Patient with a bone defect revealed by CT and positive results of radionuclide cisternography and CT cisternography. Patient with a bone defect revealed by CT and positive results of radionuclide cisternography and CT cisternography. A, Coronal CT scan of the face shows a defect (arrow) of the lateral sphenoidal sinus roof with mucosal thickening filling the sphenoidal sinus.B, Coronal contrast-enhanced CT cisternogram shows contrast medium extending through the defect (arrow) and within the right sphenoidal sinus (curved arrow). The nasal pledgets indicated a leak in the region of the right sphenoethmoidal recess, although the cisternogram did not show abnormal accumulation of the radionuclide. The defect and CSF leak were confirmed at surgery. Jeffrey A. Stone et al. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol 1999;20:706-712 ©1999 by American Society of Neuroradiology