The English Colonies
The Southern Colonies
I.Virginia Jamestown, VA A. 1607- Virginia Company of London started it in VA. B.First permanent English settlement in North America. C. 1608- Problems with illness- climate- had a starving time. D. John Smith took over.
E. Powhatan brought food and helped the colonists plant corn. F. Disease and famine caused another starving time.
7. 1612- Rolfe introduces tobacco- Jamestown gets rich. 8.John Rolfe marries Pocahontas, a Powhatan princess.
9. 1619- First house of Burgess is started 9. 1619- First house of Burgess is started. This is the first house of representatives in North America. 10. 1622- Indians fight colonists over land.
G. 1676- Bacon burns Jamestown
II.Maryland A. A colony for Catholics B. Started by Lord Baltimore (George Calvert) C. Religious freedom D. Proprietary Colony- the owners controlled the government. E.Tobacco was an important crop
III. Carolinas A.Founded in 1663. B. Was divided into North and South by the king. C. Encouraged Slavery D. Started as a proprietary colony, but was then bought by the king and made a royal colony E. Grew rice and indigo F. French Protestants called Huguenots settled there
IV.Georgia A. Founded by James Oglethorpe B. A colony for people who owed money C.Oglethorpe outlawed slavery, but when Georgia became a royal colony slavery was permitted. D. Spanish tried to take over this colony to get to the Carolinas
The New England Colonies
In the early 1500’s King Henry VIII of England broke away from the Catholic Church and started the Church of England.
Not everyone liked the new church.
Puritans are members of the Church of England who wanted to purify the Church of England. (purify= to make simpler)
Separatists wanted to separate from the Church of England Separatists wanted to separate from the Church of England. Pilgrims are separatists.
I. Colony of Massachusetts
_________ Wrote the Mayflower Compact- A. The Pilgrims _________ Wrote the Mayflower Compact- colonists agreed to have fair laws to protect the general good ________ Starving Time _________ Separated from the Church of England _________ Celebrated the first Thanksgiving _________ Samoset and Squanto helped them plant crops _________ Asked the Virginia Company if they could settle in Virginia _________ Ended up off the coast of Plymouth, MA instead of Virginia in 1620 _________ formed a joint stock company in hopes of making a profit
B. The Puritans (wanted to purify the Church of England) So many came, it was called the ________ ____________. In 1629, they started the _________ ________ Colony.
4. ____________ _____________ was in charge (1st governor). 5. Had a __________ _________ , a type of self government to help run the colony. 6. Towns were built around the meeting house where people prayed and made laws.
II Colony of Connecticut
A. Started in _____________ (year) by ___________ ________________. B. The ________________ ____________ of _________________ made their government more democratic. C. Allowed people besides Puritans to vote.
III Colony of Rhode Island
A. Founded in 1636 by __________ _______. B. Roger Williams did not support the taking land from ____________ ___________ without paying them. C. Williams believed in ___________ _______________ for all members of the community. D. ________ _______ also went there because she believed people could pray at home and did not need guidance from ministers.
IV Colony of New Hampshire
A. Set up in 1638 by John Wheelright B. Had a compact similar to the Mayflower Compact. C. In 1679, it broke away from Massachusetts and became its own colony.
The Middle Colonies
I. New York continued
A. An _____________ fleet captured New Amsterdam without a shot being fired. B. New Amsterdam became ____________ ________________.
II. New Jersey
A. Given to ___________ ______________ and ____________ ______________ by the Duke of York. B. This colony lay between the ___________ and _____________ rivers. C. There was a diverse population including ___________, ____________, __________, and _____________.
III. Pennsylvania
A. _____________ ____________ founded the colony as a place where _____________ could freely practice their religion. B. The government consisted of an ____________ _______________; an example of self-governmnet. C. Religious freedom D. Philadelphia means the ___________ of ______________ ____________.
IV Delaware
A. Broke away from ____________.