voya Investment Management claims compliance with the Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS®) and has prepared and presented this report in compliance with the GIPS Standards. Voya Investment Management has been independently verified for the period January 1, 1996, through December 31, 2018. The verification report is available upon request. Verification assesses whether (1) the firm has complied with all of the composite construction requirements of the GIPS standards on a firm-wide basis and (2) the firm's policies and procedures are designed to calculate and present performance in compliance with the GIPS standards. Verification does not ensure the accuracy of any specific composite presentation. Notes: Firm Definition: Voya Investment Management (the "Firm") is defined as all accounts managed by Voya Investment Management Co. LLC and its subsidiary Voya Investment Trust Co., but not including collateralized debt obligation structures, long/short hedge funds, structured mortgage derivative portfolios, or specialized accounts supporting the reinsurance arrangements of affiliated insurance companies. Composite Definition: This is a fixed income strategy that invests in market sectors collateralized by distinct asset types: commercial real estate (CMBS), non-agency residential housing (RMBS) and nonmortgage assets (ABS), to provide direct, focused exposure to these specific sectors. Portfolio valuations and returns for this composite are computed and stated in U.S. dollars. A $25 million minimum has been set for inclusion in the composite. This composite was incepted and created on August 1, 2014. Benchmark Definition: Returns are benchmarked to the Bloomberg Barclays U.S. CMBS Investment Grade Index, which does not incur management fees, transaction costs, or other expenses associated with a composite portfolio. This index is the Eligible for U.S. Aggregate component of the Investment Grade CMBS index. Securities prices used to value the benchmark index for the purposes of calculating total return may or may not differ significantly from those used to value securities held within composite portfolios. Treatment of Fees & Expenses: Gross-of-fees returns are presented before management and custodial fees but after all trading expenses. Net-of-fees returns are calculated by deducting a hypothetical management fee from the gross return on a monthly basis and geometrically linking the results to produce annual returns shown. The hypothetical management fee is equal to the highest fee from any fee schedule offered at the time for the strategy shown. While fee schedules can change over time, any amended fee resulting from a change will not be retroactively applied to performance history, but will rather be applied on a prospective basis from the point of change. The annual management fee will vary according to the size of the account, and will depend on the type of investment vehicle selected. The current fee schedule for this strategy is: 0.45% on the first $150 million; 0.40% on the next $150 million; and 0.35% over $300 million. However, fee schedules may differ for pooled trusts or other types of investment vehicles. Further information regarding applicable fee schedules is available upon request. Explanation of Risk Measures: "Dispersion of Portfolio Returns" presented for each annual period is based on gross-of-fees returns and is equal to the highest and lowest annual return among the portfolios that are included in the composite for the full year. "Composite 3-Yr St Dev" and "Benchmark 3-Yr St Dev" are rolling 3-year standard deviation calculations, which measure the variability of the monthly performance returns for the composite and benchmark index return over the preceding 36-month period on an annualized basis. If the composite has not been in existence for at least 3 years as of a particular year-end, then “NA” will be displayed. Other Notes: Policies for valuing portfolios, calculating performance, and preparing compliant presentations, as well as a complete list of composite descriptions, are available upon request. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. For one-on-one use only. Not for inspection by, distribution or quotation to, the general public.
Schedule of Composite Performance Voya Securitized Credit Non-Agency RMBS Composite Bloomberg Barclays U.S. Mortgage-Backed Securities Index Composite 3-Yr Benchmark 3-Yr Dispersion of Portfolio Number of Assets in this Total Firm RMBS_ Year Gross Returns (%) Net Returns (%) Returns (%) St Dev (%) St Dev (%) Returns (%) Portfolios Composite ($mm) Assets ($mm) High Low 2018 3.17 2.70 0.99 1.78 2.26 3.17 3.17 2018 ≤5 144 106,335 2017 10.03 9.54 2.47 1.88 1.75 10.03 10.03 114 113,387 2017 ≤5 2016 7.81 7.33 1.67 2016 NA NA 7.81 7.81 ≤5 113 99,889 2015 2015 4.35 3.89 1.51 NA NA 4.35 4.35 ≤5 51 94,574 2014* (0.07) (0.10) 0.15 2014 NA NA NA NA ≤5 46 100,577 *Cumulative return for the period is from December 1, 2014 (inception of strategy) to December 31, 2014. Voya Investment Management claims compliance with the Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS®) and has prepared and presented this report in compliance with the GIPS Standards. Voya Investment Management has been independently verified for the period January 1, 1996, through December 31, 2018. The verification report is available upon request. Verification assesses whether (1) the firm has complied with all of the composite construction requirements of the GIPS standards on a firm-wide basis and (2) the firm's policies and procedures are designed to calculate and present performance in compliance with the GIPS standards. Verification does not ensure the accuracy of any specific composite presentation. Notes: Firm Definition: Voya Investment Management (the "Firm") is defined as all accounts managed by Voya Investment Management Co. LLC and its subsidiary Voya Investment Trust Co., but not including collateralized debt obligation structures, long/short hedge funds, structured mortgage derivative portfolios, or specialized accounts supporting the reinsurance arrangements of affiliated insurance companies. Composite Definition: This is a fixed income strategy that invests in market sectors collateralized by non-agency residential housing (NARMBS), to provide direct, focused exposure to this specific sector. Portfolio valuations and returns for this composite are computed and stated in U.S. dollars. No minimum has been set for inclusion in the composite. This composite was incepted and created on December 1, 2014. Benchmark Definition: Returns are benchmarked to the Bloomberg Barclays U.S. Mortgage-Backed Securities Index, which does not incur management fees, transaction costs, or other expenses associated with a composite portfolio. The Barclays U.S. Mortgage-Backed Securities Index includes the RMBS sector of the Bloomberg Barclays Aggregate universe. Securities prices used to value the benchmark index for the purposes of calculating total return may or may not differ significantly from those used to value securities held within composite portfolios. Treatment of Fees & Expenses: Gross-of-fees returns are presented before management and custodial fees but after all trading expenses. Net-of-fees returns are calculated by deducting a hypothetical management fee from the gross return on a monthly basis and geometrically linking the results to produce annual returns shown. The hypothetical management fee is equal to the highest fee from any fee schedule offered at the time for the strategy shown. While fee schedules can change over time, any amended fee resulting from a change will not be retroactively applied to performance history, but will rather be applied on a prospective basis from the point of change. The annual management fee will vary according to the size of the account, and will depend on the type of investment vehicle selected. The current fee schedule for this strategy is: 0.45% on the first $150 million; 0.40% on the next $150 million; and 0.35% over $300 million. However, fee schedules may differ for pooled trusts or other types of investment vehicles. Further information regarding applicable fee schedules is available upon request. Explanation of Risk Measures: "Dispersion of Portfolio Returns" presented for each annual period is based on gross-of-fees returns and is equal to the highest and lowest annual return among the portfolios that are included in the composite for the full year. "Composite 3-Yr St Dev" and "Benchmark 3-Yr St Dev" are rolling 3-year standard deviation calculations, which measure the variability of the monthly performance returns for the composite and benchmark index return over the preceding 36-month period on an annualized basis. If the composite has not been in existence for at least 3 years as of a particular year-end, then “NA” will be displayed. Other Notes: Policies for valuing portfolios, calculating performance, and preparing compliant presentations, as well as a complete list of composite descriptions, are available upon request. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. For one-on-one use only. Not for inspection by, distribution or quotation to, the general public.
Schedule of Composite Performance Voya Securitized Credit Opportunistic Composite Bloomberg Barclays U.S. Composite 3-Yr Benchmark 3-Yr Dispersion of Portfolio Number of Assets in this Total Firm VSCO_ Year Gross Returns (%) Net Returns (%) Securitized Returns (%) St Dev (%) St Dev (%) Returns (%) Portfolios Composite ($mm) Assets ($mm) High Low 2018 3.01 2.55 0.99 1.65 2.25 3.14 3.14 ≤5 576 106,335 2018 2017 9.00 8.52 2.51 1.74 1.78 9.12 8.69 ≤5 470 113,387 2017 2016 5.89 5.41 1.78 NA NA 6.39 5.75 ≤5 387 99,889 2016 4.82 4.35 1.47 4.70 4.70 234 94,574 2015 2015 NA NA ≤5 2014* 1.08 1.01 0.78 NA NA NA NA ≤5 103 100,577 2014 *Cumulative return for the period is from November 1, 2014 (inception of strategy) to December 31, 2014. Voya Investment Management claims compliance with the Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS®) and has prepared and presented this report in compliance with the GIPS Standards. Voya Investment Management has been independently verified for the period January 1, 1996, through December 31, 2018. Verification assesses whether (1) the firm has complied with all of the composite construction requirements of the GIPS standards on a firm-wide basis and (2) the firm's policies and procedures are designed to calculate and present performance in compliance with the GIPS standards. The Voya Securitized Credit Composite has been examined for the periods 2016-2018. The verification and performance examination reports are available upon request. Notes: Firm Definition: Voya Investment Management (the "Firm") is defined as all accounts managed by Voya Investment Management Co. LLC and its subsidiary Voya Investment Trust Co., but not including collateralized debt obligation structures, long/short hedge funds, structured mortgage derivative portfolios, or specialized accounts supporting the reinsurance arrangements of affiliated insurance companies. Composite Definition: This is a fixed income strategy that invests opportunistically in market sectors collateralized by distinct asset types: commercial real estate (CMBS), non-agency residential housing (RMBS) and nonmortgage assets (ABS) in a fully-unconstrained manner. Portfolio valuations and returns for this composite are computed and stated in U.S. dollars. No minimum has been set for inclusion in the composite. This composite was incepted on November 1, 2014, and created on July 1, 2018. Benchmark Definition: Returns are benchmarked to the Bloomberg Barclays U.S. Securitized Index, which does not incur management fees, transaction costs, or other expenses associated with a composite portfolio. The Barclays U.S. Securitized Index includes the MBS, ABS, and CMBS sectors of the Bloomberg Barclays Aggregate universe. Securities prices used to value the benchmark index for the purposes of calculating total return may or may not differ significantly from those used to value securities held within composite portfolios. Treatment of Fees & Expenses: Gross-of-fees returns are presented before management and custodial fees but after all trading expenses. Net-of-fees returns are calculated by deducting a hypothetical management fee from the gross return on a monthly basis and geometrically linking the results to produce annual returns shown. The hypothetical management fee is equal to the highest fee from any fee schedule offered at the time for the strategy shown. While fee schedules can change over time, any amended fee resulting from a change will not be retroactively applied to performance history, but will rather be applied on a prospective basis from the point of change. The annual management fee will vary according to the size of the account, and will depend on the type of investment vehicle selected. The current fee schedule for this strategy is: 0.45% on the first $150 million; 0.40% on the next $150 million; and 0.35% over $300 million. However, fee schedules may differ for pooled trusts or other types of investment vehicles. Further information regarding applicable fee schedules is available upon request. Explanation of Risk Measures: "Dispersion of Portfolio Returns" presented for each annual period is based on gross-of-fees returns and is equal to the highest and lowest annual return among the portfolios that are included in the composite for the full year. "Composite 3-Yr St Dev" and "Benchmark 3-Yr St Dev" are rolling 3-year standard deviation calculations, which measure the variability of the monthly performance returns for the composite and benchmark index return over the preceding 36-month period on an annualized basis. If the composite has not been in existence for at least 3 years as of a particular year-end, then “NA” will be displayed. Other Notes: Policies for valuing portfolios, calculating performance, and preparing compliant presentations, as well as a complete list of composite descriptions, are available upon request. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. For one-on-one use only. Not for inspection by, distribution or quotation to, the general public.
Schedule of Composite Performance Voya Securitized Credit Investment Grade Focused Composite Bloomberg Barclays U.S. Composite 3-Yr Benchmark 3-Yr Dispersion of Portfolio Number of Assets in this Total Firm VSCIG_ Year Gross Returns (%) Net Returns (%) Securitized Returns (%) St Dev (%) St Dev (%) Returns (%) Portfolios Composite ($mm) Assets ($mm) High Low 2018 2.06 1.61 0.99 2018 N/A N/A 3.17 3.17 ≤5 209 106,335 2017* 1.17 1.05 0.16 2017* N/A N/A N/A N/A ≤5 76 113,387 *Cumulative return for the period is from October 1, 2017 (inception of strategy) to December 31, 2017. Voya Investment Management claims compliance with the Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS®) and has prepared and presented this report in compliance with the GIPS Standards. Voya Investment Management has been independently verified for the period January 1, 1996, through December 31, 2018. The verification report is available upon request. Verification assesses whether (1) the firm has complied with all of the composite construction requirements of the GIPS standards on a firm-wide basis and (2) the firm's policies and procedures are designed to calculate and present performance in compliance with the GIPS standards. Verification does not ensure the accuracy of any specific composite presentation. Notes: Firm Definition: Voya Investment Management (the "Firm") is defined as all accounts managed by Voya Investment Management Co. LLC and its subsidiary Voya Investment Trust Co., but not including collateralized debt obligation structures, long/short hedge funds, structured mortgage derivative portfolios, or specialized accounts supporting the reinsurance arrangements of affiliated insurance companies. Composite Definition: This is a fixed income strategy that invests opportunistically in market sectors collateralized by distinct asset types: commercial real estate (CMBS), non-agency residential housing (RMBS) and nonmortgage assets (ABS) in a risk-constrained manner by focusing on higher quality (investment grade) issues. Portfolio valuations and returns for this composite are computed and stated in U.S. dollars. No minimum has been set for inclusion in the composite. This composite was incepted on October 1, 2017, and created on August 1, 2018. Benchmark Definition: Returns are benchmarked to the Bloomberg Barclays U.S. Securitized Index, which does not incur management fees, transaction costs, or other expenses associated with a composite portfolio. The Barclays U.S. Securitized Index includes the MBS, ABS, and CMBS sectors of the Bloomberg Barclays Aggregate universe. Securities prices used to value the benchmark index for the purposes of calculating total return may or may not differ significantly from those used to value securities held within composite portfolios. Treatment of Fees & Expenses: Gross-of-fees returns are presented before management and custodial fees but after all trading expenses. Net-of-fees returns are calculated by deducting a hypothetical management fee from the gross return on a monthly basis and geometrically linking the results to produce annual returns shown. The hypothetical management fee is equal to the highest fee from any fee schedule offered at the time for the strategy shown. While fee schedules can change over time, any amended fee resulting from a change will not be retroactively applied to performance history, but will rather be applied on a prospective basis from the point of change. The annual management fee will vary according to the size of the account, and will depend on the type of investment vehicle selected. The current fee schedule for this strategy is: 0.45% on the first $150 million; 0.40% on the next $150 million; and 0.35% over $300 million. However, fee schedules may differ for pooled trusts or other types of investment vehicles. Further information regarding applicable fee schedules is available upon request. Explanation of Risk Measures: "Dispersion of Portfolio Returns" presented for each annual period is based on gross-of-fees returns and is equal to the highest and lowest annual return among the portfolios that are included in the composite for the full year. "Composite 3-Yr St Dev" and "Benchmark 3-Yr St Dev" are rolling 3-year standard deviation calculations, which measure the variability of the monthly performance returns for the composite and benchmark index return over the preceding 36-month period on an annualized basis. If the composite has not been in existence for at least 3 years as of a particular year-end, then “NA” will be displayed. Other Notes: Policies for valuing portfolios, calculating performance, and preparing compliant presentations, as well as a complete list of composite descriptions, are available upon request. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. For one-on-one use only. Not for inspection by, distribution or quotation to, the general public.
Schedule of Composite Performance Voya Multi-Sector Enhanced Intermediate Composite Bloomberg Barclays U.S. Intermediate Aggregate Composite 3-Yr Benchmark 3-Yr Dispersion of Portfolio Number of Assets in this Total Firm EHIN_C Year Gross Returns (%) Net Returns (%) Returns (%) St Dev (%) St Dev (%) Returns (%) Portfolios Composite ($mm) Assets ($mm) High Low 2018 0.86 0.59 0.92 N/A N/A 1.03 0.91 ≤5 1,000 106,335 2018 2017* 1.96 1.71 2.09 N/A N/A N/A N/A ≤5 114 113,387 2017* *Cumulative return for the period is from Feburary 1, 2017 (inception of strategy) to December 31, 2017. Voya Investment Management claims compliance with the Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS®) and has prepared and presented this report in compliance with the GIPS Standards. Voya Investment Management has been independently verified for the period January 1, 1996, through December 31, 2018. The verification report is available upon request. Verification assesses whether (1) the firm has complied with all of the composite construction requirements of the GIPS standards on a firm-wide basis and (2) the firm's policies and procedures are designed to calculate and present performance in compliance with the GIPS standards. Verification does not ensure the accuracy of any specific composite presentation. Notes: Firm Definition: Voya Investment Management (the "Firm") is defined as all accounts managed by Voya Investment Management Co. LLC and its subsidiary Voya Investment Trust Co., but not including collateralized debt obligation structures, long/short hedge funds, structured mortgage derivative portfolios, or specialized accounts supporting the reinsurance arrangements of affiliated insurance companies. Composite Definition: This is a fixed income strategy designed for defined contribution plan sponsors seeking to provide participants with capital preservation and attractive rates of return by investing in debt securities across multiple sectors and industries, while maintaining an intermediate duration close to that of the Bloomberg Barclays U.S. Intermediate Aggregate Index. Effective April 1, 2019, a $25 million minimum has been set for inclusion in the composite, and prior to that, the asset minimum was $100 million. Portfolio valuations and returns for this composite are computed and stated in U.S. dollars. This composite was incepted and created on February 1, 2017. Benchmark Definition: Returns are benchmarked to the Bloomberg Barclays U.S. Intermediate Aggregate Index, which does not incur management fees, transaction costs, or other expenses associated with a composite portfolio. The Bloomberg Barclays U.S. Intermediate Aggregate Index represents a broad universe of fixed rate, dollar- denominated, investment grade government, corporate, mortgage pass-through, and asset-backed securities with maturities of 1-10 years. Securities prices used to value the benchmark index for the purposes of calculating total return may or may not differ significantly from those used to value securities held within composite portfolios. Treatment of Fees & Expenses: Gross-of-fees returns are presented before management and custodial fees but after all trading expenses. Net-of-fees returns are calculated by deducting a hypothetical management fee from the gross return on a monthly basis and geometrically linking the results to produce annual returns shown. The hypothetical management fee is equal to the highest fee from any fee schedule offered at the time for the strategy shown. While fee schedules can change over time, any amended fee resulting from a change will not be retroactively applied to performance history, but will rather be applied on a prospective basis from the point of change. The annual management fee will vary according to the size of the account, and will depend on the type of investment vehicle selected. The current fee schedule for this strategy is: 0.27% at 100% of the assets under management. However, fee schedules may differ for pooled trusts or other types of investment vehicles. Further information regarding applicable fee schedules is available upon request. Explanation of Risk Measures: "Dispersion of Portfolio Returns" presented for each annual period is based on gross-of-fees returns and is equal to the highest and lowest annual return among the portfolios that are included in the composite for the full year. "Composite 3-Yr St Dev" and "Benchmark 3-Yr St Dev" are rolling 3-year standard deviation calculations, which measure the variability of the monthly performance returns for the composite and benchmark index return over the preceding 36-month period on an annualized basis. If the composite has not been in existence for at least 3 years as of a particular year-end, then “NA” will be displayed. Other Notes: Policies for valuing portfolios, calculating performance, and preparing compliant presentations, as well as a complete list of composite descriptions, are available upon request. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. For one-on-one use only. Not for inspection by, distribution or quotation to, the general public.
Schedule of Composite Performance Voya GNMA Fixed Income Composite Bloomberg Barclays U.S. GNMA Returns Composite 3-Yr Benchmark 3-Yr Dispersion of Number of Assets in this Total Firm GNMNY Year Gross Returns (%) Net Returns (%) (%) St Dev (%) St Dev (%) Portfolio Returns (%) Portfolios Composite ($mm) Assets ($mm) High Low 2018 1.74 1.43 1.02 1.88 2.16 1.74 1.74 ≤5 888 106,335 2018 2017 2.56 2.25 1.86 1.45 1.55 2.56 2.56 ≤5 1,114 113,387 2017 2016 2.51 2.20 1.56 1.75 2.01 2.51 2.51 ≤5 1,394 99,889 2016 2015 2.58 2.28 1.39 2.13 2.54 2.58 2.58 ≤5 1,099 94,574 2015 2014 6.00 5.68 5.97 2.10 2.53 6.00 6.00 ≤5 845 100,577 2014 2013 (0.95) (1.24) (2.12) 2.15 2.49 (0.95) (0.95) ≤5 859 93,084 2013 2012 3.77 3.46 2.42 1.77 1.92 3.77 3.77 ≤5 1,198 76,532 2012 2011 8.47 8.14 7.90 2.23 2.90 8.47 8.47 910 65,776 2011 ≤5 2010 7.14 6.82 6.67 3.19 4.62 7.14 7.14 ≤5 820 60,236 2010 5.96 5.65 2.16 3.29 4.81 6.06 6.06 808 61,643 2009 2009 ≤5 Voya Investment Management claims compliance with the Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS®) and has prepared and presented this report in compliance with the GIPS Standards. Voya Investment Management has been independently verified for the period January 1, 1996, through December 31, 2018. The verification report is available upon request. Verification assesses whether (1) the firm has complied with all of the composite construction requirements of the GIPS standards on a firm-wide basis and (2) the firm's policies and procedures are designed to calculate and present performance in compliance with the GIPS standards. Verification does not ensure the accuracy of any specific composite presentation. Notes: Firm Definition Voya Investment Management (the "Firm") is defined as all accounts managed by Voya Investment Management Co. LLC and its subsidiary Voya Investment Trust Co., but not including collateralized debt obligation structures, long/short hedge funds, structured mortgage derivative portfolios, or specialized accounts supporting the reinsurance arrangements of affiliated insurance companies. Composite Definition: This is a fixed income strategy that primarily invests in GNMA securities with maturities in excess of one year and which have the same credit quality as U.S. Treasury securities, but higher yields to compensate for prepayment uncertainty. Portfolio valuations and returns for this composite are computed and stated in U.S. dollars. Effective January 1, 2003, a $3 million minimum has been set for inclusion in the composite, and prior to that, no portfolios were excluded based on size. This composite was incepted and created on January 1, 1993. Benchmark Definition: Returns are benchmarked to the Bloomberg Barclays U.S. GNMA Index which is an unmanaged index covering mortgage-backed pass-through securities of the Government National Mortgage Association (GNMA). The Index does not reflect fees, brokerage commissions, taxes or other expenses of investing. Investors cannot invest directly in an index. Prior to June 1, 2009 the benchmark used a customized blend of 80% Bloomberg Barclays Capital MBS Fixed Rate GNMA and 20% Bloomberg Barclays Capital U.S. Treasury Long Index. Securities prices used to value the benchmark index for the purposes of calculating total return may or may not differ significantly from those used to value securities held within composite portfolios. Treatment of Fees & Expenses: Gross-of-fees returns are presented before management and custodial fees but after all trading expenses. Net-of-fees returns are calculated by deducting a hypothetical management fee from the gross return on a monthly basis and geometrically linking the results to produce annual returns shown. The hypothetical management fee is equal to the highest fee from any fee schedule offered at the time for the strategy shown. While fee schedules can change over time, any amended fee resulting from a change will not be retroactively applied to performance history, but will rather be applied on a prospective basis from the point of change. The annual management fee will vary according to the size of the account, and will depend on the type of investment vehicle selected. The current fee schedule for this strategy is: 0.30% on the first $100 million; 0.20% on the next $250 million; and 0.15% over $350 million; Minimum fee is $250,000. However, fee schedules may differ for pooled trusts or other types of investment vehicles. Further information regarding applicable fee schedules is available upon request. Explanation of Risk Measures: "Dispersion of Portfolio Returns" presented for each annual period is based on gross-of-fees returns and is equal to the highest and lowest annual return among the portfolios that are included in the composite for the full year. "Composite 3-Yr St Dev" and "Benchmark 3-Yr St Dev" are rolling 3-year standard deviation calculations, which measure the variability of the monthly performance returns for the composite and benchmark index return over the preceding 36-month period on an annualized basis. If the composite has not been in existence for at least 3 years as of a particular year-end, then “NA” will be displayed. Other Notes: Policies for valuing portfolios, calculating performance, and preparing compliant presentations, as well as a complete list of composite descriptions, are available upon request. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. For one-on-one use only. Not for inspection by, distribution or quotation to, the general public.
Schedule of Composite Performance Voya Senior Loan Leveraged Composite S&P LSTA Leveraged Composite 3-Yr Benchmark 3-Yr Dispersion of Portfolio Number of Assets in this Total Firm SD_CO Year Gross Returns (%) Net Returns (%) Loan Returns (%) St Dev (%) St Dev (%) Returns (%) Portfolios Composite ($mm) Assets ($mm) High Low 2018 1.50 1.00 0.44 3.96 2.86 1.75 1.39 ≤5 1,097 106,335 2018 2017 5.12 4.61 4.12 3.45 2.70 5.12 5.11 ≤5 1,243 113,387 2017 2016 13.95 13.28 10.16 3.58 2.89 14.03 13.82 ≤5 1,350 99,889 2016 2015 1.54 0.93 (0.69) 2.74 2.11 1.80 1.17 ≤5 1,317 94,574 2015 2014 4.18 3.56 1.60 2.80 2.10 4.53 3.82 ≤5 1,562 100,577 2014 2013 11.09 10.43 5.29 5.19 3.77 11.38 10.83 ≤5 1,762 93,084 2013 2012 16.29 15.60 9.66 5.78 4.42 16.82 15.95 ≤5 1,424 76,532 2012 2011 1.16 0.56 1.52 10.90 8.43 1.16 1.16 ≤5 578 65,776 2011 2010 11.32 10.66 10.13 18.78 13.86 11.32 11.32 ≤5 777 60,236 2010 2009 66.75 65.79 51.62 18.73 13.88 66.75 66.75 ≤5 907 61,643 2009 Voya Investment Management claims compliance with the Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS®) and has prepared and presented this report in compliance with the GIPS Standards. Voya Investment Management has been independently verified for the period January 1, 1996, through December 31, 2018. Verification assesses whether (1) the firm has complied with all of the composite construction requirements of the GIPS standards on a firm-wide basis and (2) the firm's policies and procedures are designed to calculate and present performance in compliance with the GIPS standards. The Voya Senior Loan Leveraged Composite has been examined for the periods 2001-2009. The verification and performance examination reports are available upon request. Notes: Firm Definition: Voya Investment Management (the "Firm") is defined as all accounts managed by Voya Investment Management Co. LLC and its subsidiary Voya Investment Trust Co., but not including collateralized debt obligation structures, long/short hedge funds, structured mortgage derivative portfolios, or specialized accounts supporting the reinsurance arrangements of affiliated insurance companies. Composite Definition: This is an actively managed, ultra-short duration floating rate income strategy that invests primarily in privately syndicated, below investment grade senior secured corporate loans while utilizing borrowed funds (leverage). Portfolio valuations and returns for this composite are computed and stated in U.S. dollars. A $100 million minimum has been set for inclusion in the composite. Prior to July 1, 2015, the minimum was $50 million minimum and prior to July 1, 2006 no portfolios were excluded based on size. This composite was incepted and created on April 1, 2001. Benchmark Definition: Returns are benchmarked to the S&P LSTA Leveraged Loan Index, which does not incur management fees, transaction costs, or other expenses associated with a composite portfolio. The S&P LSTA Leveraged Loan Index is a market value weighted syndicated loan indexes based upon market weightings, spreads and interest payments. The S&P LSTA Leveraged Loan Index covers the U.S. market back to 1997. Securities prices used to value the benchmark index for the purposes of calculating total return may or may not differ significantly from those used to value securities held within composite portfolios. Treatment of Fees & Expenses: Gross-of-fees returns are presented before management and custodial fees but after all trading expenses. Net-of-fees returns are calculated by deducting a hypothetical management fee from the gross return on a monthly basis and geometrically linking the results to produce annual returns shown. The hypothetical management fee is equal to the highest fee from any fee schedule offered at the time for the strategy shown. While fee schedules can change over time, any amended fee resulting from a change will not be retroactively applied to performance history, but will rather be applied on a prospective basis from the point of change. The annual management fee will vary according to the size of the account, and will depend on the type of investment vehicle selected. The current fee schedule for this strategy is: 0.50% on the first $100 million; 0.46% on the next $100 million; 0.40% on the next $300 million; and 0.30% over $500 million. However, fee schedules may differ for pooled trusts or other types of investment vehicles. Further information regarding applicable fee schedules is available upon request. Explanation of Risk Measures: "Dispersion of Portfolio Returns" presented for each annual period is based on gross-of-fees returns and is equal to the highest and lowest annual return among the portfolios that are included in the composite for the full year. "Composite 3-Yr St Dev" and "Benchmark 3-Yr St Dev" are rolling 3-year standard deviation calculations, which measure the variability of the monthly performance returns for the composite and benchmark index return over the preceding 36-month period on an annualized basis. If the composite has not been in existence for at least 3 years as of a particular year-end, then “NA” will be displayed. Other Notes: The Voya Senior Loan strategy may include borrowing an amount up to 33% (or such other percentage as permitted by law and client guidelines and constraints) of total assets (including the amount borrowed) less all liabilities other than debt incurred for the purpose of making additional investments. Leverage is used for the purpose of making additional investments only if it is believed that the total return on the assets purchased will exceed interest payments and other costs on the leverage. Leverage may also be used to meet cash requirements. The Voya Senior Loan strategy generally expects to incur floating rate debt. Policies for valuing portfolios, calculating performance, and preparing compliant presentations, as well as a complete list of composite descriptions, are available upon request. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. For one-on-one use only. Not for inspection by, distribution or quotation to, the general public.
Schedule of Composite Performance Voya Senior Loan Unleveraged Composite S&P LSTA Leveraged Composite 3-Yr Benchmark 3-Yr Dispersion of Portfolio Number of Assets in this Total Firm SLUSU Year Gross Returns (%) Net Returns (%) Loan Returns (%) St Dev (%) St Dev (%) Returns (%) Portfolios Composite ($mm) Assets ($mm) High Low 2018 0.78 0.28 0.44 2.53 2.86 0.82 0.65 6 4,771 106,335 2018 2017 3.65 3.15 4.12 2.12 2.70 4.00 3.56 6 4,994 113,387 2017 2016 8.66 8.13 10.16 2.22 2.89 9.76 8.21 6 4,087 99,889 2016 2015 1.43 0.93 (0.69) 1.70 2.11 1.66 0.97 7 3,632 94,574 2015 2014 2.55 2.04 1.60 1.91 2.10 3.05 2.38 7 3,633 100,577 2014 2013 6.49 5.96 5.29 3.74 3.77 6.67 6.01 6 2,492 93,084 2013 2012 11.27 10.72 9.66 4.40 4.42 10.64 9.98 ≤5 958 76,532 2012 2011 2.01 1.40 1.52 8.51 8.43 2.71 1.47 ≤5 2,637 65,776 2011 2010 9.98 9.33 10.13 14.11 13.86 10.11 9.34 ≤5 2,288 60,236 2010 2009 52.84 51.95 51.62 14.09 13.88 56.48 42.10 ≤5 2,354 61,643 2009 Voya Investment Management claims compliance with the Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS®) and has prepared and presented this report in compliance with the GIPS Standards. Voya Investment Management has been independently verified for the period January 1, 1996, through December 31, 2018. Verification assesses whether (1) the firm has complied with all of the composite construction requirements of the GIPS standards on a firm-wide basis and (2) the firm's policies and procedures are designed to calculate and present performance in compliance with the GIPS standards. The Voya Senior Loan Unleveraged Composite has been examined for the periods 2010-2018. The verification and performance examination reports are available upon request. Notes: Firm Definition: Voya Investment Management (the "Firm") is defined as all accounts managed by Voya Investment Management Co. LLC and its subsidiary Voya Investment Trust Co., but not including collateralized debt obligation structures, long/short hedge funds, structured mortgage derivative portfolios, or specialized accounts supporting the reinsurance arrangements of affiliated insurance companies. Composite Definition: This is an actively managed, ultra-short duration floating rate income strategy that invests primarily in privately syndicated, below investment grade senior secured corporate loans without the utilization of borrowed funds (leverage). Portfolio valuations and returns for this composite are computed and stated in U.S. dollars. Effect July 1, 2015 a $100 million minimum has been set for inclusion in the composite. Previously, the minimum was $50 million, and prior to September 1, 2008, no portfolios were excluded based on size. This composite incepted on April 1, 2001 and created in August 2009. Benchmark Definition: Returns are benchmarked to the S&P LSTA Leveraged Loan Index, which does not incur management fees, transaction costs, or other expenses associated with a composite portfolio. The S&P LSTA Leveraged Loan Index is a market value weighted syndicated loan indexes based upon market weightings, spreads and interest payments. The S&P LSTA Leveraged Loan Index covers the U.S. market back to 1997. Securities prices used to value the benchmark index for the purposes of calculating total return may or may not differ significantly from those used to value securities held within composite portfolios. Treatment of Fees & Expenses: Gross-of-fees returns are presented before management and custodial fees but after all trading expenses. Net-of-fees returns are calculated by deducting a hypothetical management fee from the gross return on a monthly basis and geometrically linking the results to produce annual returns shown. The hypothetical management fee is equal to the highest fee from any fee schedule offered at the time for the strategy shown. While fee schedules can change over time, any amended fee resulting from a change will not be retroactively applied to performance history, but will rather be applied on a prospective basis from the point of change. The annual management fee will vary according to the size of the account, and will depend on the type of investment vehicle selected. The current fee schedule for this strategy is: The current fee schedule for this strategy is: 0.50% on the first $100 million; 0.46% on the next $100 million; 0.40% on the next $300 million; and 0.30% over $500 million. However, fee schedules may differ for pooled trusts or other types of investment vehicles. Further information regarding applicable fee schedules is available upon request. Explanation of Risk Measures: "Dispersion of Portfolio Returns" presented for each annual period is based on gross-of-fees returns and is equal to the highest and lowest annual return among the portfolios that are included in the composite for the full year. "Composite 3-Yr St Dev" and "Benchmark 3-Yr St Dev" are rolling 3-year standard deviation calculations, which measure the variability of the monthly performance returns for the composite and benchmark index return over the preceding 36-month period on an annualized basis. If the composite has not been in existence for at least 3 years as of a particular year-end, then “NA” will be displayed. Other Notes: Policies for valuing portfolios, calculating performance, and preparing compliant presentations, as well as a complete list of composite descriptions, are available upon request. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. For one-on-one use only. Not for inspection by, distribution or quotation to, the general public.
Schedule of Composite Performance Voya Senior Loan EUR Unleveraged Composite S&P/LSTA Leveraged Loan Composite 3- Benchmark 3- Dispersion of Number of Assets in this Total Firm SLEUR Year Gross Returns (%) Net Returns (%) Hedged to Euro Returns (%) Yr St Dev (%) Yr St Dev (%) Portfolio Returns (%) Portfolios Composite (€mm) Assets (€mm) High Low 2018 (1.69) (2.18) (2.39) 2.59 2.92 (1.69) (1.69) ≤5 3,635 93,019 2018 2017 1.64 1.13 2.10 2.10 2.64 1.64 1.64 ≤5 4,688 94,426 2017 2016 7.10 6.57 8.55 2.17 2.83 7.10 7.10 ≤5 4,604 94,704 2016 2015 1.15 0.65 (1.27) 1.61 2.15 1.15 1.15 ≤5 3,881 87,061 2015 2014 2.45 1.94 1.46 1.75 2.11 2.45 2.45 ≤5 3,642 83,119 2014 2013 5.33 4.80 5.06 3.44 3.70 5.33 5.33 ≤5 4,387 67,552 2013 2012 9.87 9.23 9.24 4.15 4.40 9.87 9.87 ≤5 2,345 58,049 2012 2011 2.55 1.94 1.89 7.31 8.45 2.55 2.55 ≤5 1,999 50,669 2011 2010 8.75 8.11 9.82 12.91 13.95 8.75 8.75 ≤5 2,034 44,900 2010 2009 42.81 41.99 51.95 12.85 13.97 42.81 42.81 ≤5 2,145 42,964 2009 Voya Investment Management claims compliance with the Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS®) and has prepared and presented this report in compliance with the GIPS Standards. Voya Investment Management has been independently verified for the period January 1, 1996, through December 31, 2018. The verification report is available upon request. Verification assesses whether (1) the firm has complied with all of the composite construction requirements of the GIPS standards on a firm-wide basis and (2) the firm's policies and procedures are designed to calculate and present performance in compliance with the GIPS standards. Verification does not ensure the accuracy of any specific composite presentation. Notes: Firm Definition: Voya Investment Management (the "Firm") is defined as all accounts managed by Voya Investment Management Co. LLC and its subsidiary Voya Investment Trust Co., but not including collateralized debt obligation structures, long/short hedge funds, structured mortgage derivative portfolios, or specialized accounts supporting the reinsurance arrangements of affiliated insurance companies. Composite Definition: Composite returns are calculated from fully discretionary portfolios managed to the intended investment strategy with a view towards outperforming the index over full market cycles while maintaining a market level of risk. Portfolio valuations and returns for this composite are computed and stated in Euros. Effective July 1, 2006, a €50 million minimum has been set for inclusion in the composite, and prior to that, no portfolios were excluded based on size. This composite was created and incepted on October 1, 2005. Benchmark Definition: Returns are benchmarked to the S&P/LSTA Leveraged Loan Index Hedged to the Euro, which does not incur management fees, transaction costs, or other expenses associated with a composite portfolio. Securities prices used to value the benchmark index for the purposes of calculating total return may or may not differ significantly from those used to value securities held within composite portfolios. To produce an index return hedged to the Euro, the Firm recalculates the returns for the S&P/LSTA Leveraged Loan Index by adjusting the returns to reflect the difference between the Euro spot rate and the Euro 1- month forward rate as of each monthly valuation date. Treatment of Fees & Expenses: Gross-of-fees returns are presented before management and custodial fees but after all trading expenses. Net-of-fees returns are calculated by deducting a hypothetical management fee from the gross return on a monthly basis and geometrically linking the results to produce annual returns shown. The hypothetical management fee is equal to the highest fee from any fee schedule offered at the time for the strategy shown. While fee schedules can change over time, any amended fee resulting from a change will not be retroactively applied to performance history, but will rather be applied on a prospective basis from the point of change. The annual management fee will vary according to the size of the account, and will depend on the type of investment vehicle selected. The current fee schedule for this strategy is: 0.50% on the first €100 million; 0.45% on the next €150 million; 0.40% on the next €250 million; and 0.30% over €500 million. However, fee schedules may differ for pooled trusts or other types of investment vehicles. Further information regarding applicable fee schedules is available upon request. Explanation of Risk Measures: "Dispersion of Portfolio Returns" presented for each annual period is based on gross-of-fees returns and is equal to the highest and lowest annual return among the portfolios that are included in the composite for the full year. "Composite 3-Yr St Dev" and "Benchmark 3-Yr St Dev" are rolling 3-year standard deviation calculations, which measure the variability of the monthly performance returns for the composite and benchmark index return over the preceding 36-month period on an annualized basis. If the composite has not been in existence for at least 3 years as of a particular year-end, then “NA” will be displayed. Other Notes: Policies for valuing portfolios, calculating performance, and preparing compliant presentations, as well as a complete list of composite descriptions, are available upon request. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. For one-on-one use only. Not for inspection by, distribution or quotation to, the general public.
Schedule of Composite Performance Voya High Yield Composite Bloomberg Barclays U.S. High Yield 2% Issuer Cap Composite 3-Yr Benchmark 3-Yr Dispersion of Portfolio Number of Assets in this Total Firm HY_CO Year Gross Returns (%) Net Returns (%) Returns (%) St Dev (%) St Dev (%) Returns (%) Portfolios Composite ($mm) Assets ($mm) High Low 2018 (2.43) (2.92) (2.08) 3.91 4.59 (2.41) (2.45) ≤5 888 106,335 2018 2017 7.03 6.52 7.50 4.54 5.56 7.04 7.02 ≤5 1,170 113,387 2017 2016 14.88 14.32 17.13 5.09 5.99 15.51 14.27 ≤5 1,355 99,889 2016 2015 (1.05) (1.54) (4.43) 5.10 5.25 (0.66) (1.35) ≤5 1,158 94,574 2015 2014 2.28 1.77 2.46 4.71 4.50 2.52 2.52 ≤5 1,287 100,577 2014 2013 9.11 8.57 7.44 6.55 6.43 9.11 9.11 ≤5 346 93,084 2013 2012 16.91 16.40 15.78 7.29 7.07 16.91 16.91 ≤5 205 76,532 2012 2011 6.50 6.03 4.96 10.55 11.00 6.50 6.50 ≤5 153 65,776 2011 2010 15.27 14.76 14.94 16.79 16.76 15.27 15.27 ≤5 122 60,236 2010 2009 47.66 47.02 58.76 16.53 16.66 47.66 47.66 ≤5 106 61,643 2009 Voya Investment Management claims compliance with the Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS®) and has prepared and presented this report in compliance with the GIPS Standards. Voya Investment Management has been independently verified for the period January 1, 1996, through December 31, 2018. Verification assesses whether (1) the firm has complied with all of the composite construction requirements of the GIPS standards on a firm-wide basis and (2) the firm's policies and procedures are designed to calculate and present performance in compliance with the GIPS standards. The Voya High Yield Composite has been examined for the periods 2008-2018. The verification and performance examination reports are available upon request. Notes: Firm Definition: Voya Investment Management (the "Firm") is defined as all accounts managed by Voya Investment Management Co. LLC and its subsidiary Voya Investment Trust Co., but not including collateralized debt obligation structures, long/short hedge funds, structured mortgage derivative portfolios, or specialized accounts supporting the reinsurance arrangements of affiliated insurance companies. Composite Definition: This is a fixed income strategy that invests in below-investment grade debt securities across multiple sectors and industries in order to maximize total return through income and capital appreciation, with an objective to outperform the Bloomberg Barclays U.S. High Yield 2% Issuer Cap Index. Portfolio valuations and returns for this composite are computed and stated in U.S. dollars. Effective January 1, 2003, a $25 million minimum has been set for inclusion in the composite, and prior to that, no portfolios were excluded based on size. This composite was incepted and created on January 1, 1999. Benchmark Definition: Returns are benchmarked to the Bloomberg Barclays U.S. High Yield 2% Issuer Cap Index, which does not incur management fees, transaction costs, or other expenses associated with a composite portfolio. The Bloomberg Barclays U.S. High Yield 2% Issuer Cap Index covers the universe of fixed rate, dollar- denominated, non-investment grade debt, including both corporate (Industrial, Utility, and Finance) and non-corporate (Sovereign, Supranational, Foreign Agency, and Foreign Local Government) sectors, and limits any individual issuer to a maximum of 2% benchmark exposure. Securities prices used to value the benchmark index for the purposes of calculating total return may or may not differ significantly from those used to value securities held within composite portfolios. Treatment of Fees & Expenses: Gross-of-fees returns are presented before management and custodial fees but after all trading expenses. Net-of-fees returns are calculated by deducting a hypothetical management fee from the gross return on a monthly basis and geometrically linking the results to produce annual returns shown. The hypothetical management fee is equal to the highest fee from any fee schedule offered at the time for the strategy shown. While fee schedules can change over time, any amended fee resulting from a change will not be retroactively applied to performance history, but will rather be applied on a prospective basis from the point of change. The annual management fee will vary according to the size of the account, and will depend on the type of investment vehicle selected. The current fee schedule for this strategy is: 0.45% on the first $150 million; 0.40% on the next $250 million; and 0.35% over $400 million. However, fee schedules may differ for pooled trusts or other types of investment vehicles. Further information regarding applicable fee schedules is available upon request. Explanation of Risk Measures: "Dispersion of Portfolio Returns" presented for each annual period is based on gross-of-fees returns and is equal to the highest and lowest annual return among the portfolios that are included in the composite for the full year. "Composite 3-Yr St Dev" and "Benchmark 3-Yr St Dev" are rolling 3-year standard deviation calculations, which measure the variability of the monthly performance returns for the composite and benchmark index return over the preceding 36-month period on an annualized basis. If the composite has not been in existence for at least 3 years as of a particular year-end, then “NA” will be displayed. Other Notes: Policies for valuing portfolios, calculating performance, and preparing compliant presentations, as well as a complete list of composite descriptions, are available upon request. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. For one-on-one use only. Not for inspection by, distribution or quotation to, the general public.
Schedule of Composite Performance Voya Absolute Alpha Custom Composite Custom Benchmark Composite 3-Yr Benchmark 3-Yr Dispersion of Portfolio Number of Assets in this Total Firm Assets PORT_ Year Gross Returns (%) Net Returns (%) Returns (%) St Dev (%) St Dev (%) Returns (%) Portfolios Composite ($mm) ($mm) High Low 2018 2018 (4.80) (5.75) (3.27) 6.12 6.15 (4.80) (4.80) ≤5 898 106,335 2017 18.04 16.88 16.59 6.44 6.54 18.04 18.04 ≤5 1,065 113,387 2017 2016 2016 8.49 7.42 7.13 7.46 7.49 8.49 8.49 ≤5 996 99,889 2015 1.86 0.85 0.71 8.74 8.57 1.86 1.86 ≤5 918 94,574 2015 2014 2014 12.35 11.24 9.73 9.45 9.38 12.35 12.35 ≤5 1,028 100,577 2013 31.59 30.31 30.19 13.24 13.04 31.59 31.59 ≤5 915 93,084 2013 2012 2012 18.68 17.63 16.70 16.18 16.15 18.68 18.68 ≤5 907 76,532 2011 (0.94) (1.83) (2.14) 19.42 19.29 (0.94) (0.94) ≤5 764 65,776 2011 2010 15.00 13.99 14.97 21.83 20.85 15.00 15.00 2010 ≤5 772 60,236 2009 36.93 35.74 32.27 NA NA 36.93 36.93 ≤5 671 61,643 2009 Voya Investment Management claims compliance with the Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS®) and has prepared and presented this report in compliance with the GIPS Standards. Voya Investment Management has been independently verified for the period January 1, 1996, through December 31, 2018. The verification report is available upon request. Verification assesses whether (1) the firm has complied with all of the composite construction requirements of the GIPS standards on a firm-wide basis and (2) the firm's policies and procedures are designed to calculate and present performance in compliance with the GIPS standards. Verification does not ensure the accuracy of any specific composite presentation. Notes: Firm Definition: Voya Investment Management (the "Firm") is defined as all accounts managed by Voya Investment Management Co. LLC and its subsidiary Voya Investment Trust Co., but not including collateralized debt obligation structures, long/short hedge funds, structured mortgage derivative portfolios, or specialized accounts supporting the reinsurance arrangements of affiliated insurance companies. Composite Definition: Voya Absolute Alpha uses a multi-strategy approach, combining an optimal mix of 5 -15 select strategies sourced from a multitude of Voya Investment platforms into a customized portfolio to meet the dynamic needs of our client. Alpha can be ported to any liquid benchmark, and this particular composite uses a custom-blended index of the client’s asset allocation. Portfolio valuations and returns for this composite are computed and stated in U.S. dollars. A $25 million minimum has been set for inclusion in the composite. This composite was incepted and created on February 1, 2007. The strategy has the flexibility to allocate portions of the portfolio to outside sub-advisors and has done so at various points in time throughout the tenure of the composite. As of 12/31/2018, the strategy employed the following sub-advisors: Sub-advisor utilized \ Investment Strategy \ Allocation (rounded): CBRE Clarion Securities, LLC \ Real Estate \ 7% Benchmark Definition: Returns are benchmarked to a customized blend of 20% S&P500, 60% Bloomberg Barclays Long Government, and 20% MSCI EAFE (Net) Indexes as of December 31 2018, rebalanced on a monthly basis. These benchmarks do not incur management fees, transaction costs, or other expenses associated with a composite portfolio.The breakdown of the custom benchmark for different periods is available upon request. Securities prices used to value the benchmark index for the purposes of calculating total return may or may not differ significantly from those used to value securities held within composite portfolios. Treatment of Fees & Expenses: Gross-of-fees returns are presented before management and custodial fees but after all trading expenses. Net-of-fees returns are calculated by deducting a hypothetical management fee from the gross return on a monthly basis and geometrically linking the results to produce annual returns shown. The hypothetical management fee is equal to the highest fee from any fee schedule offered at the time for the strategy shown. While fee schedules can change over time, any amended fee resulting from a change will not be retroactively applied to performance history, but will rather be applied on a prospective basis from the point of change. The annual management fee will vary according to the size of the account, and will depend on the type of investment vehicle selected. The current fee schedule for this strategy is: 1.00% on the first $25 million; 0.90% on the next $50 million; and 0.80% on the next, 0.70% over $250 million. However, fee schedules may differ for pooled trusts or other types of investment vehicles. Further information regarding applicable fee schedules is available upon request. Explanation of Risk Measures: "Dispersion of Portfolio Returns" presented for each annual period is based on gross-of-fees returns and is equal to the highest and lowest annual return among the portfolios that are included in the composite for the full year. "Composite 3-Yr St Dev" and "Benchmark 3-Yr St Dev" are rolling 3-year standard deviation calculations, which measure the variability of the monthly performance returns for the composite and benchmark index return over the preceding 36-month period on an annualized basis. If the composite has not been in existence for at least 3 years as of a particular year-end, then “NA” will be displayed. Other Notes: The investment strategy makes regular use of various types of derivatives instruments including options, futures, forwards, and swaps, used exclusively for purposes of beta management and currency hedging. Derivatives in general will be used when the sum of market exposures inherent in the underlying investment strategies does not match the client's benchmark. Long and short positions can be taken in various markets and currencies to bridge the gap between actual and desired exposures. Policies for valuing portfolios, calculating performance, and preparing compliant presentations, as well as a complete list of composite descriptions, are available upon request. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. For one-on-one use only. Not for inspection by, distribution or quotation to, the general public.
Schedule of Composite Performance Voya Diversified Emerging Markets Debt Fund Composite Custom JPM Diversified Composite 3-Yr Benchmark 3-Yr Dispersion of Portfolio Number of Assets in this Total Firm DIEMDF Year Gross Returns (%) Net Returns (%) Blend(%) St Dev (%) St Dev (%) Returns (%) Portfolios Composite ($mm) Assets ($mm) High Low 2018 2018 (4.12) (4.79) (3.96) 5.88 6.23 (4.12) (4.12) ≤5 17 106,335 2017 11.32 10.55 11.13 5.29 6.18 11.32 11.32 ≤5 23 113,387 2017 2016 7.69 6.94 10.04 5.69 6.99 7.69 7.69 2016 ≤5 18 99,889 2015 (0.81) (1.50) (4.39) 6.34 6.77 (0.81) (0.81) ≤5 1 94,574 2015 2014 2014 5.87 5.14 2.13 NA NA 5.87 5.87 ≤5 1 100,577 2013 (5.39) (6.05) (4.95) NA NA (5.39) (5.39) ≤5 1 93,084 2013 2012* 1.76 1.70 1.25 2012 NA NA NA NA ≤5 1 76,532 *Cumulative return for the period is from December 1, 2012 (inception of strategy) to December 31, 2012. Voya Investment Management claims compliance with the Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS®) and has prepared and presented this report in compliance with the GIPS Standards. Voya Investment Management has been independently verified for the period January 1, 1996, through December 31, 2018. The verification report is available upon request. Verification assesses whether (1) the firm has complied with all of the composite construction requirements of the GIPS standards on a firm-wide basis and (2) the firm's policies and procedures are designed to calculate and present performance in compliance with the GIPS standards. Verification does not ensure the accuracy of any specific composite presentation. Notes: Firm Definition: Voya Investment Management (the "Firm") is defined as all accounts managed by Voya Investment Management Co. LLC and its subsidiary Voya Investment Trust Co., but not including collateralized debt obligation structures, long/short hedge funds, structured mortgage derivative portfolios, or specialized accounts supporting the reinsurance arrangements of affiliated insurance companies. Composite Definition: This is a fixed income strategy that invests primarily in debt instruments of issuers in emerging markets countries or debt instruments that have principal denominated in emerging markets countries including both sovereign and corporate debt denominated in local and hard currencies. Portfolio valuations and returns for this composite are computed and stated in U.S. dollars. No minimum has been set for inclusion in the composite. This composite was incepted and created on December 1, 2012. Benchmark Definition: Returns are benchmarked to a customized blend of 1/3 JP Morgan Government Bond Index - Emerging Markets Global Diversified USD Index, 1/3 JP Morgan Emerging Markets Bond Index - Global Diversified Index, and 1/3 JP Morgan Corporate Emerging Markets Bond, rebalanced on a monthly basis. These benchmarks do not incur management fees, transaction costs, or other expenses associated with a composite portfolio. Securities prices used to value the benchmark index for the purposes of calculating total return may or may not differ significantly from those used to value securities held within composite portfolios. Treatment of Fees & Expenses: Gross-of-fees returns are presented before management and custodial fees but after all trading expenses. Net-of-fees returns are calculated by deducting a hypothetical management fee from the gross return on a monthly basis and geometrically linking the results to produce annual returns shown. The hypothetical management fee is equal to the highest fee from any fee schedule offered at the time for the strategy shown. While fee schedules can change over time, any amended fee resulting from a change will not be retroactively applied to performance history, but will rather be applied on a prospective basis from the point of change. The annual management fee will vary according to the size of the account, and will depend on the type of investment vehicle selected. The current fee schedule for this strategy is: 0.55% on the first $100 million; 0.50% on the next $200 million; and 0.45% over $300 million. However, fee schedules may differ for pooled trusts or other types of investment vehicles. Further information regarding applicable fee schedules is available upon request. Explanation of Risk Measures: "Dispersion of Portfolio Returns" presented for each annual period is based on gross-of-fees returns and is equal to the highest and lowest annual return among the portfolios that are included in the composite for the full year. "Composite 3-Yr St Dev" and "Benchmark 3-Yr St Dev" are rolling 3-year standard deviation calculations, which measure the variability of the monthly performance returns for the composite and benchmark index return over the preceding 36-month period on an annualized basis. If the composite has not been in existence for at least 3 years as of a particular year-end, then “NA” will be displayed. Other Notes: Policies for valuing portfolios, calculating performance, and preparing compliant presentations, as well as a complete list of composite descriptions, are available upon request. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. For one-on-one use only. Not for inspection by, distribution or quotation to, the general public.
Schedule of Composite Performance Voya Emerging Markets Corporate Debt Fund Composite JPM Corporate EMBI Diversified Composite Composite 3-Yr Benchmark 3-Yr Dispersion of Portfolio Number of Assets in this Total Firm EMCRP Year Gross Returns (%) Net Returns (%) Returns (%) St Dev (%) St Dev (%) Returns (%) Portfolios Composite ($mm) Assets ($mm) High Low 2018 (1.76) (2.44) (1.72) 3.98 3.63 2018 (1.76) (1.76) ≤5 104 106,335 2017 9.54 8.79 7.89 4.10 4.10 9.54 9.54 ≤5 108 113,387 2017 2016 9.68 8.92 10.43 4.68 4.66 9.68 9.68 ≤5 99 99,889 2016 2015 0.64 (0.06) 1.18 5.29 5.26 0.64 0.64 ≤5 86 94,574 2015 2014 6.27 5.53 5.70 NA NA 6.27 6.27 2014 ≤5 82 100,577 2013 (1.19) (1.88) (1.73) NA NA (1.19) (1.19) ≤5 64 93,084 2013 2012* 5.63 5.38 4.62 NA NA NA NA ≤5 102 76,532 2012 *Cumulative return for the period is from September 1, 2012 (inception of strategy) to December 31, 2012. Voya Investment Management claims compliance with the Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS®) and has prepared and presented this report in compliance with the GIPS Standards. Voya Investment Management has been independently verified for the period January 1, 1996, through December 31, 2018. The verification report is available upon request. Verification assesses whether (1) the firm has complied with all of the composite construction requirements of the GIPS standards on a firm-wide basis and (2) the firm's policies and procedures are designed to calculate and present performance in compliance with the GIPS standards. Verification does not ensure the accuracy of any specific composite presentation. Notes: Firm Definition: Voya Investment Management (the "Firm") is defined as all accounts managed by Voya Investment Management Co. LLC and its subsidiary Voya Investment Trust Co., but not including collateralized debt obligation structures, long/short hedge funds, structured mortgage derivative portfolios, or specialized accounts supporting the reinsurance arrangements of affiliated insurance companies. Composite Definition: This is a fixed income strategy that invests primarily in debt instruments of corporate issuers in emerging markets countries. Portfolio valuations and returns for this composite are computed and stated in U.S. dollars. No minimum has been set for inclusion in the composite. This composite was incepted and created on Benchmark September Definition: 1, 2012. Returns are benchmarked to the JPM Corporate EMBI Diversified Composite Index: The Index tracks total returns of US dollar-denominated debt instruments issued by corporate entities in Emerging Markets countries. Securities prices used to value the benchmark index for the purposes of calculating total return may or may not differ significantly from those used to value securities held within composite portfolios. Treatment of Fees & Expenses: Gross-of-fees returns are presented before management and custodial fees but after all trading expenses. Net-of-fees returns are calculated by deducting a hypothetical management fee from the gross return on a monthly basis and geometrically linking the results to produce annual returns shown. The hypothetical management fee is equal to the highest fee from any fee schedule offered at the time for the strategy shown. While fee schedules can change over time, any amended fee resulting from a change will not be retroactively applied to performance history, but will rather be applied on a prospective basis from the point of change. The annual management fee will vary according to the size of the account, and will depend on the type of investment vehicle selected. The current fee schedule for this strategy is: 0.55% on the first $100 million; 0.50% on the next $200 million; and 0.45% over $300 million. However, fee schedules may differ for pooled trusts or other types of investment vehicles. Further information regarding applicable fee schedules is available upon request. Explanation of Risk Measures: "Dispersion of Portfolio Returns" presented for each annual period is based on gross-of-fees returns and is equal to the highest and lowest annual return among the portfolios that are included in the composite for the full year. "Composite 3-Yr St Dev" and "Benchmark 3-Yr St Dev" are rolling 3-year standard deviation calculations, which measure the variability of the monthly performance returns for the composite and benchmark index return over the preceding 36-month period on an annualized basis. If the composite has not been in existence for at least 3 years as of a particular year-end, then “NA” will be displayed. Other Notes: Policies for valuing portfolios, calculating performance, and preparing compliant presentations, as well as a complete list of composite descriptions, are available upon request. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. For one-on-one use only. Not for inspection by, distribution or quotation to, the general public.
Schedule of Composite Performance Voya Emerging Markets Hard Currency Composite JPM EMBI Global Diversified Composite 3-Yr Benchmark 3-Yr Dispersion of Portfolio Number of Assets in this Total Firm EMHCD Year Gross Returns (%) Net Returns (%) Composite Returns (%) St Dev (%) St Dev (%) Returns (%) Portfolios Composite ($mm) Assets ($mm) High Low 2018 (4.65) (5.32) (4.26) 5.56 5.46 (4.65) (4.65) ≤5 171 106,335 2018 2017 11.65 10.88 10.26 5.37 5.04 11.65 11.65 ≤5 164 113,387 2017 2016 10.37 9.61 10.15 6.19 5.78 10.37 10.37 ≤5 146 99,889 2016 2015 1.97 1.26 1.18 6.87 6.51 1.97 1.97 ≤5 130 94,574 2015 2014 7.24 6.50 7.43 NA NA 7.24 7.24 ≤5 160 100,577 2014 2013 (5.01) (5.67) (5.25) NA NA (5.01) (5.01) ≤5 161 93,084 2013 2012* 5.61 5.37 4.47 NA NA NA NA ≤5 182 76,532 2012 *Cumulative return for the period is from September 1, 2012 (inception of strategy) to December 31, 2012. Voya Investment Management claims compliance with the Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS®) and has prepared and presented this report in compliance with the GIPS Standards. Voya Investment Management has been independently verified for the period January 1, 1996, through December 31, 2018. The verification report is available upon request. Verification assesses whether (1) the firm has complied with all of the composite construction requirements of the GIPS standards on a firm-wide basis and (2) the firm's policies and procedures are designed to calculate and present performance in compliance with the GIPS standards. Verification does not ensure the accuracy of any specific composite presentation. Notes: Firm Definition: Voya Investment Management (the "Firm") is defined as all accounts managed by Voya Investment Management Co. LLC and its subsidiary Voya Investment Trust Co., but not including collateralized debt obligation structures, long/short hedge funds, structured mortgage derivative portfolios, or specialized accounts supporting the reinsurance arrangements of affiliated insurance companies. Composite Definition: This is a fixed income strategy that invests primarily in debt instruments of governments and governmental entities, agencies and/or are guaranteed by governments of emerging markets countries which are denominated in US dollars and foreign hard currencies. Portfolio valuations and returns for this composite are computed and stated in U.S. dollars. No minimum has been set for inclusion in the composite. This composite was incepted and created on September 1, 2012. Benchmark Definition: Returns are benchmarked to the JPM EMBI Global Diversified Composite Index: The JPM EMBI Global Diversified Composite Index is a uniquely-weighted version of the EMBI Global. It limits the weights of those index countries with larger debt stocks by only including specified portions of these countries’ eligible current face amounts of debt outstanding. The countries covered in the EMBI Global Diversified are identical to those covered by the EMBI Global. Securities prices used to value the benchmark index for the purposes of calculating total return may or may not differ significantly from those used to value securities held within composite portfolios. Treatment of Fees & Expenses: Gross-of-fees returns are presented before management and custodial fees but after all trading expenses. Net-of-fees returns are calculated by deducting a hypothetical management fee from the gross return on a monthly basis and geometrically linking the results to produce annual returns shown. The hypothetical management fee is equal to the highest fee from any fee schedule offered at the time for the strategy shown. While fee schedules can change over time, any amended fee resulting from a change will not be retroactively applied to performance history, but will rather be applied on a prospective basis from the point of change. The annual management fee will vary according to the size of the account, and will depend on the type of investment vehicle selected. The current fee schedule for this strategy is: 0.48% on the first $100 million; 0.42% on the next $200 million; and 0.35% over $300 million. However, fee schedules may differ for pooled trusts or other types of investment vehicles. Further information regarding applicable fee schedules is available upon request. Explanation of Risk Measures: "Dispersion of Portfolio Returns" presented for each annual period is based on gross-of-fees returns and is equal to the highest and lowest annual return among the portfolios that are included in the composite for the full year. "Composite 3-Yr St Dev" and "Benchmark 3-Yr St Dev" are rolling 3-year standard deviation calculations, which measure the variability of the monthly performance returns for the composite and benchmark index return over the preceding 36-month period on an annualized basis. If the composite has not been in existence for at least 3 years as of a particular year-end, then “NA” will be displayed. Other Notes: Policies for valuing portfolios, calculating performance, and preparing compliant presentations, as well as a complete list of composite descriptions, are available upon request. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. For one-on-one use only. Not for inspection by, distribution or quotation to, the general public.
Schedule of Composite Performance Voya Emerging Markets Local Currency Composite JPM GBI-EM Global Diversified Composite 3-Yr Benchmark 3-Yr Dispersion of Portfolio Number of Assets in this Total Firm EMLCD Year Gross Returns (%) Net Returns (%) Composite Returns (%) St Dev (%) St Dev (%) Returns (%) Portfolios Composite ($mm) Assets ($mm) High Low 2018 (6.68) (7.33) (6.21) 10.16 11.09 (6.68) (6.68) ≤5 72 106,335 2018 2017 14.87 14.08 15.21 9.29 10.87 14.87 14.87 ≤5 100 113,387 2017 2016 5.85 5.12 9.94 10.49 11.97 5.85 5.85 ≤5 85 99,889 2016 2015 2015 (13.47) (14.08) (14.92) 10.59 10.35 (13.47) (13.47) ≤5 76 94,574 2014 (5.18) (5.84) (5.72) NA NA (5.18) (5.18) ≤5 88 100,577 2014 2013 (11.42) (12.04) (8.98) NA NA (11.42) (11.42) ≤5 93 93,084 2013 2012* 7.87 7.63 6.86 NA NA NA NA ≤5 152 76,532 2012 *Cumulative return for the period is from September 1, 2012 (inception of strategy) to December 31, 2012. Voya Investment Management claims compliance with the Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS®) and has prepared and presented this report in compliance with the GIPS Standards. Voya Investment Management has been independently verified for the period January 1, 1996, through December 31, 2018. The verification report is available upon request. Verification assesses whether (1) the firm has complied with all of the composite construction requirements of the GIPS standards on a firm-wide basis and (2) the firm's policies and procedures are designed to calculate and present performance in compliance with the GIPS standards. Verification does not ensure the accuracy of any specific composite presentation. Notes: Firm Definition: Voya Investment Management (the "Firm") is defined as all accounts managed by Voya Investment Management Co. LLC and its subsidiary Voya Investment Trust Co., but not including collateralized debt obligation structures, long/short hedge funds, structured mortgage derivative portfolios, or specialized accounts supporting the reinsurance arrangements of affiliated insurance companies. Composite Definition: This is a fixed income strategy that invests primarily in debt instruments which are denominated in currencies of emerging markets countries. Portfolio valuations and returns for this composite are computed and stated in U.S. dollars. No minimum has been set for inclusion in the composite. This composite was incepted Benchmark and created Definition: on September 1, 2012. Returns are benchmarked to the JPM GBI-EM Global Diversified Composite Index which tracks total returns for US dollar-denominated debt instruments issued by emerging market sovereign and quasi-sovereign entities: Brady bonds, loans, Eurobonds. Securities prices used to value the benchmark index for the purposes of calculating total return may or may not differ significantly from those used to value securities held within composite portfolios. Treatment of Fees & Expenses: Gross-of-fees returns are presented before management and custodial fees but after all trading expenses. Net-of-fees returns are calculated by deducting a hypothetical management fee from the gross return on a monthly basis and geometrically linking the results to produce annual returns shown. The hypothetical management fee is equal to the highest fee from any fee schedule offered at the time for the strategy shown. While fee schedules can change over time, any amended fee resulting from a change will not be retroactively applied to performance history, but will rather be applied on a prospective basis from the point of change. The annual management fee will vary according to the size of the account, and will depend on the type of investment vehicle selected. The current fee schedule for this strategy is: 0.52% on the first $100 million; 0.47% on the next $200 million; and 0.40% over $300 million. However, fee schedules may differ for pooled trusts or other types of investment vehicles. Further information regarding applicable fee schedules is available upon request. Explanation of Risk Measures: "Dispersion of Portfolio Returns" presented for each annual period is based on gross-of-fees returns and is equal to the highest and lowest annual return among the portfolios that are included in the composite for the full year. "Composite 3-Yr St Dev" and "Benchmark 3-Yr St Dev" are rolling 3-year standard deviation calculations, which measure the variability of the monthly performance returns for the composite and benchmark index return over the preceding 36-month period on an annualized basis. If the composite has not been in existence for at least 3 years as of a particular year-end, then “NA” will be displayed. Other Notes: Policies for valuing portfolios, calculating performance, and preparing compliant presentations, as well as a complete list of composite descriptions, are available upon request. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. For one-on-one use only. Not for inspection by, distribution or quotation to, the general public.
SMA For one-on-one use only. Not for inspection by, distribution or quotation to, the general public.
Schedule of Composite Performance Voya Concentrated Intermediate Fixed Income SMA Composite Bloomberg Barclays U.S. "Pure" Gross Intermediate Government/Credit Composite 3-Yr Benchmark 3-Yr Dispersion of Number of Assets in this Total Firm CINF Year Net Returns (%) Returns (%)* Returns (%) St Dev (%) St Dev (%) Portfolio Returns (%) Portfolios Composite ($mm) Assets ($mm) ### 2018 (0.88) 1.10 0.88 2.04 2.09 0.02 35 34 106,335 ### 2017 0.00 2.00 2.14 2.04 2.11 0.04 41 21 113,387 ### 2016 0.13 2.13 2.08 2.17 2.23 0.14 54 27 99,889 ### 2015 (0.51) 1.48 1.07 2.13 2.10 0.09 51 20 94,574 ### 2014 1.08 3.11 3.13 2.08 1.94 0.07 59 25 100,577 ### 2013 (2.54) (0.54) (0.86) 2.26 2.11 0.07 72 32 93,084 ### 2012 2.62 4.71 3.89 2.26 2.16 0.08 125 50 76,532 ### 2011 2.95 5.08 5.80 2.83 2.55 0.06 198 92 65,776 ### 2010 3.71 5.85 5.89 4.14 3.91 0.18 228 105 60,236 ### 2009 1.99 4.08 5.24 4.17 3.82 0.10 231 113 61,643 Voya Investment Management claims compliance with the Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS®) and has prepared and presented this report in compliance with the GIPS Standards. Voya Investment Management has been independently verified for the period January 1, 1996, through December 31, 2018. The verification report is available upon request. Verification assesses whether (1) the firm has complied with all of the composite construction requirements of the GIPS standards on a firm-wide basis and (2) the firm's policies and procedures are designed to calculate and present performance in compliance with the GIPS standards. Verification does not ensure the accuracy of any specific composite presentation. Notes: Firm Definition: Voya Investment Management (the "Firm") is defined as all accounts managed by Voya Investment Management Co. LLC and its subsidiary Voya Investment Trust Co., but not including collateralized debt obligation structures, long/short hedge funds, structured mortgage derivative portfolios, or specialized accounts supporting the reinsurance arrangements of affiliated insurance companies. Composite Definition: This is a fixed income SMA strategy that seeks to provide total return while preserving capital, largely through the use of treasuries, non-securitized agencies, and corporate credit securities of 1-10 year maturities. Portfolio valuations and returns for this composite are computed and stated in U.S. dollars. A $100,000 minimum has been set for inclusion in the composite. This composite was created and incepted on February 1, 2006. Benchmark Definition: Returns are benchmarked to the Bloomberg Barclays U.S. Intermediate Government/Credit Index, which does not incur management fees, transaction costs, or other expenses associated with a composite portfolio. The Bloomberg Barclays U.S. Intermediate Government/Credit Index includes fixed rate, dollar- denominated, investment grade securities with maturities of 1-10 years held within both the Bloomberg Barclays U.S. Government Index (public obligations of the U.S. Treasury, U.S. Government agencies, quasi-federal corporations, and corporate or foreign debt guaranteed by the U.S. Government) and the Bloomberg Barclays U.S. Credit Index (publicly issued U.S. corporate and foreign debentures and secured notes). Securities prices used to value the benchmark index for the purposes of calculating total return may or may not differ significantly from those used to value securities held within composite portfolios. Treatment of Fees & Expenses: "Pure" Gross Returns are presented before the deduction of transaction costs, fees or expenses and should be used as supplemental information only. Net-of-fees returns presented are calculated by subtracting a hypothetical maximum total wrap fee (estimated at 2.00% per annum) from the monthly “pure” gross-of-fees returns. The total wrap fee includes transaction costs, portfolio management, investment advisory, custodial and other administrative costs. Wrap fees vary amongst brokerage firms and may be negotiated based on account size and other factors. The hypothetical maximum total wrap fee used is deemed to be the maximum fee charged to any composite account. More information about fees can be found in the Form ADV Part II of Voya Investment Management Co. LLC. Explanation of Risk Measures: ”Dispersion of Portfolio Returns" presented for each annual period is calculated using the asset-weighted standard deviation of the annual returns of all portfolios that were included in the composite for the entire year. "Composite 3-Yr St Dev" and "Benchmark 3-Yr St Dev" are rolling 3-year standard deviation calculations, which measure the variability of the monthly performance returns for the composite and benchmark index return over the preceding 36-month period on an annualized basis. If the composite has not been in existence for at least 3 years as of a particular year-end, then “NA” will be displayed. Other Notes: Policies for valuing portfolios, calculating performance, and preparing compliant presentations, as well as a complete list of composite descriptions, are available upon request. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. * "Pure" Gross Returns are supplemental information only. For one-on-one use only. Not for inspection by, distribution or quotation to, the general public.
Schedule of Composite Performance Voya Intermediate Fixed Income SMA Composite Bloomberg Barclays U.S. "Pure" Gross Intermediate Government/Credit Composite 3-Yr St Benchmark 3-Yr Dispersion of Number of Assets in this Total Firm INF Year Net Returns (%) Returns (%)* Returns (%) Dev (%) St Dev (%) Portfolio Returns (%) Portfolios Composite ($mm) Assets ($mm) ### 2018 (0.86) 1.12 0.88 2.04 2.09 0.03 916 349 106,335 ### 2017 (0.01) 1.99 2.14 2.04 2.11 0.05 1,012 377 113,387 ### 2016 0.13 2.14 2.08 2.16 2.23 0.05 1,042 389 99,889 ### 2015 (0.48) 1.51 1.07 2.11 2.10 0.04 1,002 396 94,574 ### 2014 1.00 3.04 3.13 2.09 1.94 0.06 957 472 100,577 ### 2013 (2.48) (0.48) (0.86) 2.27 2.11 0.06 1,034 532 93,084 ### 2012 2.35 4.44 3.89 2.33 2.16 0.11 1,479 844 76,532 ### 2011 3.10 5.22 5.80 2.67 2.55 0.12 1,726 961 65,776 ### 2010 3.48 5.61 5.89 3.94 3.91 0.14 1,668 948 60,236 ### 2009 2.63 4.74 5.24 3.89 3.82 0.12 1,722 849 61,643 Voya Investment Management claims compliance with the Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS®) and has prepared and presented this report in compliance with the GIPS Standards. Voya Investment Management has been independently verified for the period January 1, 1996, through December 31, 2018. Verification assesses whether (1) the firm has complied with all of the composite construction requirements of the GIPS standards on a firm-wide basis and (2) the firm's policies and procedures are designed to calculate and present performance in compliance with the GIPS standards. The Voya Intermediate Fixed Income SMA Composite has been examined for the periods 2002-2018. The verification and performance examination reports are available upon request. Notes: Firm Definition: Voya Investment Management (the "Firm") is defined as all accounts managed by Voya Investment Management Co. LLC and its subsidiary Voya Investment Trust Co., but not including collateralized debt obligation structures, long/short hedge funds, structured mortgage derivative portfolios, or specialized accounts supporting the reinsurance arrangements of affiliated insurance companies. Composite Definition: This is a fixed income SMA strategy that seeks to provide total return while preserving capital, largely through the use of treasuries, agencies, and corporate credit securities of 1-10 year maturities. Portfolio valuations and returns for this composite are computed and stated in U.S. dollars. A $100,000 minimum has been set for inclusion in the composite. This composite incepted on January 1, 1993 and was created in September 2003. Benchmark Definition: Returns are benchmarked to the Bloomberg Barclays U.S. Intermediate Government/Credit Index, which does not incur management fees, transaction costs, or other expenses associated with a composite portfolio. The Bloomberg Barclays U.S. Intermediate Government/Credit Index includes fixed rate, dollar- denominated, investment grade securities with maturities of 1-10 years held within both the Bloomberg Barclays U.S. Government Index (public obligations of the U.S. Treasury, U.S. Government agencies, quasi-federal corporations, and corporate or foreign debt guaranteed by the U.S. Government) and the Bloomberg Barclays U.S. Credit Index (publicly issued U.S. corporate and foreign debentures and secured notes). Securities prices used to value the benchmark index for the purposes of calculating total return may or may not differ significantly from those used to value securities held within composite portfolios. Treatment of Fees & Expenses: "Pure" Gross Returns are presented before the deduction of transaction costs, fees or expenses and should be used as supplemental information only. Net-of-fees returns presented are calculated by subtracting a hypothetical maximum total wrap fee (estimated at 2.00% per annum) from the monthly “pure” gross-of-fees returns. The total wrap fee includes transaction costs, portfolio management, investment advisory, custodial and other administrative costs. Wrap fees vary amongst brokerage firms and may be negotiated based on account size and other factors. The hypothetical maximum total wrap fee used is deemed to be the maximum fee charged to any composite account. More information about fees can be found in the Form ADV Part II of Voya Investment Management Co. LLC. Explanation of Risk Measures: ”Dispersion of Portfolio Returns" presented for each annual period is calculated using the asset-weighted standard deviation of the annual returns of all portfolios that were included in the composite for the entire year. "Composite 3-Yr St Dev" and "Benchmark 3-Yr St Dev" are rolling 3-year standard deviation calculations, which measure the variability of the monthly performance returns for the composite and benchmark index return over the preceding 36-month period on an annualized basis. If the composite has not been in existence for at least 3 years as of a particular year-end, then “NA” will be displayed. Other Notes: Policies for valuing portfolios, calculating performance, and preparing compliant presentations, as well as a complete list of composite descriptions, are available upon request. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. * "Pure" Gross Returns are supplemental information only. For one-on-one use only. Not for inspection by, distribution or quotation to, the general public.
Schedule of Composite Performance Voya High Yield SMA Composite The ICE Bank of America Merrill Lynch "Pure" Gross U.S. HighYield Master II Composite 3-Yr Benchmark 3-Yr Dispersion of Number of Assets in this Total Firm HYLD Year Net Returns (%) Returns (%)* Constrained Returns (%) St Dev (%) St Dev (%) Portfolio Returns (%) Portfolios Composite ($mm) Assets ($mm) ### 2018 (3.59) (1.66) (2.27) 2.87 4.64 0.14 81 37 106,335 ### 2017 3.48 5.54 7.48 3.57 5.59 0.26 112 60 113,387 ### 2016 6.87 9.00 17.49 4.17 6.02 0.76 98 48 99,889 ### 2015 (3.05) (1.11) (4.61) 4.37 5.26 0.33 85 38 94,574 ### 2014 1.14 3.18 2.51 4.06 4.44 0.19 98 44 100,577 ### 2013 2.68 4.78 7.40 5.23 6.42 0.17 84 59 93,084 ### 2012 8.00 10.21 15.55 5.40 7.02 0.31 95 62 76,532 ### 2011 5.00 7.14 4.37 6.12 10.96 0.18 74 46 65,776 ### 2010 8.28 10.47 15.07 10.36 16.79 0.33 51 31 60,236 ### 2009 15.04 17.39 58.10 10.19 16.66 0.51 30 20 61,643 Voya Investment Management claims compliance with the Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS®) and has prepared and presented this report in compliance with the GIPS Standards. Voya Investment Management has been independently verified for the period January 1, 1996, through December 31, 2018. Verification assesses whether (1) the firm has complied with all of the composite construction requirements of the GIPS standards on a firm-wide basis and (2) the firm's policies and procedures are designed to calculate and present performance in compliance with the GIPS standards. The Voya High Yield SMA Composite has been examined for the periods 2004-2018. The verification and performance examination reports are available upon request. Notes: Firm Definition: Voya Investment Management (the "Firm") is defined as all accounts managed by Voya Investment Management Co. LLC and its subsidiary Voya Investment Trust Co., but not including collateralized debt obligation structures, long/short hedge funds, structured mortgage derivative portfolios, or specialized accounts supporting the reinsurance arrangements of affiliated insurance companies. Composite Definition: This is a fixed income SMA strategy that invests in below-investment grade debt securities across multiple sectors and industries in order to maximize total return through income and capital appreciation. Portfolio valuations and returns for this composite are computed and stated in U.S. dollars. Effective April 1, 2009, a $200,000 minimum has been set for inclusion in the composite, and prior to that, the asset minimum was $500,000. This composite was created and incepted on July 1, 2003. Benchmark Definition: Returns are benchmarked to the ICE Bank of America Merrill Lynch U.S. High Yield Master II Constrained Index, which does not incur management fees, transaction costs, or other expenses associated with a composite portfolio. The ICE Bank of America Merrill Lynch U.S. High Yield Master II Constrained Index is a market value-weighted index consisting of U.S. dollar-denominated, non-investment grade bonds not currently in default and limits any individual issuer to a maximum of 2% benchmark exposure. Securities prices used to value the benchmark index for the purposes of calculating total return may or may not differ significantly from those used to value securities held within composite portfolios. Treatment of Fees & Expenses: "Pure" Gross Returns are presented before the deduction of transaction costs, fees or expenses and should be used as supplemental information only. Net-of-fees returns presented are calculated by subtracting a hypothetical maximum total wrap fee (estimated at 2.00% per annum) from the monthly “pure” gross-of-fees returns. The total wrap fee includes transaction costs, portfolio management, investment advisory, custodial and other administrative costs. Wrap fees vary amongst brokerage firms and may be negotiated based on account size and other factors. The hypothetical maximum total wrap fee used is deemed to be the maximum fee charged to any composite account. More information about fees can be found in the Form ADV Part II of Voya Investment Management Co. LLC. Explanation of Risk Measures: ”Dispersion of Portfolio Returns" presented for each annual period is calculated using the asset-weighted standard deviation of the annual returns of all portfolios that were included in the composite for the entire year. "Composite 3-Yr St Dev" and "Benchmark 3-Yr St Dev" are rolling 3-year standard deviation calculations, which measure the variability of the monthly performance returns for the composite and benchmark index return over the preceding 36-month period on an annualized basis. If the composite has not been in existence for at least 3 years as of a particular year-end, then “NA” will be displayed. Other Notes: Policies for valuing portfolios, calculating performance, and preparing compliant presentations, as well as a complete list of composite descriptions, are available upon request. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. * "Pure" Gross Returns are supplemental information only. For one-on-one use only. Not for inspection by, distribution or quotation to, the general public.
Schedule of Composite Performance Voya Enhanced Yield Fixed Income SMA Composite "Pure" Gross Custom Benchmark Composite 3-Yr Benchmark 3-Yr Dispersion of Portfolio Number of Assets in this Total Firm ENF Year Net Returns (%) Returns (%)* Returns (%) St Dev (%) St Dev (%) Returns (%) Portfolios Composite ($mm) Assets ($mm) ### 2018 (2.15) (0.19) (0.36) 2.03 2.26 0.06 86 60 106,335 ### 2017 1.77 3.81 4.25 2.35 2.69 0.11 121 84 113,387 ### 2016 3.65 5.72 8.05 2.74 2.96 0.18 131 89 99,889 ### 2015 (1.76) 0.21 (1.19) 2.92 2.83 0.14 127 92 94,574 ### 2014 1.24 3.28 2.89 2.90 2.64 0.07 152 126 100,577 ### 2013 (0.15) 1.90 2.39 3.35 3.19 0.28 156 120 93,084 ### 2012 5.33 7.48 8.43 3.31 3.21 0.26 182 144 76,532 ### 2011 4.19 6.32 5.33 3.47 4.81 0.19 172 167 65,776 ### 2010 6.03 8.21 9.54 4.83 7.61 0.17 175 149 60,236 ### 2009 7.00 9.22 24.25 4.57 7.51 0.38 172 147 61,643 Voya Investment Management claims compliance with the Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS®) and has prepared and presented this report in compliance with the GIPS Standards. Voya Investment Management has been independently verified for the period January 1, 1996, through December 31, 2018. Verification assesses whether (1) the firm has complied with all of the composite construction requirements of the GIPS standards on a firm-wide basis and (2) the firm's policies and procedures are designed to calculate and present performance in compliance with the GIPS standards. The Voya Enhanced Yield Fixed Income SMA Composite has been examined for the periods 2002-2018. The verification and performance examination reports are available upon request. Notes: Firm Definition: Voya Investment Management (the "Firm") is defined as all accounts managed by Voya Investment Management Co. LLC and its subsidiary Voya Investment Trust Co., but not including collateralized debt obligation structures, long/short hedge funds, structured mortgage derivative portfolios, or specialized accounts supporting the reinsurance arrangements of affiliated insurance companies. Composite Definition: This is a fixed income SMA strategy that seeks to generate higher income than pure investment grade bonds by adding selective high yield bond exposure while preserving principal. Portfolio valuations and returns for this composite are computed and stated in U.S. dollars. A $250,000 minimum has been set for inclusion in the composite. The name of this composite changed in January 2019. The composite was formerly known as Voya Strategic Fixed (Intermediate) SMA Composite.This composite incepted on July 1, 2001 and was created in July 2003. Benchmark Definition: Returns are benchmarked to a customized blend of 60% Bloomberg Barclays Intermediate Gov/Credit Index & 40% Bank of America Merrill Lynch US High Yield Master II Constrained Index, rebalanced on a monthly basis, which does not incur management fees, transaction costs, or other expenses associated with a composite portfolio. Securities prices used to value the benchmark index for the purposes of calculating total return may or may not differ significantly from those used to value securities held within composite portfolios. Treatment of Fees & Expenses: "Pure" Gross Returns are presented before the deduction of transaction costs, fees or expenses and should be used as supplemental information only. Net-of-fees returns presented are calculated by subtracting a hypothetical maximum total wrap fee (estimated at 2.00% per annum) from the monthly “pure” gross-of-fees returns. The total wrap fee includes transaction costs, portfolio management, investment advisory, custodial and other administrative costs. Wrap fees vary amongst brokerage firms and may be negotiated based on account size and other factors. The hypothetical maximum total wrap fee used is deemed to be the maximum fee charged to any composite account. More information about fees can be found in the Form ADV Part II of Voya Investment Management Co. LLC. Explanation of Risk Measures: ”Dispersion of Portfolio Returns" presented for each annual period is calculated using the asset-weighted standard deviation of the annual returns of all portfolios that were included in the composite for the entire year. "Composite 3-Yr St Dev" and "Benchmark 3-Yr St Dev" are rolling 3-year standard deviation calculations, which measure the variability of the monthly performance returns for the composite and benchmark index return over the preceding 36-month period on an annualized basis. If the composite has not been in existence for at least 3 years as of a particular year-end, then “NA” will be displayed. Other Notes: Policies for valuing portfolios, calculating performance, and preparing compliant presentations, as well as a complete list of composite descriptions, are available upon request. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. * "Pure" Gross Returns are supplemental information only. For one-on-one use only. Not for inspection by, distribution or quotation to, the general public.
Schedule of Composite Performance Voya Multi-Strategy Fixed Income SMA Composite "Pure" Gross Merrill Lynch U.S. Corporate Composite 3-Yr Benchmark 3-Yr Dispersion of Number of Assets in this Total Firm SCFX Year Net Returns (%) Returns (%)* Government 1-10 Year Returns (%) St Dev (%) St Dev (%) Portfolio Returns (%) Portfolios Composite ($mm) Assets ($mm) ### 2018 (1.32) 0.66 0.89 1.86 2.04 0.02 80 19 106,335 ### 2017 0.25 2.25 2.17 1.83 2.08 0.03 87 21 113,387 ### 2016 0.43 2.44 2.15 1.92 2.22 0.07 90 24 99,889 ### 2015 (0.98) 1.00 1.17 1.94 2.20 0.03 66 19 94,574 ### 2014 0.84 2.87 3.34 1.98 2.06 0.03 39 8 100,577 ### 2013 (2.03) (0.01) (1.03) 2.27 2.20 0.03 47 9 93,084 ### 2012 2.51 4.63 4.24 2.32 2.17 0.04 73 15 76,532 ### 2011 3.65 5.80 5.88 2.71 2.60 0.07 56 13 65,776 ### 2010 3.48 5.59 6.03 4.03 3.97 0.08 24 4 60,236 ### 2009 4.15 6.30 5.71 NA NA 0.07 20 4 61,643 Voya Investment Management claims compliance with the Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS®) and has prepared and presented this report in compliance with the GIPS Standards. Voya Investment Management has been independently verified for the period January 1, 1996, through December 31, 2018. Verification assesses whether (1) the firm has complied with all of the composite construction requirements of the GIPS standards on a firm-wide basis and (2) the firm's policies and procedures are designed to calculate and present performance in compliance with the GIPS standards. The Voya Multi-Strategy Fixed Income SMA Composite has been examined for the periods 2007-2009. The verification and performance examination reports are available upon request. Notes: Firm Definition: Voya Investment Management (the "Firm") is defined as all accounts managed by Voya Investment Management Co. LLC and its subsidiary Voya Investment Trust Co., but not including collateralized debt obligation structures, long/short hedge funds, structured mortgage derivative portfolios, or specialized accounts supporting the reinsurance arrangements of affiliated insurance companies. Composite Definition: This is a fixed income SMA strategy that combines individual securities with an embedded pooled investment vehicle in order to model our institutional investment model. Portfolio valuations and returns for this composite are computed and stated in U.S. dollars. A $100,000 minimum has been set for inclusion in the composite. The name of this composite changed in January 2019. The composite was formerly known as Voya SPorts Core Fixed Income SMA Composite. This composite was created and incepted on August 1, 2007. Benchmark Definition: Returns are benchmarked to the Bank of America Merrill Lynch U.S. Corporate Government 1-10 Year Index, which does not incur management fees, transaction costs, or other expenses associated with a composite portfolio. The Bank of America Merrill Lynch 1-3 Year U.S. Treasury Index is an unmanaged index comprised of U.S. Treasury securities, other than inflation-protection securities and STRIPS, with at least $1 billion in outstanding face value and a remaining term to final maturity of at least one year and less than three years. It is not possible to invest directly in an unmanaged indexSecurities prices used to value the benchmark index for the purposes of calculating total return may or may not differ significantly from those used to value securities held within composite portfolios. Treatment of Fees & Expenses: "Pure" Gross Returns are presented before the deduction of transaction costs, fees or expenses and should be used as supplemental information only. Net-of-fees returns presented are calculated by subtracting a hypothetical maximum total wrap fee (estimated at 2.00% per annum) from the monthly “pure” gross-of-fees returns. The total wrap fee includes transaction costs, portfolio management, investment advisory, custodial and other administrative costs. Wrap fees vary amongst brokerage firms and may be negotiated based on account size and other factors. The hypothetical maximum total wrap fee used is deemed to be the maximum fee charged to any composite account. More information about fees can be found in the Form ADV Part II of Voya Investment Management Co. LLC. Explanation of Risk Measures: ”Dispersion of Portfolio Returns" presented for each annual period is calculated using the asset-weighted standard deviation of the annual returns of all portfolios that were included in the composite for the entire year. "Composite 3-Yr St Dev" and "Benchmark 3-Yr St Dev" are rolling 3-year standard deviation calculations, which measure the variability of the monthly performance returns for the composite and benchmark index return over the preceding 36-month period on an annualized basis. If the composite has not been in existence for at least 3 years as of a particular year-end, then “NA” will be displayed. Other Notes: Policies for valuing portfolios, calculating performance, and preparing compliant presentations, as well as a complete list of composite descriptions, are available upon request. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. * "Pure" Gross Returns are supplemental information only. For one-on-one use only. Not for inspection by, distribution or quotation to, the general public.
Schedule of Composite Performance Voya Strategic Income SMA Composite "Pure" Gross Custom Benchmark Composite 3-Yr Benchmark 3-Yr Dispersion of Portfolio Number of Assets in this Total Firm MSC Year Net Returns (%) Returns (%)* Returns (%) St Dev (%) St Dev (%) Returns (%) Portfolios Composite ($mm) Assets ($mm) ### 2018 * (0.55) 1.12 1.08 NA NA NA 59 56 106,335 *Cumulative return for the period is from March 1, 2018 (inception of strategy) to December 31, 2018. Voya Investment Management claims compliance with the Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS®) and has prepared and presented this report in compliance with the GIPS Standards. Voya Investment Management has been independently verified for the period January 1, 1996, through December 31, 2018. The verification report is available upon request. Verification assesses whether (1) the firm has complied with all of the composite construction requirements of the GIPS standards on a firm-wide basis and (2) the firm's policies and procedures are designed to calculate and present performance in compliance with the GIPS standards. Verification does not ensure the accuracy of any specific composite presentation. Notes: Firm Definition: Voya Investment Management (the "Firm") is defined as all accounts managed by Voya Investment Management Co. LLC and its subsidiary Voya Investment Trust Co., but not including collateralized debt obligation structures, long/short hedge funds, structured mortgage derivative portfolios, or specialized accounts supporting the reinsurance arrangements of affiliated insurance companies. Composite Definition: This is a fixed income SMA strategy that seeks to generate higher income by investing across individual bonds and higher-yielding fixed income sectors via fixed income completion funds, while maintaining a risk profile similar to traditional fixed income and limiting downside risk. Portfolio valuations and returns for this composite are computed and stated in U.S. dollars. A $350,000 minimum has been set for inclusion in the composite. This composite was created and incepted on March 1, 2018. Benchmark Definition: Returns are benchmarked to a customized blend of 80% Bloomberg Barclays US Corporate Bond 1-5 Year Index & 20% Bloomberg Barclays US High Yield Index, rebalanced on a monthly basis, which does not incur management fees, transaction costs, or other expenses associated with a composite portfolio. Securities prices used to value the benchmark index for the purposes of calculating total return may or may not differ significantly from those used to value securities held within composite portfolios. Treatment of Fees & Expenses: "Pure" Gross Returns are presented before the deduction of transaction costs, fees or expenses and should be used as supplemental information only. Net-of-fees returns presented are calculated by subtracting a hypothetical maximum total wrap fee (estimated at 2.00% per annum) from the monthly “pure” gross-of-fees returns. The total wrap fee includes transaction costs, portfolio management, investment advisory, custodial and other administrative costs. Wrap fees vary amongst brokerage firms and may be negotiated based on account size and other factors. The hypothetical maximum total wrap fee used is deemed to be the maximum fee charged to any composite account. More information about fees can be found in the Form ADV Part II of Voya Investment Management Co. LLC. Explanation of Risk Measures: ”Dispersion of Portfolio Returns" presented for each annual period is calculated using the asset-weighted standard deviation of the annual returns of all portfolios that were included in the composite for the entire year. "Composite 3-Yr St Dev" and "Benchmark 3-Yr St Dev" are rolling 3-year standard deviation calculations, which measure the variability of the monthly performance returns for the composite and benchmark index return over the preceding 36-month period on an annualized basis. If the composite has not been in existence for at least 3 years as of a particular year-end, then “NA” will be displayed. Other Notes: Policies for valuing portfolios, calculating performance, and preparing compliant presentations, as well as a complete list of composite descriptions, are available upon request. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. * "Pure" Gross Returns are supplemental information only. For one-on-one use only. Not for inspection by, distribution or quotation to, the general public.
GPMM For one-on-one use only. Not for inspection by, distribution or quotation to, the general public.
Schedule of Composite Performance GPMM Global Aggressive Growth ETF Composite S&P Target Risk SPTGAUT Aggressive Index Composite 3-Yr Benchmark 3-Yr Dispersion of Number of Assets in this Total Firm GPAGG Year Gross Returns (%) Net Returns (%) Returns (%) St Dev (%) St Dev (%) Portfolio Returns (%) Portfolios Composite ($mm) Assets ($mm) High Low 2018 (7.61) (7.94) (7.65) 7.84 8.37 (7.61) (7.61) ≤5 0.01 106,335 2018 2017 16.73 16.37 20.06 6.51 7.96 16.73 16.73 ≤5 0.01 113,387 2017 2016 8.51 8.17 7.71 7.77 8.89 8.51 8.51 0.01 99,889 2016 ≤5 2015 (5.01) (5.30) (0.79) 8.28 9.00 2015 (5.01) (5.01) ≤5 0.01 94,574 2014 6.35 6.02 6.11 N/A N/A 6.35 6.35 ≤5 0.01 100,577 2014 2013 13.21 12.87 22.52 13.21 13.21 2013 N/A N/A ≤5 0.01 93,084 Voya Investment Management claims compliance with the Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS®) and has prepared and presented this report in compliance with the GIPS Standards. Voya Investment Management has been independently verified for the period January 1, 1996, through December 31, 2018. The verification report is available upon request. Verification assesses whether (1) the firm has complied with all of the composite construction requirements of the GIPS standards on a firm-wide basis and (2) the firm's policies and procedures are designed to calculate and present performance in compliance with the GIPS standards. Verification does not ensure the accuracy of any specific composite presentation. Notes: Firm Definition: Voya Investment Management (the "Firm") is defined as all discretionary accounts managed by Voya Investment Management Co. LLC and its subsidiary Voya Investment Trust Co., but not including collateralized debt obligation structures, long/short hedge funds, structured mortgage derivative portfolios, or specialized accounts supporting the reinsurance arrangements of affiliated insurance companies. Composite Definition: The Manager uses a rules-based investment strategy to determine the allocation among Underlying ETFs that invest in equity securities and debt instruments. The proportion of assets allocated to Underlying ETFs that are predominantly invested in equity securities and those that are predominantly invested in debt instruments is determined as of each calendar quarter. Within each of the broadly globally diversified equity and debt asset classes, the strategies will seek to maintain approximately equal weights across its investment in the Underlying ETFs. No adjustments to the allocations will be made between quarters. However, as soon as practicable following the end of each calendar quarter, the Manager will compare the aggregate earnings of the companies in the S&P 500® Index ("Index") for the most recent reported calendar quarter to the aggregate earnings of the companies in the Index for the previous year's corresponding calendar quarter. If the aggregate earnings for the most recent calendar quarter are higher than the aggregate earnings of the companies in the Index for the previous year's corresponding calendar quarter, the Manager will maintain the Base Allocations described above. If the aggregate earnings for the most recently completed calendar quarter are lower than the reported aggregate earnings for the previous year's corresponding calendar quarter, the Manager will move to a more defensive allocation and invest in accordance with the Defensive Allocations, shifting more toward fixed income as described above as soon as practicable. This composite was incepted and created on January 1, 2013. Benchmark Definition: The S&P Target Risk Aggressive Index emphasizes exposure to equities, maximizing opportunities for long-term capital accumulation. It may include small allocations to fixed income to enhance portfolio efficiency. These benchmarks do not incur management fees, transaction costs, or other expenses associated with a composite portfolio. Securities prices used to value the benchmark index for the purposes of calculating total return may or may not differ significantly from those used to value securities held within composite portfolios. Treatment of Fees & Expenses: Gross-of-fees returns are presented before management and custodial fees but after all trading expenses. The fund invests in exchange traded funds which may be subject to additional commissions, operating expenses, bid/ask spreads and changes in discounts and premiums to net asset value. Net-of-fees returns are calculated by deducting a hypothetical management fee (estimated at 0.36% per annum) from the gross return on a monthly basis and geometrically linking the results to produce annual returns shown. While fee schedules can change over time, any amended fee resulting from a change will not be retroactively applied to performance history, but will rather be applied on a prospective basis from the point of change. Further information regarding applicable fee schedules is available upon request. Explanation of Risk Measures: "Dispersion of Portfolio Returns" presented for each annual period is based on gross-of-fees returns and is equal to the highest and lowest annual return among the portfolios that are included in the composite for the full year. "Composite 3-Yr St Dev" and "Benchmark 3-Yr St Dev" are rolling 3-year standard deviation calculations, which measure the variability of the monthly performance returns for the composite and benchmark index return over the preceding 36-month period on an annualized basis. If the composite has not been in existence for at least 3 years as of a particular year-end, then “NA” will be displayed. Other Notes: Policies for valuing portfolios, calculating performance, and preparing compliant presentations, as well as a complete list of composite descriptions, are available upon request. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. For one-on-one use only. Not for inspection by, distribution or quotation to, the general public.
Schedule of Composite Performance GPMM Global Moderate Growth ETF Composite S&P Target Risk SPTGMUT Moderate Index Composite 3-Yr Benchmark 3-Yr Dispersion of Number of Assets in this Total Firm GPMOD Year Gross Returns (%) Net Returns (%) Returns (%) St Dev (%) St Dev (%) Portfolio Returns (%) Portfolios Composite ($mm) Assets ($mm) High Low 2018 (6.54) (6.88) (3.72) 6.73 4.58 (6.54) (6.54) ≤5 0.01 106,335 2018 2017 14.57 14.22 11.78 5.82 4.36 14.57 14.57 ≤5 0.01 113,387 2017 2016 7.74 7.41 5.77 6.89 4.95 7.74 7.74 0.01 99,889 2016 ≤5 2015 (4.62) (4.91) (1.06) 7.18 5.13 2015 (4.62) (4.62) ≤5 0.01 94,574 2014 6.72 6.39 4.49 N/A N/A 6.72 6.72 ≤5 0.01 100,577 2014 2013 9.10 8.77 10.47 2013 N/A N/A 9.10 9.10 ≤5 0.01 93,084 Voya Investment Management claims compliance with the Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS®) and has prepared and presented this report in compliance with the GIPS Standards. Voya Investment Management has been independently verified for the period January 1, 1996, through December 31, 2018. The verification report is available upon request. Verification assesses whether (1) the firm has complied with all of the composite construction requirements of the GIPS standards on a firm-wide basis and (2) the firm's policies and procedures are designed to calculate and present performance in compliance with the GIPS standards. Verification does not ensure the accuracy of any specific composite presentation. Notes: Firm Definition: Voya Investment Management (the "Firm") is defined as all discretionary accounts managed by Voya Investment Management Co. LLC and its subsidiary Voya Investment Trust Co., but not including collateralized debt obligation structures, long/short hedge funds, structured mortgage derivative portfolios, or specialized accounts supporting the reinsurance arrangements of affiliated insurance companies. Composite Definition: The Manager uses a rules-based investment strategy to determine the allocation among Underlying ETFs that invest in equity securities and debt instruments. The proportion of assets allocated to Underlying ETFs that are predominantly invested in equity securities and those that are predominantly invested in debt instruments is determined as of each calendar quarter. Within each of the broadly globally diversified equity and debt asset classes, the strategies will seek to maintain approximately equal weights across its investment in the Underlying ETFs. No adjustments to the allocations will be made between quarters. However, as soon as practicable following the end of each calendar quarter, the Manager will compare the aggregate earnings of the companies in the S&P 500® Index ("Index") for the most recent reported calendar quarter to the aggregate earnings of the companies in the Index for the previous year's corresponding calendar quarter. If the aggregate earnings for the most recent calendar quarter are higher than the aggregate earnings of the companies in the Index for the previous year's corresponding calendar quarter, the Manager will maintain the Base Allocations described above. If the aggregate earnings for the most recently completed calendar quarter are lower than the reported aggregate earnings for the previous year's corresponding calendar quarter, the Manager will move to a more defensive allocation and invest in accordance with the Defensive Allocations, shifting more toward fixed income as described above as soon as practicable. This composite was incepted and created on January 1, 2013. Benchmark Definition: The S&P Target Risk Moderate Index offers significant exposure to fixed income, while also increasing opportunities for higher returns through equities. These benchmarks do not incur management fees, transaction costs, or other expenses associated with a composite portfolio. Securities prices used to value the benchmark index for the purposes of calculating total return may or may not differ significantly from those used to value securities held within composite portfolios. Treatment of Fees & Expenses: Gross-of-fees returns are presented before management and custodial fees but after all trading expenses. The fund invests in exchange traded funds which may be subject to additional commissions, operating expenses, bid/ask spreads and changes in discounts and premiums to net asset value. Net-of-fees returns are calculated by deducting a hypothetical management fee (estimated at 0.36% per annum) from the gross return on a monthly basis and geometrically linking the results to produce annual returns shown. While fee schedules can change over time, any amended fee resulting from a change will not be retroactively applied to performance history, but will rather be applied on a prospective basis from the point of change. Further information regarding applicable fee schedules is available upon request. Explanation of Risk Measures: "Dispersion of Portfolio Returns" presented for each annual period is based on gross-of-fees returns and is equal to the highest and lowest annual return among the portfolios that are included in the composite for the full year. "Composite 3-Yr St Dev" and "Benchmark 3-Yr St Dev" are rolling 3-year standard deviation calculations, which measure the variability of the monthly performance returns for the composite and benchmark index return over the preceding 36-month period on an annualized basis. If the composite has not been in existence for at least 3 years as of a particular year-end, then “NA” will be displayed. Other Notes: Policies for valuing portfolios, calculating performance, and preparing compliant presentations, as well as a complete list of composite descriptions, are available upon request. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. For one-on-one use only. Not for inspection by, distribution or quotation to, the general public.
Schedule of Composite Performance GPMM Global Conservative Growth ETF Composite S&P Target Risk SPTGCUT Conservative Index Composite 3-Yr Benchmark 3-Yr Dispersion of Number of Assets in this Total Firm GPCON Year Gross Returns (%) Net Returns (%) Returns (%) St Dev (%) St Dev (%) Portfolio Returns (%) Portfolios Composite ($mm) Assets ($mm) High Low 2018 (5.29) (5.63) (2.73) 5.80 3.77 (5.29) (5.29) ≤5 0.01 106,335 2018 2017 12.63 12.29 9.70 5.28 3.60 12.63 12.63 ≤5 0.01 113,387 2017 2016 7.01 6.68 5.26 6.15 4.02 7.01 7.01 0.01 99,889 2016 ≤5 2015 (4.38) (4.68) (1.06) 6.26 3.99 2015 (4.38) (4.38) ≤5 0.01 94,574 2014 7.02 6.69 3.97 N/A N/A 7.02 7.02 2014 ≤5 0.01 100,577 2013 5.04 4.72 6.71 2013 N/A N/A 5.04 5.04 ≤5 0.01 93,084 Voya Investment Management claims compliance with the Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS®) and has prepared and presented this report in compliance with the GIPS Standards. Voya Investment Management has been independently verified for the period January 1, 1996, through December 31, 2018. The verification report is available upon request. Verification assesses whether (1) the firm has complied with all of the composite construction requirements of the GIPS standards on a firm-wide basis and (2) the firm's policies and procedures are designed to calculate and present performance in compliance with the GIPS standards. Verification does not ensure the accuracy of any specific composite presentation. Notes: Firm Definition: Voya Investment Management (the "Firm") is defined as all discretionary accounts managed by Voya Investment Management Co. LLC and its subsidiary Voya Investment Trust Co., but not including collateralized debt obligation structures, long/short hedge funds, structured mortgage derivative portfolios, or specialized accounts supporting the reinsurance arrangements of affiliated insurance companies. Composite Definition: The Manager uses a rules-based investment strategy to determine the allocation among Underlying ETFs that invest in equity securities and debt instruments. The proportion of assets allocated to Underlying ETFs that are predominantly invested in equity securities and those that are predominantly invested in debt instruments is determined as of each calendar quarter. Within each of the broadly globally diversified equity and debt asset classes, the strategies will seek to maintain approximately equal weights across its investment in the Underlying ETFs. No adjustments to the allocations will be made between quarters. However, as soon as practicable following the end of each calendar quarter, the Manager will compare the aggregate earnings of the companies in the S&P 500® Index ("Index") for the most recent reported calendar quarter to the aggregate earnings of the companies in the Index for the previous year's corresponding calendar quarter. If the aggregate earnings for the most recent calendar quarter are higher than the aggregate earnings of the companies in the Index for the previous year's corresponding calendar quarter, the Manager will maintain the Base Allocations described above. If the aggregate earnings for the most recently completed calendar quarter are lower than the reported aggregate earnings for the previous year's corresponding calendar quarter, the Manager will move to a more defensive allocation and invest in accordance with the Defensive Allocations, shifting more toward fixed income as described above as soon as practicable. This composite was incepted and created on January 1, 2013. Benchmark Definition: The S&P Target Risk Conservative Index emphasizes exposure to fixed income in order to produce a consistent income stream and avoid excessive volatility of returns. These benchmarks do not incur management fees, transaction costs, or other expenses associated with a composite portfolio. Securities prices used to value the benchmark index for the purposes of calculating total return may or may not differ significantly from those used to value securities held within composite portfolios. Treatment of Fees & Expenses: Gross-of-fees returns are presented before management and custodial fees but after all trading expenses. The fund invests in exchange traded funds which may be subject to additional commissions, operating expenses, bid/ask spreads and changes in discounts and premiums to net asset value. Net-of-fees returns are calculated by deducting a hypothetical management fee (estimated at 0.36% per annum) from the gross return on a monthly basis and geometrically linking the results to produce annual returns shown. While fee schedules can change over time, any amended fee resulting from a change will not be retroactively applied to performance history, but will rather be applied on a prospective basis from the point of change. Further information regarding applicable fee schedules is available upon request. Explanation of Risk Measures: "Dispersion of Portfolio Returns" presented for each annual period is based on gross-of-fees returns and is equal to the highest and lowest annual return among the portfolios that are included in the composite for the full year. "Composite 3-Yr St Dev" and "Benchmark 3-Yr St Dev" are rolling 3-year standard deviation calculations, which measure the variability of the monthly performance returns for the composite and benchmark index return over the preceding 36-month period on an annualized basis. If the composite has not been in existence for at least 3 years as of a particular year-end, then “NA” will be displayed. Other Notes: Policies for valuing portfolios, calculating performance, and preparing compliant presentations, as well as a complete list of composite descriptions, are available upon request. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. For one-on-one use only. Not for inspection by, distribution or quotation to, the general public.
Schedule of Composite Performance GPMM Global Income ETF Composite Barclays Global LEHGA Aggregate Index Composite 3-Yr Benchmark 3-Yr Dispersion of Number of Assets in this Total Firm GPINC Year Gross Returns (%) Net Returns (%) Returns (%) St Dev (%) St Dev (%) Portfolio Returns (%) Portfolios Composite ($mm) Assets ($mm) High Low 2018 (1.59) (1.94) (1.20) 4.15 4.90 (1.59) (1.59) ≤5 0.01 106,335 2018 2017 6.67 6.34 7.39 4.54 4.82 6.67 6.67 ≤5 0.01 113,387 2017 2016 6.35 6.02 2.09 4.96 4.97 6.35 6.35 ≤5 0.01 99,889 2016 2015 (3.56) (3.86) (3.15) 4.62 3.90 (3.56) (3.56) ≤5 0.01 94,574 2015 2014 6.16 5.83 0.59 N/A N/A 6.16 6.16 ≤5 0.01 100,577 2014 2013 2013 (1.78) (2.08) (2.60) N/A N/A (1.78) (1.78) ≤5 0.01 93,084 Voya Investment Management claims compliance with the Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS®) and has prepared and presented this report in compliance with the GIPS Standards. Voya Investment Management has been independently verified for the period January 1, 1996, through December 31, 2018. The verification report is available upon request. Verification assesses whether (1) the firm has complied with all of the composite construction requirements of the GIPS standards on a firm-wide basis and (2) the firm's policies and procedures are designed to calculate and present performance in compliance with the GIPS standards. Verification does not ensure the accuracy of any specific composite presentation. Notes: Firm Definition: Voya Investment Management (the "Firm") is defined as all discretionary accounts managed by Voya Investment Management Co. LLC and its subsidiary Voya Investment Trust Co., but not including collateralized debt obligation structures, long/short hedge funds, structured mortgage derivative portfolios, or specialized accounts supporting the reinsurance arrangements of affiliated insurance companies. Composite Definition: The Manager uses a rules-based investment strategy to determine the allocation among Underlying ETFs that invest in equity securities and debt instruments. The proportion of assets allocated to Underlying ETFs that are predominantly invested in equity securities and those that are predominantly invested in debt instruments is determined as of each calendar quarter. Within each of the broadly globally diversified equity and debt asset classes, the strategies will seek to maintain approximately equal weights across its investment in the Underlying ETFs. No adjustments to the allocations will be made between quarters. However, as soon as practicable following the end of each calendar quarter, the Manager will compare the aggregate earnings of the companies in the S&P 500® Index ("Index") for the most recent reported calendar quarter to the aggregate earnings of the companies in the Index for the previous year's corresponding calendar quarter. If the aggregate earnings for the most recent calendar quarter are higher than the aggregate earnings of the companies in the Index for the previous year's corresponding calendar quarter, the Manager will maintain the Base Allocations described above. If the aggregate earnings for the most recently completed calendar quarter are lower than the reported aggregate earnings for the previous year's corresponding calendar quarter, the Manager will move to a more defensive allocation and invest in accordance with the Defensive Allocations, shifting more toward fixed income as described above as soon as practicable. This composite was incepted and created on January 1, 2013. Benchmark Definition: Returns are benchmarked to the Barclays Global Aggregate Index, which does not incur management fees, transaction costs, or other expenses associated with a composite portfolio. The Barclays Global Aggregate Index represents a broad universe of global investment-grade fixed income markets. The three major components of this index are the U.S. Aggregate, the Pan-European Aggregate, and the Asian-Pacific Aggregate Indices. The index also includes Eurodollar and Euro-Yen corporate bonds, Canadian government, agency and corporate securities, and USD investment grade 144A securities. Securities prices used to value the benchmark index for the purposes of calculating total return may or may not differ significantly from those used to value securities held within composite portfolios. Treatment of Fees & Expenses: Gross-of-fees returns are presented before management and custodial fees but after all trading expenses. The fund invests in exchange traded funds which may be subject to additional commissions, operating expenses, bid/ask spreads and changes in discounts and premiums to net asset value. Net-of-fees returns are calculated by deducting a hypothetical management fee (estimated at 0.36% per annum) from the gross return on a monthly basis and geometrically linking the results to produce annual returns shown. While fee schedules can change over time, any amended fee resulting from a change will not be retroactively applied to performance history, but will rather be applied on a prospective basis from the point of change. Further information regarding applicable fee schedules is available upon request. Explanation of Risk Measures: "Dispersion of Portfolio Returns" presented for each annual period is based on gross-of-fees returns and is equal to the highest and lowest annual return among the portfolios that are included in the composite for the full year. "Composite 3-Yr St Dev" and "Benchmark 3-Yr St Dev" are rolling 3-year standard deviation calculations, which measure the variability of the monthly performance returns for the composite and benchmark index return over the preceding 36-month period on an annualized basis. If the composite has not been in existence for at least 3 years as of a particular year-end, then “NA” will be displayed. Other Notes: Policies for valuing portfolios, calculating performance, and preparing compliant presentations, as well as a complete list of composite descriptions, are available upon request. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. For one-on-one use only. Not for inspection by, distribution or quotation to, the general public.
Schedule of Composite Performance GPMM Global Aggressive Growth Composite S&P Target Risk SPTGAUT Aggressive Index Composite 3-Yr Benchmark 3-Yr Dispersion of Number of Assets in this Total Firm VOYAA Year Gross Returns (%) Returns (%) St Dev (%) St Dev (%) Portfolio Returns (%) Portfolios Composite ($mm) Assets ($mm) High Low 2018 2018 (9.33) (7.65) 7.61 8.37 (9.33) (9.33) ≤5 0.01 106,335 2017 18.61 20.06 6.18 7.96 18.61 18.61 ≤5 0.02 113,387 2017 2016 6.18 7.71 7.34 8.89 6.18 6.18 0.01 99,889 2016 ≤5 2015 (3.87) (0.79) 7.96 9.00 (3.87) (3.87) ≤5 0.01 94,574 2015 2014 3.96 6.11 8.82 8.56 3.96 3.96 ≤5 0.01 100,577 2014 2013 14.23 22.52 14.23 14.23 0.01 93,084 2013 N/A N/A ≤5 2012 13.62 15.19 N/A N/A 13.62 13.62 2012 ≤5 0.01 76,532 Voya Investment Management claims compliance with the Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS®) and has prepared and presented this report in compliance with the GIPS Standards. Voya Investment Management has been independently verified for the period January 1, 1996, through December 31, 2018. The verification report is available upon request. Verification assesses whether (1) the firm has complied with all of the composite construction requirements of the GIPS standards on a firm-wide basis and (2) the firm's policies and procedures are designed to calculate and present performance in compliance with the GIPS standards. Verification does not ensure the accuracy of any specific composite presentation. Notes: Firm Definition: Voya Investment Management (the "Firm") is defined as all discretionary accounts managed by Voya Investment Management Co. LLC and its subsidiary Voya Investment Trust Co., but not including collateralized debt obligation structures, long/short hedge funds, structured mortgage derivative portfolios, or specialized accounts supporting the reinsurance arrangements of affiliated insurance companies. Composite Definition: The Manager uses a rules-based investment strategy to determine the allocation among Underlying Mutual Funds that invest in equity securities and debt instruments. The proportion of assets allocated to Underlying Mutual Funds that are predominantly invested in equity securities and those that are predominantly invested in debt instruments is determined as of each calendar quarter. Within each of the broadly globally diversified equity and debt asset classes, the strategies will seek to maintain approximately equal weights across its investment in the Underlying Mutual Funds. No adjustments to the allocations will be made between quarters. However, as soon as practicable following the end of each calendar quarter, the Manager will compare the aggregate earnings of the companies in the S&P 500® Index ("Index") for the most recent reported calendar quarter to the aggregate earnings of the companies in the Index for the previous year's corresponding calendar quarter. If the aggregate earnings for the most recent calendar quarter are higher than the aggregate earnings of the companies in the Index for the previous year's corresponding calendar quarter, the Manager will maintain the Base Allocations described above. If the aggregate earnings for the most recently completed calendar quarter are lower than the reported aggregate earnings for the previous year's corresponding calendar quarter, the Manager will move to a more defensive allocation and invest in accordance with the Defensive Allocations, shifting more toward fixed income as described above as soon as practicable. This composite was incepted and created on January 1, 2012. Benchmark Definition: The S&P Target Risk Aggressive Index emphasizes exposure to equities, maximizing opportunities for long-term capital accumulation. It may include small allocations to fixed income to enhance portfolio efficiency. These benchmarks do not incur management fees, transaction costs, or other expenses associated with a composite portfolio. Securities prices used to value the benchmark index for the purposes of calculating total return may or may not differ significantly from those used to value securities held within composite Treatment portfolios. of Fees & Expenses: Gross returns are net of all fees and transaction expenses at the underlying mutual fund level, but gross of any fees that may be applicable to specific investment vehicles utilized to implement the intended investment model. While fee schedules can change over time, any amended fee resulting from a change will not be retroactively applied to performance history, but will rather be applied on a prospective basis from the point of change. Further information regarding applicable fee schedules is available upon request. Explanation of Risk Measures: "Dispersion of Portfolio Returns" presented for each annual period is based on gross-of-fees returns and is equal to the highest and lowest annual return among the portfolios that are included in the composite for the full year. "Composite 3-Yr St Dev" and "Benchmark 3- Yr St Dev" are rolling 3-year standard deviation calculations, which measure the variability of the monthly performance returns for the composite and benchmark index return over the preceding 36-month period on an annualized basis. If the composite has not been in existence for at least 3 years as of a particular year-end, then “NA” will be displayed. Other Notes: Policies for valuing portfolios, calculating performance, and preparing compliant presentations, as well as a complete list of composite descriptions, are available upon request. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. For one-on-one use only. Not for inspection by, distribution or quotation to, the general public.
Schedule of Composite Performance GPMM Global Moderate Growth Composite S&P Target Risk SPTGMUT Moderate Index Composite 3-Yr Benchmark 3-Yr Dispersion of Number of Assets in this Total Firm VOYAM Year Gross Returns (%) Returns (%) St Dev (%) St Dev (%) Portfolio Returns (%) Portfolios Composite ($mm) Assets ($mm) High Low 2018 2018 (7.42) (3.72) 6.17 4.58 (7.42) (7.42) ≤5 0.01 106,335 2017 15.47 11.78 5.14 4.36 15.47 15.47 2017 ≤5 0.02 113,387 2016 6.14 5.77 6.12 4.95 6.14 6.14 0.01 99,889 2016 ≤5 2015 2015 (3.07) (1.06) 6.68 5.13 (3.07) (3.07) ≤5 0.01 94,574 2014 3.90 4.49 7.42 4.83 3.90 3.90 0.01 100,577 2014 ≤5 2013 11.01 10.47 N/A N/A 11.01 11.01 ≤5 0.01 93,084 2013 2012 12.46 8.59 12.46 12.46 0.01 76,532 2012 N/A N/A ≤5 Voya Investment Management claims compliance with the Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS®) and has prepared and presented this report in compliance with the GIPS Standards. Voya Investment Management has been independently verified for the period January 1, 1996, through December 31, 2018. The verification report is available upon request. Verification assesses whether (1) the firm has complied with all of the composite construction requirements of the GIPS standards on a firm-wide basis and (2) the firm's policies and procedures are designed to calculate and present performance in compliance with the GIPS standards. Verification does not ensure the accuracy of any specific composite presentation. Notes: Firm Definition: Voya Investment Management (the "Firm") is defined as all discretionary accounts managed by Voya Investment Management Co. LLC and its subsidiary Voya Investment Trust Co., but not including collateralized debt obligation structures, long/short hedge funds, structured mortgage derivative portfolios, or specialized accounts supporting the reinsurance arrangements of affiliated insurance companies. Composite Definition: The Manager uses a rules-based investment strategy to determine the allocation among Underlying Mutual Funds that invest in equity securities and debt instruments. The proportion of assets allocated to Underlying Mutual Funds that are predominantly invested in equity securities and those that are predominantly invested in debt instruments is determined as of each calendar quarter. Within each of the broadly globally diversified equity and debt asset classes, the strategies will seek to maintain approximately equal weights across its investment in the Underlying Mutual Funds. No adjustments to the allocations will be made between quarters. However, as soon as practicable following the end of each calendar quarter, the Manager will compare the aggregate earnings of the companies in the S&P 500® Index ("Index") for the most recent reported calendar quarter to the aggregate earnings of the companies in the Index for the previous year's corresponding calendar quarter. If the aggregate earnings for the most recent calendar quarter are higher than the aggregate earnings of the companies in the Index for the previous year's corresponding calendar quarter, the Manager will maintain the Base Allocations described above. If the aggregate earnings for the most recently completed calendar quarter are lower than the reported aggregate earnings for the previous year's corresponding calendar quarter, the Manager will move to a more defensive allocation and invest in accordance with the Defensive Allocations, shifting more toward fixed income as described above as soon as practicable. This composite was incepted and created on January 1, 2012. Benchmark Definition: The S&P Target Risk Moderate Index offers significant exposure to fixed income, while also increasing opportunities for higher returns through equities. These benchmarks do not incur management fees, transaction costs, or other expenses associated with a composite portfolio. Securities prices used to value the benchmark index for the purposes of calculating total return may or may not differ significantly from those used to value securities held within composite portfolios. Treatment of Fees & Expenses: Gross returns are net of all fees and transaction expenses at the underlying mutual fund level, but gross of any fees that may be applicable to specific investment vehicles utilized to implement the intended investment model. While fee schedules can change over time, any amended fee resulting from a change will not be retroactively applied to performance history, but will rather be applied on a prospective basis from the point of change. Further information regarding applicable fee schedules is available upon request. Explanation of Risk Measures: "Dispersion of Portfolio Returns" presented for each annual period is based on gross-of-fees returns and is equal to the highest and lowest annual return among the portfolios that are included in the composite for the full year. "Composite 3-Yr St Dev" and "Benchmark 3- Yr St Dev" are rolling 3-year standard deviation calculations, which measure the variability of the monthly performance returns for the composite and benchmark index return over the preceding 36-month period on an annualized basis. If the composite has not been in existence for at least 3 years as of a particular year-end, then “NA” will be displayed. Other Notes: Policies for valuing portfolios, calculating performance, and preparing compliant presentations, as well as a complete list of composite descriptions, are available upon request. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. For one-on-one use only. Not for inspection by, distribution or quotation to, the general public.
Schedule of Composite Performance GPMM Global Conservative Growth Composite S&P Target Risk SPTGCUT Conservative Index Composite 3-Yr Benchmark 3-Yr Dispersion of Number of Assets in this Total Firm VOYAC Year Gross Returns (%) Returns (%) St Dev (%) St Dev (%) Portfolio Returns (%) Portfolios Composite ($mm) Assets ($mm) High Low 2018 2018 (5.45) (2.73) 4.77 3.77 (5.45) (5.45) ≤5 0.01 106,335 2017 12.37 9.70 4.07 3.60 12.37 12.37 ≤5 0.01 113,387 2017 2016 6.00 5.26 4.86 4.02 6.00 6.00 0.01 99,889 2016 ≤5 2015 (2.67) (1.06) 5.39 3.99 (2.67) (2.67) ≤5 0.01 94,574 2015 2014 3.79 3.97 6.03 3.60 3.79 3.79 ≤5 0.01 100,577 2014 2013 7.80 6.71 7.80 7.80 0.01 93,084 2013 N/A N/A ≤5 2012 11.24 6.59 N/A N/A 11.24 11.24 2012 ≤5 0.01 76,532 Voya Investment Management claims compliance with the Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS®) and has prepared and presented this report in compliance with the GIPS Standards. Voya Investment Management has been independently verified for the period January 1, 1996, through December 31, 2018. The verification report is available upon request. Verification assesses whether (1) the firm has complied with all of the composite construction requirements of the GIPS standards on a firm-wide basis and (2) the firm's policies and procedures are designed to calculate and present performance in compliance with the GIPS standards. Verification does not ensure the accuracy of any specific composite presentation. Notes: Firm Definition: Voya Investment Management (the "Firm") is defined as all discretionary accounts managed by Voya Investment Management Co. LLC and its subsidiary Voya Investment Trust Co., but not including collateralized debt obligation structures, long/short hedge funds, structured mortgage derivative portfolios, or specialized accounts supporting the reinsurance arrangements of affiliated insurance companies. Composite Definition: The Manager uses a rules-based investment strategy to determine the allocation among Underlying Mutual Funds that invest in equity securities and debt instruments. The proportion of assets allocated to Underlying Mutual Funds that are predominantly invested in equity securities and those that are predominantly invested in debt instruments is determined as of each calendar quarter. Within each of the broadly globally diversified equity and debt asset classes, the strategies will seek to maintain approximately equal weights across its investment in the Underlying Mutual Funds. No adjustments to the allocations will be made between quarters. However, as soon as practicable following the end of each calendar quarter, the Manager will compare the aggregate earnings of the companies in the S&P 500® Index ("Index") for the most recent reported calendar quarter to the aggregate earnings of the companies in the Index for the previous year's corresponding calendar quarter. If the aggregate earnings for the most recent calendar quarter are higher than the aggregate earnings of the companies in the Index for the previous year's corresponding calendar quarter, the Manager will maintain the Base Allocations described above. If the aggregate earnings for the most recently completed calendar quarter are lower than the reported aggregate earnings for the previous year's corresponding calendar quarter, the Manager will move to a more defensive allocation and invest in accordance with the Defensive Allocations, shifting more toward fixed income as described above as soon as practicable. This composite was incepted and created on January 1, 2012. Benchmark Definition: The S&P Target Risk Conservative Index emphasizes exposure to fixed income in order to produce a consistent income stream and avoid excessive volatility of returns. These benchmarks do not incur management fees, transaction costs, or other expenses associated with a composite portfolio. Securities prices used to value the benchmark index for the purposes of calculating total return may or may not differ significantly from those used to value securities held within composite portfolios. Treatment of Fees & Expenses: Gross returns are net of all fees and transaction expenses at the underlying mutual fund level, but gross of any fees that may be applicable to specific investment vehicles utilized to implement the intended investment model. While fee schedules can change over time, any amended fee resulting from a change will not be retroactively applied to performance history, but will rather be applied on a prospective basis from the point of change. Further information regarding applicable fee schedules is available upon request. Explanation of Risk Measures: "Dispersion of Portfolio Returns" presented for each annual period is based on gross-of-fees returns and is equal to the highest and lowest annual return among the portfolios that are included in the composite for the full year. "Composite 3-Yr St Dev" and "Benchmark 3- Yr St Dev" are rolling 3-year standard deviation calculations, which measure the variability of the monthly performance returns for the composite and benchmark index return over the preceding 36-month period on an annualized basis. If the composite has not been in existence for at least 3 years as of a particular year-end, then “NA” will be displayed. Other Notes: Policies for valuing portfolios, calculating performance, and preparing compliant presentations, as well as a complete list of composite descriptions, are available upon request. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. For one-on-one use only. Not for inspection by, distribution or quotation to, the general public.
Schedule of Composite Performance GPMM Global Income Composite Barclays Global LEHGA Aggregate Index Composite 3-Yr Benchmark 3-Yr Dispersion of Number of Assets in this Total Firm VOYAIN Year Gross Returns (%) Returns (%) St Dev (%) St Dev (%) Portfolio Returns (%) Portfolios Composite ($mm) Assets ($mm) High Low 2018 2018 (0.86) (1.20) 2.04 4.90 (0.86) (0.86) ≤5 0.01 106,335 2017 4.81 7.39 2.20 4.82 4.81 4.81 0.01 113,387 2017 ≤5 2016 6.16 2.09 2.50 4.97 6.16 6.16 0.01 99,889 2016 ≤5 2015 2015 (0.48) (3.15) 2.72 3.90 (0.48) (0.48) ≤5 0.01 94,574 2014 3.05 0.59 2.86 3.93 3.05 3.05 2014 ≤5 0.01 100,577 2013 1.22 (2.60) N/A N/A 1.22 1.22 ≤5 0.01 93,084 2013 2012 8.21 4.32 N/A N/A 8.21 8.21 ≤5 0.01 76,532 2012 Voya Investment Management claims compliance with the Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS®) and has prepared and presented this report in compliance with the GIPS Standards. Voya Investment Management has been independently verified for the period January 1, 1996, through December 31, 2018. The verification report is available upon request. Verification assesses whether (1) the firm has complied with all of the composite construction requirements of the GIPS standards on a firm-wide basis and (2) the firm's policies and procedures are designed to calculate and present performance in compliance with the GIPS standards. Verification does not ensure the accuracy of any specific composite presentation. Notes: Firm Definition: Voya Investment Management (the "Firm") is defined as all discretionary accounts managed by Voya Investment Management Co. LLC and its subsidiary Voya Investment Trust Co., but not including collateralized debt obligation structures, long/short hedge funds, structured mortgage derivative portfolios, or specialized accounts supporting the reinsurance arrangements of affiliated insurance companies. Composite Definition: The Manager uses a rules-based investment strategy to determine the allocation among Underlying Mutual Funds that invest in equity securities and debt instruments. The proportion of assets allocated to Underlying Mutual Funds that are predominantly invested in equity securities and those that are predominantly invested in debt instruments is determined as of each calendar quarter. Within each of the broadly globally diversified equity and debt asset classes, the strategies will seek to maintain approximately equal weights across its investment in the Underlying Mutual Funds. No adjustments to the allocations will be made between quarters. However, as soon as practicable following the end of each calendar quarter, the Manager will compare the aggregate earnings of the companies in the S&P 500® Index ("Index") for the most recent reported calendar quarter to the aggregate earnings of the companies in the Index for the previous year's corresponding calendar quarter. If the aggregate earnings for the most recent calendar quarter are higher than the aggregate earnings of the companies in the Index for the previous year's corresponding calendar quarter, the Manager will maintain the Base Allocations described above. If the aggregate earnings for the most recently completed calendar quarter are lower than the reported aggregate earnings for the previous year's corresponding calendar quarter, the Manager will move to a more defensive allocation and invest in accordance with the Defensive Allocations, shifting more toward fixed income as described above as soon as practicable. This composite was incepted and created on January 1, 2012. Benchmark Definition: Returns are benchmarked to the Barclays Global Aggregate Index, which does not incur management fees, transaction costs, or other expenses associated with a composite portfolio. The Barclays Global Aggregate Index represents a broad universe of global investment- grade fixed income markets. The three major components of this index are the U.S. Aggregate, the Pan-European Aggregate, and the Asian-Pacific Aggregate Indices. The index also includes Eurodollar and Euro-Yen corporate bonds, Canadian government, agency and corporate securities, and USD investment grade 144A securities. Securities prices used to value the benchmark index for the purposes of calculating total return may or may not differ significantly from those used to value securities held within composite portfolios. Treatment of Fees & Expenses: Gross returns are net of all fees and transaction expenses at the underlying mutual fund level, but gross of any fees that may be applicable to specific investment vehicles utilized to implement the intended investment model. While fee schedules can change over time, any amended fee resulting from a change will not be retroactively applied to performance history, but will rather be applied on a prospective basis from the point of change. Further information regarding applicable fee schedules is available upon request. Explanation of Risk Measures: "Dispersion of Portfolio Returns" presented for each annual period is based on gross-of-fees returns and is equal to the highest and lowest annual return among the portfolios that are included in the composite for the full year. "Composite 3-Yr St Dev" and "Benchmark 3- Yr St Dev" are rolling 3-year standard deviation calculations, which measure the variability of the monthly performance returns for the composite and benchmark index return over the preceding 36-month period on an annualized basis. If the composite has not been in existence for at least 3 years as of a particular year-end, then “NA” will be displayed. Other Notes: Policies for valuing portfolios, calculating performance, and preparing compliant presentations, as well as a complete list of composite descriptions, are available upon request. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. For one-on-one use only. Not for inspection by, distribution or quotation to, the general public.
Schedule of Composite Performance Voya Global Perspectives Moderate Composite Custom CTR_GPMM10M Benchmark Composite 3-Yr Benchmark 3-Yr Dispersion of Number of Assets in this Total Firm GPMOD Year Gross Returns (%) Returns (%) St Dev (%) St Dev (%) Portfolio Returns (%) Portfolios Composite ($mm) Assets ($mm) High Low 2018 2018 (7.16) (6.05) 6.13 7.11 (7.02) (7.47) ≤5 152.12 106,335 2017 15.19 15.39 5.11 6.59 15.47 15.12 2017 ≤5 177.84 113,387 2016 7.04 10.46 6.03 7.39 7.04 6.14 2016 ≤5 193.78 99,889 2015 (3.21) (2.52) 6.58 7.01 (3.07) (3.24) ≤5 193.01 94,574 2015 2014 4.25 7.53 7.36 6.86 4.35 3.90 231.63 100,577 2014 ≤5 2013 10.75 11.23 11.01 11.01 35.51 93,084 2013 N/A N/A ≤5 2012 12.46 15.12 N/A N/A 12.46 12.46 ≤5 0.01 76,532 2012 Voya Investment Management claims compliance with the Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS®) and has prepared and presented this report in compliance with the GIPS Standards. Voya Investment Management has been independently verified for the period January 1, 1996, through December 31, 2018. The verification report is available upon request. Verification assesses whether (1) the firm has complied with all of the composite construction requirements of the GIPS standards on a firm-wide basis and (2) the firm's policies and procedures are designed to calculate and present performance in compliance with the GIPS standards. Verification does not ensure the accuracy of any specific composite presentation. Notes: Firm Definition: Voya Investment Management (the "Firm") is defined as all discretionary accounts managed by Voya Investment Management Co. LLC and its subsidiary Voya Investment Trust Co., but not including collateralized debt obligation structures, long/short hedge funds, structured mortgage derivative portfolios, or specialized accounts supporting the reinsurance arrangements of affiliated insurance companies. Composite Definition: The Manager uses a rules-based investment strategy to determine the allocation among Underlying Mutual Funds that invest in equity securities and debt instruments. The proportion of assets allocated to Underlying Mutual Funds that are predominantly invested in equity securities and those that are predominantly invested in debt instruments is determined as of each calendar quarter. Within each of the broadly globally diversified equity and debt asset classes, the strategies will seek to maintain approximately equal weights across its investment in the Underlying Mutual Funds. No adjustments to the allocations will be made between quarters. However, as soon as practicable following the end of each calendar quarter, the Manager will compare the aggregate earnings of the companies in the S&P 500® Index ("Index") for the most recent reported calendar quarter to the aggregate earnings of the companies in the Index for the previous year's corresponding calendar quarter. If the aggregate earnings for the most recent calendar quarter are higher than the aggregate earnings of the companies in the Index for the previous year's corresponding calendar quarter, the Manager will maintain the Base Allocations described above. If the aggregate earnings for the most recently completed calendar quarter are lower than the reported aggregate earnings for the previous year's corresponding calendar quarter, the Manager will move to a more defensive allocation and invest in accordance with the Defensive Allocations, shifting more toward fixed income as described above as soon as practicable. This composite was incepted and created on January 1, 2012. Benchmark Definition: Returns are benchmarked to a customized blend of 10% MSCI EAFE, 10% MSCI Emerging Markets, 10% S&P 500, 10% S&P 400, 10% S&P 600, 10% FTSE EPRA/NAREIT Developed, 10% Barclays US Agg Corp HY 2% cap, 10% Barclays Global Agg, 10% Barclays US Agg Corp Investment Grade, 10% Barclays US Treasury (20+Y) indexes, rebalanced on a quarterly basis. These benchmarks do not incur management fees, transaction costs, or other expenses associated with a composite portfolio. Securities prices used to value the benchmark index for the purposes of calculating total return may or may not differ significantly from those used to value securities held within composite portfolios. Treatment of Fees & Expenses: Gross returns are net of all fees and transaction expenses at the underlying mutual fund level, but gross of any fees that may be applicable to specific investment vehicles utilized to implement the intended investment model. While fee schedules can change over time, any amended fee resulting from a change will not be retroactively applied to performance history, but will rather be applied on a prospective basis from the point of change. Further information regarding applicable fee schedules is available upon request. Explanation of Risk Measures: "Dispersion of Portfolio Returns" presented for each annual period is based on gross-of-fees returns and is equal to the highest and lowest annual return among the portfolios that are included in the composite for the full year. "Composite 3-Yr St Dev" and "Benchmark 3-Yr St Dev" are rolling 3-year standard deviation calculations, which measure the variability of the monthly performance returns for the composite and benchmark index return over the preceding 36-month period on an annualized basis. If the composite has not been in existence for at least 3 years as of a particular year-end, then “NA” will be displayed. Other Notes: Policies for valuing portfolios, calculating performance, and preparing compliant presentations, as well as a complete list of composite descriptions, are available upon request. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. For one-on-one use only. Not for inspection by, distribution or quotation to, the general public.