Welcome to science
Classroom rules Raise your hand before speaking.
Classroom rules You shouldn’t eat or chew a gum in class.
Classroom rules You must not move from your seat without permission.
Classroom rules No bullying or yelling.
Classroom rules You should deliver your homework on time
Classroom rules You should bring all required materials and supplies to class each day.
Consequences 1st warning 2nd Punishment/degraded 3rd detention 4th parent/GDS
Supplies Text book ( leave at home) Binder 1. Lab sheets 2. Classwork sheets 3. Homework sheets 4. Flipped classroom sheets 5. Tests and quizzes Copybook ( take notes)
Grading Binder, file and copybook Readiness Attendance Oral Behavior H.W and C.W ( neat , complete , correct) Tests and quizzes