DAHS Announcements Wednesday October 9, 2019
Popcorn Chicken Bowl Hamburger/Gardenburger Chicken & Cheese Quesadilla
Lunch Box Cart Thursday! Check out our new cart! Visit Sandy in the cafeteria to see our new meal deal options. We will be open the first 10 minutes of each lunch.
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Pick ‘n Save is Hiring Part time cashiers Part time courtesy clerks Part time produce clerks Benefits include a flexible schedule & employee discount! Apply online at www.picknsave.com/careers Call Crystal at 608 8468922 with questions!
Seniors On Friday, October 11, there will be a Madison College Application Event from 10-11 in the Little Theatre. Representatives will be available to help you complete the application for admission. Please bring your Chromebook, social security number and a credit/debit card to order your transcripts. This is a great opportunity to get this application completed and not have to worry about it.
COLLEGE NEWS UW Madison - 10/9 @ 1:00 pm UW Stout - 10/16 @ 11:00 am UW Superior - 10/17 @ 10:15 am Ripon College - 10/22 @ 1:00 pm UW Eau Claire - 10/28 @ 1:00 pm Michigan Tech - 11/5 @ 9:30 am
COLLEGE NEWS All University Rep visits will be held in the Guidance office, if you're interested in visiting with them, please stop by the Guidance Office the day of their visit for a pass out of class. All Military visits will be held outside the Guidance Office in the Hallway over both lunch periods. If you're interested in talking to them, please see them during your lunch period.
Blood Drive Sign-up During lunches all this week ATTENTION STUDENTS Blood Drive Sign-up During lunches all this week
SPORTS SPORTS Wrestling DeForest Wrestling If your an individual who likes to compete, work hard, and have fun— sign up for wrestling! We would love to have you join our Team. Pre-season meeting will be after school Wednesday October 23 in the Little Theatre. Wrestling Managers If your interested in managing, organizing, social media, video, marketing, promotion, building your resume, or being part of a team—we would love to have you as well. 11