Overview of the Presentation Alignment of DTPS Priorities with Government Priorities Summary of DTPS Priorities for 2019/20 Financial Information for 2019/20 Building a better life for all through an enabling and sustainable world class information and communication technologies environment
DTPS STRATEGIC PLANNING APPROACH Informs DTPS Priorities Alignment with available resources DTPS Mandate & NDP Vision (2030) 9 – Point Plan/ MTSF/ 2019 SONA / NDP 5-Year Implementation Plan / Cabinet Lekgotla ICT White Paper, SA Connect, 3 x Strategies ICT Sector trends / challenges Positioning SA towards the 4IR DTPS MTEF Targets Making South Africa a Global Leader in Harnessing ICTs for Socio-economic Development
STRATEGIC ALIGNMENT (1) GOVERNMENT PRIORITIES AS REFLECTED IN THE NDP, MTSF, 9-POINT PLAN / 2019 SONA / Cabinet Lekgotla etc. DTPS 2019/20 APP PRIORITIES “Develop new policy framework / strategy / plan for ICT” “Urgent need for a full Policy review” Lowering barriers to entry and growth small businesses; Development of ICT Legislation Review of White Paper “There should be 100% broadband penetration “Extend broadband penetration – 100%” “Provide Rural Communities with ICT Infrastructure...” “Provide learners with access to BB...” Additional broadband spectrum; Reduce internet costs and increase broadband penetration by 2024; Project managing Broadband roll-out (Phase 1) “National e-strategy to facilitate the growth of all related sectors…” “Implement and evaluate a national e-strategy….” “SA needs to develop a more comprehensive and integrated e-Strategy” Build a strong network of 4IR testing and demonstration centres through public and private sector partnership Implementation of National e-Strategy “make critical spectrum available to operators… “Spectrum allocation should accompany set obligations to overcome historical inequalities…” Allocate spectrum by end of 2019/20 financial year to reduce the cost of data and access; Preperations for WRC-19 Building a better life for all through an enabling and sustainable world class information and communication technologies environment
STRATEGIC ALIGNMENT (2) GOVERNMENT PRIORITIES AS REFLECTED IN THE NDP, MTSF, 9-POINT PLAN etc.ds DTPS 2019/120 APP PRIORITIES “State reform, including boosting the role of SOCs in BB roll-out” “…assessment of the role of state ICT infrastructure agencies” Rationalisation of SOCs & SOC Oversight “Establish Cyber-security Institutional Capacity” M&E of operations of Cybersecurity Hub “Unlocking the potential of SMMEs” Broaden Ownership and help grow Small Enterprises and Co-operatives operating in the field of 4IR (particularly amongst young entrepreneurs) Implementation of ICT SMME Strategy “Promote ICT diffusion such as e-literacy programme, ICT skills and institutional capacity building strategies” “Promote e-literacy” Invest in 4IR-related training, upskilling and reskilling of the current and future workforce in rural and urban areas Development of Digital Skills Strategy “…government will co-invest for township and rural access, as well as for e-government, school and health connectivity” “Provide communities with access to information on Government Services...” Implementation of e-Government Strategy Subsequent slides highlight the DTPS strategic priorities. However the complete schedule of Strategic Goals, Objectives and 2019/20, 2020/21 and 2021/22 Targets as well as 2019/20 Quarterly Targets are found in the 2019/20 APP. Building a better life for all through an enabling and sustainable world class information and communication technologies environment
DTPS 2019/20 Priorities (1) STRATEGIC GOAL 1 Broadband connectivity that provides secure and affordable access for all citizens to education, health & other government services & stimulates socio-economic development STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE: 1.1 Coordinate the Broadband connectivity to achieve 100% population coverage In response to the NDP priority of achieving 100% universal accessible broadband connectivity by 2024, the Department will prioritise the implementation of SA Connect. Following extensive challenges and delays, connectivity is underway however the project is still hampered by budget constraints. We are therefore exploring cost-effective and efficient ways, inclusive of public-private partnership models, of rolling out as well as funding broadband on a large scale. In 2019/20 FY, the Department will focus on: Monitoring provision of Broadband Services to 570 connected sites Coordinating roll-out of Broadband Services to additional 400 sites. Maintaining operations of the Rapid Deployment National Co-ordination Centre Monitoring operations of the Cybersecurity Hub Building a better life for all through an enabling and sustainable world class information and communication technologies environment
DTPS 2019/20 Priorities (2) STRATEGIC GOAL 2 South Africa has a modern, sustainable & competitive postal & telecommunications sector STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE: 2.1 Develop & implement ICT Policy & legislation aimed at improving access & affordability of ICTs The Department will fulfil it legislative Programme taking into consideration NDP outcomes related to an Inclusive economy, enabled by advanced digital technologies and the Rehabilitation and restructuring of SoEs and public entities. We will therefore also commence with the review of the ICT Policy White Paper in alignment with the outcomes of the work of the Presidential Commission on the 4IR. 2019/20 priorities include: Development of Priority ICT legislation and policies: DDF Bill Big Data and Cloud Policy Review of Integrated ICT Policy White Paper Development and submission of State IT Company Bill to Cabinet for approval (re- purposing of SITA) Development and submission of State ICT infrastructure Company Bill to Cabinet for approval Development of draft WRC-19 Outcomes Report to inform review of the NRFP Building a better life for all through an enabling and sustainable world class information and communication technologies environment
DTPS 2019/20 Priorities (3) STRATEGIC GOAL 2 South Africa has a modern, sustainable & competitive postal & telecommunications sector STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE: 2.2 Promote the growth and sustainability of ICT SMMEs through the development and implementation of the ICT SMME Development Strategy In line with the 2019 SONA, we will focus on small and medium enterprises and creation of a market places where entrepreneurs can trade and sell their products and the economic inclusion of young people through the digital economy & the 4IR. The South African Post Office e-commerce platform is therefore a priority as it increases the participation of local. The Department will place specific emphasis on addressing youth unemployment through: Facilitating the implementation of the ICT SMME Development Strategy with specific focused on: Capacity Building, Access to Markets Access to Infrastructure. Building a better life for all through an enabling and sustainable world class information and communication technologies environmentddd
DTPS 2019/20 Priorities (4) STRATEGIC GOAL 2 South Africa has a modern, sustainable & competitive postal & telecommunications sector STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE: 2.3 Advance South Africa’s National ICT interests in Regional and International Forum towards attaining partnerships for economic growth and development We will contribute to MTSF priority of Building a better Africa & a better world, through focusing on international engagements and partnerships through increasing SA’s presence in the ICT international sphere so as to influence the global ICT agenda in favour of South Africa’s domestic ICT Policies and developmental agenda. Therefore, DTPS will prioritise: Development and advancement of RSA Position Paper for ITU-WRC-19 Development and advancement of RSA Position Paper for BRICS ICT Ministerial 2019 Securing of 2 partnership programmes towards development of 4IR in SA Building a better life for all through an enabling and sustainable world class information and communication technologies environment
DTPS 2019/20 Priorities (5) STRATEGIC GOAL 3 An Inclusive Information Society and Knowledge Economy driven through a comprehensive e-Strategy and access to Government services STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE: 3.1 Develop and implement a National e-Strategy that will give priority to e-Government services. In response to the NDP priorities related to increasing the contribution of the digital economy to GDP through the 4IR as well as implementing Programmes to ensure that economically excluded young people are work ready, the Department will focus on stimulating sector growth and innovation, while also contributing to the transformation, modernisation and optimisation of public service delivery. Approval and implementation of the National Digital Skills Strategy Development of the Country Plan for 4IR coordinated through the Presidential Commission on 4IR Implementation of the e-Government Programme for Smart City facilitated Building a better life for all through an enabling and sustainable world class information and communication technologies environment
Improve performance of SOE’s through proactive and stringent oversight DTPS 2019/20 Priorities (6) STRATEGIC GOAL 4 Optimally functional Department and SOEs that effectively deliver on their respective mandate STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE: 4.1 Improve performance of SOE’s through proactive and stringent oversight In line with the NDP intervention of strengthening SoEs and Public Entity oversight mechanisms, contribution to building a capable & developmental State, as well as providing financial access to the unbanked, the Department, in the 2019/20 FY, will prioritise the: Analysis and submission of 28 Quarterly SOC Performance Reports Corporatisation of the Postbank – Amendment of the Postbank Act Building a better life for all through an enabling and sustainable world class information and communication technologies environment
DTPS 2019/20 Priorities (7) STRATEGIC GOAL 4 Optimally functional Department & SOEs that effectively deliver on their respective mandate STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE: 4.2 Create a high performing organisation to enable achievement of the Department’s mandate The department will contribute towards the MTSF priority of building a capable & developmental State. Therefore the 2019/20 priorities will include: Development and monitoring of Departmental Budget and Procurement Plan, according to Departmental priorities Assessment of Strategic Risks and updating of Strategic Risk Register Digitisation of one additional DTPS business process Facilitating the implementation of approved Workplace Skills Plan aligned to DTPS mandate. Establishment of a reconfigured Department to deliver on the new mandate Building a better life for all through an enabling and sustainable world class information and communication technologies environment
Reconfiguration of the Department 22 November 2018 - President merged the Ministries of Communications and of Telecommunications and Postal Services into a single Ministry. Purpose of merger - To ensure better alignment and coordination in the context of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. 14 June 2019 – President announced new name: Department of Communications and Digital Technologies Both Departments have commenced participation in the National Macro Organisation of Government (NMOG) process which is lead by DPSA. Immediate focus will be on: Development of the Macro Organisational Structure Placement of staff in the new Department Creation of a new budget structure Plans are in place to commence with joint strategic planning to craft the short to medium term strategy for the merged Department, inclusive of its vision, mission and mandate. Building a better life for all through an enabling and sustainable world class information and communication technologies environment
FINANCIAL INFORMATION 2019/20 FINANCIAL YEAR Building a better life for all through an enabling and sustainable world class information and communication technologies environment
MEDIUM TERM ALLOCATION DEPARTMENTAL PROGRAMMES 2019/20 2020/21 2021/22 1. Administration 276 828 267 823 283 689 2. International Affairs and Trade 57 058 57 585 59 833 3. Policy, Research and Capacity Development 90 199 97 224 103 601 4. ICT Enterprise Development and SOE Oversight 744 233 784 439 829 728 5. ICT Infrastructure Support 516 256 575 890 396 920 TOTAL 1 684 574 1 782 961 1 673 771 Building a better life for all through an enabling and sustainable world class information and communication technologies environment
ECONOMIC CLASSIFICATION 2019/20 2020/21 2021/22 Current Payments 612 754 660 138 701 850 Compensation of Employees 241 399 259 506 276 373 Goods and Services 371 355 400 632 425 477 Transfers and Subsidies 1 048 700 1 106 064 956 536 Payments for capital assets 23 120 16 759 15 385 TOTAL 1 684 574 1 782 961 1 673 771
TRANSFERS AND SUBSIDIES 2019/20 2020/21 2021/22 Total Provinces and municipalities 17 19 26 62 Households 27 396 NEMISA 95 347 100 583 106 115 302 045 USAASA OPERATION 82 949 87 467 92 277 262 693 USAF BDM 26 605 56 721 59 841 143 167 USAF OPERATION 61 017 64 373 67 914 193 304 Foreign governments and international organisations 29 808 30 476 31 632 91 916 SAPO 474 627 500 731 528 276 1 503 634 SENTECH BDM 58 440 61 650 70 455 190 545 SENTECH (Dual illumination) 192 494 204 044 - 396 538 1 048 700 1 106 064 956 536 3 083 904
Building a better life for all through an enabling and sustainable world class information and communication technologies environment