Parent workshop Year 5
Topics for Year 5 Autumn Term – Stargazers Space Centre visit. Earth and Space science – The Solar System, Day and Night. History of space explorations. Art – The Artist Peter Thorpe (Space Art) Hyperlinked power points. Literacy: Non-chronological reports, recounts, alien descriptions, newspaper reports, explanation texts (why is there life on Earth?) and fictional myth.
Topics for Year 5 Spring 1 - Scream Machine Visit – Theme Park? Literacy: instructions, mystery narrative and narrative poetry. DT focussed project.
Topics for Year 5 Spring 2 – Beast Creator Mini beast focus
Topics for Year 5 Summer Off With Her Head! (Residential and Shakespeare performance) Literacy – persuasive writing and preparation work for residential. History - Tudors
Class Routines Day of the week What your child will need: Monday Book bag Spelling log book Tuesday PE kit (outdoor) Y5C only Wednesday PE kit (outdoor) Y5S only Homework folder Reading scheme book Thursday PE kit (outdoor) Both Y5 Friday
Styles of reading in school Daily reading / RWI / guided comprehension. Individual reading turns **READING SPEED** Reading for home: Free choice books (as many as wanted) Reading scheme (books and home/school diaries to be handed in on a Wednesday for a new book that day).
Spellings in school SPAG Taught spelling patterns / rules Children must be able to apply these spellings across a range of written work. Spelling log books.
Grammar (recapping previous years) Nouns, pronouns Adverbs and adverbial phrases Expressing time and cause through: conjunctions, adverbs and prepositions Subordinate clauses The present perfect tense
Grammar (new learning) Relative clauses (who, which, when, that, an…) A wider range of adverbs. Use of modal verbs in their writing. Commas used correctly to avoid ambiguity. Convert nouns or adjectives into verbs (e.g. intensify).
Handwriting Children in Year 5 are expected to join fluently. Never join after a capital letter. Some letters are ‘break letters’ b, p, z, g, y Letter formation
Times tables End of Year 2 expectations: 2x 5x 10x As above and 3x 4x 8x End of Year 4 expectations: As above plus all others up to 12x12 RAPID RECALL IN ANY ORDER AND CORRESPONDING DIVISION FACTS
Any questions?