Use a protractor to measure the angles on the worksheet Lesson Starter Use a protractor to measure the angles on the worksheet
What is the speed of light? How does light travel? What is light? What is the speed of light? How does light travel?
Light Energy Straight lines Bounces of objects
To understand the path that light takes when it is reflected Learning Intention To understand the path that light takes when it is reflected Success Criteria To be able to identify normal, incident and reflected rays To find the relationship between the angle of incidence and reflection
Objects which reflect light have smooth shiney surfaces! Using Mirrors Objects which reflect light have smooth shiney surfaces!
Reflection Direction of reflection depends on angle AIM To find out the relationship between the angle of incidence and the angle of reflection
Instructions Draw out the NORMAL Draw out angles from 10 to 80 degrees Use the equipment to find out the relationship between the angle of INCIDENCE and the angle of REFLECTION
Results Angle of incidence Angle of reflection 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
What is the relationship? The angle of INCIDENCE is EQUAL to the angle of REFLECTION
Starting science 2 textbook pages 56 and 55 Report Aim Procedure Results Conclusion Evaluation Starting science 2 textbook pages 56 and 55