Richard L. McCann, MD, R.Randal Bollinger, MD, Glenn E. Newman, MD 


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Presentation transcript:

Surgical renal artery reconstruction after percutaneous transluminal angioplasty  Richard L. McCann, MD, R.Randal Bollinger, MD, Glenn E. Newman, MD  Journal of Vascular Surgery  Volume 8, Issue 4, Pages 389-394 (October 1988) DOI: 10.1016/0741-5214(88)90100-0 Copyright © 1988 Society for Vascular Surgery and International Society for Cardiovascular Surgery, North American Chapter Terms and Conditions

Fig. 1 Concentric proximal renal artery stenosis in a young man. This lesion responded only briefly to each of three balloon dilatations. After the third procedure, the patient was referred for surgical reconstruction, which was accomplished with a splenorenal bypass. Journal of Vascular Surgery 1988 8, 389-394DOI: (10.1016/0741-5214(88)90100-0) Copyright © 1988 Society for Vascular Surgery and International Society for Cardiovascular Surgery, North American Chapter Terms and Conditions

Fig. 2 A young man with a proximal concentric fibrous lesion suffered renal artery injury at an initial attempt at dilatation. An attempt at immediate revascularization was aborted when intubation could not be done safely. A, Arteriogram several weeks later shows reconstitution of the distal renal artery by collaterals. B, Successful delayed aortorenal graft. C, Posterior image of radionuclide renal flow scan before (left) and after (right) renal revascularization. Journal of Vascular Surgery 1988 8, 389-394DOI: (10.1016/0741-5214(88)90100-0) Copyright © 1988 Society for Vascular Surgery and International Society for Cardiovascular Surgery, North American Chapter Terms and Conditions

Fig. 3 Ostial atherosclerosis of right renal artery. A, Appearance immediately after dilatation. B, Angiogram 2 weeks later shows occlusion of the proximal right renal artery (arrow). C, Hepatorenal bypass graft (arrow) to the distal right renal artery. This reconstruction was selected because of severe atherosclerotic involvement of the aorta and obesity. Journal of Vascular Surgery 1988 8, 389-394DOI: (10.1016/0741-5214(88)90100-0) Copyright © 1988 Society for Vascular Surgery and International Society for Cardiovascular Surgery, North American Chapter Terms and Conditions