Care Home Transfer Documents September 2011. Network Name
Lesley Spall from The Care Home Effective Support Service (CHESS) Aim to support Care Homes (Nursing and Residential) improve the health outcomes for residents. Links to Falls Prevention Service and Dieticians. We offer a proactive and holistic service, which promotes the safe and appropriate use of medication, aiming to prevent unnecessary admission . Actively support care home staff in implementing quality end of life care in the care home setting.
Care Home Transfer Documentation Why am I here? 999 study undertaken last year highlighted problems regarding the discharge of Residents from the Acute setting Safeguarding Concerns Good communication works both ways
Task and Finish Group Group established with reps from LCC, NHS PCT and Acute Hospitals and Care Home Providers Best Practice Process Developed Best Practice Transfer Documentation Developed Adverse Discharge Form to be included Acute Hospital Discharge Document being revamped
The Process
The Transfer Documents Hospital Passport Transfer Document Medication Administration Record (COPY) Any other Passports COPY of any Advanced Care Plans Catheters
The Admission? Care Home Contacts Ward (24 hrs) Case Manager details given to Care Home Care Home then liaises with Case Manager Case Manager informs Ward Staff if Nurse from Care Home is visiting to undertake a Re-assessment (when fit for discharge)(24 – 72 hrs) Resident returns home
Problems Adverse Discharge Form – To be used for “minor incidents” Acute Setting Hospital Transfer Documentation is being re-designed. Medication – Discussions on Going
All Care Homes Across Central Lancashire??? We are asking ALL Care Homes (Older People) across Central Lancashire to adopt the process and the documentation Adapt existing paperwork to include elements of above? Review in 6 months time – any volunteers
Thank you A big Thank you to all the Care Home Providers that have attended the meetings, provided feedback regarding the process or been involved in the pilot. Swansea Terrace, Preston Private, Moor Park, Hazel House, Rivington Park, Croston Park and Stocks Hall
Any Questions? Lesley Spall