South African Approach Rural Safety
Background Rural Safety Rural safety refers to all safety and security issues that affects non urban communities in respect to human, property, food protection and security The Rural Safety Strategy was developed in 2011. Objectives of the Rural Safety Strategy: Respond to the needs of rural communities to support food security and economical development To strengthen relationship building within the rural community Improve safety and security within the entire rural environment Establish/improve systems to address crime within the rural areas Forster and establish enhanced communication within the rural community among all role players.
Integrated Role Players South African Police Service The Government Department SANDF, DAFF, DOE, DOH, DOA, DOL, SARS, DSD, DTA Organised agriculture and farmers association Farm Workers Union Civil Rights organisations
South African Approach Accessibility to policing Proactive policing Rapid response Intelligence driven Effective investigation and conviction Multi-disciplinary approach Involvement of all role players in an integrated and coordinated manner Use of force multipliers Integrated coordinating mechanisms Joint operations and programmes Community awareness and education Safety Awareness and taking responsibility for safety by implementing safety measures and adopting sound safety habits Create safety networks Community crime prevention initiatives Enhanced Service Delivery Integrated Approach Community Safety Awareness
Approach Render proactive/ reactive policing and investigation of crime Ensure an integrated approach by means of Priority Committees Have Rural Safety Plans at all rural and rural/urban police stations Have joint intelligence based Operations Awareness campaigns 1 The South African Police Service is responsible to render rural safety to all rural areas in South Africa and this includes the following services: 2 3 4 5
Geographical Approach Operational Approach Multi-disciplinary approach internally Departmental involvement at national and local level Use of all force multipliers CPF’s Community Crime Prevention Initiatives Traditional Leadership Establishment crime prevention partnerships Problem solving approach Crime Intelligence OCTA/CPA/CTA Informers Crime interpretation Targeted intelligence driven operations Sector Policing Demarcation Accessibility to services Contact Points Mobile Contact Points Satellite Police Stations Geographical Approach Intelligence Driven Integrated Approach Community Oriented & Partnerships
Levels of Priority Committees South African Police All Governments Department Organised Agricultural and farmer associations Farm Workers Union Civil Rights organisations National level All Governments Departments Organised Agriculture and farmers associations Provincial level South African Police Service All Government Departments Civil Right organisations Cluster level Station Commissioner Appointed Coordinator Local CPF’s Farming Community Station level
Functions of Priority Committee Create a communication mechanism between the SAPS and all role players within the rural community, including Government, Organized Agriculture, farmers associations, farm workers unions and NGO’s Monitor all incidents in the rural community at provincial and station level to develop national strategies, including incidents on farms and smallholdings Update and maintain a national data base for operational purposes; Analyse, assess and determine national trends and modus operandi to communicate and share such information with all role players and stakeholders in order to implement pro active measures Collecting empirical evidence to identify causes of crime and the development and implementation of strategies to improve levels of safety in the rural community Develop and implement pro-active measures to address crime in the rural environment, as well as identify solutions to jointly address identified problems within the rural environment Share good practices Monitoring and evaluating current strategies, operations and mechanisms
Emphasis of Rural Safety Plan The Rural Safety Plan ensures Improve safety and security within the total rural environment Improve relationships with the farming and rural community Establish a system that would address crime within the rural areas Improve service delivery within the rural community Safe guard the entire rural community against crime or any disaster