OASIS Subcommittee Report to the NAESB Executive Committee October 2019 – Richmond, VA 2019 Annual Plan Item 3a Requirements for OASIS to obtain and use data in the Electric Industry Registry (EIR) 10/15/2019
WEQ 2019 Annual Plan Item 3a Request Purpose Establish systematic sharing of data entered in the EIR for use by OASIS, similar to the communication between e-Tagging and OASIS Intent to provide consistency of data used by both applications. 10/15/2019
Current Configuration WEQ 2019 Annual Plan Item 3a Current Configuration NAESB Standard WEQ-001 currently requires a Transmission Provider to register certain OASIS data elements in the EIR. NAESB e-Tag specifications require registration of Sources and Sinks data elements in OASIS. 10/15/2019
WEQ 2019 Annual Plan Item 3a The Challenge Establishment of a requirement to automatically update a Provider’s OASIS data model based on changes to the EIR may introduce significant challenges in all downstream systems dependent on the OASIS data model. Optionality – proposing a standard for those who would not experience difficulty – not well received by the FERC. 10/15/2019
WEQ 2019 Annual Plan Item 3a The Recommendation Given the existing NAESB Standards regarding OASIS and the EIR and difficulties in drafting standards requirements with sufficient flexibility to not disrupt operations, and Nothing precludes a Provider from implementing their own methods for obtaining and using EIR data. WEQ-OS recommends No new standard development of modification of existing standards. 10/15/2019
2019 Annual Plan Item 3a Questions and/or guidance from the Executive Committee? 10/15/2019