Search and Characterization


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Presentation transcript:

Search and Characterization TITRE Search and Characterization of Extrasolar planets in Antartica François Bouchy Institut d’Astrophysique de Paris

Status : ~ 200 known extrasolar planets Jup Sat Earth

10 transiting extrasolar planets Characterized by photometry and radial velocity VHJ

10 transiting extrasolar planets Characterized by photometry and radial velocity VHJ

Photometry + Radial Velocity + Spectroscopy Fully complementary methods a, P, e, T0, b,  mp, rp, , mcore , T, evap. , … R*, M*, [Fe/H], vsini, R’HK , … Constraints for processes of formation and evolution Constraints for composition and internal structure

Lack of efficiency of photometric surveys --- 0 --- 1 --- 5 --- 6 More than 200 planets per month were expected Up to day a total of only 7 detections

1st main limitation : time coverage OGLE-56b [1.21 d] OGLE-113b [1.43 d] OGLE-132b [1.69 d] Tres-1 [3.03 d] OGLE-10b [3.10 d] Xo-1 [3.94 d] OGLE-111b [4.02 d] Most abundant Hot Jupiters [3-4 d]

Need of continuous coverage 60-day continuous coverage (Antarctica) 60-day nighttime coverage (OGLE) Period [days]

2nd main limitation : systematic errors HD209458 OGLE-TR-10 OGLE-TR-132 Tres-1 1%

No transiting planet detected with a depth < 1.1% Transit Depth OGLE-113 2.9% Tres-1 2.3% Xo-1 2.0% OGLE-111 1.9% OGLE-10 1.9% OGLE-56 1.3 % OGLE-132 1.1 %

mmag precision is possible from ground HD149036 Sato et al. (2005) OGLE-132 with FORS/VLT OGLE-113 with SUSI/NTT Gillon et al. submitted Moutou et al. (2004)

Need of stable atmospheric conditions systematic errors due to the atmosphere are expected to be considerably reduced …. … but not systematic errors due to the instrument ! - intra pixel response - Flat field stability - ….

Main Scientific goals of photometric survey for transiting planets Increase the number of transiting Hot Jupiters especially around bright stars for complementary and further observations

Main Scientific goals of photometric survey for transiting planets Detect and characterize transiting Hot Neptunes Sub mmag clearly required

Main Scientific goals of photometric survey for transiting planets Detect and characterize transiting big Earth in the habitable zone of M-K dwarfs Several seasons on the same fields

Mass-radius relation from planets to BDs and to low mass stars

Galactic plane visible from Dome C during 3 month with secz < 2.

Doppler follow is required - to discriminate confusing case - to assess the planetary nature of the transit - to determine the mass of the planet ESO Facilities for South hemisphere already used for follow-up (GIRAFFE / FLAMES-UVES / HARPS) But limited to mv < 15.5

Secondary objectives of photometric survey : Stellar pulsation Stellar activity Eclipsing binaries ….

Conclusions Transit survey in Dome C + Doppler follow-up Continuous time coverage is crucial to exoplanet transit survey. Better photometric conditions also allow to reach the planetary transit realm. Transit survey in Dome C + Doppler follow-up  huge contribution to the knowledge of exoplanets