Year 2 AutumnTerm 2019 Long Ago Topic Long Ago Introduction to the Celts, timeline, who they were and where they came from, Celtic settlements, warriors and their clothing. Science To investigative sources of light. Compare light and dark and the effects on the eye. Shadows, electricity in the home and its dangers. Constructing circuits. Year 2 AutumnTerm 2019 Long Ago Important Events Henley Literacy Festival Trip to Butser Ancient Farm Harvest Festival Bonfire night Remembrance Day Roves Farm Nativity play Sports match Art and Design & Technology To use a range of materials to design, make and evaluate 2D & 3D products (CDT). To use drawing, painting and sculpture to express and develop ideas. Projects: Celtic shield, colour collage, artist study, weaving, poppies Guy Fawkes silhouettes, Celtic cookery and Christmas cards and decorations. Maths Number: Numbers to 100 including: ordering, number bonds, odd and even, place value, and comparing numbers.. Addition and subtraction to 20 and beyond, number problems, number sentences and families, and multiplication and division facts for 2 times tables. Topic: Money – symbols for pounds and pence, different ways of making amounts and giving change, and money problems. English Writing/Grammar/Comprehension/Spelling Read Write Inc scheme in differentiated groups. Handwriting: Continue joined writing and correct letter formation. Reading: Fiction – Continue individual reading scheme, paired and group reading including play scripts and poetry. Non-Fiction – To be able to use books as sources of information. PSHEE Hopes and fears, rights and responsibilities, rewards and consequences, our learning charter, owning our learning. Boy/girls, bullying, standing up for myself and others, making new friends, celebrating difference. ICT Coding: Sequencing instructions, loops and IF statements, building games, problem solving. Digital Music: Comparing digital vs real life, using digital instruments, creating loops, collaborative work. Graphic design: Creating logos, editing images using a variety of tools, using the internet, e-safety. Photography: Using digital devices, image manipulation, capturing videos, digital art. Physical Education & Games Invasion Games – Football, Hockey & Netball. Working as a team, rules, attack and defence. Hand eye coordination– Activities to develop hand eye coordination . Music Pulse Recognition and maintain a steady pulse Instruments Percussion – tuned and un tuned Instruments of the orchestra Demonstrations and the opportunity to try a variety of instruments RS Harvest, Believing – What did Jesus teach us? The parables. Christmas – Jesus a gift from God. French All about me, days of the week, opposites, numbers 1 to 20, revision of colours, Christmas in France.