Homework Policy Mrs. Ives All homework should be completed and handed in for full credit on the date due. Assignments are worth 5 points. Assignments handed in the following day will be given half credit for 2.5 points. Anything after that will remain a zero. All homework should have a proper heading. An example of a proper heading is as follows: Name Date Section Assignment Take pride in your work. There should be no doodles, drawings, etc. Assignments can be typed. If not, handwriting should be in cursive or neat print. Written homework should be done in PENCIL, BLUE PEN, or BLACK PEN only! If you are absent from school, homework should be completed in one additional day’s time. Exceptions are made for extended periods of absence. Therefore, if you are absent from school, do not request homework. Review the web site and do what you can. If you cannot complete homework, the extension rule is in effect I will post homework, tests, and long term due dates on my website. Please review this daily for assignments. Social Studies homework will also be posted on a unit by unit syllabus format. This will help keep students organized. If a student is not completing homework assignments, they will be required to sit at the Homework table at lunch. An administrator will need to sign their pass and verify their presence. Homework will then be shown to me the following class period for half credit. If you miss class due to a school activity (Knowledge Quest, instrument lessons, guidance, etc.) it is your responsibility to get any homework or classwork missed before going home that day and completing it. Student Signature Parent Signature