Welcome to New Hope United Methodist Church We are very happy that you are worshiping with us today!
Are you a visitor to New Hope? Please see an usher and fill out a visitor’s card Join us for coffee and conversation after worship in the hospitality area. If you have any questions, ask your neighbor to help you get an answer
Want to get the latest happenings at the church, check out our website… www.newhopeva.com
Not getting regular church announcement e-mails/texts and want to? Please see George and he will get you set-up
Children’s Activity Bags located at the Front Entrance
Please silence all cell phones
New Hope Picture of the week!
Mission: S.E.R.V.E
Mission Table – Hospitality Refreshments Candy dish located on mission table
Tuesday Morning Bible Study 10 am – 11:30 am – Room #2
Information Center
Sunday Evening Youth Group 5:30 pm – 7:00 pm – Upstairs
You might have noticed that our welcoming space has been rearranged… You might have noticed that our welcoming space has been rearranged….. Did you know that it was rearranged to make our welcoming space more child friendly? Now children with food allergies, food sensitives or parents who want to monitor what their child eats knows that our welcoming space is a safe space.
OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD Wrapping has begun – Tuesday 9 am
Children’s Church September 22nd
Fellowship Area
NEW PLAYSET ORDERED Delivery in 2-3 Weeks
Lenten Devotional Calling All Writers. Calling All Artists Lenten Devotional Calling All Writers! Calling All Artists! This year we will be writing a devotional booklet to be used during the season of Lent. Writings are due December 31, 2019.