Project 2040 Progress to Date Dr. Rónán Kennedy School of Law NUI Galway CMG Irish Planning Conference 25 September 2019
Project 2040 – The Context 1 million extra people by 2040 Positive economic figures Continued growth in investment Significant uncertainties
1. Compact Growth Urban Regeneration and Development Fund (€2bn to 2027) New statutory guidelines for urban planning Challenges in apartment completion An Bord Pleanála Strategic Housing Development application process
2. Enhanced Regional Accessibility New transport links begun Castlebaldwin to Colooney dual carriageway Western Distributor Road in Sligo Other projects already underway N25 New Ross bypass Portlaoise Southern Distributor Road Major projects completed N11 Gorey – Enniscorthy
3. Strengthened Rural Economies and Communities Rural Regeneration and Development Fund (€1bn to 2027, €54m in 2018) Tourism Development Including new visitor attractions National Broadband Plan Agri-food supports
4. Sustainable Mobility Public transport investment Galway Cork Waterford New “Shannon Metropolitan Area Transport Strategy”
5. A Strong Economy Supported by Enterprise, Innovation & Skills IDA clients 7% employment growth in 2018 Disruptive Technologies Innovation Fund (€500m to 2027) “Future Jobs Ireland” launched March HE investment including Technological University Dublin
6 International Connectivity Seaport Brexit-Readiness Dublin Airport Northern Runway Regional Airports Programme
7. Enhanced Amenity and Heritage “Investing in our Culture, Language and Heritage, 2018-2027” (€1.2bn total) Refurbishment of National Library Large Scale Sport Infrastructure Fund (€100 million) National Indoor Sport Arena Phase 2
8. Low Carbon, Climate Resilient “All of Government Plan” (June 2019 2018) National Smart Metering Programme (starting Q3 2019) Electric vehicles support Climate Action Fund (€500m to 2027) Flood Risk Management Plans
9. Sustainable water and environmental resources management Irish Water investment (€2b) Geological Survey Ireland investment
10. Quality Childcare, Education and Health Services Schools investment Digital Strategy for Schools (€420 m) Primary Care Centres “Healthy Cities and Counties”
NPF Implementation Strategy
Land Development Agency Established September 2018 Optimal use of State land 150,000 homes by 2040
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