Ms. Brantley’s 8th grade Physical Science WELCOME TO Ms. Brantley’s 8th grade Physical Science Email: Physical Science Content standards in eighth grade are inquiry-based and include concepts and skills in chemistry and physics that are considered foundational. This focus is designed to prepare students for physics and chemistry courses that are often taken in high school. Sign Up Parents and students can sign up to receive homework/classwork alerts: Text: (779) 203- 8765 Message: @tmsbrant Supplies ●2 composition notebooks ●Colored pencils ●Ear buds ●Pencils and pen ●glue sticks Website: Please check the classroom website for assignments and homework daily. Scan the QR code to visit our website: Tutoring If a student feels he/she needs extra help, I can make arrangements to be available after school on Wednesday’s 3:00- 4:00 (By appointment only) OR Everyday during Warrior Time.
The robotics team normally meets about once per week. Welcome to Robotics Ms. Brantley About Robotics Automation and Robotics course utilizes Project Lead the Way (PLTW curriculum). PLTW develops STEM curriculum for k-12 grades, providing students with project based learning which allows them to apply what they know and develop unique solutions. Using VEX Robots, students will design and construct a remote-controlled robotic devices that can lift, throw, climb, gather. Second semester students will be engaged in Design and Modeling where they will discover the design process and develop an understanding of the influence of creativity and innovation in their lives. They are then challenged and empowered to use and apply what they’ve learned throughout the unit to design a therapeutic toy for a child who has cerebral palsy. Supplies 2 composition notebooks Glue sticks Ear buds Pens and pencils Colored pencils Grading/ iNOW Rules Classwork 50% Participation 20% Projects / Test 30 % INOW code: 0 = student earned a score of Zero 1= missing assignment Grades will be updated in inow every Friday afternoon. Come to clap prepared Follow directions the first time Respect others and their property Raise your hand, and wait for your turn to speak Try your hardest. Remind 101 Parents and students can sign up to receive homework/classwork alerts: Text: 81010 Message: @tmsrobot Robotics Team The TMS robotics team competes in VEX IQ tournaments. VEX robotics brings STEM skills to life by tasking teams of students with designing and building a robot to play against other teams in a game-based engineering challenge. The robotics team normally meets about once per week. CONTACT ME! Email: Phone: (205) 685- 5100 Website: Please scan the QR code to visit our classroom website for updates on lesson plans, homework, and robotics team information.