Anemia May Derail Male Organ Function
This is something that many men have been told countless times but which still bears repeating: Male organ health can be impacted by issues that don’t originate in the member – and that applies to male organ function as well. While some male organ function issues have a clear link to the manhood, such as a line drive baseball smacking solidly against the member, other male organ function issues may have origins that are less clear. In some cases, anemia may be a big contributing factor to some male organ function issues.
A blood issue When a person has anemia, they lack a lot of energy. Just engaging in simple physical tasks may make them feel tired – sometimes a little tired, sometimes a lot, depending upon both the severity of the anemia and the physical demands of the task. But what is anemia, and why does it make a person feel tired and/or listless? Basically, when a person has anemia, it means that their blood isn’t able to take enough oxygen around the body. There’s a protein in blood, called hemoglobin, which is largely responsible for transporting the oxygen. If there is a problem with the hemoglobin, or if there are not enough red blood cells (and therefore not enough hemoglobin), anemia results.
In addition to fatigue, anemia can have other symptoms as well, such as pale or yellowish skin, cold hands and feet, dizziness, headaches, or an irregular heartbeat. There can be several causes of anemia, but the most common is caused by a lack of iron.
Male organ function So anemia is not a good thing – but how does it affect male organ function? Basically it causes or contributes to tumescence dysfunction. When the member becomes tumescent, the blood vessels in the manhood open up so that more oxygen-rich blood can come into the organ and fill up the spongy tissue there. Blood volume is essential, but the more oxygenated the blood is, the stronger the tumescence can be.
Second, when there’s less oxygen in the blood, it means that more pressure is put on the heart. It’s forced to pump faster, and when this goes on for too long a period of time, the heart gets weaker. And when the heart gets weaker, it has a harder time pumping blood forcefully around – which in turn means there’s less blood volume to flow into the manhood to create or sustain the tumescence. Even when a man has a successful tumescence, anemia can still cause some performance issues. Less available oxygen means a man tires more quickly, reducing the stamina that he may need for engaging in sensual activity. This can translate into either a weakening of the tumescence itself or the body becoming too tired to perform sensual maneuvers at its best.
What to do A doctor should be consulted in order to determine the cause of the anemia. As mentioned, very often the cause is lack of iron, and the treatment then may largely consist of adding more iron, both in the diet itself and through dietary supplements. When the reason for the anemia goes beyond a simple iron deficiency, the doctor will need to determine the appropriate way to treat it.
Treating anemia can help improve male organ function, and it also can be helpful to maintain general male organ health at the highest possible level. This latter goal can more readily be achieved if a man daily applies a first rate male organ health oil (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). A man should for an oil with L-arginine, an amino acid which helps boost nitric oxide production, which in turn enables male member blood vessels to expand as needed. In addition, the oil should include vitamin C, which is necessary for proper blood flow, which is essential for maintaining tumescence function.Man 1 Man Oil