Nate Johnson Ryan Kirkendall Eric Westfall Kuali Rice Hands On Nate Johnson Ryan Kirkendall Eric Westfall
Disclaimer Originally Taken from the Kuali Financial Application Current Version 0.9 Next Version 0.9.1 Some baggage from the Kuali Financial Application makes for strange setup at times.
Rice Template Project Structure Running and Testing Mavenized References Rice src/main/java src/main/resources src/test/java src/test/resource Running and Testing Internally uses Jetty - started using launch configuration Unit Testing can be done at service layer or http using Jetty with htmlunit
Configuration Spring based Kuali xml configuration file(s) can be used Properties file can be used Struts based Parts of kuali infrastructure need to be configured as struts modules See web.xml in template project OJB based kuali will use OJB behind the scenes and the kns requires you to use OJB as your ORM Required sql INSERT INTO FP_DOC_GROUP_T VALUES ('TR', '054EDFB3B260C8D2E043814FD881C8D2', 1,'Travel Documents', null) The ‘TR’ represents a group of documents and is referenced by further sql.
Database setup 1000 files that require magical scripts, ant, Oracle and more! Awesome KFS import/export functionality is THE ONLY way to populate your database. Currently, Oracle is all that is supported Takes ~8 months to bring new DB’s in
Simple Data Entry Called Maintenance Documents Based on java POJO ( business object) Provide standard web app CRUD screens Search Lookup Create Update
Steps to create Simple Data Entry Create POJO Create Data Dictionary file for POJO Create Data Dictionary file for Maintenance Document Create Workflow Document.xml and upload it to workflow Create DDL and run in Oracle Create OJB Mapping in repository.xml
Steps to create Simple Data Entry continued… Create Link to provide access to POJO Data Entry Screens Remember!! Your link must contain: Or it will not show the document creation link Create magical bootstrap sql: insert into FP_DOC_TYPE_T values ('DD', '1A6FEB250342607EE043814FD869607E', 1, 'TR', 'TRAV DD', 'N', 'Y', 'N', 0, 'N', 'N') /
Simple Data Entry continued… Other things to remember!!! Match the ‘DD’ with the document type code in the maintenance document .xml Make sure the ‘TR’ matches the KNS document type group inserted into the FP_DOC_GROUP_T table Make sure the oject id in the magical sql statement is unique Make sure the workflow.xml document type name matches the document type name in the maintenance document .xml
Complex Documents Called Transactional Documents No CRUD facilities provided. Kuali Tag libraries provide consistent look Kuali classes provide integration with KEW
Maintenance Hands On Add a property to BO Column in DB table already for expediency Add propety to OJB mapping Add property to DD file Attributes declarations Lookupable Inquirable Add property to Maintenance Document DD file
Transactional Document Setup Create POJO extending TransactionalDocumentBase Struts Integration Create struts Action class extending TravelReimbursementDocumentAction Create struts ActionForm class extending KualiDocumentFormBase Create jsp for document data collection Put mapping in stuts-config.xml Put magical kuali mappings in struts-config.xml <global-exceptions> <exception type="org.kuali.core.exceptions.AuthorizationException" key="meaningless" path="/" /> <exception type="org.kuali.core.exceptions.DocumentInitiationAuthorizationException" key="meaningless" path="/" /> <exception type="org.kuali.core.exceptions.UnknownDocumentIdException" key="error.document.noLongerExistsInKuali" path="/WEB-INF/jsp/core/Exception.jsp" /> <exception type="org.kuali.core.exceptions.FileUploadLimitExceededException" key="error.document.attachmentMaximumFileSizeExceeded" path="/WEB-INF/jsp/core/Exception.jsp" /> </global-exceptions> <global-forwards > <forward name="save" path="/index.jsp" redirect="true" /> <forward name="cancel" path="/index.jsp" redirect="true" /> <forward name="close" path="/index.jsp" redirect="true" /> <forward name="portal" path="/index.jsp" redirect="true" /> </global-forwards> <controller processorClass="org.kuali.core.web.struts.action.KualiRequestProcessor" /> <message-resources parameter="ApplicationResources" /> <plug-in className="org.kuali.core.web.struts.pojo.PojoPlugin" />
Transactional Document Setup Put in magical jsp at the root of your webapp index.jsp (redirects to your index page or is your index page) portal.jsp (redirects to your index page or is your index page) OJB integration Map document class to table in OJB Workflow integration Make xml file putting document type configuration into workflow
Transactional Document setup DataDictionary integration Make Document.xml file name the same as the document type name in Workflow Put in magical sql: insert into FP_DOC_TYPE_T values ('TRRD', '1A6FEB250342607EE643814FD869607E', 1, 'TR', 'TRAV TRRD', 'N', 'Y', 'N', 0, 'N', 'N') Make sure the first column matches the document type name in the data dictionary xml file (this isn’t the workflow document type name) Make sure second column is unique Make sure the fourth colum matches the group (first column in sql statement in application setup sql)