Back To School SPHS Room 225


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Back To School SPHS Room 225 9th Grade Strategic Literature English 10/American Literature Grade 11 Composition Mr. Guldseth

Attendance Goals No more than three absences per semester. Total of less than 6 for each school year is considered proficient. College and Career opportunities are enhanced for your student each year they maintain proficient attendance. Higher grades due to less missed work! I provide Recommendation Letters for students who work to maintain proficient attendance. Many school-sponsored incentives and prizes for students with excellent attendance!

MAKING SUBJECT MATTER COM-PREHENSIBLE FOR YOUR CHILD Open-ended stories, -characterization, plot Common core standards, objective related to previous experiences, prior knowledge-real world experience and application through discussion Be more concrete-using pictures and manipulatives, visuals and examples. Multi-media content in different mediums (movie; song) strategy is used effectively for scaffolding, as well as to increase student motivation. Clearly demonstrates specific pedagogical skills for subject matter instruction (comprehensive understanding of content subject matter, and strategic use of adaptations, modifications, accommodations)

ASSESSING STUDENT LEARNING Oral reports (Domain -speaking) Tape-recorded report (social/emotional) Collage, cartoon, or other art Thinking Maps Diorama, 3-D materials, showcase exhibits Photographic essay Panel discussion/Mock debate -(students lead, teacher monitors) Schoology with weekly notes (functions like a running record) Kagan groups allow me to observe and then comment upon and reinforce student’s learning during instruction (formative/summative) Emphasis on multiple measures helps me to appropriately monitor students and provide timely feedback

ENGAGING AND SUPPORTING STUDENTS IN LEARNING Use a format requiring SCR writing response (SBAC model) Multiple-choice (DOK increases due to students critical thinking) True/false (Example/Non-Example) Matching (Scaffold that provides for increasing difficulty) -Consideration is depth of knowledge Use of organizers (effectively target specific standards, support students with special needs Clearly demonstrates relevant and developmentally appropriate strategies or activities with detailed planning evident and ensuring active and equitable participation by all students.

PLANNING INSTRUCTION AND DESIGNING LEARNING EXPERIENCES FOR STUDENTS Use of technology to enhance learning Variety of sources Grade-Level/Content-appropriate with scaffolding for proximal development Culturally Relevant: 30-40% of English words have a related word in Spanish. Clearly demonstrates appropriate strategies used to differentiate instruction for special populations. Provides examples of knowledge of student’s family, personal background, or community to enhance student learning. (Multiple sources for multi-cultural students)

Creating and Maintaining Effective Environments for Student Learning Daily agenda with student-friendly standards Essential questions (allow students to relate to new learning goals using prior knowledge) Routines and procedures that allow students to meaningfully construct knowledge. Four domains (activities) Habit of Mind (content related) Exit Ticket (Uniform Classroom Procedures) Allocating instructional time optimally with clear and appropriate procedures for routines with clear and appropriate expectations for academic and/or social behavior.

DEVELOPING AS A PROFESSIONAL EDUCATOR Relevant detailed feedback Reflections Focus on improving Results of Instruction Mentoring Model Gallagher Trainings; PLC groups; Mentor support; Use of assessments to inform instruction; Reed PD’s; Teacher Growth Cycle “If you shoot for the moon and miss, you will still end up among the stars.” (Burger) Whatever the student’s difficulty, find a structure that increases engagement, and allows for meaningful feedback to improve student learning . This is effective development.