Simonson & Rosen’s Influence Mix Template Simonson and Rosen’s Influence Mix is a tool to help marketers think about the impact of social media sites on customers’ purchasing decisions, in order to help them develop a successful marketing strategy. In their book Absolute Value, they describe three main factors which influence customers’ decisions. These include: Prior Preferences (P), Information from Marketers (M), and Input from Other people (O). Prior Preferences, Beliefs and Experiences - These purchases are usually low risk formed by habit and prior experience with a product. They mostly include routine purchases such as groceries and detergents. List benefits of this strategy. Information from Marketers - This purchasing factor is focused on emotional purchases of higher-end goods such as cars and jewelry and can be highly influenced by marketing campaigns. It is also used to persuade customers to switch from brands they know and try something new. List benefits of this strategy. Input From Other People - This third factor is where social media and online influence come into play. Potential customers look to online reviews for relatively important purchases such as phones and electronics. They want to be reassured that they product they buy will have a high level of reliability, quality and functionality, and are willing to put in the time to research these factors. List benefits of this strategy. Want more tools and templates? Visit
Simonson & Rosen’s Influence Mix Template Prior Preferences, Beliefs and Experiences M Information from Marketers O Input From Other People Want more tools and templates? Visit
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