Promoting ‘British Values’ Preparing Learners for Life in Modern Promoting ‘British Values’ Preparing Learners for Life in Modern Britain
Objectives Understand Ofsted expectations for promoting fundamental British Values (BV) and the need for a whole-college approach Explore how to promote BV within the learner journey, such as tutorials, T&L and learner voice Evaluate your own practice and take learning back to implement the approaches
What is being British?
Question : Britishness ‘Life in the UK’ says to be British means you should: “ Respect laws, the elected political structures, traditional values of mutual tolerance and respect for rights and mutual concern” “Share in the history and culture of an island nation with a character by many different peoples over more than two thousand years” “To be part of a modern democracy, one with a tradition of sharing our ways with the world – and allowing the world to bring its ways to us” “ Not necessarily be born here but to follow the rules that Britain lays down and act more British.”
Answer “ Respect laws, the elected political structures, traditional values of mutual tolerance and respect for rights and mutual concern” Human Values
‘Fundamental British Values’ The term ‘Fundamental British Values’ (FBV) has been around since 2011, but came to the public’s awareness in light of the so-called ‘Trojan Horse’ allegations in Birmingham schools in March 2014
Why British Values? In June 2014, Michael Gove announced that all schools and colleges would be required to actively promote ‘Fundamental British Values’ and this would be enforced via the 2015 Ofsted inspection framework.
What do we mean by Fundamental British Values? Four aspects Democracy The rule of law Individual liberty Mutual respect and tolerance for others, such as people who hold different faiths
Definitions of British Values… Democracy – all have a role in influencing decisions and a voice in improving practice Mutual respect and tolerance – raising understanding and tackling prejudice so all are treated with dignity and respect Rule of law - laws protect everyone, no one is above the law Individual liberty - freedom, for example the right to act, believe and express oneself in a manner of one’s own choosing
Ofsted Good Practice Quotes ‘Staff are quick to challenge stereotypes and the use of derogatory language’ ‘resources and teaching strategies reflect and value the diversity of learners’ experience.’ (Quality of TLA) The personal and social development of learners equips them to be thoughtful, caring and active citizens.’(Personal development, behaviour and welfare of learners)
Democracy The Law and Democracy Examples in the college In vocational courses Health and Safety legislation will always be taught. This applies to all roles, tasks and workplaces including health and beauty, plumbing and the sports industry, Discuss employment law and the rights that employees have. Student council – voting for reps Classroom behaviour – high expectations
Individual liberty Students will make choices and have views about developing their career or progressing in education learner voice Learner surveys IAG
Mutual respect and tolerance for those with different faiths and beliefs. Celebrating diversity Powerful use of role models Breaking down barriers through discussion Challenging stereotyping Promote the understanding and appreciation of different faiths and cultures both within our college and the wider world. Emphasise commercial success is based on mutual respect
What are your responsibilities? All staff have a legal responsibility under the Prevent Duty to make sure that: they have undertaken training in the Prevent Duty as identified by their leaders and managers including the principal they are aware of when it is appropriate to refer concerns about students, learners or colleagues to the Prevent officer, usually the provider’s safeguarding officer they exemplify British values of "democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance for those with different faiths and beliefs" into their practice.
Engages learners Enriches the learning experience Empowers learners
When Ofsted cite missed opportunities Curriculum planning Teaching and learning delivery Spontaneous opportunities
Finally This isn't about imposing British Values as an ‘add-on’ – it’s about integrating and promoting both to enrich and enhance the learner experience. Prevent is embedded in all teaching and learning See your class ground rules!! Ground Rules