MAGNETIC FIELDS FROM CELL PHONES ARE DANGEROUS TO CHILDREN WHO advises magnetic fields should be lower than 0.3 uT but evidence shows cell phones irradiate at 6,200 uT
Mobile/Cell phones and associated technology sold or distributed in Australia irradiate a magnetic field above 0.3 µT (microtesla). Children exposed to long term man-made magnetic fields over 0.3 µT may have an increased risk of developing childhood leukaemia as per the advice of the World Health Organisation’s (WHO) - International Agency for Research of Cancer (IARC) and the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection ( ICNIRP), hence the reason why the IARC classified non-ionising electromagnetic radiation in 2002 as a ‘class 2B possible carcinogen’. Later in 2011 RF was also added to this class. The 2002 classification was based on pooled analyses of epidemiological studies demonstrating a consistent pattern of a two-fold increase in childhood leukaemia associated with average exposure to magnetic fields above 0.3 µT to 0.4 µT. (See evidence of this as highlighted in the powerpoint slides below). Studies show that an iPhone 5S irradiates a magnetic field of 62G (6,200 µT) which is well above the 0.3µT as advised by the WHO and ICNIRP. Further a Samsung Galaxy S5 irradiates a magnetic field of 61G (6,100 µT), again well above 0.3µT. (See highlights in ‘Smart Phones and Programmable Shunts: Are these Indispensable Phones Safe and Smart?’ below in slides).