Punctuation Marks What is an end mark? An end mark is also known as punctuation, and comes at the end of a sentence. It lets you know when to stop.
Teaching students proper punctuation is a key part of learning to read and write. Communication is enhanced when proper punctuation is used. Getting students comfortable with punctuation and instinctively able to punctuate properly helps in overall educational efforts. Stressing the importance of punctuation is done through verbal explanation, visual illustrations and student practice.
Punctuation is not a favorite subject for many students or teachers, but making it fun and teaching it in different ways can help alleviate anxiety and produce results. Vary the ways that you teach punctuation to help children who learn in different ways: visual, tactile and auditory.
The period is the most famous end mark The period is the most famous end mark. It comes at the end of statements and commands. It is raining today. Do not interrupt while I am talking. A question mark means something is being asked. Are you going to lunch? An exclamation mark shows excitement or strong Feeling. That is a huge dog!
Punctuation Punctuation is a really important part of writing. It's used to help make your writing easy to understand. It would be really hard to read a story that had no capital letters, periods or commas. Here are some of the rules for Punctuation: ' Apostrophe 1. Used in contractions 2. Used to show possession 3. Used instead of numbers ( ) Parenthesis 1. Used to add information
' Commas 1. Used to separate words in a list 2. Used to separate words and numbers in dates and addresses. 3. To separate thoughts : Colon 1. Used to introduce a list 2. Used after a greeting in a letter 3. Used between the numbers showing time ! Exclamation point 1. Used to show excitement or strong feeling ? Question Mark 1. Use at the end of a sentence that asks a question
; Semicolon 1. Used to combine two sentences together without using linking words . Period 1. Used at the end of a sentence 2. Used in abbreviations " " Quotation Marks 1. Used before and after words that show conversation. 2. Used for special words or slang
Always capitalize acronyms Another important part of punctuation is capitalization. Here are some of the rules for capitalization. Always capitalize acronyms Always capitalize abbreviations Always capitalize the word "I" Always capitalize the first word in a quote Always capitalize the first word in a sentence
Capital Letters
people and their titles Always capitalize names of: people and their titles months places days holidays important documents